Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 401 The power of auction rules, is this the foundation of becoming a god?

There was a powerful sword intention brewing in Xu Yuming's eyes, but he held it back.

At this time, the auction venue has entered the climax of the follow-up.

"Fellow Taoists, the final item has appeared again. The Shui Xuan Stone with the power of 1 rule has a price of 200,000 Spiritual Jade per piece, 10 pieces in total."


Xu Yuming felt a little emotional. The power of one rule is worth 200,000 spirit jade, so what if there are almost 20,000 in his body?

Isn’t it rich enough to rival the country?

"Three two one, snap the shot!"


In less than a breath, these powers of rules were sold out. Xu Yuming knew that the power of rules was so powerful that it allowed him to fight across the ranks and cross the chasm between the golden elixir and Yuanying.

"It's really crazy." Xu Yuming couldn't help but shake his head.

"Everyone, what is being auctioned below is the Fire Profound Stone. The price is the same as 200,000 Ling Jade, 10 stones in total."

Xu Yuming's eyes were solemn. He felt that the Taoist Palace in front of him wanted to master the rules of the Sanxiu Sea. He even targeted these Nascent Souls to feed the lambs on the spot. From time to time, he even took out some stones that contained the power of the rules to plunder their accumulated savings. The spiritual jade that came down.

But...someone is going to be fooled.

"Can I come in?"

While Xu Yuming was thinking, an old voice came from outside the door.

"It's Senior Talisman, of course. I haven't thanked you for your gift to me yet." Xu Yuming smiled and removed the restrictions on the door, allowing the Great Elder Talisman to step inside.

"Xu Yuming, who is in the top 30 on the Golden Elixir List, I have already taken action to cover up the secret for you, otherwise you will be in the top 10 next time as the King of Talisman and the King of Swords." The great elder of Divine Talisman from Jilaishu , unexpectedly sat down next to Xu Yuming. This kind-faced elder with white hair and white beard turned out to be a short old man.

"I thought I could be in the top three, but no matter what, I would still be in the top five."

Xu Yuming saw that the way he spoke was just like the elders of the family, so he became more casual.

"Then you are overthinking. Just the geniuses from each branch of our Taoist Palace can occupy four places in the top ten and be called the Four Holy Sons of Taoism. If you have that ability, in the realm of Jindan Defeat them, and your future will be limitless. If you are willing to join me as my disciple, or join my Taoist Palace talisman-making lineage, I dare say that you will have a place in the future deity transformation sequence."

"Senior, you and I are both talisman masters. You should say that I would be more interested if you took out the fifth-level high-grade talisman and passed it on to me."

The great elder of Shenfu shook his head, "Devil cultivators, demon cultivators, ghost cultivators, and the sea clan, their power is too strong. My child, there is only one human clan orthodoxy like the Taoist Palace in the Sanxiu sea. You should know that, you You will never get the same resources as here in the outside world, and there is even a sixth-level top-grade spiritual vein for you to practice."

"But there are already four great saints in the Taoist Palace. They won't give me the best opportunities and treatment. I can only be second-rate. Why can't I continue to be the chicken head in the outside world instead of your phoenix tail? "

"The phoenix tail is still a phoenix in the sky, not a bird on the branch. Have you thought about it?" The elder of Shenfu looked melancholy, and here comes another dumbfounded young man. This kid seems to be over a hundred years old, so why is he so young? What about stubbornness?

Xu Yuming shook his head, "If the senior wants to tell the whereabouts of Yuyao, the junior can hang up as a free guest in the Taoist Palace. After all, this is the only way to meet her."

"You can fully participate in the matter of the Taoist Palace... Please forgive me for not obeying my orders."

"You, become the heir of the Fu Fu lineage. When you inherit my position in the future, you can even let her marry you legitimately." The Great Elder Shen Fu thought of the stubborn beautiful woman in palace clothes, and still The old man who made the list of the geniuses of the Haijindan cultivator couldn't help but sigh, this kid's fate is really bad.

"Yu Yao and I have children. We have been married for a long time. We don't need anyone to make decisions for us." Xu Yuming's eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the void. He looked towards Room No. 1 Tianzi and saw the beautiful woman in palace clothes.

"As for the opportunity to become a god, I naturally have it in the outside world."

"My potential is something that some ignorant and ignorant people cannot see through."

The Great Elder Shenfu knew what he was saying and couldn't help but sigh, "You are young and energetic. After a few hundred years, you may regret your words today. By then... the gap between you and that person will be getting bigger."

"Senior, is there a second god incarnation in the Taoist Palace?"

"Huh?" The Great Elder of Shenfu looked up at Xu Yuming and saw that his eyes were full of stars, and his eyes were like the sun and the moon. "How can I transcend the world without seeing the outside world?"

"I think the power of becoming gods in your Taoist Palace has been passed down from generation to generation."

The Great Elder of Divine Talisman seemed to have had an epiphany as if struck by lightning, but he was born to be a Talisman cultivator, and he was indeed a little behind in cultivation, not as good as those Nascent Soul monks who stood at the top.

"This boy is so bold." At this time, in the room No. 1 of the Tianzi, a beautiful woman in palace attire had evil eyes. If she hadn't been warned by that person, she might have been able to break her feet with a kick. The floor immediately trampled Xu Yuming to death.

"But what he said is not unreasonable." An old breath came to his ears, "Wenyue, maybe we are all wrong, aren't we?"

The beautiful woman in palace clothes couldn't help but raise her head in surprise, "Are you wrong? Even with your talent, if you can't transform into a god, who else in this world of casual cultivators can do it?"

"But after all, I am an inheritance, not a detachment."

"Not that comfortable."

The beautiful woman in palace clothes sighed, knowing his decision, "So after this Penglai competition..."

"Leave two or three people who are guarding the house, and the rest can go out for a walk. The Taoist Palace was built for asking questions, not for guarding the soil. Geniuses have been born in the human race for generations. I have already felt the second wave of divine transformation. I'm angry, maybe this world is not so dangerous."

In Room No. 919, the Great Talisman opposite Xu Yuming pondered for a long time and finally stood up.

"I owe you a favor, what do you want?"

It's nothing more than a suggestion to let you go out, you just take it as a favor...

Xu Yuming didn't know whether the Talisman Elder in front of him really wanted to build a relationship with him, or whether he was really grateful.

"Can I use a fifth-level middle-grade enlightenment talisman?"

"Okay, there is also a pack of enlightenment tea leaves here, a total of one hundred leaves, please take it."

"I hope you can achieve something."


Before leaving, the Great Elder Shenfu wanted to tell Xu Yuming two things.

"Don't improve too quickly. Talisman makers also need time to settle down. Pay attention to understanding the power of rules. After entering the fifth level, if you cannot master the power of rules, the talismans you refine may be different from those of Talisman Makers of the same level. There’s a big gap.”

Saying that, Xu Yuming held up a talisman from the void, which was his self-created void land-building talisman.

"It's almost close to the level of the fifth-level mid-level. It seems that I am worried too much. Your boy's mastery of the power of rules is not inferior to some old Yuanying monsters." What he said should be those big Yuanying monsters. A monk.

"By the way...she will also participate in the Penglai Competition this time. If possible, try her best to get a good ranking."

As he left a sound-transmitting conch and walked away, Xu Yuming couldn't help but sigh as he looked at his lonely back.

A dignified Taoist Palace talisman maker, the number one talisman maker in the Sanxiu Sea, and a great monk of Nascent Soul. No matter how many people wanted to worship at his door and serve tea or water, they couldn't reach his threshold. Yet he begged to inherit the Taoist Palace. He was offered the mantle of talisman making, but he refused. If this spread, how many people would hate him to the core?

[Old guy, I have entered the fifth level. 】

【real? 】

The sound transmission fell thousands of miles away, and the ancestor Zixu suddenly turned over and sat up, almost going backwards.

[The Void Escape Talisman and the Void Land Building Talisman that I created are the same. They are left in the auction house locker No. 919 on Penglai Immortal Island. You can pick them up by yourself. 】

[Okay, when will you return to the clan? 】

【After Nascent Soul. 】

After the message transmission was completed, Xu Yuming focused on the auction that was not over yet.

"Fellow Taoists, have you ever felt the bottleneck in your cultivation after becoming a great monk at Yuanying?"

"Do you feel that your combat power cannot reach the bottleneck of becoming a god?"

At this time, on the auction stage, True Monarch Qian was still tempting.

"I have two great things for the finale here."

"One of them is my experience of transforming the Lord Guixu into a mortal from the Dao Palace."


In the Tianzihao room, the auras of at least twenty Nascent Soul cultivators burst out, making Xu Yuming a little bit speechless. This Sanxiu Sea is really a paradise for monks, and it has actually given birth to so many extremely powerful people below the fifth level.

"There is another piece. It is a treasure that can explode the power of transforming into gods. It is not a talisman, but a jade pendant used by Lord Guixu in his early years. It contains an unparalleled strike that is enough to kill any living thing in time."

"If you want it, then give me something in exchange."

"One of them, the coordinates of the undersea mausoleum."

"Second, a sixth-level treasure or magical power to transform into mortal beings."

"Third, the sixth level skill."

After Qian Zhenjun raised three fingers, the entire audience was silent.

It's really too difficult. Who dares to take out the sixth-level technique easily? Aren't they afraid that the Taoist Palace will silence them? Which one of them is sure to escape from the hands of the God-Transforming Lord?

In the entire history of the Sanxiu Sea, there have been only a few powerful masters who have transformed into gods and goddesses. However, according to the legend of hands and feet, at least half of the twenty people have disappeared in the long river of history... Where are they going to find the sixth level magical power and the mortal treasure?

As for the underwater mausoleum later, it is somewhat reliable.

Xu Yuming saw Lord Money on the stage with narrowed eyes and a smile, "Fellow Taoists, a monk has already made a deal with me in the Taoist Palace, so today's auction ends here."

"Starting tomorrow, we will hold the grand Penglai Competition of the Sanxiu Hai. At that time, Jindan cultivators from all races in the Sanxiu Hai will participate in the battle. From now on, the number of Jindan masters who have signed up has exceeded 50,000. Among them, the Hai tribe, There are quite a few demon cultivators, devil cultivators, ghost cultivators, and corpse cultivators, so if your disciples and juniors want to participate, you have to prepare in advance."

"Outside the auction, there will be many fourth-level elixirs and self-defense weapons. Fellow Taoists, please help yourself."

As the auction ended, everyone hurriedly walked out, because there were two duels about to break out off the coast of Penglai Island.

The old bone dragon of Juelong Island and Canglanzi of Canglan Sect.

There are also the Sword King Han Jianxiao of the Xiao Penglai Xiaoxiang Sword Sect, and Xu Yuming, the leader of the younger generation who is the Talisman King and the Sword King.

These two battles can be regarded as appetizers before the Penglai Competition.

When they arrived, they found that the four figures floating in the sky had already arrived.

"Senior Han, why don't you and I wait for the two seniors to decide the winner before we fight again." Xu Yuming stared at Han Jianxiao opposite him, somewhat unsure of the opponent's details, but he didn't want to miss the two Nascent Soul monks. duel.

"That's fine." Han Jianxiao was only one step away from the great monk Yuanying, and he was looking forward to the fight between the two.



The old bone dragon appeared floating in the air riding a two thousand feet long bone dragon flying corpse, standing thousands of feet above the sea to the west, full of domineering aura.

Canglanzi stepped on a Canglan moon shark, standing on the sea to the east, as humble as a valley.

"Both of them have reached the realm of Nascent Soul great monks, and the Bone Dragon Flying Corpse and the Canglan Moon Shark beside them are both existences comparable to fifth-level great monks."

"This battle is really exciting. Both of them are top-notch warriors under the Transformation God. They both have the record of killing the great monks of Yuanying alone, and I am afraid that they have killed many Yuanyings in their hands. More than ten people.”

"But the two of you haven't made a move for many years. At their age, the Qi and blood have declined, and the five declines of heaven and humans may come at any time. Such a hearty battle may lead to the difference between life and death."

Under the chatter of the hundreds of Nascent Soul monks who were watching, the number of monks gathered nearby to watch the battle exceeded one million, and the stream of light in the distance was still increasing. In order to let them have a good time, Penglai Immortal Island The spectators also propped up the first layer of the sixth-order magic weapon light to prevent the aftermath of the battle from hurting these distinguished guests who had just spent money in their Penglai auction house.


With just one blow, the flying bone dragon corpse under the old bone dragon's feet shattered the entire sea, and then was instantly blown thousands of miles away by the power of the moon sacrificed by the Canglan Moon Shark. The Canglan Moon Shark suddenly raised its head. With a roar, all the sea water within a radius of 100,000 miles was shaken into the air and pushed towards the old bone dragon on the opposite side.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the huge wind roll instantly shattered the waves within a radius of 100,000 miles.

Xu Yuming's eyes were solemn. The rules of water and the rules of wind. Both of them have mastered the power of at least hundreds of rules... Could it be that the Yuanying Great Monk wants to master the power of rules and be able to do so within ten years? How can he become the strongest among the gods by using it within ten thousand miles?

He blinked, feeling that if he could cultivate to this level, he should be able to do better than the two of them.


In the third battle, the mana mobilized by both sides instantly hit the coast. Even the sixth-level island protection formation was trembling violently, which was enough to show that the power of the two combined forces had already reached the sixth level.

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