Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 256: Requesting for the Mysterious Bead

"If it wasn't for you, I really wouldn't have thought of this trick, but God helped me, I actually bought this poison in the market."


"Watching you slowly being tortured to death by the poison, that feeling you will never experience."

"But you don't have to worry about feeling lonely in hell, I will soon let your companion and the stall owner go down, so that you can meet in the underworld."


Then the monk laughed unscrupulously again.

Lin Yi was infinitely close to the monk at this time, looking at the monk's indifferent look.

It just gave him a chance.

What Lin Yi had to do now was to kill the monk quickly and get the antidote from him.

Although the monk did not admit that he had the antidote, Lin Yi had no other way except to start with him.

Because he found that as time went by, the poison broke out more and more violently, and it was basically impossible to return to Xingyue City to ask for help from Senior Xie Tian. There was at least a glimmer of hope in him.

At this time, Lin Yi's cultivation had reached the peak of the fifth level of Qi training, and the strength of his spiritual consciousness was much stronger than when he was at the fourth level of Qi training.

When they were close to each other, the cultivator did not intend to fight with Lin Yi.

As he said, he just wanted to see Lin Yi slowly die of the poison.

When he saw that Lin Yi was very close to him, he was about to retreat.



The cultivator stared at Lin Yi with disbelief and fell straight down.

Seeing this cultivator fall, Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

Before, the cultivation of the eighth level of Qi training could not withstand his spiritual consciousness at the fourth level of Qi training.

What's more, he was still at the peak of the fifth level of Qi training at this time, and this cultivator had just entered the seventh level of Qi training.

Lin Yi did not dare to use his cultivation to fight forward, because the poison would be more severe, and he would have less time.

This time, Lin Yi directly mobilized his spiritual consciousness with all his strength to hit the cultivator's mind.

Treasures that defend against spiritual consciousness are not something that any cultivator can easily possess, and this cultivator is no exception.

Lin Yi came to his side and saw that he was still breathing. He did not destroy his mind, but only temporarily fainted.

Lin Yi directly killed him with a sword.

At this time, Lin Yi not only felt a little dizzy, but also began to have severe pain in his body.

Lin Yi hurriedly picked up his storage bag, and regardless of the consumption of spiritual consciousness, he directly destroyed the seal of the storage bag violently.

Take out everything in the storage bag.

As an alchemist, you can tell which one is the detoxification pill at a glance.

Lin Yi quickly searched among these bottles and jars. After opening them, he saw that it was not the one, and he was too lazy to even cover the bottle cap and threw it aside.

"It's not this one."

"This one is not either."


"Not yet."

As the number of bottles and jars became less and less, Lin Yi showed a desperate look.

Is it really as he said, he really has no detoxification pill?

Despite this, Lin Yi did not finish reading the last medicine bottle, and would never give up.


Seeing the pill in his hand, Lin Yi was ecstatic.

"God will not let me die!'

He did not expect that among the last few medicines, he really found an antidote pill, although he did not know whether it was the antidote pill for this poison.

But Lin Yi at least saw a glimmer of hope.

At this time, Lin Yi's whole body was shaking, that is, the excitement of seeing the antidote pill, but more of it was caused by the severe pain in his body.

Regardless of whether it was the antidote pill for this toxin, swallow it first, because Lin Yi could clearly feel that his body could not hold on for much longer.

No matter how strong his willpower was, the toxins in his body were not something he could control.

If he did not take it, he would die. Taking this antidote pill at least gave him a glimmer of hope.

Without any hesitation, Lin Yi swallowed the antidote pill directly into his stomach.

Lin Yi released his spiritual consciousness and nervously watched the changes in the antidote pill.

It was just a moment.

"Ah! "

Lin Yi could no longer control himself and screamed.

It was because the pain in his body suddenly increased several times, which was beyond the range of Lin Yi's willpower.

After screaming, Lin Yi endured the pain and looked inside his body again.

Only then did Lin Yi know why the pain suddenly increased several times.

It turned out that the detoxification pill was working, but the toxin seemed to have consciousness and directly attacked the detoxification pill.

At this time, the two were fighting hard, and Lin Yi began to get nervous, hoping that the detoxification pill could defeat the toxin.

But he didn't get the result he wanted to see. As the detoxification pill was consumed, it began to lose its power.

And the toxin seemed to see this situation and launched a more violent attack.

The pain in his body became more intense, which was very frustrating for Lin Yi. It's tough enough.

But Lin Yi didn't care about these things at this time.

Looking at the detoxification pills that were retreating step by step, and as the drug power was consumed, it would be worse later.

Lin Yi had already thought of his own end at this time.

Would he die like this? Lin Yi had already felt desperate.

He wanted to resist, but he was powerless.

Recalling the scenes since he started practicing, he encountered several life-and-death crises, but they were all saved.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi suddenly thought of something.

Lin Yi's consciousness came to the deepest part of his mind.

Yes, every time he survived a life-and-death crisis, it was related to the mysterious bead.

At this time, it was the most critical moment of life and death. Lin Yi had no other way but to pin his hopes on the mysterious bead.

Looking at the mysterious bead which was still the same.

Lin Yi said: "I know you can understand me. Now facing the toxins in my body, I have no other way. If the detoxification pill runs out, I will definitely die."

"I ask you to help me again to get through this crisis."

"I swear, if one day you need my help, no matter what the situation is, I will never say no."

"Although my promise is insignificant to you, you have been in my mind for a long time, and you should know who I am, Lin Yi."

"As long as it is a promise, I will never regret it."

Lin Yi said solemnly, and after saying these words, Lin Yi did not speak again.

Waiting for the decision of the mysterious bead.

Now we can only hope for the mysterious bead, and Lin Yi also believes that with the ability of the mysterious bead, these toxins can definitely be removed.

Lin Yi also calmed down at this time. Anyway, there are only two endings, either life or death.

And now he has done everything he can, if it still doesn't work, then he has no regrets.

Lin Yi quietly waited for the decision of the mysterious bead.

But Lin Yi was very disappointed. Even if he said this, the mysterious bead still ignored him.

It seems that this oath is a pure joke in the eyes of the mysterious bead.

In the end, it is still because his cultivation strength is not enough.

Lin Yi did not plead again. It was useless to say more.

His consciousness directly withdrew from his mind.

He no longer paid attention to the situation in his body.

He stared at the sky in a daze.


Author's words:

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