Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 424 Two Holy Laws, Two Sixth-Level Treasures

[Curse Ghost Bead]: A bead cursed by the ancient ghost who fell through the tribulation.

Xu Yuming took a closer look at the power of the law of death inside, and found that there were as many as 1 million strands. This could almost condense the second death realm, but if it were to be refined directly, it would be a huge loss.

"I'm afraid it's hard to define the grade of this cursed ghost bead. Possessing the supreme supernatural power, the ghost curse killing move, is enough for me to have a big trump card, and it can also absorb the power of refining dead souls, and can use it to To protect one's own soul, this thing is quite effective."

When Xu Yuming walked out of the Treasure Hall, he met Wenshan, who had already selected the exercises, and saw him handing over a jade slip.

"This is the holy method that Master Guixu promised to give you. You have chosen to turn around. When you cut the way in the future, the way of the void may be easier. I hope that after a thousand years, you and I can support the entire Sanxiu Hai people." .”

"Thank you." Xu Yuming reached out and took it, then walked away from the back mountain and walked straight to the talisman.

Halfway through, he met the Fish-Dragon Holy Son from the Vine Dragon Forest Sea and the Great Elder of the Talisman. At this time, standing behind the Fish-Dragon Holy Son, there was an old man with a pair of dragon horns.

"Disciple, this is the Dragon Lord of the Abyss, a fifth-level Dzogchen master from Tenglong Linhai. He is here today for a deal between you and Tenglong Linhai." The Talisman Master The reason why the elder appears here is to provide justice to Xu Yuming so that he will not suffer a loss.

Xu Yuming slightly cupped his hands and said, "I have met Dragon Lord of the Abyss, Fellow Taoist Fish Dragon."

Holy Son of Fish and Dragon smiled brightly. He was very much looking forward to the next transaction, "Fellow Daoist Xu, this time you won the first place in the Penglai competition. You can be said to be the best golden elixir in the Sanxiu sea. Now you are in the limelight. How about you?" After I finish this deal, how about I take you directly to Fuhai Dragon Palace for a banquet?"

"That's fine."


As Xu Yuming turned over his hands and took out the sixth-level mirage bead, "This is what you two want."

"Sure enough, it is the sixth-order mirage bead that Grandma Qi has longed for. Little Fish Dragon, you have made great contributions to our Vine Dragon Linhai." With that said, the Abyss Dragon Lord turned over his hands and took out two objects and handed them to Xu Yuming.

"This is a scroll of the Holy Law of [Fish and Dragon Overturning the Sea], and a sixth-level whale bag, which can contain all things in the world. It can also collect fifth-level spirits, wind, water, spirit and fire. It can also be used as a defensive treasure. That's it. It can also withstand the attack of the Yuanying Great Monk, but it is a low-grade sixth-level treasure. I wonder if you are willing to exchange it?"

After a moment of silence, Xu Yuming handed over the sixth-order mirage bead.

"Wait a minute." At this time, it was the turn of the Great Elder Shenfu to speak.

"Xu Yuming is a disciple of this old man and a descendant of the Holy Land of the Taoist Palace. This sixth-order mirage bead can transform you into a powerful person like Vine Dragon Lin Hai within a hundred years. If you take it like this, I'm afraid it won't be worth the same value. "

The Abyss Dragon Lord on the opposite side cursed in his heart, secretly thinking that this old guy was too cunning.

However, they were determined to get the sixth level mirage pearl, so they could only endure it.

"May I ask if you have any advice from fellow Taoist Divine Talisman?"

"It is rumored that Vine Dragon Linhai has a volume of [Void Creation] secret techniques that can help my Taoist Palace Fu Pulse cultivator create talismans in the void. I would like to ask your sect to part with me."

"Okay, after we go back, [Void Creation] will be given to us with both hands." After saying that, Abyss Dragon Lord walked away, and before leaving, he took a deep look at Xu Yuming, "Fellow Taoist Divine Talisman, you have paved the way to the void for this disciple in the future. The path of cultivation and the path on the talisman can be said to be of utmost concern. I advise you to leave him on Penglai Island. If he goes to the outside world like this, I'm afraid he will be snatched and killed."

"It doesn't matter. If you don't cut jade, it won't make a weapon. If my disciple goes to Fuhai Dragon Palace, Lord Abyss Dragon will take care of him."

"The information from your Taoist Palace is quite accurate. You actually know that I am one of the great monks sent out to guard Fuhai Dragon Palace this time. However, your Taoist Palace should also be aware of the changes in the seabed. This time, Fuhai Dragon Palace is taking the lead in the development. , whether you Tenglong Linhai can get a share of the pie depends on the abilities of your disciples."

After saying that, ripples in the void rippled, and Xu Yuming's body was instantly wrapped in the opponent's powerful magic. The next moment, the world was spinning, and they had appeared in the sea a million miles away.

It should not be so exaggerated for the Yuanying Great Monk to use all his strength to move, but this one seems to be good at the power of the void as well.


The moment they entered the water, they sank to the depths of the ocean floor and appeared in front of a void teleportation array.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, this is a fifth-level void teleportation array. With your methods, if you are willing to spend 100 million spiritual crystals, you can buy a refining method and master it yourself."

"Okay." Xu Yuming was obviously moved, "I just don't know how far this void teleportation array can be transferred?"

"It's just a directional teleportation of tens of millions of miles. If it is a sixth-order cross-domain teleportation array, it can teleport hundreds of millions of miles."

Hundreds of millions of miles?

That would be enough for him to teleport from the Taoist Palace back to the Mountain and Sea Region, Yandang Mountain.

Xu Yuming's eyes widened and he saw three pieces of spiritual jade being thrown into the teleportation array by the Abyss Dragon Lord. When the teleportation light surged, the Fish-Dragon Holy Son was still chatting with him.

"Like the Holy Land Sect, their strength lies in the fact that they have multiple void teleportation formations that can support them anywhere at any time. I, the powerful Daoist Xu of Tenglong Linhai, don't know anything about it, but what is the background of Taoist Palace? , you should know something about it.”

Xu Yuming's eyes flashed, indeed...

Nascent Soul monks like the Great Elder Shenfu have a transcendent status because they are the masters of their lineage. If they are ordinary Yuanying monks, they may not have much authority.

After all, the real secret in the palace should be an existence like the Hell Sword Emperor.

A strong man who truly stands at the pinnacle of the Yuanying Great Monk.


The light in front of him turned, and it seemed that three breaths had passed, and Xu Yuming had appeared 30 million miles away.

He calculated the void teleportation at this moment. With his space skills, it would not be difficult to use it with all his strength. However, after stepping into Nascent Soul, he could only teleport 3 million miles at most.

"This method is not difficult." Xu Yuming obtained the method of refining the void teleportation array after paying 100 million spiritual crystals. In this way, in the future, from the mountain and sea areas, the ancient black stone areas, and to the mountains and sea islands, it can be done within a few breaths. , dispatching support monks to fill the positions can ensure that when a large number of sect monks go out, natural barriers such as mountains and sea islands will not suddenly fall.

"On the other hand, refining materials requires a ten-thousand-year-old treasure like the Void Divine Crystal. This thing is probably worth a lot of money. If you include other things, adding up a teleportation array, you will need at least 80 million spiritual crystals to arrange it in one direction. , there are probably up to 140 million spiritual crystals in both directions, and if three two-way teleportation arrays are deployed, the Five Beast Sect will be completely hollowed out."

After Xu Yuming thought about this, he took out a water-proof robe and put it on. Although it was only a medium-grade spiritual treasure, it was enough for him to walk freely on the seabed and breathe freely.


After he arrived at Fuhai Dragon Palace, Holy Son Yulong took the initiative to apologize and left without accompaniment.

Xu Yuming saw Abyss Dragon Lord standing at the door welcoming monks from all walks of life in the Sanxiu Sea. To his surprise, he even saw monks from Yuanshi Sword Palace.

"It seems that this Vine Dragon Forest Sea is surrounded by endless rivers and lakes, and its sphere of influence has expanded to all parts of the world of immortality."

Xu Yuming's eyes widened and he looked for a place to sit down. After he did not suppress his cultivation, he improved very quickly. In the blink of an eye, he had begun to convert spiritual power into mana. If he encountered danger, he could use the Nascent Soul Heavenly Tribulation , even the great monk Yuanying would not dare to approach easily.

"The great monk Haishamen Tongsha has arrived."

"Fellow Taoist Tongsha, long time no see."

"Abyss Dragon Lord, you are so polite. Today is a grand gathering of the Sea-shaking Dragon Palace. Since I have received the invitation, how can I not come? The person next to me is my Taoist companion, Blood Shark."

"It turns out to be the Blood Shark Great Monk. I didn't expect that you and your wife would come hand in hand. I, Fuhai Dragon Palace, can be said to be in full glory."


Xu Yuming's heart sank when he saw two great Nascent Soul cultivators coming to Haishamen. This girl was worthy of being a shark, and she could actually smell the blood where she was.

When they sat down on the high platform, they also looked at Xu Yuming. Xu Yuming did not cover his figure and was looked at by them. His back was a little hairy, but on the surface Xu Yuming was calm and composed.

"Mr. Tongsha, when do you think we will kill this brat from the Five Beasts Sect?" Blood Shark's appearance is relatively bloated, and she also looks like an old woman. With her level, she can naturally change her appearance at will, but she maintains this Her general appearance cannot be changed, which must be related to the skills she practices and her own temper.

In comparison, the great monk Tongsha looked middle-aged and handsome.

"Don't take action at this time. This is Fuhai Dragon Palace. If you and I take action at this moment, it will be a slap in the face of Fuhai Longjun, a top Nascent Soul cultivator. What's more, now the entire sea clan has Here, if you and I dare to take action, I'm afraid we will be besieged in an instant."

Blood Shark immediately gave up the idea of ​​taking action against Xu Yuming.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, are you the only one who comes to the palace?"

Not far away, Qi Zheng from Ziwei Daomen suddenly picked up a glass of wine and asked Xu Yuming.

This guy, are we so familiar with each other?

"The Saint wants to retreat, the Saint wants to break through the Nascent Soul, and Huang Gourd is still cultivating his next Void Gourd, so I'm here." Xu Yuming replied with a smile.

"Then you have to take care of yourself. By the way, I heard that there is a possibility of underwater tombs this time. If there is a chance to take action, how about you and I temporarily joining forces?"

"Which Nascent Soul cultivator does Fellow Daoist Qi want to take a share of? Xu is not that bold."

"If you are not bold, then you don't dare to take the first place in this Penglai competition. You are already at the forefront of the storm. If you don't continue to excel, I'm afraid the Taoist Palace will not do its best to protect you."

[Wenwen Palace is going to fight against the Sea of ​​Bones. If Fellow Daoist Xu is willing to help me, if the Five Beast Sect is in trouble in the future, how about I, Ziwei Dao Sect, be willing to take action? 】

[Does Fellow Daoist Qi know the inside story? 】

[The undersea tomb here appears between the ruins of Fuhai Dragon Palace and Poseidon Palace. It seems to be one of the mysterious tombs. However, in my Ziwei Dao Sect, there is a senior expert who is proficient in astrology. He calculated that there is a The residence of a senior master of the Star Taoist body may contain many Star Cultivation Techniques. If there are any techniques, how about asking fellow Taoists to help me get them? 】

[Just for the sake of an illusory promise, Xu is not willing to risk his own life. 】

[Please rest assured, fellow Taoist, I heard that there is a star body refining technique that allows you to bathe in the starlight and go one step further in the fifth-level body. There is also a star divine light, but I am afraid it is not as powerful as the feathered golden light of Guizong. 】

Xu Yuming was immediately tempted.


But at this time, after more than 100,000 monks all entered the Dragon Palace banquet hall, a three-thousand-foot dragon shadow surrounding the entire Dragon Palace suddenly turned into a stream of light and fell on the field, slightly clasping its fists towards the surroundings.

"Welcome to my Fuhai Dragon Palace. I have been hospitable for thousands of years. It gives me great joy to see young faces like you every hundred years. I hope you can learn from my Fuhai treasure house today. Walk some good stuff.”

"Old Dragon King, what are the rules today?" As soon as he finished speaking, a red-bearded Nascent Soul monk asked.

"It turns out you are fellow Taoist monk Hongdu in casual cultivation. I didn't expect you to come today. If you want to hunt for treasures, then bring out something that interests me, whether it's magical powers, secret techniques, or a piece of jewelry. As long as the treasure can make me tempted, I can give you whatever you want in this sea-shaking Dragon Palace, and after the conference, I will give you a heavy gift."

"It's easy to say that the Dinghaishen iron rod that I have refined for many years has reached the level of the best magic weapon. It can suppress an undersea spring, so that the sea area where you are located will not be affected by natural phenomena such as earthquakes and volcanoes. The force shakes and destroys.”

"I just want this thing, Lord Long, and I will use it as the top priority in this sea-turning conference. I wonder what you want?"

"I wonder if you have a chance to become a god?" The great monk from Hongdu looked at him with stern eyes.

"Of course there is. Transforming into mortals and slaying the way is something we all yearn for. If fellow Taoists want it, I am willing to give you a piece of mortal transformation stone with a avenue of flames on it. Fellow Taoists can cut it off and repair it. Let’s make further progress in the fight against peace.”

"That's very good."

After some transactions, Xu Yuming was also tempted.

There are even treasures for transforming gods, so there should be some fun in exchange for a follow-up skill of "Yandang Cloud Qi Jue". As for how to exchange it?

Xu Yuming thought for a moment, then turned over his hand and took out a Bai Nianhai Talisman and put it into a tray handed over by Dragon Palace Shrimp Soldier Crab General and sealed it.

It wasn't long before he received a reply.

"Senior, our Dragon Palace has the first volume of the "Yandang Demon Subduing Sutra" in our collection. It is similar to the "Yandang Cloud Qi Jue" you practiced. If you want it, you have to exchange it for a real sixth-level treasure or a holy method."

"Yandang Conquering Demon Sutra"?

What is this?

Happy National Day to all Taoist friends!

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