Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 2448 A Magnificent Life

In the past tea time, Lin Yi has been trying to find a way to stop the rapid decline, but he is still so powerless that he can only watch himself step by step towards extinction.

Lin Yi himself knows that if he can't find a way, he will really die and his soul will be scattered.

The extinction of the soul is nothing but the soul.

The time left for him is getting shorter and shorter.

He can't just pin his hopes on the life and death energy. If it doesn't react at that time, he will completely return to heaven and earth.

"Xiaozhu, you've seen that I can't do anything. I can only rely on you. If I'm annihilated and my soul dissipates, you might get into trouble with me."

"Xiaozhu, if you can help, don't waste any more time. We have less and less time."

"Maybe you can tell me the solution. With less than a cup of tea left, we need to fight to the death."

"I believe you don't want me to give up like this, and you don't want to suffer because of me."

At this time, can Lin Yi have any other way? He can only ask for help from the mysterious bead.

He hopes that the mysterious bead, which is omnipotent in his eyes, can help him get through this crisis.

In fact, if it is a crisis of life span, the faster the speed of the fourth stage of the tribulation, the better. In that case, with less than two years left, there may be a chance to get rid of the crisis of life span exhaustion.

But the key is that now even the opportunity to cross the fifth stage of the tribulation of the five decays of heaven and man no longer exists.

Even if there are only two years of life left, what's the point? His life is less than a cup of tea.

The mysterious bead helped him escape danger and survive many life-and-death crises. He hoped that he could use it to survive the crisis of his soul exhaustion this time.

He really had no other choice but to place his hopes on the mysterious bead.

The mysterious bead was his biggest secret, his last confidence, and his biggest trump card.

Because it prevented him from turning into dust after falling off the cliff, and because it allowed him to embark on the path of cultivation.

People often say that they want to change their fate against the will of heaven, and he definitely did it against the will of heaven.

Even if he was born in the world of cultivators, he still had no chance to embark on the path of cultivation in the world of cultivation after the environment changed drastically.

To explore the great way and pursue immortality.

Lin Yi hoped that the mysterious bead would help him again. In his opinion, the mysterious bead was a treasure that was more against the will of heaven than the life and death energy.

Unfortunately, the mysterious bead hovered in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, just spinning slowly, without any other reaction.

"Xiaozhu, I didn't mean to not fulfill the promise I made to you last time. You know what happened. It took a long time to realize the truth under the enlightenment tree. After it was over, Dongxu of the Netherworld had already left. When the ten-year deadline came, I experienced this catastrophe again. I had no chance to fulfill my promise."

"But this time is different. Although I, Lin Yi, am not a big villain, I will also take revenge. For those who want my life and want to destroy my path, I will definitely repay blood with blood and teeth with teeth. I will never let them go."

"I will settle accounts with those people one by one, and then I will definitely fulfill my promise, and it will be fulfilled in multiples."

Lin Yi thought of something. If it hadn't happened, he almost forgot it.

It's really not his fault. There were too many things that happened in the middle. He didn't have the time or the opportunity.

Besides, in the past few decades, he didn't have the energy to think about these things.

Maybe it was because the promise was not fulfilled that the mysterious bead ignored him.

"Xiaozhu, you have been in my mind for so many years. You should know who I am better than anyone else. I will keep my word."

"Besides, you don't have to wait until I succeed in overcoming the tribulation. I guess I can fulfill it soon."

Lin Yi said again.

The time left for him is really very little, and he really has no other choice but to put his hope on the mysterious bead.

For the life and death energy, wanting to create a miracle on it is a gamble on luck, not to mention that it is a very small thing in itself.

The possibility that he will die after a cup of tea at most is too great.

In this case, Lin Yi must take the initiative to attack. He still believes that the mysterious bead has a way to resolve it.

Lin Yi keeps speaking and keeps trying to persuade the mysterious bead, but at this moment, the time left for him is only sixty breaths at most.

After sixty breaths, he will die.

From the life and death energy, there is no hope.

Even if Lin Yi has already happened, the life and death energy is fading, and it can't protect itself, how can there be a miracle?

But the mysterious bead has not responded at all. It has always been in the same state, that is, it is slowly rotating in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Oh, yes, it is not without any reaction. At least one thing is that in this situation, Lin Yi called it Little Bead, and it did not attack Lin Yi this time.

If it were any other time, it would have been furious and made Lin Yi miserable.

It means it is not without reaction.

The mysterious bead still did not take action when Lin Yi pleaded for mercy. There are two possibilities.

One is that it cannot resolve the current crisis, so there is no need to take action, and naturally it will not respond to Lin Yi.

The second is that it can resolve it, but does not want to save Lin Yi again, or it has given up on Lin Yi.

If it is the latter case, then Lin Yi is really doomed.

I am afraid that even if he is not destroyed by the five decays of heaven and man, lifespan crisis, etc., he may be abandoned by the mysterious bead and end.

Lin Yi changed his fate against the will of heaven because of the mysterious bead and embarked on the path of cultivating immortals. Will it be a dream because of its departure?

It is not impossible.

But now, Lin Yi has no time to think about these things, and is still begging for mercy from the mysterious bead.

The time left for him is getting less and less. In less than sixty breaths, his life will go to the end and become a passer-by in this world.

Among the countless living beings, he is the special one and the extremely ordinary one.

When there are thirty breaths left, Lin Yi's consciousness begins to blur, and even the opportunity to beg for mercy may be gone.

Lin Yi sighed in his heart. At this moment, he seems to have accepted the arrangement of fate.

The dream of pursuing the great way and the path of immortality will be interrupted at this moment.

Life is just a big dream, which may be a dream that appeared when he fell off the cliff, a beautiful imagination.

At this moment, the dream wakes up and accepts the cruel reality.

Thirty breaths, for him, seem to be extremely long at this moment.

"Xiaozhu, I am unable to repay you, unable to repay your kindness, I can only thank you for giving me a magnificent life at the end of my life."

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