Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 2589 Preparing for the establishment of Danzong

Lin Yi was not sure, but he was very excited in his heart. If this was really the case, it would be a huge opportunity for him.

The power of space is so amazing.

Space is king and time is supreme.

This is not just talk, Mu Wanyi seems to have a talent for time, and has practiced the peerless secret technique of Ten Thousand Years.

I still clearly remember how incredible it was when I used it in Tianfeng Secret Realm.

It was precisely because of Mu Wanyi that he was able to survive the crisis and gain opportunities, and Xirang was one of them.

If he had acquired the talent for space power, it would have been unimaginable for Lin Yi just one step further.

But now, there is no time to try to understand Tianya, because he is still practicing, and whether it is the refined Ziyang Divine Gold or Suan Ni's blood essence, it has a huge impact on him.

In fact, what Lin Yi was looking forward to more was what would happen to the Suan Ni animal skin on his body after it was refined with Suan Ni's blood essence.

Now, all I can do is hold back the impulse in my heart and immediately start the next refining process.

He took out Fengling, a peerless fire-attributed spiritual object.

It was supposed to be the original spiritual liquid of the refining wood attribute, but at present, it can still be tolerated by Lin Yi.

He was prepared to take out the original spiritual liquid at the unbearable moment, and then he might be able to save the crisis that might break out.

The fifth turn of the Nine Transformations of Tyrant Body Art allowed, the Wuwei Art also broke out at this moment, and Feng Ling began to refine it in his own hands.

However, for Lin Yi, he was really looking forward to what kind of changes the Five Elements Spiritual Body would bring to him after it was completed.

In fact, even if there are no other changes, just the possibility of gaining the power of space is already a heaven-defying gain.

"Bao Bao, the master has refined the Suan Ni animal skin. You can clearly feel the fluctuations in the master's mood. It is much stronger than before. What do you think is the reason?"

"Let me make it clear, the fluctuations in my mind are emotions of excitement, which obviously shows that after refining it, it may have brought some unexpected gains."

Taotie asked, and further explained. It was indeed obvious that after entering the Thief Heaven Pass, he could sense the owner's excited mood fluctuations.

"Maybe... maybe... Why are you asking so many questions? You'd better think about how to quibble with Lin Yi."

The yin and yang soul beast said angrily, don't even think about letting the problem of the spirit stone go away like this.

However, the Yin-Yang Soul Beast was indeed extremely curious about Lin Yi's excited emotions, and of course he also had his own guesses.

But as long as there is no confirmation, naturally I am not sure. It makes no sense to answer Taotie at this time.

If it wasn't what he thought, wouldn't his joy be in vain, and he would be caught by Taotie again.

"I have acted with integrity and have a clear conscience."

Taotie said righteously.

The Yin Yang Soul Beast just gave him a look of contempt.

"By the way, how many of those alchemists you mentioned have arrived so far?"

The Yin Yang Soul Beast asked.

It has finished its retreat. As for whether it needs to retreat to stabilize its state after breaking through the Peak Cave Void Stage, for it, this is naturally not necessary.

Next, we still need to wait for Lin Yi to continue refining other ultimate spiritual objects. In this case, we naturally need to handle some things well to avoid wasting time.

Taotie hopes to go to the Upper Domain as soon as possible. For the Yin Yang Soul Beast, this is not the case.

Naturally, this matter needs to be resolved as soon as possible.

After the Alchemy Sect is established, not only them, but Master Yuanling Alchemy will also leave the Central Territory soon.

As the Dan Sect was established not long ago, they all needed to leave. In this case, there was not much time to stabilize the newly established Dan Sect, let alone to spend time recruiting Dan Sect disciples.

Recruiting disciples is something that cannot be avoided when establishing an Alchemy Sect, and is one of the key points.

At this time, it is natural to prepare it properly.

Let’s settle this matter first.

In this matter, the Yin Yang Soul Beast is still extremely satisfied with Taotie's approach, but he will definitely not say it directly.

"A lot of people have already arrived, but there are still many people who should be on their way over. What do you want to do?"

"Nonsense, of course we know them. Are we recruiting them into the sect, casually?"

"Now, we will first make statistics of the alchemists who want to join the Alchemy Sect and learn as much as possible about their pasts. As for whether to choose them to join the sect in the end, we will leave it to Lin Yi to decide."

"Of course, Lin Yi will definitely hand over this task to us. Now that we have completed it ahead of schedule, we can also help the Dan Sect be established faster in the future."

The Yin Yang Soul Beast said.

"I'm afraid it's not enough just to know their information. You may need to pass some tests to determine whether you can recruit them. And if you test this task, it will take longer, and it is also more important. It cannot be done either No, we now not only need to collect their information, but also directly test them, such as the test of their character.”

Taotie said that it had actually thought of it, but it naturally couldn't make the decision alone.

But it's different now. The Yin and Yang soul beasts have already spoken, so it can start naturally.

"Well, before we announce the registration of alchemists who are willing to join the Alchemy Sect, let's think through all the issues in advance."

"The next thing we have to do is resolve this matter."

The Yin Yang Soul Beast said.

Taotie had no objection to this and nodded, not quarreling with the Yin Yang Soul Beast on this matter.

It also hopes that this matter can be resolved as soon as possible and perfectly.

"Bad talk, Master established the Alchemy Sect, and the monks who join the Alchemy Sect must first have some Alchemy talent."

"After all, we can't recruit a large number of alchemists from the beginning. We will probably limit the number. In this case, we must recruit alchemists with better alchemy talents first. Do you agree with this?"

Taotie said.


"You continue!"

The Yin Yang Soul Beast knew that Taotie must have been thinking about this issue for a long time.

Now that it has thought about this problem, it will naturally consider these things, otherwise, it will not announce the establishment of Danzong.

"To determine their talents, one is based on past information and the average in the minds of the Central Domain monks, and the other is through some tests we set up to prove their Alchemy talents."

"The latter one is more important and can be reflected intuitively, rather than subjective feelings. Of course, it does not mean that the first one is not important, but it is used as a reference."

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