Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 412 Knife and Sword, Five Steps of Holy Sword Technique


In the huge Penglai sea area, with a radius of millions of miles, there are a hundred arenas above the sky, covering an area of ​​thousands of miles. At this time, there are two golden elixir geniuses on them.

Xu Yuming stared at Liao Buchuan, the fourteenth on the Golden Elixir List opposite. This guy's resume had been passed down by Qu Xi below. Before he stepped into the cultivation of immortals, he was actually a mortal force in the Tao Tower.

In the spring and autumn of the twenty-second year, he witnessed at least one hundred thousand famous swords in the world. He developed the sword spirit of the Spring and Autumn Period and became the emperor of swords and the tyrant of swords. After he entered the path of cultivation, he soared into the sky with his sword. He intends to defeat the geniuses of all walks of life, and is valued by various swordsmanship sects. He has taught his unique skills to more than 30 seniors of Zifu's Golden Core swordsmanship.

"This is simply the template for the protagonist." Xu Yuming was full of emotions. He was not as lucky as him, but he definitely couldn't find a force in the mortal world. He spent twenty-two years practicing swords and let him make talismans for decades. , he also found another way out of frustration.


The first test between the two was the battle between the Spring and Autumn Sword Intent and the Time Sword Intent. After the two terrifying artistic conceptions under time took action, the fighting around them seemed to have been fixed by time. After Xu Yuming witnessed the sword intent's collapse, he was already The figure escaped into the shadows, and a sword was thrust out with the fierce wind howling.


The sword energy failed, but Void forcibly transferred the sword energy to the opponent, and the blow that instantly shattered Void also caused Liao Buchuan on the opposite side to suffer a heavy loss. The high-grade robe he was wearing, at this time It was already in pieces, with more than a dozen strips of cloth hanging on it, like a beggar on the street.

The back was also bloody and bloody, as if it had been traumatized after two fights.

But Xu Yuming knew from the rapid scarring of his wounds that this guy also had the opportunity to practice physical cultivation.


As he unleashed his sword intent with all his strength, a thousand sword rules condensed into thousands of miles of sword shadows and slashed down.

The collapse of the void is not unique to Xu Yuming.

Almost no monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul dared to take this blow head on. Xu Yuming dodged and walked out of the void. He dodged this blow, but if he continued to hit it for hundreds of times, the opponent would be able to kill it with ease. If he continued like this, Going down, the void collapsed, the arena shattered, and the formation was shattered. He could only fight to a draw with the opponent.

But according to the rules of two hundred and one hundred this time, if there is a tie, there is a possibility that both of them will be eliminated.

So we can no longer hide.

As Xu Yuming waved his hand, a sea of ​​clouds appeared.

The first sword move, the golden cloud curtain covers the colorful clouds!


Liao Buchuan, who was on the opposite side, saw this sword and remained calm. He raised his hand and slashed out with the 108th sword, directly shattering the sword light. The golden light in the sky was eclipsed by the sword light, and even the sea of ​​clouds was struck by the sword. Chop.

"His extreme sword intention actually has a superimposed effect. This person is really crazy. If it reaches more than two hundred swords, even his own body and magic power will not be able to control it."

Xu Yuming was filled with emotions, his hands kept moving, and the ever-changing life-threatening sword had already been released.

The sword light rose, and the sword that traveled through the void had been steadily blocked by him with ten consecutive cuts.

Xu Yuming drew his sword again, yin and yang cut off the dawn!

The other party also mobilized the ultimate sword intention with all his strength, using thirty swords in one breath to fully unfold the immortal Yin and Yang sword intention, but then the sword successfully cut his sleeve.

"Tear? Or void."

The indifferent Liao Buchuan had already made his 148th strike, and his limit was only 198. He came here to find an opponent who had cultivated his artistic conception to the extreme, and Xu Yuming happened to be such a person.


Thirty swords in one breath, the power of these thirty swords can be superimposed by more than 20%, all integrated into one sword, with the light and shadow of spring and autumn, and the gravity of the deep sea falling.

Xu Yuming's body was woven with three thousand sword rules, three times as many as his opponent's, and he suddenly fell with a sword.

The fourth sword move - Higurashi Xiangguan!


With a loud noise, the formation guarding the arena shattered and the arena collapsed, but the two of them could still stand under the void.

The opponent's arm began to bleed. Although he relied on the Spring and Autumn Sword Intent to block the erosion of his life energy and the power of time by Higurashi Xiangguan's move, and did not lose his longevity, he was still stabbed by Xu Yuming. He found that the sword energy he had in his spare time had been used to its extreme. This was the benefit of the shadow sword energy, a natural assassin.

In an extreme duel, you just need to thrust one more sword than the enemy.


Opposite him, Liao Buchuan was already breathing heavily, because he had already reached the one hundred and seventy-eighth cut, and he could no longer use the secret sword style of thirty cuts in one breath.


As he shouted loudly, he breathed ten swords, all integrated into the endless domineering sword intention. In an instant, countless swords within hundreds of thousands of miles trembled suddenly, and then quickly lowered their heads.

"The king dominates the world!"

The sword shattered the remaining formation, and he was probably caught off guard. Any late-stage Nascent Soul monks who did not use their magical powers and magic weapons to resist would be severely injured by this move, but Xu Yuming just attacked Rimu Xiangguan again.

This time, time did not take away the spring and autumn on the opposite side, but gathered the endless clouds and mist again. Xu Yuming ducked and appeared directly on the opposite side. The rules of the sword under the sword suddenly increased to five thousand. Under the full explosion, a sword The mark had successfully penetrated Liao Buchuan's right shoulder.


He could barely hold the sword in his hand, but his eyes remained firm.

Moreover, under Xu Yuming's shocked gaze, his spiritual intelligence had disappeared, and he was completely controlled by the sword in his hand.

"not good!"

Xu Yuming's face changed greatly, because this would allow the extremely high-grade sword to exert its strength beyond Liao Buchuan's own strength. If the owner of the sword had been a fifth-step sword king, then he would be in trouble.

But whatever he fears comes true.

"Climb mountains and rivers in one step!"

The mountains and rivers are shaking, and the heaven and earth are tsunami!

Endless sword intent gathered together, no less powerful than a strike from the Holy Law. The moment Xu Yuming was filled with emotion, the flying white sword intent in his hand had fully exploded.

"One sword floats to life!"

Xu Yuming thrust out his sword, directly blocking the incoming attack of the endless sword intent, and then took a dozen steps back before removing the power of the heaven, earth, mountains and sea above the sword intent.

"Two holy methods attack and kill at the same time?"

"Unexpectedly, these two have actually mastered the fifth step. If they are used in the final decisive battle, these methods, which are comparable to the holy method, will definitely be a blockbuster."

"It's a pity that they ended up in a competition between two hundred and one hundred."

"The swordsman would rather break than bend, and the swordsman will move forward indomitably. Only this kind of duel is worthy of the real Penglai Competition. This is the real battle of geniuses."

"What a domineering sword intention, what a dashing sword intention. If I read it correctly, Xu Yuming is using the Feiyun Sword Intent of the ancient Feiyun Sword Emperor."

"And the Liao Buchuan on the opposite side... this is no longer his own strength. Speaking of which, he has violated the rules. His mind was taken away by the sword in his hand. This is tantamount to a Nascent Soul monk coming to replace him. In battle, even if he wins, it will be a weak victory."

"Yes, yes."

The monks watching around were muttering here that Xu Yuming wanted to take action, but on the other hand, a slender figure appeared on the opposite side and directly held Liao Buchuan down.

"Who dares to disrupt the Penglai Competition?" As soon as he appeared, he was targeted by at least hundreds of Nascent Soul auras nearby. Even the Nascent Soul monks did not dare to take it calmly. After all, many of these Nascent Souls have been famous for a long time. The veteran strongman.

"I'm the Hell Sword King, are you going to stop me?" The old man's hair was disheveled. When he looked back, the monks in the Taoist Palace all looked shocked.

"It turns out to be Uncle Hell."

"Everyone, please stop, this is the junior brother of Guixu Shenjun, and a great secret to my Taoist Palace."


There was an uproar all around, and countless monks looked sideways. Good guy, there is a fourth-step sword king, and he is the kind who has studied the art of swords for many years. After all, Lord Guixu is rumored to be over five or six thousand years old. This time If you can live for such a long time, even if you are not a god, you are not far away from becoming a god.

What is this kind of strength... coming out for?


He stretched out his hand to press the handle of the knife, suppressing the troublesome sword, and then held Liao Buchuan, who was weak and unconscious, in his arms.

"Everyone, Xu Yuming won this battle. I took this son away when I saw Xun Xinqi."

"Wait a minute."

A monk below immediately spoke to stop him, "It's okay that your Taoist Palace accepted two Nascent Soul monks as disciples overseas. You also want to win this King Liao Dao. Is that because you are participating in the Penglai Competition this time?" If you take a fancy to the genius, you can take advantage of it."


The Hell Knife King snorted coldly, "I am definitely not like this as a human being. If I don't take action, then he will be the only one who will die with the continuous sword intent. The person opposite, Xu Yuming, will also die."

"Senior Sword King, you violated the rules of the ring and the rules of two-person competition by intervening in this battle. I think you want to take someone away and you need to compensate our young sect master." Among the crowd, Li Li, who has already stepped into the Nascent Soul realm. Bing stepped out, cupped his fists and bowed to the Hell Knife King, shouting.

Xu Yuming couldn't help but give him a thumbs up in his heart. He gave Li Bing a low-grade Infant Transformation Pill. He really knew how to find an opportunity to reach out. He was a first-rate powerhouse under the Transformation God. If he could get it from If you squeeze out a little good stuff from between your fingers, it will be enough for you to enjoy endlessly.

"Boy, what do you want? I am alone, without any disciples or children. I have nothing but the tools of the sword." Looking back, the Hell Sword King obviously agreed to Li Bing's request.

Xu Yuming pondered for a moment, but the lion said loudly, "If senior wants to compensate me, why don't you give me a talisman of enlightenment from the Taoist Palace."


The Hellblade King looked back, "Rule boy."

"Yes." The Great Talisman Elder smiled bitterly, and immediately took out a talisman and threw it towards Xu Yuming.

"Thank you, Senior Sword King, and thank you Great Elder Divine Talisman." Xu Yuming clasped his fists slightly, feeling ecstatic in his heart. With this Talisman, he can choose between the Feibai Sword Intent advancement and the imitation of the Fish and Dragon Sacred Method, whether it is No matter which step you take, you can successfully possess the second holy magic combat power.

"Making a fortune."

"It's a pity that my Yijian Fusheng has been exposed. If there are any opponents of mine next, I'm afraid they will prepare a defensive magic weapon that can withstand the holy magic, and even buy a substitute."

Xu Yuming murmured in his heart, wondering if he could buy anything good to replace him, but he successfully entered the Penglai Competition.


After landing, he looked towards Li Bing.

"Congratulations, young sect master, for successfully entering the top 100 in the competition. With such a level of swordsmanship, defeating powerful enemies in a row can be said to have greatly increased the prestige of our Five Beast Sect." Li Bing stepped forward with a smile to please.

"Dianzhu Li, since you have entered the realm of Nascent Soul, you are the third Nascent Soul Lord of our Five Beasts Sect. Now that our Five Beasts Sect and the Haisha Sect are at odds with each other, the situation may be somewhat dangerous. You can send a message to the sect. ?”

Li Bing smiled and guided Xu Yuming to the beach, reached out and took out a small mirror.


The picture turned, and the appearance of the mountain-moving ancestor appeared on the other side of the mirror.

"Disciple Xu Yuming, I have met the Patriarch of Moving Mountains."

"It's Yuming. Your performance in the Penglai Competition has now spread throughout the Mountains, Seas, and Blackstone Realms. It just so happens that after I prepare to become a Yuanying Great Monk, I will discuss the Tao with the Sword Realm. You will go there as a genius in swordsmanship. Sword Domain, just defeat them. If the Yuanshi Sword Palace can be included under the name of my Five Beasts Sect, we can also become a second-rate force in the Sanxiu Sea."

Xu Yuming was horrified in his heart. This old guy's cultivation level improved so quickly. He was only in the late stage of Yuanying before, but only a few years later, he was already a great monk in Yuanying.

However, Xu Yuming then thought about the benefits of the seventh-level Immortal Emperor's bonus and the ten thousand-foot black stone holy mountain... If it was given to him, he would be able to physically train and directly defeat the mid- to late-stage Nascent Soul monks.

If this one gets it, the benefits will be even greater.

Maybe the origin has been changed to the seventh-level Immortal Emperor bonus.

"Ancestor, please rest assured. I will work hard to reach the top three in the competition and let all the casual cultivators know the reputation of my Five Beast Sect."

"That's very good. After the competition, when your master enters the Nascent Soul realm, you can come back and take over the sect."

"The Patriarch...the disciple is about to break through to the Nascent Soul Realm. The Patriarch is afraid that he will choose someone else for the position of leader."

"You want to recommend your third senior brother Gongshu Jian. He is only at the fourth level of the Golden Core, and his cultivation is too poor."

"Then just be the acting sect leader."

The Ancestor of Banshan did not refuse, but looked behind Xu Yuming, "The situation in the Sanxiu Sea has changed too fast. You'd better come back early. I have an old man who is in charge of the Shanhai area and can protect you."

"As for the Sea Shark Gate, if you want to take action, I can help you."

"Thank you, Patriarch."

After bidding farewell to the ancestor who moved mountains, Xu Yuming couldn't help but murmur deep in his heart, you are just a Nascent Soul monk, and your destiny is the mountains, how can you freely leave the mountains, seas and black rocks?

If you want to help me destroy the Haisha Sect, can you beat the two Nascent Soul monks from the Haisha Sect?

While Xu Yuming was deep in thought, there was an uproar in front of him.

"It's true... Fairy Yaoguang is actually full of ghostly aura. Could it be that she has gone crazy."

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