Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1745 The Good One

During the time when waiting for the opening of the Enlightenment Tower, Lin Yi exchanged his military merits for resources. Anyway, these military merits were no longer of any use to him.

He had already obtained a place in the Enlightenment Tower.

The rewards for military merits exchanged by the Border Wasteland Palace were indeed very generous. One of them was the treasure he wanted, the Starry Sky Stone.

Lin Yi did not forget and kept the Starry Sky Stone in mind, hoping to get it and transfer the spiritual vein to the Heaven Stealing Pass.

However, there was only one Starry Sky Stone. If the transfer of the spiritual vein failed, there would be no chance to start over.

Unless he was lucky enough to encounter the Starry Sky Stone again, but in the lower domain, there was almost no chance.

Only forces like the Border Wasteland Palace had such treasures.

With this Starry Sky Stone, the Soul-Snatching Sect's fifth-level spiritual vein would be transferred as soon as possible after being promoted to the God Transformation.

The problem of Heaven Stealing Pass's spiritual energy would no longer be a troublesome thing.

In addition to the Starry Sky Stone, all other treasures were used as long as there were military merits.

More treasures, of course, were exchanged for spiritual medicine seeds.

As long as it was a spiritual medicine seed, he accepted it, accounting for almost 60% of the war merit.

Some spiritual medicine seeds, he had never seen them before.

In addition to exchanging war merit, Lin Yi also found the Lord of Bianhuang Palace once to ask some questions.

However, the Lord of Bianhuang Palace did not tell his questions without reservation.

For example, Lin Yi asked why the hell world was in danger of destruction, what was the reason.

The Lord of Bianhuang Palace just replied that he didn't know.

But Lin Yi felt that the Lord of Bianhuang Palace might know something about this matter.

However, from the mouth of the Lord of Bianhuang Palace, Lin Yi did not gain anything, such as the abyss battlefield.

It turns out that the abyss battlefield has such an origin.

This is what the Lord of Bianhuang Palace said at the time.

"Lin Yi, this world is divided into the human world and the hell world. I believe you have already understood it, but between the human world and the hell world, there is an abyss. The real abyss is not the abyss battlefield."

"The real abyss? Lord, what is the real abyss?"

He really didn't understand this matter.

"The abyss has no space, no time, it is dark and silent, no spiritual consciousness can be explored, being trapped in the abyss is countless times more terrifying than the turbulence of space, and you will be completely lost."

"Entering the abyss is equivalent to walking towards death. Even if you don't die immediately, you will be lost in the abyss, not knowing the way forward or the way back, and you can't get spiritual energy replenishment. You will either be exhausted to death or your inner demons will grow, and you will eventually be destroyed in the abyss."

"The abyss is so terrifying."

Hearing the words of the Lord of the Border Wasteland, Lin Yi was shocked that there was such a dangerous forbidden place in the world of cultivation.

"It may be more terrible than you think. If you don't enter the abyss, you will never experience it."

The Lord of the Border Wasteland said solemnly.

Lin Yi asked: "Palace Master, those peerless masters who sit on the top of the clouds can't walk out of the abyss?"

"When you reach that step, you will naturally understand."

"But before that, you must remember what I said, you must not touch the abyss, otherwise you will die."

"The junior will remember the reminder of the senior and will never have any curiosity."

Hearing the horror of the abyss, and knowing it from the mouth of the Palace Master of the Border Wasteland, he will never do it again.

"Senior, what's going on with the Abyss Battlefield? Isn't it in the Abyss?"

"If it's not in the Abyss, where is it? Is it close to our human world or the Hell world?"

The Lord of the Border Wasteland Palace shook his head and said, "In fact, even I don't know where it is. Maybe it's close to our human world, or maybe it's the Hell world, but one thing is, it's in the Abyss."

"Don't worry about which area of ​​the Abyss it is in. I said that the Abyss has no time and space, it's dark and silent. Any point is a borderless existence for the cultivators of our two generations, so even if it is really close to the human world or the Hell world, it is still out of reach."

Lin Yi nodded, roughly understood Baibianhuang Palace Master said, and asked again: "Palace Master, has the Abyss Battlefield existed since ancient times?"

"No, it only began to exist in the early days of Chaos Great Venerable, that is, the Abyss Battlefield appeared after the great changes in the environment of heaven and earth."

"Why, because the Hell Realm is about to be destroyed?"

"It is indeed related to the Hell Realm, but it is not a change in heaven and earth, but a man-made change."

"Man-made change, Palace Master, do you mean that the Abyss Battlefield was created by people?"

"Yes, it is indeed related to one person, and the Abyss Battlefield came because of him."

"Palace Master, who is that person?"

Lin Yi was very surprised. He had learned about the horror of the abyss before, but someone could actually open up a space in the abyss to avoid falling into the abyss and causing great horror.

"A kind person!"

"A kind person?"

Lin Yi was a little confused. What is a kind person?

"Let's not discuss that person too much. He can open up a space in the abyss, so his strength can be imagined."

"Originally, the abyss separated the two worlds. It was impossible for the Hell World to invade the Human World, but..."

The Lord of the Border Wasteland Palace did not continue the rest of the words, but Lin Yi knew what he wanted to say.

If it wasn't for the good man he mentioned who opened up that space and provided them with a channel to invade the Human World, how could the Human World face a crisis?

But what Lin Yi couldn't understand was why he was called a good man, which was definitely a heinous crime for the cultivators in the Human World.

Although they dared not express it directly due to the strength of the good man, they could not control what the cultivators thought in their hearts.

The so-called good man was only targeting the Hell Realm at most.

"Palace Master, since he intends to help the Hell Realm, with his strength, why not take action directly and let the Hell Realm occupy the Human Realm?"

This is also what Lin Yi couldn't figure out.

Since he has already taken action, why not just do it in one step and let the Hell Realm spend almost ten epochs without breaking through the Abyss Battlefield and entering the Human Realm.

The Lord of the Border Wasteland Palace said: "The Hell Realm may be destroyed, you already know it, but when the Hell Realm comes to the Human Realm, there will definitely be a tragedy of suffering. The good man naturally does not want to see the tragedy happen, but he can't watch the people of the Hell Realm completely disappear with the collapse of the Hell Realm. It gives them a chance. As for whether they can seize it, it depends on their luck."

From the words of the Lord of the Border Wasteland Palace, Lin Yi probably understood what he was and why he was called a good man.

"Senior, who is that kind person?"

The Lord of the Border Wasteland Palace shook his head and said, "I don't know, and I haven't seen him. I'm afraid that few people have seen him. As for his real name, I don't know either. When you reach that level in the future, maybe you will be able to see him."

"Senior, you mean that the kind person is still alive, but how is it possible? If we count from the time of the Great Lord of Chaos, almost ten epochs have passed. Who in the world of cultivation can have such a long lifespan?"

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