Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 404: Third on the Golden Elixir List, the Penglai Competition Begins

"Oh my God, is this the battle of the sword kings? The sword power alone can cause the world to collapse. Even if their cultivation has not reached the realm of great monks, it is not far behind."

"Han Jianxiao is still at the peak of Nascent Soul after all. What kind of person is Xu Yuming? Only the Golden Elixir Perfection can produce such combat power?"

"This is why we are ranked eleventh on the Golden Elixir List. Doesn't it mean that everyone in the top ten has the combat power of a Yuanying Great Monk?"

"This is too exaggerated. I seem to have signed up for the Penglai Competition. The selection battle will begin tomorrow. I wonder if I have to face such a monster. I may... not be able to withstand his sword."

The turmoil in today's two competitions, if Master Bone Dragon and Cang Lanzi were taken under the command of Taoist Palace, made countless people feel lucky that their human side still retained the strongest combat power among the two transformed gods.

The battle between the two sword masters made them realize the difference between sword cultivators.

"Maybe...this is genius."

When the number of monks on Penglai Immortal Island was increasing, a loud sound came from heaven and earth.

[Third Xu Yuming on the Golden Elixir List, Fourth Step Sword King, Fu King, is suspected of mastering the Void Shadow Sword Way. Reward: One hundred Sword Rule Stones. 】

"That's crazy. Xu Yuming's level of swordsmanship is already so outrageous. We reward him with a hundred sword rules stones. Doesn't it contain a hundred sword rules? Isn't this equivalent to strengthening his strength before the Penglai Competition? Really? This San Xiu Hai Jin Dan Tianjiao List was produced by the Taoist Palace. Is it possible that they are deliberately favoring and supporting Xu Yuming?"


Sitting cross-legged in the secret room of Fangshi, Xu Yuming put a hundred sword rules stones into his bag with a casual move. He could use these hundred sword rules to test his newly mastered Time Sword Intent and Yin Yang Sword Intent.

"If I can replicate the move of Yin Yang Cutting Dawn, then I can have one more killer move. Maybe... I can also use the way of the sword to get all the way to the top 100."


While Xu Yuming was immersed in studying the meaning of the sword, the day and night passed by in an instant without even realizing it.

The bronze bell on Wenwen Mountain rang, and immediately the tens of millions of monks staying in Fang City all stood up, harnessed the flowing light of magic weapons, and ran through Fang City, quickly gathering towards the distant mountain hall. .

"Everyone, the Penglai Competition begins today. There are a total of 51,974 Jindan Daoist monks participating in the competition."

"The preliminaries will be held today. Each person will compete in at least three duels. The winner of all three matches will directly enter the knockout round. The one-on-one arena battle will be completed on the 100,000-seat arena in Daoshan Mountain."

"In this Penglai competition, any means are not allowed. Of course, it is not allowed to interfere in this battle with the protection of powerful magical powers that exceed the Nascent Soul level. You can use puppets, talismans, formations, elixirs, spiritual beasts, and ghost servants. Wait for things to join the battle, go up to the ring, the sword has no eyes, and it doesn’t matter life or death.”

"In this competition, we will also dispatch 30,000 Zifu monks, 3,000 Jindan Daoist, and 300 Yuanying Zhenjun as supervisors, including ten Nascent Soul monks invited by our Taoist Palace. "

Ten Nascent Soul monks...

Xu Yuming settled on the street and saw at a glance the 100,000 arenas floating in the sky in the distance, covering the entire Penglai Immortal Island. Each one was about a thousand feet in size. Such fighting techniques could not be used by Jindan Zhenren. All methods can be regarded as limiting their actions.

"Such a terrain is quite beneficial to my physical cultivation state." Xu Yuming thought of this, hesitated for a moment, and still decided not to use other methods of his own. After all, he should be able to steadily enter the top ten by relying only on sword cultivation. There is no need. Too much exposure.

Among the ten Nascent Soul monks, he recognized four of them: Master Bone Dragon, Cang Lanzi, Great Elder Shenfu, and Gold and Silver Master. These four were all from Taoist Palace. When the great monks sent out such a lineup, they were probably worried that other evil monks would cause trouble.

"Let's start the first random duel."

"The corresponding arena will appear on the wooden competition cards in your hands."

Xu Yuming looked up and saw that there were 10,000 arenas in each of the ten directions of A, B, C, Ding, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Rengui. This battle was only 26,000 times, and most of the arenas would be vacant. In the first round... he should not encounter The genius on the golden elixir list.


The wooden sign in his hand suddenly flashed, and the words "Xin Zi No. 4453" appeared. With a sweep of his mind, he instantly discovered the location of the arena. The moment he appeared on it, the streams of light from all directions were already heading towards it. Fall down to the corresponding ring.

After he stared at the opposite side and waited for more than ten breaths, he saw a burly man over three meters tall appearing in front of him.

"The shark demon who ate the shape-shifting fruit?" Xu Yuming looked at the fish gills on his cheeks that had not yet faded away. This shape-shifting fruit was only the fourth level, so it could not directly and perfectly transform into a human form like the sixth-level shape-shifting grass. .


As soon as the opponent came up, he burst out with blood evil energy that could kill millions of creatures. The moment he appeared in front of Xu Yuming in a flash, Xu Yuming's eyes were full of evil, and his right hand suddenly pointed forward.

The index finger and the middle finger formed sword fingers and thrust out suddenly. A bright sword light instantly penetrated it, shattering it and turning it into a rain of blood.

Xu Yuming calmly retracted his fingers and turned to look at the Zifu Sanren who were sent by Taoist Palace to host the competition.

"Xin Zi Arena No. 4453, Xu Yuming wins!"

Xu Yuming's battle here ended too quickly. After he dodged back to the square, he immediately calmed down and hid among the crowd. On the other hand, the battle above lasted for a full day before it was finally over.

But what surprised him was that he saw many old acquaintances.

Even Huang Yuyao appeared in Arena No. 898.

"Yao Yao, it's been a long time." Xu Yuming said with some emotion on his face. He had been ordered to sit in San Xiu Hai for thirty years. Although with his current strength, he no longer needed to care about this order of the Five Beasts Sect, he stayed in San Xiu Hai. , and the thought of finding Huang Yuyao is not out of the question.

In addition, he also saw the Holy Son of the Fish Dragon who was ninety-nine on the Golden Elixir List. Opposite this boy was an old man from the human race in the middle stage of the Golden Elixir. After he swallowed it in one gulp, he moved it casually in his mouth. He spat it out and landed on the ground with only half a breath left.

However, he did not dare to offend the high-level human beings in the Taoist Palace here, so he naturally did not dare to kill them at will.

"There are still a few very familiar auras. It's just my old friends. Have they really stepped into the Golden Pill?" Xu Yuming was a little suspicious. He always felt that many of the Golden Pill monks present felt familiar.

Especially some monks who use the Five Beasts Sect's techniques.

"After the first round, there are still 49,899 monks left. The second round of eliminations will follow. Those Taoists who lose two games in a row can leave this Penglai competition directly."

Good guy, two thousand people were killed in the first round of fighting?

Although some of the monks were forced to withdraw from the Penglai Competition due to disability and poor condition, this is too exaggerated.

Xu Yuming still entered this battle at Arena No. 4453, and the monk who appeared opposite him at this time was a ghost cultivator holding a soul-calling flag.

When the opponent sacrificed a golden elixir ninth level ghost servant and five golden elixir early stage ghost servants, Xu Yuming opened his mouth and spit out a breath of sword energy, with a sword flying white. It was just the beginning stage of Feibai sword intention, and he instantly killed six The ghost servant was chopped into ashes, the soul-summoning flag in his hand was broken directly, and his head was instantly cut into pieces.

Xu Yuming showed no mercy to him, because this boy seemed to have killed a female monk before. To deal with such a cruel and murderous evil heretic, of course, after defeating him, he stepped forward and used a flying sword to pick up the storage ring he left behind. ?

After killing a demon and a ghost, Xu Yuming landed in the square and took inventory of his harvest. He actually picked up 4 spiritual weapons. The rest of the harvest totaled almost more than 7 million top-grade spiritual stones. His net worth was really good, but they were all at a disadvantage to him.

While he was thinking on the spot, the Fish-Dragon Holy Son came closer at some point.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, I haven't seen you for a long time. I never thought that you were already the third best in Golden Core. I knew you were extraordinary that day on Chaos King Island. I never thought that your strongest skill was swordsmanship."

Xu Yuming looked him over and said, "At the Golden Elixir Great Perfection Realm, after today's battle with fellow Taoist Yulong, I am afraid that I will be able to go one step further. I hope you and I will not encounter it in advance."

There was a bit of bitterness on the face of the Holy Son of Fish and Dragon, "This is natural, I don't want to be eliminated early."

This time it ended earlier. Maybe they would be eliminated directly after two defeats. Many of the monks who still had reservations went all out this time. However, at the end of the fight, Xu Yuming found that there were only five people left in the arena. The number of seats of ten thousand has been reduced by half, and the range of the arena has been expanded to two thousand feet, which is enough for them to exert some golden elixir magical powers with all their strength.

"The third round of the competition is about to begin. Before this battle, the 3,571 fellow Taoists who lost all two battles are asked to leave immediately. In this competition, there are still 45,577 left. people."

"After this battle, Taoist friends who have lost two games please leave immediately. Taoist friends who have won two games, please continue to fight against each other. There is also a chance to advance. Taoist friends who have won three games will all enter the knockout round, and everyone will be Get the fourth-level meditation tea given by the Taoist Palace for three coins."

Good guy, just give me three coins... Dao Palace, who has a big family and a big business, is stingy enough.


This time Xu Yuming landed on the No. 1127th stage of B. The person who appeared opposite him was a monk from the Canghai Tyrant Sect. Moreover, he was covered in golden light and had a beast soul wandering around. I'm afraid he's also a peak fourth-order physical cultivator.


Xu Yuming pointed out with a sword, and a hundred sword rules burst out, directly turning into a hundred sword lights in the air and piercing his limbs, knocking him to the ground with heavy injuries.

"Bi word No. 1127, Xu Yuming wins!"

"Arena No. 88, Huang Yuyao wins!"

Huang Yuyao faced the eyes that were paying attention to her at this time, looked back at Xu Yuming, and then frowned slightly. She seemed to have lost her memory, but she always felt that the male cultivator in front of her was very familiar to her.

"He seems to be a genius on the Golden Elixir List... I don't know if he will meet me later, but he seems to know me."

Xu Yuming faced her unfamiliar eyes and felt a sharp pain in his heart. Then he couldn't help but cursed at the monks in the palace. Although he didn't know Yuyao's level of mana at the fourth level of the Golden Core and her physical state at the early stage of the fifth level at this time. , what she has experienced, but to arbitrarily deprive her of her memories and past is a bit too much.

"If by some chance I can become a god, I might as well knock on your door and ask."

With his methods, after entering the realm of God Transformation, he will naturally not be afraid of those veteran God Transformers. The worst they can do is fight hard and turn the Taoist Palace upside down.

"so close."

Xu Yuming saw the Fish-Dragon Holy Son standing next to him. This guy's golden robes were stained with a lot of animal blood. When he saw Xu Yuming's eyes, he smiled bitterly.

"Fellow Daoist Xu easily won three consecutive victories. I was not very lucky. I met the Guhai Tiger Demon King. This guy is in the realm of the Great Demon King and has mastered four powerful innate magical powers. One of them is a great magical power with great power. It’s amazing, I couldn’t stop it at all. If it weren’t for this skin, which can be considered rough and thick, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to survive it.”

Xu Yuming was about to answer when he saw countless stars falling on the stage. There were at least 20,000 monks, and there were only more than 10,000 people who were directly promoted like them.

"After this battle, will all the geniuses on the Golden Elixir List be there?" Xu Yuming turned around and asked.

"Almost all of them are here. There are still some who have the potential to be included in the Jindan Tianjiao list. There are also many monks who were previously ranked. Xu Daoyou, do you want me to tell you which guys are the most powerful and troublesome? I have seen You have several formidable enemies."


Xu Yuming couldn't help but be curious, "I can fight with King Han Jian at the peak of Nascent Soul. What golden elixir can fight with me?"

"The one who ranks first on the Golden Elixir List should have the record of killing the Nascent Soul Monk alone."

"Second on the Golden Elixir List, he also has a record of tying with the Yuanying Great Monk."

"To enter the top ten of the Golden elixir list, you have to escape from the nose of the great monk Yuanying. Xu Daoyou has mastered the Void Shadow Sword Intention. It is not difficult to do this step. But there is a gap in strength, but the first two are still pretty good. Be big."

Xu Yuming didn't say anything, then he heard the boy lower his voice, "One of them has practiced the ancient secret method and can suppress his own cultivation many times. If the ordinary person's golden elixir only has the ninth level, then he is at least the forty-ninth level now. The cultivation level is comparable to the fourth level of Nascent Soul."

"The other one seems to have opened up three dantians, the upper, middle and lower. His spiritual power is three times that of mine, and he is also a special spiritual body. His physique is above the heavenly spiritual root. As long as he does not die, he can cultivate to the level of Yuan. The Infant's Great Perfection is almost certain, if he can pass the stage of transforming into a mortal and slaying a god, then he has a 50% chance of transforming into a god."

"Is that so?"

Xu Yuming blinked, "Then I'd be interested in meeting them for a while."

"How many positions is your goal this time, Fellow Daoist Fish Dragon?"

"Let's get into the top 100 first. There are a lot of monsters in this battle, but the rewards in this Penglai Competition are quite generous. If possible, I would also like to get into the top 50 and give it a try."

Thank you for your 500-coin reward and support from the hard-core Taoist Luo Jiutian.

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