Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 420 Xu Yuming, you have mastered the realm of death, right?

"It's over. This brand with the word "ghost" is probably the result of the ruthless hand of that old man with bones. Why don't you have a fight with him?"

"If you can't kill him, you'll suffer chaos, so why bother?" The old fortune-teller rotated the fortune-telling disk at high speed, and the corner of Sinan pointed steadily at the front of the mountain and landed on Xu Yuming.

"Wenshan will not just break his Taoist foundation and fall into the ghost realm. Someone can decipher the word "ghost" on him."

"Who is it?" The beautiful woman in palace clothes curiously glanced at Si Nan in his hand, and then her eyes penetrated the void and saw Xu Yuming's body.


"Before this, I felt that there was a ghostly aura on his body. Even the weak water of the underworld was not released before. It turned out to be suppressing it. He has a lot of power of rules. It would be difficult to transform into a mortal. But if he is In the realm of Yuanying, as long as he becomes a great monk in Yuanying, I am afraid that no one will be able to rival him under his transformation into a god."


After saying that, a ripple appeared in the void. Xu Yuming, who was on the square, had a thought in his mind. He had appeared in a temporarily condensed void. The person standing opposite him was just a back figure, but feeling the endless aura, Xu Yuming already knew who the visitor was.

"Xu Yuming, the Five Beast Sect, pays homage to the God of Guixu."

"You have a lot of ghost energy in your body. I calculated that you can solve Wenshan's misfortune. So Xu Yuming, your ghost energy realm has been mastered to the domain level."

Xu Yuming's eyes flashed and he didn't answer for a while.

"If you have mastered the realm of death, how about taking action for Wenshan. As compensation, I can make a decision and promise you something."

"Of course, it has nothing to do with Yuyao. After all, she is my daughter, and this is already her second life. It is unexpected for me to be married to you. I will not force or interfere with what happens to you in the future. , but you can’t be shameless and use this as a deal and condition.”

"Senior Saint."

Xu Yuming's heart settled, "Junior does have a mastery of the realm of death. If it can be traded without damaging the original source, then there will be no problem for this junior."

"You only need to help Wenshan absorb the ghost mark. To others, it is a ghost path that can never be eliminated forever, but you are different. You have mastered the realm of death, which is a great tonic. Maybe it will allow you to go one step further and directly cut out the first path when the Nascent Soul reaches perfection."

Xu Yuming couldn't help but his eyes lit up, "It's so wonderful."


The scene in front of him was spinning. Xu Yuming was transferred to a pavilion in the back mountain by a magic power that was powerful enough to distort space. At this time, only Wenshan was in front of him, with a look of pain on his face.

Xu Yuming reached out and touched the mark with the word "Ghost". The sixth-level ghost energy that could have corroded everything in the world was being rapidly absorbed by him. In the blink of an eye, it had fallen apart, extending the power of his one hundred thousand death rules to one hundred and fifty thousand. There were so many ways that it finally stopped at 166,666 ways.

There was a bit of joy on his face, and he understood the formation and use of the "ghost" brand.

"If I can become the Nascent Soul Dzogchen one day, maybe this trick can also become my trump card."


After Xu Yuming succeeded, he appeared in the stable space again.

"Xu Yuming, before your competition begins, you have enough time to make a request to me. Even if you want a sixth-level treasure, I can grant it."

"I wonder if your sect owns the complete inheritance of the fifth step of the Sword Emperor?" Xu Yuming pondered for a moment, but decided to choose the thing that would improve him the most. Now that he has gone far in the way of swordsmanship, he just asks for the inheritance of the Sword Emperor.

"You are very generous. It has been many years since anyone in this world has received the inheritance of the Sword King. Our sect has a incomplete one, which is the same as the Feiyun Sword Talisman you obtained. It is just an incomplete inheritance."

"But I have seen that you have helped a lot in absorbing death energy. If you want, I can give you a holy method of ghost energy. Sen Luo, the founder of the Bone Sea Region from 30,000 years ago, Owned by the emperor."

"Then I want this."

Xu Yuming's eyes suddenly lit up. He had the power of more than 160,000 death rules. If he could obtain a death holy method, his combat power would definitely be greatly increased, surpassing all his sword moves.

"This method is called Senluo Seal. It sounds similar to the word [death] you absorbed. However, you must remember that if you use it once, the rules of death in your body will be permanently reduced."


The scene in front of him changed, and Xu Yuming returned to the square again.

What happened just now was just a dream, but Xu Yuming knew that he had an extra method in his mind, and he could get started in an instant.

It's just that the power of the law of death is consumed forever... If it falls more than ten levels, my own death domain may not be preserved.

"Do you really want me to return to the Ten Thousand Waves Sea, kill everyone, absorb endless ghost energy, and become a ghost emperor?" Xu Yuming couldn't help but clicked his tongue. He was on the road of ghost cultivation, going further and further.

No, no, no, I'd better return to the world of Xuanjing Lake and search for a wave of treasures after I stepped into Yuanying. I have to establish a foothold in the realm of Yuanying as soon as possible.

The next target is that the Yuanying Great Monk’s combat power should not be too high.

In the third game, Liu Wu Xing of Huihun Valley fought against Huang Hulu of Dao Palace. During this fierce battle, Huang Hulu had activated the Five Elements Gourd of metal, wood, water, fire and earth. The combined magical power had used seven changes, and the sea was shattered into pieces. There were burn marks and surging tides everywhere.

"This Liu Wuxing actually managed to carry it down."

Xu Yuming's eyes fluctuated slightly. Liu Wuxing also used a combination of magical powers. The two of them practiced almost the same way. If there was a fight to the death in the wilderness, the person who survived would be the biggest winner. Bar.

"Dang Dang Dang..."

Liu Wuxing turned his hand and took out the copper bell that had a small hole pierced by the Sun Sword King. It turned into the size of a copper bell and shook in the palm of his hand.

The ancient magical power·Bronze bell seizes the soul!


Huang Gourd stretched out his hand and patted the purple-skinned gourd on his body, which actually directly captured his soul, swallowing the endless soul-robbing ringtones into it.

"Can this sound be swallowed?" Li Bing, who had just entered the Nascent Soul realm next to him, suddenly felt that the gap between himself and these two people was like the foundation building and golden elixir. Aren't they weaker than him in the same realm?

"What is swallowed up is the power of the rules of music and the fifth-level spiritual thoughts." Xu Yuming explained expressionlessly.

"Then this sixth gourd has the power to swallow up the whole world?"

"I'm afraid there is a limit." The Fish-Dragon Holy Son squinted, "But since the Penglai Competition, Liu Wuxing is the first to force out the sixth gourd of the yellow gourd, and no one else has been able to pass his level. "

"Dang Dang Dang"

The sound of the swaying copper bell became more and more rapid, like a harsh scream, like an actor singing intermittently, or like the melodious call of an oriole...

"Hoo ho ho"

After half a cup of tea, an almost transparent yellow-skinned gourd appeared behind the sixth gourd.

As soon as it appeared, the whole world seemed to be instantly wrapped in golden light.


Liu Wuxing's figure opposite him felt like he had been hit hard. He flew backwards and hit the sea thousands of miles away. The moment he floated on the sea, his whole body was already covered in blood.

"One of the holy methods inherited from the Taoist Palace is the feathered golden light. It is rumored that it is a god-incarnation god. After killing the Tao, he immediately transformed into a holy method left before. It is so powerful that it is almost a move that can kill both jade and stone." Holy Son of Fish and Dragon. He opened his mouth to explain, and his eyes fell on Huang Gourd, who had an unsightly expression in the distance, "I'm afraid that after this battle, Huang Gourd won't be able to raise him back during the next battle."

"That's not necessarily true. With his status, after Fairy Yaoguang retired from the competition and Wenshan suffered a heavy blow, how could the Taoist Palace not give him some trump cards to ensure that they would have one of the top four in the Taoist Palace?"

Xu Yuming stared at the yellow gourd in the distance, "On the contrary, the most powerful thing about Liu Five Elements is probably not the combination of spells or the way of soul sound, but... poison."

"Poison?" The Fish-Dragon Holy Son was slightly stunned. The next moment he took a breath, he saw Huang Gourd flying toward the direction of Dao Mountain with a purple-black face. He was going to detoxify.

"In the third game of the Tenth Five-Year Plan, Huang Gourd from the Palace of Heaven wins."

"The fourth game will proceed. Xu Yuming of the Five Beasts Sect will face off against Zhang Sanwei, guest minister of Fuhai Dragon Palace."

Xu Yuming raised his feet and walked toward the sea. With every step he took, he could step out of the mist and move hundreds of miles.

[Fellow Daoist Fish and Dragon, before the war begins, is there anything you want to say to me? 】

[Fellow Daoist Xu, that Zhang Sanwei is good at water magic. He is expected to have mastered at least a fifth-level high-grade spiritual water, and may even possess multiple top-grade magic weapons. If you don't go all out, I'm afraid this battle will capsize in the gutter. 】

Xu Yuming glanced in the direction of the Fish-Dragon Saint Son, but did not ask about the true relationship between Fuhai Dragon Palace and Tenglong Linhai. After landing on the sea, Zhang Sanwei on the opposite side was already pushed by the waves.

"King Xu Fu, I have admired you for a long time."

"It is rumored that you are the direct disciple of the great elder of the Divine Talisman. I wonder if you have mastered the Bai Nianhai Divine Talisman. If you are willing to use this Talisman to fight with me, I am willing to take out a drop of the sixth-level three-light holy water collected by Fuhai Dragon Palace, and give it to me. You resume consumption.”

Xu Yuming was stunned for a moment, "Why do you have to let me use this Hundred Nian Sea Divine Talisman?"

"But I have been practicing water magic for more than four hundred years, and I feel unwilling and regretful about controlling the sea."

"Then why don't you ask the Taoist Palace for this talisman?"

"Aren't you here today? I'm lucky enough to see the descendant of Sanxiuhai's number one talisman master in person, so naturally I want to ask for advice."

Xu Yuming looked at the Great Elder Shenfu who was presiding over the fight in the distance. The latter nodded slightly and said, "Yuming, since you are a guest of Fuhai Dragon Palace, just fight with him."


Just as Xu Yuming was about to agree, a bottle flew through the air.

After being caught by his reaching hand, the other party smiled and said, "This is the Three Light Holy Water. Fellow Taoists can swallow it and refine it immediately after using the Bai Nianhai Talisman. In a short time, the hidden dangers in the body can be eliminated invisible."

"I will never take advantage of others' danger."

Xu Yuming couldn't help but be happy, "It would be great if you have the confidence to block the Bai Nian Hai Divine Talisman."

After Xu Yuming finished speaking, he took out a talisman and put it on his forehead. While raising his hands high, the sea water with a radius of 100,000 miles has become a plaything in his hands.


The tide of the sea broke out, hitting directly between the two people and then suddenly collapsed and separated.

Xu Yuming was a little surprised. This guy could actually take away half of the control of the sea water from the power of the sea god forcibly absorbed by the Bai Nian Sea Talisman. How strong is this guy's water magic skills?

[He carries the sixth-level dragon ball with him. 】

The Holy Son of Fish and Dragon, who was sitting cross-legged at the back, muttered, and Xu Yuming heard his voice.

It was not that he was doubtful that the Holy Son of Fish and Dragon was helping him at this moment, but he felt that the other party's background was too strong. So far, he only had the sixth-level mirage bead in his hand.

But at this moment, it can perfectly activate its ability.

After all, with his current strength and using the Bai Nianhai Divine Talisman, Xu Yuming is almost on par with the Yuanying Great Monk.


A large amount of thick fog appeared on the sea. Under the light of Xu Yuming's sword, the tsunami split into torrents and fell towards the opponent.

"Fellow Taoist controls the sea and becomes the master of the sea. You also think of integrating into the sea with swordsmanship. Isn't it putting the cart before the horse?" Amidst the rolling waves, bursts of thunder could be heard.

The rolling waves rising into the sky formed a sea and violently suppressed Xu Yuming.

The moment Xu Yuming raised his hand to block it, the second sea had been transported from a million miles away and crashed down!

"Move mountains!"

Xu Yuming suddenly used his native method. This method could also be used by him on the sea surface. The moment the pressure of the two seas disappeared, he had already manifested the body of a thousand-foot-long golden fire unicorn, spitting out golden light and evil energy, and passed directly through it. Penetrate the opponent's figure through the void!

"My spiritual thoughts are superb, the king of beasts is with me, and I have the majesty of a unicorn. How lucky I am for you, fellow Taoist."

"But I still couldn't fully enjoy the water technique today."


Xu Yuming's whole body was suddenly imprisoned by a water ball that appeared out of thin air, and then floated to the sky.

"If that's all, Taoist Taoist Brother I will be too disappointed." After saying that, a figure quickly emerged from a torrent on the opposite side. The three-dimensional Zhang sighed and snapped his fingers.


Xu Yuming's figure exploded in the air, turned into blood mist, and fell from the sky together with the water polo.

The moment it landed on the sea, the blood mist quickly combined, and Xu Yuming's appearance emerged again.

Behind the other party, a figure of Xu Yuming also appeared.

"Is this...a mirage?"

"This is impossible. Even in the Sanxiu Sea for countless years, there has only been one..."


The other party had been drawn into the deep sea, and was lost in the endless illusions. Xu Yuming's fingertips moved slightly, and a water sword had lifted him up and brought him steadily to the shore.

He couldn't kill a guy with such a big background, not to mention the Three Lights Holy Water in his hand, which he was very interested in.

If not enough, someone in the family may need this life-saving thing.

"In the fourth game of the Tenth Five-Year Plan, Xu Yuming, the Five Beast Sect, wins!"

Listening to the excited shouts of the Great Elder of Divine Runes, Holy Son Yulong looked at Xu Yuming opposite with complicated eyes.

No one else heard the last part of Zhang Sanwei's words, but he came from Tenglong Linhai, so he naturally knew what methods Xu Yuming relied on to win in the end.

The only mirage bead on the sea is actually in his hand?

Thanks to book friend 20181217205832519 for your 100-point reward support, thank you!

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