Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 398 The best talisman in the world [One breath lasts forever]

In Xu Yuming's hand, there are three fourth-level top-quality talismans, including the Liuyu Pure Heart Talisman, the Bai Nianhai Divine Talisman, and the Yunlong Talisman, which can be called the King of Three Unparalleled Talisman.

But now that there are a variety of fifth-level talismans on the field, he is really excited when talking about them.

"If you can become a fifth-level Talisman Master, you can completely make your name in this sea of ​​Sanxiu and be respected by thousands of people." Xu Yuming still lacks a righteous identity. The Five Beast Sect is too small to be placed in Yuanying Chenglin. The Sanxiu Sea is really not worth mentioning.

Give him another ten years, and it won't be difficult to surpass the Mountain-moving Master.

"As you all know, my Great Talisman Elder has heavenly roots and is naturally good at refining five-element talismans. So the first round of talismans are the five-element talismans of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. They are the fifth-level low-grade golden light and purple gold body, Yimu becomes the sea talisman, whale shark escapes shadow talisman, three-color glazed talisman, sea reclamation and land talisman, the golden light and purple gold body strengthens your physical body to the fifth level, and you can even withstand the attacks of low-grade magic weapons with your physical body. Yimu becomes the sea talisman, and you can tree trees in one breath. The net becomes the sea, sealing the sky and locking the earth, which is the first-class trapping and killing method among the fifth level."

"The Whale Shark Shadow Escape Talisman is made from the shadow of the whale shark's natal soul. It matches the power of the innate water veins. It can escape thousands of miles away if it lasts forever."

"Three-color glazed talisman. The weakest fire in the world is yellow, followed by red. No matter how bad the colorful flames are, they are still spiritual fires. But this three-color glazed talisman is made by the master of three fifth-level spiritual fires mastered by the great elder of our family. This is the only one in heaven and earth, and its power is infinite, enough to burn the sky and boil the sea."

"The land reclamation talisman is suitable for opening up caves and creating footholds, and it can also expand the land area of ​​the family clan on the sea. Of course, if you want to deal with a huge sea beast, this talisman can directly suppress it against billions of kilograms of rocks. It can even shock it to death."

"There are a dozen of each of these five kinds of talismans, that is, 100 pieces. The price is 1 million spiritual crystals each. The bidding starts now."

"Swish, swish, swish"

Various soul consciousnesses flew by, and in the blink of an eye, Xu Yuming had five more talismans of different colors in his hands. Among them, the one he was most interested in was naturally the three-color glazed talisman, which should be the easiest one for him to master. Plant talismans.

"What is being auctioned below is the experience of a fifth-level Talisman Maker. There are only 10 copies, and each one is worth 1 million spiritual crystals. Of course, the bidder needs to be a Talisman Maker, and a fourth-level Talisman Maker, and be willing to When Sanxiu Hai is in danger, he is willing to accept the call from our Taoist Palace, otherwise he will not be able to participate in the auction."

This means that if you want to bid, you have to leave your identity. If they want to recruit you, they will send envoys directly to the place where your sect and family are... You can't refuse yet.

After all, a monk who can run away cannot run away from the temple.

If you are passed on by someone, it is good if they don't ask you to become a disciple or work hard.

If you don't want it, there are many people rushing to hug Dagong's thigh.

"So how do you make a decision?" The No. 1 private room in Tianzi has always belonged to the deity from the Taoist Palace, but standing here at this time is the palace who tested Xu Yuming before. Pretending to be a beautiful woman.

"Swish, swish, swish"

In the first moment, there were hundreds of people bidding. Although there were no fifth-level Talisman Makers present, there were quite a few fourth-level Talisman Makers.

"Thank you fellow Taoists for your enthusiasm, but we only select the Talisman Maker with the highest level of cultivation, so the Talisman Elder has prepared a fourth-level top-grade material for each of you, allowing you to use these materials for refining on site. The refining is completed Afterwards, after comparing the strength of this talisman, the top ten will be able to obtain the inheritance of these 10 fifth-level talismans. If the talismans you refine can be recognized by the elders of the talisman, it may give you some unexpected surprises."

The beautiful woman in palace attire glanced at the Tianzi Room No. 2 next to her. Wasn't the magic talisman just pretending to be hiding inside?

He is also taking exams for juniors in the school, which is obviously looking for a successor for himself.

But if Xu Yuming is really allowed to become his successor... the beautiful woman in palace attire is a little distracted. With the status of the Talisman Elder in the Taoist Palace, Xu Yuming may be somewhat worthy of her Yuyao family.

In Room No. 919, Xu Yuming only hesitated for a moment after getting a fourth-level top-quality talisman-making material. If he wanted to be foolproof, he must refine the fourth-level top-quality talisman. But this refining could not Was it exposed?

Will I be summoned by the Taoist Palace at any time in the future?

It’s okay if you don’t want this inheritance.

"If you fellow Taoists can refine a talisman that satisfies me, I will accept the talisman you refine and give you a method of refining an equivalent talisman." As the elder of the divine talisman spoke, the scene was in an uproar.

"I dare to ask, Senior Talisman, if we refine a fifth-level talisman, can you also give us a copy of the method for refining a fifth-level talisman?"


If this was said by others, they would not believe it, but this was said by the great talisman monk who is known as the first talisman maker in the Sanxiu Sea. Who dares not to believe it? Legend has it that he is already a fifth-level high-grade talisman maker. This level of realm can be called a Fu Huang.

Xu Yuming sighed, thinking that he was being shrouded in the Golden Core Talent List by the Taoist Palace, and he could not get rid of it. He was afraid that his whereabouts had already been exposed.

"Then let's refine the century-old sea talisman."

Xu Yuming breathed out a breath of dragon soul energy and poured it directly into the talisman paper in front of him. The cinnabar was crimson red, and the cursed water sealed the spirit. The talisman stood firmly on the ground, but he did not hand it in immediately. The auction was still going on, so he made his own talisman. The speed cannot be exposed.

"Then in the third round of the talisman auction, two types of fifth-level mid-grade talismans and a fifth-level mid-grade talisman array will be auctioned."

"The first type of talisman is the enlightenment talisman. It is made by the great elder of the talisman by soaking and refining the tea leaves of the tea tree that has been enlightened for thousands of years. It is absolutely miraculous. There are 10 in total. The starting price is 5 million spiritual crystals. The price will increase each time. No less than 10,000 spiritual crystals, the one with the highest price will get it."

The first three pictures were shot with 14.02 million spiritual crystals, 13.21 million spiritual crystals, and 13 million spiritual crystals respectively. I have to say that this talisman of enlightenment is quite popular.

"14 million spiritual crystals." Xu Yuming took action. He suspected that this thing, like the Awakening God Incense, could charge him with [a flash of inspiration].

The first three were sold, because the buyers were all great monks, and it was difficult for him to bid. Starting with the fourth one, he was ready to win them all.

Sure enough, no one spoke up after he raised the price, and the deal was successfully completed in a short time.

"13.5 million spiritual crystals."

"13.3 million spiritual crystals."

After taking 3 photos in a row, he also attracted the attention of many monks. He had almost 40 million spiritual crystals, which was not a small amount. Even many Nascent Soul monks did not have this much wealth in their lifetime.

Can a mere fake baby be produced?

Even if it’s not because of some shitty fortune!


Xu Yuming was overjoyed when he saw the three [Episodes] that instantly lit up after using the talisman.

"14 million spiritual crystals." When he bid again for the seventh talisman, an unconvinced voice came from the other side.

"Fellow Taoist in Room No. 919, Xiao Penglai, Xiaoxiang Sword Sect Han Jianxiao. Taoist friend has taken three pictures of enlightenment talismans in a row. He will leave some opportunities for us all to have enlightenment. I am willing to bid 1,450 Wanlingjing will definitely not take any advantage of fellow Taoist, but that's all in all fairness."

Xu Yuming frowned. The old miscellaneous hairy guy who appeared out of nowhere was standing upright at the same time. However, he could tell that the other person's aura was at the ninth level of the Yuanying. Good guy... a peak Nascent Soul expert.

"It turned out to be King Han Jian, so disrespectful."

"King Han Jian is taking action, this kid will probably give in."

"It doesn't matter what the occasion is here. There are hundreds of Nascent Soul cultivators. If you dare to bid for these good things at will, wouldn't you offend everyone and be able to leave by then?"

"15 million spiritual crystals." Xu Yuming said nothing nonsense and continued to bid.

Han Jianxiao suddenly frowned. This kid actually dared not give him face. After all, he was an old swordsman who had been famous for many years. How could he endure this grievance? "Fellow Taoist..."

"Fellow Taoist in Room No. 919, the fourth-level top-grade talisman you have refined is very popular with me. If you are willing to become my disciple, I am willing to teach you everything you have. From now on, you will be my guest. The great elder of the Dao Palace Talisman Maker is no problem, he can at least become a fifth-level Talisman Maker."

A voice spoke before him. If anyone else interrupted his conversation, Han Jianxiao vowed to scold him, but this person's aura and spiritual thoughts were superior to his. When he sensed carefully, he realized that this good guy was actually a loose person. The first talisman master in Xiuhai.

A dignified fifth-level great monk!

And what did he say?

Do you want to take on the boy No. 919, Ding Zi?


Sure enough, the whole place was in an uproar.

"Oh my God, I heard that in the early years, the Great Talisman Elder only took on apprentices twice. Now these two are both fifth-level Talisman Makers in the Taoist Palace. This one is number 919. The sword king in the room can actually have such a talent for making talismans. Notwithstanding his attainments in swordsmanship, he can also refine fourth-level top-quality talismans. He is also the lord of the talisman kings..."

"The title of Double King of Sub-Professional Achievements is the only one in the sea of ​​casual cultivators. If he hadn't been in the fake infant realm, his future would have been limitless."

"Even if it's a fake baby, he still has 1,000 years to live. No matter what happens, he can live for hundreds of years. With the Nascent Soul Monk as his backer, I'm afraid we won't be able to have any thoughts about him."

"He can refine the fourth-level top-quality talismans by himself. As long as he is willing to take advantage of such a rare talisman, which is no less powerful than a fifth-level talisman, I'm afraid there will be countless Nascent Soul cultivators in the world who can fight for him."

At first, all the Nascent Souls present felt that Xu Yuming was too arrogant and even thought about Bao Yuan, a talisman of enlightenment, and were dissatisfied with him. Some were even amazed by his wealth and wanted to record his aura.

At this time, the Nascent Soul Great Monk and the No. 1 Talisman Master in the Sanxiu Sea stood up and wanted to accept him as his disciple. Moreover, after the identities of the Fourth-Step Sword King and the Fourth-level Ultimate Talisman King were exposed... Which sect would he not become? Guest? Who dares to provoke and offend?

"15 million spiritual crystals, the first time, the second time, the third time, the deal is done!"

"I took 3 pictures in a row with 14 million spirit crystals. Congratulations to the fellow Taoist in Room No. 919, D, for taking 7 pictures of the enlightenment talisman with 97.8 million spirit crystals. I also congratulate this Talisman King on his early entry into the world." At the fifth-level realm, he became the fourth fifth-level Talisman Maker on my list of casual cultivators."


The audience burst into applause. Xu Yuming sat in the box, An Ran, and for the first time he knew that the Yuanying monk would also applaud.

Perhaps, they are all trying to please themselves and the Talisman Master.

"The boy is going to participate in the Penglai Competition. If he is lucky enough to survive, he will come to visit the seniors in the Daogong Talisman Making Lineage." After Xu Yuming spoke through the voice, the elder of the Talisman immediately laughed heartily.

"Hahaha... Okay, then I will sweep up the couch to welcome you at the Shenfu Peak of the Taoist Palace. During this period, if anyone dares to attack you outside the ring, it will be against me. The Shenfu Peak of the Taoist Palace If one lineage takes action, they will not be able to buy any fifth-level talismans from the outside world, and they will be hunted down by our Taoist Palace law enforcement team."


This is to regard the boy in front of him as his inevitable disciple. Otherwise, with his status as the Great Elder of Divine Talisman, why would he bother to win over him personally?

The Taoist Palace Law Enforcement Team was dispatched. Legend has it that only those with peak Jindan combat power can be selected. There are at least twelve outstanding Nascent Souls in the Taoist Palace Law Enforcement Team. It is rumored that the chief law enforcement elder is a fifth-level Dzogchen. The great monk didn’t know whether it was true or false.

But after the words of the Great Elder of Divine Talisman, no one dared to provoke Xu Yuming.


In front of the door, Xu Yuming threw out the spiritual crystal receiving talisman and received a jade slip.

After scanning his spiritual mind, he saw a complete fifth-level mid-level inheritance, which was a bit stronger than the fifth-level low-level talisman maker's inheritance previously auctioned, and it also included the refining of the five elements talisman of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. The method of making them is that these are fifth-level low-grade talismans.

Putting it outside, it is absolutely priceless. It is a private method of making talismans that the Taoist Palace will never sell outside.

At the bottom of the box, there is a piece of talisman paper, with the treasure of the great elder of the talisman clearly engraved on it. It is a tribute and reward to him, and it is also a true trust and expectation.

【One Breath Longevity Talisman】

After seeing this name, Xu Yuming took a deep breath. This symbol is called the best talisman in the world because it requires ten thousand years of Yin locust wood as an introduction, and even a monk who has been dead for a hundred years can rely on this breath to survive forever. , can also attract and cultivate a trace of soul power, slowly nourish and grow, which can ensure that the monk's remaining soul does not die and gradually returns to perfection.

You can even turn into a ghost cultivator!

And as a combat aid, the One Breath Eternal Talisman can preserve a trace of your soul power anywhere in the world of immortality. Unless a monk with the power of the rules of cause and effect can chase your soul thread to the place where you hide your remnant soul, Otherwise, you all have one chance to be reincarnated.

What a coincidence...

What nourishes the old thing Baiyin Sophora japonica is a piece of ten thousand year old Sophora japonica tree.

Xu Yuming turned over his hand and took out a palm-sized piece of ten-thousand-year-old locust tree. Judging from its size, he could refine at least 10 one-breath longevity talismans. "And this breath-lasting talisman is hard to find on the market. I don't know if it is." It’s hard to find locust trees that have been planted for thousands of years, but the Taoist Palace is deliberately trying to whet your appetite.”

"Which monk doesn't have relatives, friends and children around him whose longevity is exhausted, their soul power is about to collapse, and their cultivation potential is too low to climb to a higher realm in the future."

"One of these Talismans of Everlasting Breath can be sold for a sky-high price. If I have ten of them, I can definitely invite many Nascent Souls to work for me."

Talisman... Is he a good person, or an elder with some expectations? Or, hypocrisy?

Thanks to brother lwh513520 for the 500-point reward, and thanks to brother book friend 20230708105614264 for the 100-point reward. Thank you both, I am very grateful!

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