Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 2610 Space Folding

"Who is he? Is he really from the Sword Sect as Senior Yin Yang said?"

"He is from the Sword Sect, one of the most powerful top forces in the Holy Land."

"I guess he is right. If Master Lin Yi kills him, he may...may face huge troubles."

"Oh, should he be killed by them and not resist? Since they want to kill people, and in such a shameless way, they must pay the price."

"That's right, even rabbits bite when they are anxious, let alone Master Lin Yi. If Master Lin Yi's body is not so strong, Extremely, this time it is really hard to predict whether he will live or die. "

"However, this person's cultivation strength may have surpassed the Void Stage, and he may be a terrifying existence in the Heti Stage, or even more powerful. "

"Even if it is, what can it do? As long as he is in our Central Region, unless he is a peerless existence, otherwise, would he dare to unseal his cultivation? Does he have the strength to unseal it? "


Everyone was talking about it. Some people thought that killing this person might bring endless troubles, but some people thought that he should pay a heavy price.

They believed that with Lin Yi's strength, he had a chance to wipe out the other party.

As long as it was the Void Stage, who in the world could be Lin Yi's opponent.

In fact, some people were extremely looking forward to the fact that another history might be created today, and a Void Stage existence would create a miracle and kill a Heti Stage.

That was the Heti Stage, which was already an existence in another world. It was impossible for the world to do it in this realm.

Although Lin Yi killed the other party in an alternative way, it was still extremely shocking.

Even if his cultivation was suppressed, his understanding of the Dao was still there. It was not suppressed, and it was still difficult to surpass it.

Moreover, the opponent's strength was indeed extremely terrifying.


Lin Yi's punch fell smoothly, domineering and extremely contemptuous of him, not taking him seriously at all.

He wanted to use the force of thunder to punch the opponent in the air.

Lin Yi had only one thought in his mind, which was to get rid of him as soon as possible.

As for the fact that the opponent came from the Sword Sect, and in front of so many cultivators, it might bring him endless trouble in the future.

At this moment, he didn't think about this problem at all.

Would the people of the Sword Sect let him go if he didn't kill him?

That was impossible.

Before he knew some things, he might have illusions, but after knowing the grudge between the First Sword and the Yin-Yang Taoist, that was absolutely impossible.

Moreover, even if there was no grudge between the two of them, the First Sword would never let him go after he knew that he was in his possession.

The Yin-Yang Five Elements Sword Formation and the fact that he might inherit the Sword Ancestor's legacy are not known to everyone, but they are almost as good as known to everyone.

It is destined that there will be no peace with the Sword Sect.

Letting him escape will only put him in greater trouble.

Once he enters the Upper Domain, he will be targeted by them. Unless he can break through to the Fusion Stage in the first place, the people in the Sword Formation who are not suppressed will suppress him with absolute strength.

It is impossible for him not to enter the Upper Domain. After entering the Upper Domain, can he really hide himself completely?

If something like entering the Middle Domain happens, it is impossible to hide himself.

This matter is beyond his control.

This person must die.

He punched out with only one thought in his mind, and directly killed him in mid-air.

The powerful strength gave Lin Yi the confidence.


A figure flew out, hitting the void, leaving large pieces of blood.

Every drop of blood exudes an extremely rich vitality.

Every drop of this person's blood is a rare treasure, and this is absolutely true for the cultivators in the Central Region.


Lin Yi's face sank. He did not directly blast the opponent to death in mid-air as expected.

Although the opponent's body was severely damaged, he endured it.

Lin Yi also knew that it was not so easy to directly blast the body of a fusion stage being.

Even after his transformation, he had undergone earth-shaking changes, and it was still difficult to do it.

He wanted to blast through it with one blow, but it was impossible to do it under the opponent's resistance.

But one blow didn't work, what about two blows?

There are also three blows and four blows..........

Lin Yi didn't believe that he could still hold on.

He was already severely injured by one blow, his breath was weak, and his body was shaking violently at this moment.


He burst out again and blasted away.

However, at this moment, the opponent's figure flashed, burst out rapidly, disappeared on the spot, and wanted to escape.

"Lin Yi, your life will belong to me. See you in the Upper Domain."

Leaving behind a fierce sentence, the figure disappeared.

"Hmph, you want my life? Now I'm standing in front of you, come and take it."

Lin Yi said coldly. As for letting him go, how could it be possible.

A deep meaning flashed, and he chased after him in an instant.

In the realm of perfect emptiness, one step to the end of the world is no longer bound by anything, and one step is like reaching the end of the sea.

The speed is so fast that it is astonishing.

The face of the person who escaped suddenly changed. He originally thought that he could escape with his speed, leave the Central Domain, and wait for Lin Yi to come to the Upper Domain.

With his own cultivation strength, it would be easy to capture and kill him.

But he didn't expect that Lin Yi's speed exceeded his expectations and reached such a peak.

It was extremely terrifying.

In an instant, he had already chased to the attack range. Lin Yi's attack would come soon. If he was attacked again, there would be no chance of survival.

Just as Lin Yi was about to attack, he really didn't give him any chance. As for the cat and mouse game, he was not interested in it.

He didn't want any accidents to happen. He had to make a decisive move and completely destroy the opponent.

But at this moment, a sword appeared in the opponent's hand.

The moment the man stepped on the sword, it flashed like a stream of light and disappeared in front of him.

"Just because you want to kill me, the foundation of the Sword Sect is not something that an ant like you can imagine."

"Your life is destined to die in my hands."

Although the figure disappeared, the opponent's voice was still floating in the air.

Lin Yi's face was extremely ugly, and he was extremely unwilling. When the other party took out the sword, he had a bad premonition in his heart, but it was too late to attack.

The speed was so fast that it was far superior to his own.

In the final analysis, it was because of his lack of foundation, and external objects were also part of strength.

"Hmph, you want to escape and ask me."

Lin Yi was unwilling and would not give up, and continued to chase.

In the process of chasing, he kept feeling the end of the world and sank into it.

At a certain moment, it seemed as if he saw a series of afterimages jumping in space.

It was more like the space was folded in front of Lin Yi.

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