Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 812 Finding Lin Yi's whereabouts

Lin Yi and Yun Shu were fleeing quickly with the help of their invisibility cloaks.

Yun Shu was no longer as nervous as before and said, "Lin Yi, it seems that even if they are Jindan cultivators, they can't find us while hiding."

"As long as we are given some more time, we will escape from their encirclement."

Lin Yi also relaxed and felt a little relieved. Under such circumstances, they were not discovered by a Jindan mid-stage cultivator. It was basically difficult to find out their location from a distance.

Lin Yi said, "Yun Shu, I asked you to follow me to the cave house. I didn't expect it to be so dangerous. I'm really sorry!"

Yun Shu shook his head and said, "Lin Yi, don't say this in the future. I am willing to do all this. Besides, there may be opportunities waiting for me in that cave house."

Although Yun Shu said this, Lin Yi still felt bad.

If Yun Shu had not followed him and stayed in that cave house, she would not be discovered at all with the formation of that cave house. It was very safe.

It was not like this, always hovering between life and death.

Lin Yi also decided that if there is really an opportunity suitable for Yun Shu there, he must do his best to fight for Yun Shu.

Lin Yi said: "The cave is in the North Region. It will take us quite a while to get there this time. I hope there will be no accidents in the middle."

Lin Yi knew that the Ghost Sect was in the North Region, and the Ghost Sect's strength was even stronger than that of Fenxiang Valley.

I hope I won't encounter the Ghost Sect's cultivators by then.

Yun Shu said: "Lin Yi, as long as we leave the South Region and change our appearance, no cultivator should be able to find out that it is us."

Lin Yi was about to speak, and suddenly the dead soul appeared, as if he was locked by death.

His face was extremely solemn, and he cried out: "Not good!"

"Lin Yi, what happened?"

Lin Yi said solemnly: "I seem to be locked by someone, and our position should have been exposed."


Yun Shu was shocked, "But we have been away from them for a long distance, and there are no cultivators nearby, how could we be locked by someone?"

Lin Yi shook his head. He still didn't know what happened, but the crisis in his heart was not wrong, a crisis of death was coming.

Lin Yi no longer held back on speed, and used the One Step to the End of the World to the fullest, fleeing quickly.

Otherwise, his position would be exposed, and he would soon be chased by other cultivators.

"Friend Yi, how is it?"

Yi Daomingxiu said with a smile: "Master Wuji, don't worry, as long as there is that person's breath, there is no way he can escape, not to mention that there is that person's blood, it is impossible for him to hide."

"Everything is under Yi's control."

"Don't worry, the result will come out soon."

When Gu Wuji and the other two heard this, they had no doubts. They knew the person in front of them very well, and if he wanted to find someone, he would hardly miss it.

Suddenly, Yi Daomingxiu's eyes flashed with golden light, and he looked in one direction.

"He is in this direction, 2,005 miles away."

The figures of the four people disappeared in an instant, and they quickly went in one direction.

"Friend Yi, how is it now?"

Yi Daomingxiu said: "He seems to have discovered the danger, and suddenly increased his speed, and is fleeing quickly."

"What, how far are we from him now?"

"Don't worry, he can't escape from our palm, we are much faster than him, and we will catch up soon."

Suddenly, Yi Daomingxiu's face changed, "Impossible!"

He said in disbelief.

They stopped at the same time.

Gu Wuji and the other two did not chase him anymore, and looked at Yi Daomingxiu, "Friend Yi, what happened, why did you stop?"

Yi Daomingxiu was still in shock, "Impossible, impossible, how could he disappear?"

"What, Friend Yi, are you saying that the thief disappeared again?"

Although Yi Daomingxiu could not accept this fact, at this point, there was no way not to accept it.

He really could not find Lin Yi's location, and at this moment, he had no idea where Lin Yi was.

Yi Daomingxiu nodded and said, "He probably has a treasure that can stop me from tracking him."

Gu Wuji's face was extremely ugly. He had seen hope, victory was just around the corner, and he could kill Lin Yi soon, but something unexpected happened again.

If Lin Yi escaped again, he might really miss this opportunity and let Lin Yi escape from the Southern Region.

No, absolutely not.

Gu Wuji looked at Yi Daomingxiu and said, "Friend Yi, you must have another way. As long as you can track his location, we will agree to any request."

Yi Daomingxiu showed hesitation.

Gu Wuji didn't expect Yi Daomingxiu to have a solution, and hurriedly said: "Friend Yi, I will keep my word and fulfill my promise, otherwise I will be punished by heaven and earth."

"If Friend Yi is willing to help, I will do my best to help you in any difficulties in the future."

Yi Daomingxiu said: "Master Wuji, if I really do this, I'm afraid I'm not far from death."

"If you want to track his location, you will have to consume your lifespan. In order to arrive earlier, you have already consumed a lot of your lifespan. Originally, Yi's lifespan was insufficient. If you consume it again, it won't be long before I'm buried."

Gu Wuji and the other two didn't expect to consume their lifespans, but they would never give up. This is better. After they kill Lin Yi, Yi Daomingxiu will die soon, so there is no need to fulfill the agreement.

Gu Wuji said: "Friend Yi, you can ask for anything. As long as we can do it, we will never refuse."

"Please trouble Friend Yi to find the thief."

Yi Daomingxiu showed a struggling look on his face, "Okay!"

Gu Wuji and the other two showed excitement, "Thank you, Friend Yi!"

Yi Daomingxiu said nothing more, and a piece of clothing appeared in his hand, which looked like a tortoise shell, but it was extremely damaged.

Drop Lin Yi's blood on the tortoise shell. The blood was naturally left when Lin Yi and Gu Wuji fought before. At that time, it was not cleaned up and was obtained by the cultivators of Fenxiang Valley.

The blood slowly seeped into the tortoise shell, and Yi Daomingxiu could be seen chanting spells.

Gradually, Yi Daomingxiu's face became more and more old.

The three did not dare to disturb him and waited quietly. There was no other way.

Yi Daomingxiu showed a happy look on his face and said: "He is..."


But at this moment, a large mouthful of blood spurted out, and the old face was extremely pale, as if he was going to be buried.

"Friend Yi Dao, how are you?"

Yi Daomingxiu's face was extremely solemn, and he said: "I didn't expect that the treasure was beyond Yi's expectations. Although it just appeared in a vague position, it was interrupted again at this moment."

"It seems that there is only one last way."

He looked at Gu Wuji.

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