Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 908 Stalemate

The poison suddenly awakened and violently poured into the thin line.

This situation caught Lin Yi off guard.

He didn't know what happened. Before it was completely withdrawn, it actually poured in.

Not only did it give up resistance, but it actively sought death.

Waiting for Lin Yi to refine it earlier.

But Lin Yi knew that this couldn't be the case.

Sure enough, Lin Yi's pupils shrank.

The Yin-Yang Mysterious Poison Art suddenly accelerated.

The poison actually wanted to merge with the thin line, the thin line became the poison, and the poison became the thin line, indistinguishable from each other.

If the poison really succeeded, wouldn't Lin Yi's previous efforts be in vain?

The more terrifying thing would be that Lin Yi would have no chance at that time.

The Yin-Yang Mysterious Poison Art could no longer prevent the crisis brought by the poison.

Because by that time, the poison and the Yin-Yang Mysterious Poison Art would be indistinguishable from each other.

There would be no effect, but it would make the poison like a fish in water.

Without the Yin-Yang Mysterious Poison Art, Lin Yi would completely lose the opportunity to resist.

Will be buried under the swallowing of that poison.

Unexpectedly, the last moment is still so dangerous.

It is not as it seems, success is just around the corner.

As long as the poison is completely peeled off, success is very close.

The next step is to refine it with all your strength and completely eliminate this threat.

But I didn't expect that the poison actually wanted to merge with it and control Lin Yi in turn.

Completely crush Lin Yi's plan and escape the fate of being refined.

Then swallow Lin Yi.

Lin Yi knew that although it was an emergency, it was also their last contest.

As long as we get through this difficulty, it will never happen again.

Lin Yi's eyes were extremely firm.

Come on!

Let's see who laughs last.

Lin Yi operated the Yin-Yang Mysterious Poison Art to the extreme.

While frantically controlling those thin lines and preventing the poison from assimilating, he began to refine the toxins in the thin lines bit by bit.

At this moment, whether it was for Lin Yi or for the poison, it was a race against death.

If Lin Yi was a step slower, he would be swallowed up.

He would become the food of the poison.

But if the poison was a step slower, it would be completely eliminated by Lin Yi and refined into nothingness.

It would disappear from this world.

Although this was just a trace of poison stripped by the Yin-Yang Soul Beast.

But for Lin Yi, the Yin-Yang Soul Beast had nothing to do with him.

He only cared about the poison in his body. As long as he successfully refined it, it would completely disappear from the world.

Lin Yi tried his best to refine the poison extracted from the thin line, one percent, two percent...

And the poison was frantically assimilating the thin line, making Lin Yi's refining speed slower and slower.

Because many thin lines have been assimilated by the poison.

There will definitely be an intersection point at that time, and when this intersection point arrives, it will be the time for their decisive battle.

As Lin Yi refined more and more, the assimilation speed of the poison, like Lin Yi, was also gradually slowing down.

They were all racing against time, hoping to have more than the other party when the intersection point arrived.

Time passed by little by little, and the competition between Lin Yi and the poison became more and more intense.

When Lin Yi refined 40% of the toxin, the poison had already infected more than 40% of the thin lines.

Lin Yi lacked those thin lines, and his speed was getting slower and slower.

And it was not so easy for the poison to continue assimilating.

When the time came to this point, the intersection was getting closer and closer.

It was inevitable, and a life-and-death battle was about to begin.

I don’t know if it will be thrilling or silent?

I don’t know who will win, or will both die?

Time never stops for anyone, and it keeps passing.

Like flowing water, it flows down the river, continuously.

And at this moment, their intersection finally collided.

At this point, Lin Yi had refined 45% of the toxin, and it can also be seen that the poison had assimilated 55% of the thin lines.

It can be said that the poison was at the top, 10% more than Lin Yi.

At this moment, Lin Yi wanted to continue to refine the poison, but encountered unprecedented obstacles.

He was blocked by the poison.

And it was extremely difficult for the poison to continue to assimilate. Lin Yi used all his strength to operate the Yin-Yang Mysterious Poison Art.

He tried his best to block the poison, and at the same time tried to refine it bit by bit.

But no matter which side, it was extremely difficult.

It was in a stalemate.

It was extremely difficult to break through.

But as time went on, if it continued like this, it would be extremely dangerous for Lin Yi.

Because to maintain such a huge consumption, a huge amount of spiritual energy was needed.

But can the top-grade spiritual liquid in the space bowl still support that moment?

It is definitely impossible.

Now there is only one problem in front of Lin Yi, which is to refine the poison bit by bit while breaking through the assimilation of the poison.

And this possibility is there.

With the continuous operation of the Yin-Yang Mysterious Poison Art, and with the improvement of comprehension.

The power of the Yin-Yang Mysterious Poison Art in Lin Yi's hands is getting stronger and stronger.

Now there are some improvements.

Even if it's just a small improvement, when the situation is stalemate, any slight change will lead to a huge shift in the balance.

At this time, the balance tilted towards Lin Yi again.

Lin Yi broke through the obstacles little by little and continued to move towards the other 55%.

The strands of toxins were refined by Lin Yi little by little.

Of course, the poison would not sit and wait for death, and was making a final struggle.

All the toxins were released.

With a bang, Lin Yi's pace of progress was interrupted again.

Not only that, the outbreak of the poison came too suddenly, catching Lin Yi off guard.

It surged towards the remaining 46%.

During this period, Lin Yi made some progress.

And the speed of the poison was extremely fast, using the short moment to assimilate as much as possible.

Let Lin Yi lose the opportunity to resist.

Lin Yi tried his best to block it, but he was defeated.

The outbreak of the poison was too fierce, as if it had exhausted all its potential and was making a final desperate struggle.

If successful, it would completely devour Lin Yi.

If the potential burst was not completely assimilated before the end, what awaited that strand of poison was that it would be completely refined by Lin Yi.

Lin Yi certainly understood the situation at this time and tried his best to slow down the speed of the assimilation of the poison.

At the same time, he was also trying to fight back as much as possible, but the counterattack at this time was a little pale and powerless.

In a life-and-death fight, when it was in a stalemate, it was the will of each party that was tested.

Although he was losing step by step, Lin Yi's will was as firm as a mountain.

He didn't believe that the potential burst of that strand of poison could last for a long time after he refined so much of it.

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