Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1795 Two different alchemy paths, the same destination

"That was the territory of Danxuan Sect first, and you are just vassals."

"Sudan Yang, insulting the ancestor is a serious crime."

"Yuan Yang, don't you dare to admit that the territory of Danzong was originally in Danxuan Sect, and this territory has never been abolished?"

"Sudan Yang, who can prove it? I also said that Danqing Sect was the ancestral land when Danzong was founded."

"Sect Master, don't listen to his nonsense, the ancestor was here when he established Danzong."

"Then how come Danqing Sect is also the territory of Danzong?"

In fact, it is not strange for a sect to have several territories. The only thing that Lin Yi can't figure out is that there is always one territory that is the main one, but looking at the current situation, the territories of Danxuan Sect and Danqing Sect are not divided into primary and secondary.

This makes him confused.

Which sect will put the two territories on an equal footing?

In that case, wouldn't it be a mess?

Perhaps, this is the root cause of the later division of Danzong.

Su Danyang said: "Sect Master, Danzong had this territory first, and then Danqingzong had that territory."

"Su Danyang, stop talking nonsense. Since ancient times, Danzong has had my Danqingzong territory first, and then Danxuanzong's territory."

"Stop arguing, what's going on?"

Lin Yi stopped the two from arguing. There was no point in continuing to argue. It was estimated that the two sects had argued countless times about this matter in the past.

The people of the two sects, of course, stood on their own positions, and there would never be a result.

Unless one of the sects gained the upper hand and annexed the other.

Su Danyang said: "Sect Master, Danzong was established in Danxuanzong, there would be no doubt..."

When Yuan Yang wanted to refute, he was stopped by Lin Yi, motioning Su Danyang to continue.

"As for the territory of Danqing Sect, it is also the territory of Dan Sect. There is no doubt about this. Both sects agree."

"At that time, the two territories were not divided into primary and secondary. It was fine when the founder was there, and there would be no conflicts. But after the founder disappeared, the conflicts became prominent."

"In fact, the issue of who is primary and secondary in the territory is not the real conflict between the two sects, but the completely different directions of alchemy."

"Our philosophies are irreconcilable. We are all fighting for who is the orthodox of Dan Sect. As a result, Dan Sect has split."

"However, both sides have an idea, which is to annex the other side and re-establish Dan Sect."

"Over the years, the two sects have fought countless battles, but neither side has the upper hand. .”

“But the conflict between the two sects has weakened the power of the two sects in the constant consumption. Now, whether it is Danxuan Sect or Danqing Sect, it can be said that the strength of Danzong is the weakest since the division of Danzong.”

“However, I believe that in the future, Danxuan Sect will definitely defeat Danqing Sect. Danxuan Sect’s alchemy is the true orthodoxy of Danzong.”

“But now it’s different. With your appearance, this scene is destined to never happen again.”

“Sudan Yang, stop dreaming. You can defeat our Danqing Sect just by relying on Luo Bingyan, haha!”

Yuan Yang naturally knew what Sudan Yang meant by that sentence. Luo Bingyan’s pure yin body was widely known. With her talent, if she grew up, she would be very terrifying.

At that time, the balance would definitely lean towards Danxuan Sect.

However, would Yuan Yang let this scene happen?

Although there were some objections to Sudan Yang’s other words, there was no rebuttal. Most of them were facts.

For the two sects, the priority of the territory is not the key. Who is the orthodoxy of Danzong is the fundamental contradiction.

The two sects have completely opposite alchemy fields. Both of them believe that they are the orthodox ones and are extremely repulsive to each other.

In addition, both sides hold the same idea and will not give up the alchemy sect. It is destined that even if they split into two sects, the contradictions will not decrease, let alone disappear. They will destroy each other or annex each other to become the true orthodox alchemy sect.

Regarding this matter, Lin Yi is not clear about what the alchemy of the two sects is.

"Elder Su, you said that the alchemy of the two sects is completely opposite. What is the direction of the alchemy of the Danxuan Sect?"

Sudan Yang said: "Sect Master, the alchemy of the Danxuan Sect is very simple. It is the elixir made by the alchemist."

"Yuan Yang, do you dare to say what you think of the alchemy?"

"Haha, you dare not say it, even you are sneaky, and you dare to say that you are the orthodox alchemy sect."

"If you dare to say it openly, there is only one end, and you will be criticized by thousands of people in the alchemy world."

"Sudan Yang, what are you doing when you say this, doubting the ancestor?"

"Yuan Yang, don't change the focus. I, Sudan Yang, have never doubted the ancestor. You are just the ancestor. "It was a test set up by the master on purpose. I didn't expect that there would be so many people who are the scum of the alchemy world."

"If the master were still alive, he would definitely slap you to death."

"Hehe, although I have never seen the master, but the things recorded by the sect, do you dare to deny how much effort the master has put into it?"

"Do you still dare to say that it was a test set up by the master on purpose? You are blaming the master in your heart."


"Okay, stop arguing, Elder Yuanyang, what is the alchemy of Danqing Sect?"

In fact, Lin Yi has already made some guesses, but it still needs Yuanyang to say it himself.

Yuanyang said: "There is nothing wrong to say, there is only one alchemy of Danqing Sect, poison pill!"

Lin Yi thought to himself: "One is in the field of spiritual pills, and the other is in the field of poison pills. They are indeed in opposite directions, but why put poison pills on the same level?"

Poison pill masters are not recognized not only in the alchemy world, but also in the entire cultivation world. They are things that harm people.

How could they be accepted and recognized?

The status of alchemists in the cultivation world is respected by cultivators, while poison pill masters are either in the dark or in the light, and are avoided by people.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, it is true that poison pills are not recognized by cultivators, but the poison pill path taken by Danqing Sect is completely different from the poison pills that are actually seen."

"Yuan Yang, stop fooling the sect master here. It's completely different. Isn't it a poison pill?"

"Sudan Yang, shut up."

Lin Yi also signaled Sudan Yang not to interrupt Yuan Yang.

"Who stipulated that elixirs must save lives and must be beneficial to the path of cultivators, but poison pills are not?"

"The path of poison pills taken by Danqing Sect is also in this direction. Poison pills can also save lives and inspire cultivators to be more successful in their cultivation. Different paths lead to the same goal."

"Oh, then did you do it?"

"Do you think the cultivation world will believe your lies? Do you dare to say it in front of the world?"

"Yuanyang, stop lying to yourself. You are just doing harm to others under the guise that poison pills can also be like elixirs."

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