Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 894: Strange Land

At the moment of waking up, the rune pen in his hand was flying, and lines were drawn one by one.

Jian Buxing and the other four people stopped at this moment.

Their eyes turned to Lin Yi at the same time. Lin Yi's awakening also attracted their attention.

They hoped to discover something through Lin Yi's outline.

Ten, twenty, thirty...

When it reached one hundred, it was already difficult to continue.

It was impossible to complete it.

However, Lin Yi still persisted until the end of one hundred, and the lines also dissipated at this moment.

It still ended in failure.

Bi Luofan shook his head. Even Lin Yi could only draw one hundred, let alone them.

So far, he has not broken through fifty lines.

The scope has expanded, and the difficulty has increased too much.

What's more, it is the limit line of the first-level rune.

Lin Yi stopped and did not continue. Every time he drew, the consumption of spiritual energy was extremely huge.

He needs to stop and adjust well.

The other cultivators withdrew their eyes and began to outline again.

They knew that it was very difficult to get inspiration from Lin Yi's outline.

Even Lin Yi was still far away from success in the process of exploration.

While recovering, Lin Yi took out the jade slip and felt it again.

Through continuous understanding, he hoped to discover and understand something.

The third day passed.

The number of lines drawn by Lin Yi reached 150.

The best of the other four was Gui Liang, but he only had 80 lines.

The reality had made them despair, and they had seen the results.

However, everyone did not give up and continued to persist.

After the fourth day, the effect was still not very ideal.

It became more and more difficult later, and Lin Yi had not broken through 200 lines.

At this time, Lin Yi sat down and did not continue.

The other cultivators were still persisting.

The fifth day, the sixth day...

Until the eighth day, no one succeeded in setting up the formation.

Not to mention setting up the formation, even the lines have not been outlined.

The best person, Liu Yan, had already outlined more than 400 lines.

Lin Yi tried several more times before he could break through 300 lines.

The other three were even more miserable, not even breaking through 200 lines.

After the ninth day, only one person was still outlining, that was the casual cultivator Liu Yan.

After nine days, he had been able to outline more than 600 lines, but there was still a long way to go before he could successfully outline all the lines.

Now there was only one day left, and there was not enough time for him to try again.

After Lin Yi tried only once, he had been sitting cross-legged in comprehension.

He knew that if he continued like this, although he could make some progress, the distance to success seemed endless.

After the ninth day, Lin Yi opened his eyes.


He sighed and shook his head.

Although he had some understanding, he was still a long way from the real understanding.

If he could not fully understand, he could only improve through accumulation over time.

But ten days was too short, and there was no chance.

Lin Yi really hoped that he could enter the state of enlightenment during the process of comprehension.

At that time, his comprehension would definitely increase greatly, and there should be no problem in outlining 999 runes.

But it is not so easy to enter the state of enlightenment.

Lin Yi stood up, picked up the rune pen, and started outlining again.

I have some comprehension, and I hope I can go further.

As for the successful outlining, I no longer have any expectations.

Even if 999 lines are outlined, this is only the first step.

But unfortunately, after completing the outline of 500 lines, it was stopped again and ended in failure.

Lin Yi sat down again and did not continue.

Except for Liu Yan, others seemed to have given up.

He has been sitting cross-legged and thinking.

Lin Yi sat down cross-legged, originally preparing to recover the spiritual energy consumption.

Suddenly he thought of something and took out a cushion, which was the cushion he got from the Oasis Cave.

Sitting in meditation with this cushion can not only speed up the absorption of spiritual energy.

At the same time, it can calm the mind and restore the consumption of the mind.

Time passed by little by little.

On the last day, half a day had passed.

Liu Yan couldn't hold on any longer and sat down.

Even if he wanted to hold on, the consumption of spiritual energy was too terrifying, and the consumption of the mind was also extremely huge.

There was no way to continue to support it.

He had to stop to recover.

He also knew that if he stopped this time, he would not get up again.

Waiting for the end of time.

The last three hours!

The last two hours!

The last hour!

In the last hour, Jian Bu and others stood up one after another.

Although they knew that it was impossible to pass the level successfully, they still hoped to try again.

Liu Yan didn't plan to continue, but at this moment, he also stood up.

The last attack.

On the other side, Lin Yi was still sitting cross-legged on the futon, and he saw spiritual energy flowing on his body.

He seemed to be emitting some kind of rhyme.

Gradually, Lin Yi raised his hand, and the talisman pen in his hand flew in the air.

It seemed like there were fish jumping in the air, and the talisman pen in his hand was dancing faster and faster.

Gradually, it seemed like there was a beautiful painting in the air, which gradually formed at the tip of Lin Yi's pen.

During this process, Lin Yi kept his eyes closed.

Lin Yi's abnormal reaction naturally attracted the attention of other cultivators.

Their last attempt ended in failure.

But they were not disappointed. Before trying, they had psychological expectations.

Seeing the painting in the air.


They were all surprised. Isn't this the pattern that needs to be outlined in this level?

At this time, Lin Yi had already outlined more than 700 lines.

Although the range is much smaller than the standard of the assessment.

But it is unprecedented to break through 666 lines.

The key is that he didn't stop there and continued to outline.

Eight hundred, nine hundred...

But when he passed the nine hundredth, every time he outlined a line, their hearts trembled.

Nine hundred and eighty-nine.

Lin Yi's talisman pen was drawing the 990th line.

There were only ten lines left to succeed.

They were more and more surprised. What kind of state did Lin Yi enter?

Could it be the state of enlightenment?

They thought it was very likely. Otherwise, to break through to the 900th line, his talent was indescribable.

They didn't dare to blink, for fear of missing the historic moment.

However, Bi Luofan's eyes moved downwards at this moment.

Under Lin Yi's sitting cross-legged, a cushion appeared.

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