Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 575 Special Top-Grade Foundation-Building Pill

Lin Yi shook his head. It was not that simple to refine the top-grade foundation-building pill.

Although it had reached the top-grade quality, it was far from his requirements. One word made a world of difference.

This was the third batch of medicinal materials that had been refined.

However, Lin Yi made a surprising discovery in the process of refining the foundation-building pill.

The thunder that he had not found before was actually still in the Five Elements Refining Furnace.

Before, he thought that the Five Elements Refining Furnace had refined the pill thunder by itself.

I didn't expect it to be hidden so deeply. If it weren't for the emergence of the pill thunder when refining the foundation-building pill, I really wouldn't know it.

Afterwards, after trying, Lin Yi could actually use the Five Elements Refining Furnace to release this thunder tribulation.

Lin Yi chuckled.

This was equivalent to having a powerful killer.

Who below the Jindan cultivator could deal with this pill thunder.

Even a Jindan cultivator would probably not dare to act rashly.

This is a thunder tribulation. Jindan cultivators have all experienced thunder tribulation and know how powerful it is. Once they are involved, the consequences will be disastrous.

Seeing the thunder tribulation, the Jindan cultivators have already begun to hesitate.

This is one of the two most powerful life-saving trump cards of Lin Yi, except for the mysterious bead. Before, the master gave him a furnace with three chances to make a move.

Lin Yi picked up the fourth batch of medicinal materials and continued to refine them.

But the result was still the same. The fourth furnace of elixirs was still of top-grade quality.

Lin Yi had no choice. He had tried his best.

Whether he could get the best elixir depended on God's will.

The fifth batch of medicinal materials continued to be refined. This was also the last of the five medicinal materials obtained from Elder Muzhi.

Lin Yi still started to liquefy and purify the medicinal materials as before.

Then form the elixir according to the requirements.

When all the liquid medicines were solidified as required.

Seeing the wisps of thunder pills overflowing, Lin Yi had an idea. Can he control the amount of this thunder tribulation and purify the pill?

Although this is the last batch of medicinal materials, there is a great risk.

But if you still follow the steps, the probability of refining a top-grade foundation-building pill is still very slim.

It is better to use this pill thunder to try it.

Do it as soon as you say it.

Lin Yi slowly led out a small amount of thunder tribulation power and slowly attached it to the pill.

At the beginning, the amount of pill thunder must be very small, otherwise if it is not handled well, it will be destroyed by the pill thunder before the results are verified.

After all, the power of this pill thunder is too powerful.

It is only slightly more than the overflowing wisps.

Carefully guide the pill thunder and start to purify the pill.

The pill thunder is indeed worthy of being a thunder tribulation. Even if it increases a little, the effect is immediate.

The pill has been purified a little.

After seeing this, although Lin Yi was very excited, he did not get carried away.

Still continue to use this trace of Dan Lei to refine.

Slowly, when this trace of Dan Lei no longer has any effect.

Lin Yi increased it a little more.

But the spiritual consciousness observed that the pill in the pill furnace began to shake and showed signs of instability.

It was a little bit unbearable for this newly added trace of Dan Lei.

It seems that this has reached the limit.

If it continues to attach to the pill, it is estimated that the pill is likely to be damaged.

Although the pill can't bear the newly added Dan Lei.

However, Lin Yi did not take it back, and still tried his best to control it.

I hope to further purify the pill and increase the probability of producing a top-grade pill.

Lin Yi's spirit is highly concentrated, and at the same time he is very nervous.

At this time, it is the most critical time for the pill to finally come out.

Any mistake may ruin all the previous efforts.

After enduring the tempering of Dan Lei, the pill slowly began to stabilize.

At this time, Lin Yi was relieved.

But he didn't dare to add Dan Lei, otherwise he would definitely not be able to bear it.

This thread of Dan Lei was still on the pill, constantly wandering.

Suddenly, this thread of Dan Lei directly entered the pill.

Lin Yi was shocked, Dan Lei entered the pill, this is terrible.

He immediately wanted to control this thread of Dan Lei, but it was not under his control at all.

At this time, the pill furnace sent an extremely strong suction.

The spiritual energy in the alchemy room rushed into the pill furnace frantically.

Lin Yi stared at this scene in a daze. This was a phenomenon that had never appeared since he started alchemy.

At this time, he could not do anything. He had lost control and could only wait patiently.

Fortunately, the spiritual energy in this cave was very rich, otherwise it would not be able to maintain the influx of spiritual energy.

Gradually, the suction of the pill furnace became smaller and smaller, and the spiritual energy slowly returned to calm.

The richness of the spiritual energy in the cave had already dropped by a lot at this time.

But it won’t be long before the spiritual energy in the cave will become rich again.

When it stabilized, a pill flew out of the pill furnace.

Lin Yi's face showed joy, and he grabbed it directly in his hand.

Although this time, only one pill was produced.

But it did not disappoint Lin Yi.

This foundation-building pill is already of top-grade quality.

And it is a different top-grade foundation-building pill.

You know, this is a top-grade foundation-building pill that has absorbed a trace of pill tribulation power.

Finally, what he wanted came true.

Lin Yi put the foundation-building pill in his palm and kept observing the changes of this foundation-building pill.

But he did not see anything abnormal.

After finding nothing unusual, Lin Yi took out a medicine bottle and put the top-grade foundation-building pill into it.

And put the medicine bottle into the space bowl.

He didn't dare to put this foundation-building pill in the storage bag.

Everything is ready, and now he just has to wait for the opportunity to build the foundation.

Lin Yi sorted out the other foundation-building pills in the alchemy room.

He exchanged five portions of medicinal materials and refined a total of 22 foundation-building pills.

According to the sect's regulations, two pills must be handed in for each portion of medicinal materials.

Five portions of medicinal materials means ten foundation-building pills, and he can keep twelve of them.

Lin Yi was thinking, should he only hand in the specified number of foundation-building pills, or keep the top-grade foundation-building pill and hand in all the others to exchange for contribution points?

Lin Yi walked out of the cave and headed in one direction.

Elder Muzhi said, "You won't come to me to exchange medicinal materials for foundation-building pills again, right?"

"I really can't help you this time, unless the hall master asks."

"Otherwise, there is no possibility."

Lin Yi shook his head, took out a medicine bottle, and said, "Elder Mu, this disciple came here to hand in the foundation-building pills."

Elder Muzhi was also relieved. She thought Lin Yi came to her for help again to exchange medicinal materials for foundation-building pills?

Unexpectedly, it has been refined.

Elder Muzhi took the medicine bottle and opened it.

His face showed joy, and they were all top-grade foundation-building pills.


Looking at Lin Yi, he is worthy of being the one who refined the best pills.

Even if she is the one who can refine top-grade foundation-building pills, the chance of refining top-grade ones is very small.

And these top-grade foundation-building pills have reached their limit.


Elder Muzhi said, "Lin Yi, this shouldn't be all, right?"

Lin Yi: "..."

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