Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 873 Success

The next two array points need to be completed in three snaps of a finger.

Time is very tight. If it is the difficulty of the first nine array points, Lin Yi still has confidence, after all, he has some experience.

But the further you go, the greater the difficulty. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to complete it in three snaps of a finger.

However, Lin Yi did not give up. This is a chance.

If it succeeds, then the first rune and array arrangement will be successful at one time.

The last two array points need to be arranged and completed in three snaps of a finger.

Time is very urgent. When the thirteenth array point is completed, it takes almost two snaps of a finger, and the speed has increased.

But the last array point is only a little more than a snap of a finger.

Lin Yi speeded up, and time passed little by little.

The rune pattern has dimmed to the extreme and will soon disappear.

Lin Yi was extremely anxious and urged himself to go faster and faster.


But the final result made Lin Yi very disappointed.

Still failed, just a little bit short, if given some more time, he would definitely be able to set it up successfully.

Looking at the formation materials that had turned into residue in front of him, Lin Yi stood there for a long time without moving.

But he had to accept that the chance of successfully setting up the formation in one go was extremely slim.

Besides, he had just started to learn the art of formation.

Lin Yi did not continue to set up the formation immediately, but carefully comprehended the previous understanding of the formation.

Only after completely digesting and absorbing it, would he continue to work.

So far, the time left to the final end is relatively ample for Lin Yi.

It is not very urgent, now is to seize the last two opportunities, for Lin Yi, there can be no mistakes.

The recipe for the Lightning Pill is what he must get, which may be the key to whether he can continue to pursue the immortal path in the future.

Lin Yi sat down cross-legged and contemplated it.

Time passed little by little, and there was only one day left.

But Lin Yi still did not wake up, and was still comprehending.

There were only six hours left, and Lin Yi still did not move.

The last three hours, but looking at Lin Yi, he seemed to have forgotten the time.

It seemed that he did not realize that time was very urgent for him.

Lin Yi remained motionless, sitting cross-legged in the same place, without showing any nervousness.

Two hours passed, and Lin Yi still did not move.

One hour passed, and it was very close to the end.

But looking at Lin Yi, he seemed to be completely immersed in it and could not extricate himself.

If this continued, it would be a luxury for Lin Yi to successfully get through.

No one knew what Lin Yi was doing at this time, what happened, and why it was like this?

Soon, there was only a moment left.

I thought Lin Yi would continue to be silent, but at this moment, I suddenly saw Lin Yi's eyes open.

Two golden lights flashed by.

Lin Yi took out the talisman pen and began to refine runes. When a rune appeared, the whole process was smooth.

Without stopping, Lin Yi picked up the talisman pen and began to outline on the ground.

Lines were drawn one by one, and each line seemed to have spirituality and was extremely agile.

Soon, one hundred runes were quickly completed at the tip of Lin Yi's pen.

This time, Lin Yi completed the rune outline in only thirteen snaps of his fingers.

It was a significant improvement on the original limit.

Lin Yi thought to himself: "Now it is closer to perfection, and the time it can last should be more than thirty-one snaps of his fingers, right?"

When the runes were completed, Lin Yi took out the array materials.

Starting from the first array point, one array point after another was successfully arranged.

When the tenth array point was arranged, Lin Yi saw the spiritual energy fluctuations on the pattern and clearly felt that it would definitely last longer than before.

At this time, Lin Yi had great confidence.

As long as there were no accidents, all the array points could definitely be arranged before the pattern dissipated.

The eleventh, the twelfth...

Soon, only the last array point was left. As long as it was successfully arranged, it would be a success.

At this time, the time Lin Yi spent arranging the array points was only twenty-five snaps of his fingers.

It has improved a lot compared to before.

More importantly, it is obvious that the duration of the rune is much longer than thirty-one finger snaps.

There is absolutely no need to worry that the rune will dissipate before the arrangement of the array points is completed.

The last array point is also the most difficult, or the easiest one.

Lin Yi was cautious. In such a good situation, if there is a mistake, it will probably be a big blow to his self-confidence and willpower.

If he carries this emotion, with only one chance, the chance of success is probably very small.

Lin Yi must not let this happen. The last array point must be successfully arranged.

After confirming that it is correct, Lin Yi accurately arranges the array materials on the fourteenth array point.


The light flashed, the spiritual energy surged, and the might poured out.

All the array points were perfectly connected, not slowly running, but bursting out instantly.

In an instant, the first array was completed and reached the extreme.

Lin Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief. The array was successfully arranged and the level was successfully passed.

The Lightning Pill had finally fallen into his pocket. Although he hadn't gotten it yet, Lin Yi wasn't worried.

Since a cultivator had received the reward before, he believed there wouldn't be any problems.

Lin Yi was shocked when he saw the formation in front of him. Only by experiencing it personally could he know how shocking it was.

The grade of the first-line formation was obviously inferior to that of the Fiery Array.

But after combining with the talisman, its power was several times stronger than that of the Fiery Array. You can imagine how terrifying it was.

The effect of superposition is by no means as simple as doubling.

Lin Yi was full of longing for it. This was just a first-line formation that was less than a first-level formation. If it was a fifth-level formation, what a shocking scene it would be.

Using such a formation, which cultivator in Shuiquanzhou could contend alone?

However, Lin Yi knew that the arrangement of the first-line formation was so difficult, and it would be even more terrifying next. If you want to succeed, unless you are really gifted, it will be really difficult.

These questions flashed through Lin Yi's mind.

Soon, Lin Yi's body was out of control. Even with his strength, he still couldn't break free.

Lin Yi was also surprised. Which cultivator built the formation building?

Without thinking, we know that his cultivation must be extremely terrifying.

Not to mention his talent in formation.

Lin Yi tried to resist, but it didn't work, so he gave up the power of resistance.

The figure disappeared in the field in an instant.

Some cultivators were still setting up the formation, and some cultivators had just entered.

Seeing a cultivator successfully set up the formation, I was extremely envious, envious of him for successfully passing the level and getting rich rewards.

Not only that, if the next level can be successful, the reward will be even more tempting.

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