Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 759 Water Monster

The statue moved, and underneath was a dark passage.

Lin Yi heard the rustling sound of running water.

Lin Yi stepped forward, weighing the pros and cons of whether to enter or not.


Lin Yi finally stepped into the dark passage. Although it looked like he was being lured step by step, what else could he do if he didn't enter?

After entering the palace, there was only one exit besides the stone door.

But the stone door was no longer possible, and this was the only way out.

Lin Yi walked along the dark passage, and it was pitch black inside, and he couldn't see his hand in front of him.

Except for the sound of running water, there was only the sound of his footsteps.

Gradually, Lin Yi came to the end of the dark passage.

A dark river appeared, about ten feet wide.

The direction of the dark river.

The dark river in front of Lin Yi flowed from his left hand to his right hand.

Lin Yi didn't expect that there was a dark river deep underground in the oasis.

And this dark river was not small.

Was this done by a cultivator, or was it formed naturally?

Lin Yi felt that the possibility of natural formation was very small.

From the beginning to the end, it seemed as if there was a pair of invisible big hands, firmly grasping them and heading to this position.

Even if they realized it, they had no choice.

Lin Yi looked to the left, then to the right.

Should he go downstream or upstream?

These were two completely different paths. Once he went the wrong way, it would take an unknown amount of time to return.

Lin Yi looked in one direction and stepped into the dark river.

He decided to go downstream.

As soon as he stepped into the dark river, Lin Yi felt a sense of crisis.

After vacating the water surface, his spiritual sense observed a water monster biting at him.

Judging from its breath, it was not enough to threaten him.

However, Lin Yi had never seen the form of this water monster before, and it was very huge.

He punched the water monster.


The heavy attacks on the water monster's head left a big hole in its head.


The water monster screamed, as if it was going to tear the dark river apart.

The deep environment seemed even more horrible.


The water monster fell heavily into the dark river, causing huge waves.

A large amount of blood flowed out, and the clear dark river soon turned into a water red color.

The water monster moved a few times and then stopped moving.

It had no breath at all and died under Lin Yi's punch.

The body of the water monster flowed down with the water.

Then, Lin Yi observed that several breaths appeared.

Roar, roar, roar!

Several water monsters surfaced and bit at the body of the water monster.

Almost in an instant, the body of the water monster was devoured.

Lin Yi watched this scene quietly.

Lin Yi did not expect that there were so many water monsters in this dark river.

The few water monsters that appeared at present did not pose a threat to him.

But who knows if there are water monsters with the strength of the Golden Core Stage.

Lin Yi's face also became solemn.

Yun Yazi and others must have come here to face these water monsters.

Many cultivators are definitely not their opponents. Will Yun Yazi take action?

Lin Yi was silent for a while, but continued to walk on the water.

This time, Lin Yi did not dare to go deep into the dark river.

About an hour later, Lin Yi still did not reach the end.

During this period, he encountered several waves of water monster attacks, all of which were killed by Lin Yi.

Lin Yi did not continue to move forward. He was on the water surface, looking forward.

In one hour, he had walked a long distance.

But except for the dark river and water monsters, nothing else was found.

Did he go to the wrong place?

Lin Yi glanced at the back and decided to move forward for another hour. If he still did not find anything, he would go upstream.


There were six or seven water monsters around Lin Yi, besieging him.

The Ziyang Sword in Lin Yi's hand kept flashing sword light, and one water monster after another died under the sword.

But there is a water monster whose strength has reached the Golden Core Stage.

With Lin Yi's strength, he needs to go all out to compete with him.

But the environment here has a natural blessing for the strength of the water monster.

This makes Lin Yi a little stretched.

Lin Yi was supposed to go forward for another hour, but before the time was up, he had already reached the end.

What surprised Lin Yi was that the undercurrent of the river actually led to the depths of the ground.

There seemed to be a suction force below, sucking the water of the dark river into it continuously.

But as soon as Lin Yi arrived at this location, several water monsters rose up and attacked Lin Yi.

Along the way, Lin Yi didn't care much when he saw these water monsters.

But at this time, Lin Yi's face was extremely solemn.

The breath emitted by one of the water monsters put him under great pressure.

After killing the other water monsters, he focused on dealing with this water monster.

But this water monster became even more violent when he saw the other water monsters being killed by Lin Yi.

It attacked Lin Yi madly.

Sword lights seemed to illuminate the entire dark river, making the dark river as bright as day.

The sword lights rushed towards the water monster, but the water monster easily dodged it every time.

Following the trend, the powerful attack of the water monster came towards Lin Yi.

At this location, the water in the dark river was already crashing against the shore.

Lin Yi seemed to be deeply trapped in the dark river.

The water monster launched a powerful attack and rushed straight towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi punched it.


The huge power was released, and Lin Yi could not resist it and took two steps back.

Lin Yi looked at the water monster solemnly. It was almost impossible to kill this water monster here.

Without any hesitation, he walked away.

He can't continue to waste time with this water demon here, otherwise, this water demon will use its natural advantages to consume him to death here.

Lin Yi disappeared.


The water demon roared, extremely angry at Lin Yi's departure.

He was not willing to let go easily and pursued Lin Yi.

Extremely fast.

Soon he was behind Lin Yi.

Lin Yi waved the Purple Sun Sword, and a sword light struck at the water demon.

The figure did not stop and continued to escape.

But the water demon seemed to be going crazy and didn't care about the sword light attack.

It charged directly towards the sword light.

It was confirmed that he ignored the sword light and charged towards Lin Yi.


The sword light struck the water demon directly, and a shallow scar appeared.


He was injured by the sword light, although it was not serious.

But it made the water demon even more violent, chasing Lin Yi crazily.

Whenever Lin Yi was about to attack the water demon, the Purple Sun Sword would strike at the right time to slow down the water demon's pace.

This kind of escape and pursuit made Lin Yi move many times faster than when he came.

Lin Yi's expression became more solemn. Now he was swimming against the current, but there would still be an end.

Sooner or later, you will be blocked by the water monster.

Will we continue to flow down the river and keep going back and forth?

But when the time comes, the spiritual energy in his Dantian is not enough to supply unlimited supply, and Lin Yi is very distressed.

It's not like he wants to enter the space bowl to avoid the water demon's attack.

It’s frustrating!

If it were on the ground, this water demon would be unable to do anything to Lin Yi.

Even if Lin Yi couldn't kill the water demon, it was impossible for the water demon to catch up with him.

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