Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 142: Breakthrough

At this time, the Dantian is about 30% larger than before, and it looks like it is a full circle larger. Since the Dantian can no longer expand, then...

Thinking that he has been staying in the second level of Qi training for a long time, now is a good time to break through.

But Lin Yi still remembers the breakthrough of the second level of Qi training. If there was no help from the mysterious beads, I am afraid that at that time, either the meridians would be broken or the body would explode and die.

This time, he must be extremely prepared.

The spiritual consciousness finds the 36 meridians corresponding to the third level of Qi training, and does not miss any details.

At this time, the 36 meridians are completely blocked, hidden and visible. If he had not generated spiritual consciousness, it would be very difficult to find these meridians.

He can only use spiritual energy to constantly test, but the difficulty can be imagined.

How did other Qi training cultivators break through smoothly? Could it be that he used spiritual energy to test as he thought?

But in this case, the probability of failure to break through is very high, and it is also easy to cause damage to the meridians.

Lin Yi laughed at himself in his heart. He was really worrying too much. The cultivation world had existed for who knows how many years. He didn't know how many cultivators had explored and found ways to break through the meridians. He just didn't know.

Concentrate all your attention on the first of the thirty-six meridians.

Guide the spiritual energy to slowly approach. At this time, the meridians were still very fragile without the nourishment of spiritual energy.

When the spiritual energy first came into contact with the meridians, it was not as painful as Lin Yi imagined. It was very smooth to clear a section.

Moreover, with the introduction of spiritual energy, the speed of clearing became faster and faster. There was no discomfort and it was very smooth.

Lin Yi instantly understood the cause and effect. After all, he was a mortal body before. His body was naturally very fragile without the nourishment of spiritual energy.

At that time, after breaking through the first level of Qi training, he had not strengthened his body yet, and he directly chose to break through the second level of Qi training.

The higher the level of cultivation, the greater the difficulty. The meridians in the body did not match, which naturally caused the breakthrough of the second level of Qi training to be extremely dangerous.

At this time, it has been polished for a long time, and all aspects fully meet the requirements of the breakthrough, so it is natural.

Even so, Lin Yi still dared not be careless. Since he started practicing, he had no experience to guide him. He had been exploring by himself. Who would know what would happen in the next second?

Concentrate your mind and use all your strength to operate the Wuwei Jue, slowly guiding the spiritual energy to dredge one meridian after another.

When the spiritual energy is not enough, eat a bite of giant tiger meat, and a large amount of spiritual energy will be replenished.

This is really a good thing. If you choose to use spiritual stones, you can't support it with the few pieces he has left. It seems that not breaking through in the mortal world is the right choice.

If you choose to break through at that time, the final outcome must be a failure to break through, and you don't know what will happen then.

I am very grateful in my heart, and at the same time remind myself that you should not try it easily unless it is extremely urgent.

Now that I have come to the world of cultivation, the concentration of spiritual energy is naturally very rich, but if I only choose to absorb the spiritual energy in the space to break through, it is estimated that it will take a long time.

It's not like now, the giant tiger meat provides sufficient spiritual energy, and I see meridians being dredged one after another.

Gradually, thirty-five meridians have been opened up, and the spiritual energy in the thirty-five meridians keeps flowing, but it has not formed a cycle.

The spiritual energy cannot be guided autonomously, and it must be constantly controlled to prevent it from getting out of control.

Only after the thirty-six meridians are completely opened up, will a large cycle be formed and flow into the Dantian, and the spiritual energy in the Dantian will be fed back to the meridians, and so on.

Constantly nourish the newly opened meridians.

Prepare for the next breakthrough.

Ninety-nine steps of the hundred steps have been completed, but this is the last step. If it is not completed, who knows what will happen.

Keep your mind steady and slowly guide the spiritual energy into the thirty-sixth meridian. When the spiritual energy approaches, you can't help but feel nervous.

Watch every move nervously, and react in time if anything happens.

Fortunately, until the thirty-sixth meridian is completely unblocked, no unexpected situation occurs, and it is opened smoothly like the other thirty-five meridians.

The moment all the meridians were opened, Wuwei Jue automatically formed a cycle of thirty-six meridians, and then injected the absorbed spiritual energy into the meridians.

As soon as the spiritual energy entered the Dantian, the Dantian underwent visible changes.

The Dantian, which could not expand any further before, was now expanding outward, and eventually became more than three times larger.

The expansion of the Dantian caused a serious shortage of spiritual energy in the Dantian. If it was not replenished in time, it might cause a regression in cultivation.

Lin Yi picked up the barbecue in his hand and ate it in big mouthfuls. This time he was no longer afraid of too much spiritual energy, which would cause the body to explode and die because he could not absorb it.

Because he broke through to the third level of Qi training, there were only seventy-two meridians running before, but now it has become one hundred and eight meridians absorbing at the same time.

The speed of spiritual energy absorption has greatly increased. At the same time, Lin Yi also saw that these one hundred and eight meridians formed a large cycle, which increased the absorption speed a lot.

The spiritual consciousness looked at this situation. Could it be that the one hundred and eight meridians are a separate cycle?

What about the thirty-six meridians of the tenth level of Qi training?

I just couldn't figure it out.

But it was a good thing after all. Now that all the meridians were connected, the speed of spiritual energy absorption was greatly improved.

In the Dantian, it didn't take long for the spiritual energy to fill up the Dantian.

In theory, the higher the cultivation level, the more difficult it would be to fill it up, but at this time it was just the opposite.

In just a moment, the Dantian was already full.

Although there are reasons such as tiger meat providing sufficient spiritual energy, even if it is replaced by other treasures containing spiritual energy, it can still be absorbed quickly.

When he wanted to absorb it again, he had already eaten all the tiger meat in his hand, and there were only a few spiritual stones, which could not provide him with training. If he ate the tiger meat raw, he could get a source of spiritual energy, but it would not be able to cope with it. I can't keep my mouth shut.

I had to interrupt my practice temporarily and take out the tiger meat from the storage bag again and put it on the grill.

After a while, the barbecue was completed, and Lin Yi returned to practice until his dantian could no longer absorb it.

Lin Yi began to polish the spiritual energy in his Dantian, temper the spiritual energy in it, and improve the quality of the spiritual energy, hoping to further expand his Dantian.

And he found that after advancing to the third level of Qi training, his physical strength improved a lot.

It seems that tiger meat can further enhance physical strength, and it is very obvious.

It seems that this giant tiger is really an incredible treasure, but it is a pity that only a little bit of it was obtained.

Since the physical strength has been improved so much, isn't it...

Lin Yi has greater ambitions, maybe this time it's not just about breaking through the third level of Qi training.

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