Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1675 Another poisonous bee queen, the Supreme

"Buzz buzz buzz~"

The poison bait queen bee hurriedly urged Lin Yi, as if to say, hurry up and enter the vortex in the center.

"Xiaobai, do you know the situation inside?"

Lin Yi looked at the vortex and did not dare to enter immediately, fearing that there would be danger.

Although he also knew that the poison bait queen bee would not harm him, it was still better to be cautious.

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast shook his head and said, "I can't detect the situation inside the vortex, but Xiaobai thinks there should be no problem."

"Buzz buzz buzz~"

The buzzing sound of the poison bait queen bee became more urgent, and some of the spirit bees could no longer hold on, as if opening this vortex would consume them greatly.

If they don't enter, the vortex will not be able to maintain.

Lin Yi looked at the vortex and thought to himself: "Forget it, the moment we enter this flower sea world, there is no way out."

"If we can't find a way out, we may be trapped here forever."

"And the other side of the vortex may be the way out."

"It's a pity that I didn't find Feng Ling and the Sky Poison Eye."

In fact, the Sky Poison Eye is secondary. The main thing is Feng Ling. If she knew that entering Baiyi Valley would happen, she would never let her enter. Even if she entered Baiyi Valley, she would first let her enter the Heaven Stealing Pass to avoid accidents.

It's a pity that it's impossible to predict the future. Even if I want to save it now, there is no chance.

If I can't find Feng Ling, I can only leave first. When I am stronger, I will come to Baiyi Valley. Then I will have a better chance.

During this period, I can only hope that Feng Ling can be safe.

Or, after leaving Baiyi Valley, go to Shiwan Mountain and inform Feng Ling's master. Maybe he has the means to come to Baiyi Valley, find Feng Ling, and rescue her.

"Let's go!"

Lin Yi took the Yin-Yang Soul Beast with him and entered without delay. The poisonous bee queen also disappeared into the vortex with it at this moment.

The moment they left, the vortex also stopped and disappeared.

The Lingmi Lake Sea once again returned to calm.


When he appeared, Lin Yi looked at the scene in front of him and was shocked.

"Lin Yi!"

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded.

"Master, it's Feng Ling, Feng Ling's voice."

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast was very excited. The owner of the voice was definitely Feng Ling, so they also shifted their attention.

Looking for Feng Ling's figure.

However, the source of the sound was not found.

It seemed that the sound was everywhere and it was impossible to tell where it came from.

"Feng Ling, where are you?"

Lin Yi asked.

However, there was no response from Feng Ling. It seemed to be an illusion that Feng Ling had never appeared.

But whether it was Lin Yi or the Yin-Yang Soul Beast, they knew very well that the scene just now was absolutely real.

It must be Feng Ling's voice.

However, it was unclear what happened, Feng Ling could not speak again, or, she was still calling out loudly, but could not hear it.

"Master, although we don't know where Feng Ling is, she must be in this space. She is fine. As long as we continue to search, we will definitely meet her."

Although they were a little disappointed that they could not determine Feng Ling's location, they were most happy to know that Feng Ling was still alive.

In this way, they might also feel at ease.

The current task is to explore this space and find Feng Ling's location.

Shifting the sight to this space again, unlike the flowers in the outside world, this place is also a sea of ​​flowers, but it is a sea of ​​withered flowers.

It seems that from this withered sea of ​​flowers, the despair of the owner of the sea of ​​flowers can be felt.

And the Yin-Yang Soul Beast has been silently running the Sky Poison Eye Art to explore whether the Sky Poison Eye is here.

However, there was no response, which made it very disappointed.

It seems that it is basically impossible to find the Sky Poison Eye.

Even if Baiyi Valley is the burial tomb of the Fairy of Flowers, the Sky Poison Eye may have been lost long ago.

It has been looking for the Sky Poison Eye for so many years. How could others not look for it? How could it be possible?

In fact, many people did not come here for the Sky Poison Eye, but to find the Fairy of Flowers.

A sea of ​​withered flowers, more importantly, there has been a guide in front of them.

A passage lies in front of them, with withered flowers on both sides.

They don't have to think anymore, they can only choose the passage in front to go to the withered flowers on both sides, although they don't sense any danger from them.

But Lin Yi has an ominous premonition. If he touches these flowers or enters them, a big crisis will definitely happen.

"Xiao Bait, you go to the Heaven Stealing Passage first."

"Buzz buzz buzz ~"

"What, you mean, there is another poison bait queen bee that has been here?"

Before Lin Yi opened his mouth, the Yin Yang Soul Beast was shocked beyond words.

The cultivation level of the other poison bait queen bee is extremely terrifying.

How can it be compared with the poison bait queen bee in front of him.

And there can only be one poison bait queen bee in the world. If they meet, Xiao Bait will definitely die.

More importantly, is the poison bait queen bee still here? Even if it left, did it leave any traces?

Or, the reason why the Sky Poison Eye is not here is because the poison bait queen bee came and took it away.

"Buzz buzz buzz~"

The poison bait queen bee responded that there were traces left by another poison bait queen bee here. They could not sense it, but it could clearly sense it.

"Master, it's bad. If it is still here, we will be in trouble."

The poisonous bait queen bee is still there, so it will definitely kill Xiaobai. And Xiaobai regards Lin Yi as his master, will he let him go?

How is it possible?

It is impossible to let go of the Poisonous Bait Bee Queen's pride. This is an insult to their clan. They recognize a human monk as their master, and they are forcibly forced to recognize their master.

He will definitely take action against Lin Yi then.

Naturally, he would not let it go, even if he knew that he was a Yin-Yang soul beast.

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast was very worried. Even if he had an almost immortal body, he would still be able to survive in front of the poisonous bait bee queen.

"Xiao Bai, don't worry, maybe the situation is not as bad as you think."

Lin Yi said comfortingly.

In fact, when he heard the news about the poisonous bait bee queen from Xiaobai, he also trembled in his heart.

It's definitely not a good thing for him.

But things have happened, what else can be done, we can only face it.

What's more, just having traces of it doesn't mean anything.

Maybe it had been here a long time ago, so naturally it couldn't stay here forever and had already left.

Anyway, he didn't sense the slightest fluctuation from the poisonous bait queen bee. Of course, it didn't mean that the poisonous bait queen bee wasn't here.

After all, its level of cultivation was extremely terrifying, and he couldn't detect traces of its fluctuations, which was normal.

Lin Yi looked at the Poison Bait Bee Queen and said, "Little Bait, is it still here?"

This was his focus, and as long as it wasn't there, nothing was a problem.

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