Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 6: Deputy Sect Leader of Jiuqing Sect

After several days of traveling and traveling, Lin Yi finally arrived at Jiuqingmen.

They are all young children who have forgotten the fatigue of the past few days.

He looked at the peaks one after another with curiosity. There were different buildings on many peaks.

In their eyes, it was so tall, majestic and full of momentum.

These children all come from towns or remote mountain villages, and they have never thought about it in their minds.

The house can be so high, so big, and built on a mountain peak.

At this moment, they couldn't wait to enter it immediately.

Every little face was filled with excitement.

Lin Yi was no exception, constantly looking around.

I thought to myself: "Is this where I want to stay next time?"

Lin Yi secretly encouraged himself that he must stay as long as possible, so that he could continue to receive money from the sect and help his family.

When Lin Yi was moving in his heart.

Carriages kept coming, and in the carriages were children of about the same age as them.

Like them, every little face had a look of exhaustion, but when they saw the tall building in front of them.

Everyone was extremely excited and had the same reaction.

"Elder Gu, I didn't expect you to arrive so early this time. Did you recruit any good seedlings?"

Elder Gu shook his head and sighed: "Elder Qin, it seems that this is where you went last time. You still don't know the situation there. What good ideas can you get?"

"On your side, you recruited a few disciples with good skills last time. Judging from your expression this time, I believe it will be just as good."

Elder Qin smiled and said: "Elder Gu, it's because I didn't recruit you last time that you had a greater chance. I just didn't expect..."

Elder Gu lamented: "How can I be so lucky? What's the situation like at your place?"

Elder Qin said: "Oh, there are only three or four."

Elder Gu really wanted to curse, but there were only three or four of them, how could you pretend so well.

This is showing off naked in front of him.

Elder Liu's face was dark. Elder Gu was like that.

I cursed in my heart: "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute. What are you showing off to?"

What else does Elder Qin want to say.

It suddenly became quiet, and a middle-aged man stepped forward.

"Meet the Deputy Sect Master!"

"Meet the Deputy Sect Master!"


Both the elders and the disciples present bowed and shouted when they saw this middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man is the deputy sect leader of Jiuqing Sect.

The originally excited child calmed down when he saw the majestic deputy sect leader.

Many people showed nervousness on their faces.

Lin Yi secretly looked at the deputy sect master, and then quickly lowered his head, for fear of making the deputy sect leader dissatisfied.

The deputy sect leader asked a steward: "Steward Yu, are all the elders who went out to recruit disciples here?"

Manager Yu said truthfully: "Deputy Master Qi, there are currently only two elders who are not here. I don't know why. Look..."

The deputy sect leader's expression did not change at all, and he said: "It must be delayed by something, please wait here for a while."

After saying that, the deputy sect leader looked at Lin Yi and the others, and then muttered a few words to Manager Yu.

The sound is very low and difficult for others to hear.

After listening to this, Manager Yu walked up to Lin Yi and the others.

He said: "All disciples, follow my instructions and line up in order from short to tall."

At this time, Lin Yi and the others were all scattered. After hearing this, they quickly took action.

Many children were so nervous that they didn't know where to stand.

I was so anxious that I almost cried.

After all, they were just children under ten years old, and Lin Yi was only five years old.

Originally, Lin Yi was young, his family was very poor, and he was very thin.

After Lin Yi stood in a position, other disciples continued to squeeze in.

Everyone was taller than him, so Lin Yi was pushed further and further away.

Manager Yu pointed at several disciples and said, "From here, and here, line up in three rows."

Since the formation had already been arranged, this time it was very fast and they were arranged immediately according to the instructions of Manager Yu.

Lin Yi is no longer at the edge.

Lin Yi took a look and saw that three of them were about the same height as him, and the others were all a little taller than him.

Soon, I heard the sound of a carriage, which should be the last team that had not arrived yet.

The sound of carriages came closer and closer, and soon appeared in their field of vision.

The two elders hurriedly saluted the deputy sect leader.

The deputy sect master said: "Thank you for your hard work, two elders. Let the disciples join the ranks first."


After everything was in place, the deputy sect leader walked to the team of Lin Yi and other disciples.

Said: "You just heard that I am the deputy sect leader of Jiuqing Sect."

"Meet the Deputy Sect Master!"

The voices of Lin Yi and the others were very clear.

The deputy sect leader nodded and said: "First of all, congratulations on your successful selection and joining the Jiuqing Sect."

"Jiuqingmen has a history of hundreds of years and is one of the strongest sects. Currently, the sect has about seven to eight hundred people."

"And the mountain range you are in is called the Qingyan Mountains. The Qingyan Mountains are very vast, stretching for thousands of miles. It is the largest mountain range in this area. In addition to our Jiuqingmen, several other powerful forces are also distributed In the Qingyan Mountains.”

"You are still young now, but I want to remind you that when you leave the sect in the future, try to stay around the sect and don't go too far."

"Several sects are on guard against each other. If they are encountered by disciples from other sects, it will be extremely dangerous. There is another danger, coming from wild beasts in the mountains."

"Of course, the chance of this is relatively small. The Qingyan Mountains are really too big, but we can't take it lightly."

"You must remember this sentence, don't lose your life then."

"Yes, Deputy Sect Master!"

Lin Yi did not expect that the mountains were so dangerous. Not only were disciples from other sects likely to take action, but there were also wild beasts in the mountains.

Lin Yi reminded himself in his heart that he would never leave the sect easily.

He is so young now and has no ability to resist if he is really in danger.

I believe it is impossible for the sect to let children like them leave the sect at this time.

What is the difference between this and committing suicide?

The deputy sect leader continued: "It's getting late today. You guys have been traveling continuously and your bodies must be very tired now."

"Steward Yu will take you to have a meal later. After the meal, I will take you to rest directly."

"As for other things, arrangements will be made tomorrow."

After speaking, the deputy sect leader glanced at Manager Yu, then turned and left.

"Congratulations to the deputy sect master!"

In the sound of farewell, the deputy sect master slowly disappeared from the sight of Lin Yi and others.

Manager Yu said: "Follow me in this formation."

In Lin Yi's opinion, the sect was too big, and the buildings were all on top of the mountain. Following behind Guanshi Yu, they were exhausted and out of breath.

But a scent of fragrance wafted in, and the little faces that were still tired all looked in one direction involuntarily.

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