Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 2408: Sanpu Lay Buddhist

"Sanpu layman!"

"Jushi Sanpu?"

"Why have I never heard of him? Who is he?"

The Yin and Yang soul beasts were extremely unfamiliar when they heard this person's name. They had stayed in the Central Territory for almost a hundred years.

Why is it almost a hundred years? Time is easy to calculate. When Lin Yi agreed on the conditions for the treasure map with Old Man Jiuyou, not much time had passed when Lin Yi entered the Central Territory.

In the past nearly a hundred years, not a few monks from the Central Realm have come into contact with the Yin-Yang Soul Beast, especially.

After all, it has been solving one thing for Lin Yi, which is the whereabouts of the treasure map.

Although some of the powerful men in the Central Region have never appeared, and some are already legends, none of them has ever heard of Sanpu Jushi.

How could a person recognized by Master Yuanling be a simple person?

Moreover, in the past few years, almost all the monks in the Central Realm have gone out to search for treasure maps, but still have found nothing. Master Yuanling Alchemy believes that the last hope lies in him. It is conceivable that this person There must be something special about it.

Without absolute strength or means, how could it be possible?

As for means, they are also based on absolute strength.

The Yin and Yang soul beasts were extremely curious as to who this person was.

"You will know who he is exactly when you see him."

"However, I haven't contacted him for a long time, and I don't know if the other party is still in the Central Territory."

"What? You're not sure whether you're still in the Central Territory, so please contact me immediately."

The Yin Yang Soul Beast no longer cared about who Master San Pu was, and quickly asked Master Yuan Ling to contact him to avoid any accidents.

Maybe a miracle might actually happen to this person.


Master Yuanling Alchemist nodded, took out a treasure that looked like a transmission note, and contacted the Sanpu layman.

"Zi Pao, can you see clearly, this is a teleportation talisman?"

Taotie asked via voice transmission.

"You can't see if it's a transmission talisman. Although it's different from the transmission talismans we've seen, there's not just one kind of transmission talisman. There are some strange transmission talismans. What's the fuss?"

"You should still care about whether you can contact the other party and rescue the boy Lin Yi."

"It seems that you are not at all anxious about whether Lin Yi can survive the crisis."

"Did I tell you right?"

The Yin Yang Soul Beast said angrily.

"You talkative guy, don't sow discord all day long. Why am I not in a hurry? Didn't you see that in these years, in order to resolve the master's crisis, I have been working hard to find clues to the treasure map? Didn't you see that I am doing this for this?" Are you so frightened?"

"Have you not seen that I am exhausted because of this matter?"

"You talkative, if you start a fight again, don't blame me for being rude."

Taotie said angrily, wanting to provoke him even if he had nothing to do, thinking that he was not worried about his master's safety at all. Even if something happened to his master, the master-recognition contract could still dissolve him and resolve the crisis.

"Four-eyed bug......"

"Master Yuanling, how are you?"

Seeing Master Yuanling looking towards the two of them, the Yin Yang Soul Beast stopped arguing with Taotie and asked hurriedly.

"They are still in the Central Region. I have informed them of their location. As for us, in order to save time, we are going to Linjiang City and will meet there."

"Okay, let's set off quickly."

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was able to contact the other party. Otherwise, his last hope would have been ruined.

Naturally, they would not waste any time and let Master Yuanling take them there as quickly as possible.

"Master Yuanling, how did you tell the layman Sanpu about the matter? What did he say?"

"Let's talk about it when we meet."

Master Yuanling didn't say anything, and he and the Yin-Yang Soul Beast were rushing towards Linjiang City at top speed.


"Master Yuanling, you finally came to us. We promised before that we would repay your kindness before leaving the Central Territory."

"I wonder what problem you need us to solve, Master Yuanling Alchemist?"

After arriving in Linjiang City, someone was already waiting for the three of them.

Seeing the arrival of Master Yuan Ling, I was extremely excited, as if I had been looking forward to this moment.

"Master Yuanling, what's going on? The three Pu lay people you are talking about are not the three of them, are they?"

"Master Sanpu, isn't he one person? Why are there three people?"

When the two Yin and Yang soul beasts saw the three of them, they were dumbfounded. All along, they thought that the three Pu lay people were the same person.

Unexpectedly, three monks appeared directly in front of them. When the three of them rushed over, these three people had already set off, but they came to Linjiang City in advance to wait for their arrival.

Yuan Ling never explained that there were actually three people in the household.

However, it can also be said to be one person, because the appearance of the three people is really difficult to distinguish.

But how knowledgeable the Yin-Yang Soul Beast is, the three of them are definitely not practicing any skills, and the other two figures are clones of the same person.

But they are three really different people.

"You must be the legendary Yin-Yang soul beast."

"I'm Pu Tian!"

"I'm in Xia Pu Di!"

"I'm here, Pu Cangsheng!"

"Third brother, can you stop panting every time? Are you cool?"


Both Yin and Yang soul beasts were stunned, but they quickly reacted, "It turns out to be Pu Tian, ​​Pu Di, and Pu Cangsheng, the three fellow Taoists. When I saw the three fellow Taoists, I saw that you No ordinary person."

At this time, they had to pin their hopes on the three of them, so it was natural that they would not do anything that would make the other party unhappy.

"You talk nonsense, these three people don't look like good people."

"One is Pu Tian, ​​the other is Pu Di, and the other is even more shameless, even Pu Cangsheng."

"This whole world has been conquered by them, and we are one of them."

"Such shameless people, do you think they have the strength to find the treasure map?"

Taotie naturally did not speak directly, but chose to send a message.

"Third brother, don't name people by their names."

"A person cannot be judged by his appearance, and the sea cannot be measured, let alone a name."

"Besides, you don't think a person with such ambitions has any confidence."

"Don't mess around with this matter. Leave it to Master Yuan Ling. We have only one goal. No matter who Pu Tianpu or Pu Cangsheng is, as long as they can find the treasure map, no matter what they do, I will applaud them." ”

"Stop talking nonsense, just look at their eyes."

"It seems to be aware of our transmission, and even the content of our transmission."

Taotie saw something was wrong in the eyes of the three of them, and hurriedly sent a message to the Yin Yang Soul Beast to stop it from continuing.

What's more, it itself caused the incident.

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