"Dare I ask the origin of this "Yandang Demon Subduing Sutra"?" Xu Yuming was a little shocked. After all, he just wanted a technique that could be practiced to the limit of Yuanying, because when he reached the realm of Yuanying great monk, he was also qualified to go to Zhongzhou Take a look at those places.

"This is the inherited technique of the Jiutian Demon Sect in the ancient region of Zhongzhou. Since they took the initiative to disclose the technique a hundred thousand years ago, they wanted monks all over the world to eliminate demons, protect the way, punish rape and eliminate evil, so this "Yandang Demon Sutra" "The Qi Refining Chapter, the Foundation Building Chapter, and the Golden Pill Chapter are all scattered outside. As for the Nascent Soul Chapter, we got it from a transaction with Zhongzhou. As for the subsequent middle volume and the second volume, they are not in our collection of Fuhai Dragon Palace. It’s within.”

Xu Yuming was shocked. Is there still a middle volume and a second volume?

Then if you want to find the opportunity to become a god, do you have to go to Zhongzhou?

Having said this, Xu Yuming secretly stuffed a piece of spiritual jade into the bottom of the shrimp general's robe.

"Dare I ask my friend if there is a teleportation circle leading to Zhongzhou?"

"Or maybe you can buy the middle volume of "Yandang Demon Subduing Sutra" through Dragon Palace?"

Xijiang was also in the Golden Core realm, but he couldn't help but chuckle at this moment.

Perhaps for the sake of the piece of spiritual jade at the bottom of his robe, he lowered his voice and replied, "Fellow Taoist is joking, the "Yandang Conquering Demon Sutra" is rumored to be a treasure record of immortals, but the first volume is already so good. If you get such a rare talisman, you are not qualified to see this thing. Just the first scroll is worth a sixth-level treasure or a sixth-level holy method. If you get the second scroll, only the Transformation God Lord is eligible to exchange it."

"As for the teleportation array leading to Zhongzhou, it is not difficult. Several major holy places seem to have cross-region teleportation arrays leading to various regions. If you cannot reach Zhongzhou, it is not difficult to reach a region near Zhongzhou."

Xu Yuming nodded slightly, "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for informing me."

"I've replaced this item."

Having said this, he turned over his hand and took out his Fish-Dragon True Body Holy Technique, turned it into a jade slip and dropped it on the tray.

"Thank you."

Not long after, Xijiang walked back with a jade slip. Xu Yuming placed it between his eyebrows. The jade slip immediately melted like a piece of black ice, and then the "Yandang Conquering Demon Sutra" appeared in his mind. "Follow-up training methods.

"Phnom Penh Cloud Sea Technique" and "Cloud Mist Sword Code" have been practiced by him to the stage of minor success at this time, so there is no need to re-train them.

However, the prerequisite for practicing the "Yandang Demon Subduing Sutra" is the spiritual body.

He is now nothing more than a Heavenly Spiritual Root. If he wants to achieve a spiritual body, it will be extremely difficult.

The best way is to achieve the cloud and mist spirit body required for this technique. In this way, practicing this technique by yourself can be said to complement each other.

Xu Yuming thought of this and sent a message to the shrimp general just now.

[Dare to ask my friend, is there a way to cultivate into a spiritual body in the Dragon Palace? 】

[There are countless geniuses in this world. In front of the holy land, spiritual bodies are like crucian carp crossing the river. If there is no acquired method, how can so many geniuses emerge? If fellow Taoists want it, it will be the price of a sixth-level holy method. 】

Xu Yuming was silent for a moment, and then asked, "Is there a way to practice the cloud spirit body?" 】

[This method may have existed in Zhongzhou, but it has never appeared in Sanxiuhai. Fellow Taoist, it is better to look elsewhere. 】

have no choice!

Xu Yuming had no choice but to stop the sound transmission. Next, he should think about the matter of having a baby first. After the baby was born, he would first go back to the world of Xuanjing Lake, and it would be best to create a teleportation array.

Otherwise, it will still be a little inconvenient to travel in the future.

As for the method of cultivating this spirit body, maybe he could find a way by returning to Dao Palace, or he could go directly to Zhongzhou to find it. He didn't believe it. The cultivation method of "Yandang Demon Subduing Sutra" could not be used. other methods instead.

"In the Golden elixir chapter, there are actually three ancient magical powers."

"The Nascent Soul Chapter even has two supreme magical powers."

"If this "Yandang Demon Subduing Sutra" can be mastered by me, I can conquer this vast world."

Xu Yuming took a deep breath, why is it so difficult on the road to spiritual practice?

He looked around and saw that many monks were trading what they needed, but the upcoming Dragon Palace treasure gifting session had not yet begun.

[Fellow Daoist Xu, I guess this underwater tomb is about to appear. 】

After receiving the message from Qi Zheng, Xu Yuming had no time to respond. The ground beneath his feet shook violently. At his level of cultivation, he could still be affected by earthquakes, which was enough to prove that the landscape outside was undergoing earth-shaking changes.

"How is this going?"

"Could it be an undersea volcanic eruption?"

"There are senior experts from Fuhai Dragon Palace and Tenglong Linhai here. Don't panic, we have nothing to fear."

"Yes, if the sky falls, there are still seniors who are holding it up."

Although there was some panic in the Dragon Palace at this time, it subsided in an instant.

Because those who are qualified to participate in the Fuhai Conference are all a group of well-known monks who are well-known outside the country, or have some training. They will not be embarrassed and panic, even if they are frightened in their hearts, they will pretend to be calm.

"You don't need to panic, this is an accident at the bottom of the sea." With the sound of heaven and earth surrounding the Dragon Palace, all eyes turned to the five figures on the main seat.

They are Old Dragon Lord Fuhai, Dragon Lord Abyss of the Fish and Dragon Clan, Lord Long Shui, the son of Old Dragon Lord Fuhai, Prime Minister Turtle and General Crab. There is no doubt that these five are all at the level of Nascent Soul monks. .

Especially this Old Dragon Lord Fu Hai, who is the top monk in the legend.

A bold monk took the initiative to clasp his fists upward and bowed, "I dare to ask Old Lord Long, what happened on the bottom of the sea to cause such a shock? There are many restrictions and sixth-level formations in the Dragon Palace, and there are also the bottom of the sea. With Shuimai in charge, even if there is a fight between powerful gods, it will not be able to affect the palace."

"It's because the ancient restrictions were broken, and an ancient tomb was unearthed. According to my expert, Tenglong Linhai, it should be the tomb of the Star God King in ancient times. This person is said to have killed five paths in a row with the star body, and achieved the most enhanced god."

"Even in today's Sanxiu Sea, in today's Immortal Cultivating World, I'm afraid it is unrivaled."

"Since you all have Nascent Soul Golden Pill, why don't you go and have a try?"

"In this case, we can go with Old Lord Long."

"Easy to say."

Old Dragon Lord Fuhai looked around and said, "Fellow Taoists, since the star tombs on the seabed were discovered in my Fuhai Dragon Palace, I have reason to ask you to exchange them with Old Dragon first after seizing the treasure. I don't know what you think. How about your kindness?"

Is this a deterrent?

This is the threat from the five Nascent Soul cultivators sitting in their Fuhai Dragon Palace!

And it’s still a conspiracy. Since I have given you the convenience of discovering and entering the tomb of the stars, you must also let me share a piece of the Haihai Dragon Palace.

"I will not let you down, Mr. Long."

"Haha... Okay, then Old Longjiu will take the initiative to take you all to the depths of the seabed to find the tomb of the stars. I hope that you can find the opportunity to kill the Tao, and in the future, you can become a god and become a sea cultivator. A giant of the world."

"Thank you Long Jun for your kind words."

Under the leadership of countless water tribes, more than 100,000 monks in the sea took advantage of the precious light protection body and quickly drilled towards the depths of the seabed.

When they entered 5,000 feet under the sea, except for the monks above the Golden Core level, all the others had fallen behind.

When he entered the ten thousand feet under the sea, Xu Yuming looked around and saw that there were less than 5,000 monks present. After all, no one except Nascent Soul could withstand it.

Unless he and Qi Zheng are top-notch golden elixirs who can fight across a large realm.

The star tomb is just ahead. It is the same as the undersea tomb that Xu Yuming discovered in the Wantao Sea. It is simple and unpretentious. At this time, there are only five stars reflecting the sky from the bottom of the sea.

"Fellow Taoists, please take action as soon as possible. The vision of heaven and earth here cannot be hidden from the outside world for long. We can take action to cover it up for you for at least two days. If you don't come out after two days, you will not be able to make your own decisions about the harvest of this trip. "

Xu Yuming also understood the meaning of the old guy Fuhai Longjun. Once other big forces from the Sanxiu Sea arrived, they would not be able to fulfill their previous promises and could only join forces with these big forces to force them to do so. The monks who entered the Tomb of the Stars handed over the benefits gained.

It is impossible to say that all the five opportunities to kill the path were handed over and obtained by the Holy Land and the major first-rate forces.

As a result... I am afraid that a huge sea of ​​casual cultivators will bloom everywhere, and countless Nascent Soul cultivators will be promoted to the ranks of gods.

Xu Yuming's desire to have a baby was already imminent.

"May I ask Mr. Long, what are these five paths?" Someone in the crowd asked. It was an existence at the peak of Nascent Soul, the highest level of cultivation that this tomb can now enter.

"It turns out to be fellow Taoist Fuyaozi. These five stars represent the five most powerful methods of the Star God Lord back then. Among them, the cultivation of the star god's body is naturally one of them. What he cut off also has the method of body cultivation."

"There is also the divine light of the stars. This method is on the same level as the feathered golden light of the Taoist Palace, and it can also be bathed in starlight at night, making it even more powerful."

"The three old dragons at the back can't be seen clearly."

"The old dragon promises you here that if you can obtain the star divine light or the star divine body, if you are willing to burn a copy and give it to the old dragon, you will definitely receive treasures of equal value as gifts."

After receiving the promise from Fuhai Longjun, streams of light quickly dived into the tomb in the distance.

Xu Yuming waited for a while. After sensing that the hundreds of people who entered in front were not in danger, he stepped into it. However, before entering, he had already shaken his sleeves and turned the krait into a golden streak. Colored ropes can be tied up all over the body. If there is danger, you can defend yourself in time.


After falling into it, Xu Yuming immediately changed into a short and fat appearance, and his Taoist robe was also changed into a gray robe. However, he was carrying a low-grade magic weapon flying sword behind him, which looked somewhat harmless.


When he saw the dazzling galaxy running through the world, Xu Yuming also saw more than 300 monks in the same secret realm.

"It seems that there is a cave in this star tomb." Xu Yuming thought about it and saw the stars releasing their brilliance almost at the same time.

"No, it's the divine light from the stars. Hurry and hide!"

There were monks present who shouted loudly, but after the divine light of the stars fell, the monks who had dodged were shattered one after another and turned into blood mist that filled the sky. They were blown up by the strong wind and completely evaporated.

On the other hand, Xu Yuming hid in the void in an instant. Although the space barrier here was very stable, Xu Yuming's current void attainments made it easy to create a void at will.

After a baptism of starlight, there were only about thirty monks left.

And on the stone platform that suddenly appeared in front, starlight was rapidly receiving.

"The divine light of the stars is mine."

"Let's duke it out, you idiots."

Seeing that a fight was unavoidable, Xu Yuming stared at the stars in the sky. He wanted to say something, you are not a kind person like the Star Lord. Just a ray of star light killed three hundred people comparable to the Nascent Soul. existence, if every tomb is like this, then all the five thousand Nascent Souls in this trip will be solved by you here.

Xu Yuming couldn't help but feel horrified. He must not have built this tomb to kill all the monks who entered the tomb.

If you want to find a successor, are you looking for a Taoist saint who survived in the end?

"Chi chi chi"

After he watched for almost an hour, there were still twelve monks left in the field.

The Fuyaozi from before was on the list, but his situation was not good. He and another True Lord at the peak of Nascent Soul were both targets of siege. Five against one, he seemed to be able to do it with ease, but in fact We are in danger all the time.

"That fellow Taoist who is watching the show in the void, you just want to reap the benefits. Now if you don't join forces with us, you won't be able to get this divine light from the stars. You will be killed by these fellow Taoists first. .”

Fuyaozi's eyes turned and suddenly landed on Xu Yuming's hiding place.

"There's actually someone hiding nearby?"

For the first time, both warring parties retreated, and then quickly surrounded the void where Xu Yuming was. There was a strong tendency to join forces to kill Xu Yuming immediately if he didn't come out.

"It's a friendly way. I don't know how you discovered my trace." Xu Yuming was a little horrified. He clearly had the Tianji Formation Disk built by the Lord Guixu himself. How could he be discovered by the other party?

"Fellow Taoist, I am good at the method of divine eyes. There are 335 fellow Taoists who have just come in. Before that, 301 of them died under the divine light of the stars. The remaining fellow Taoists also died while fighting each other. If there are 21 people, then there should be 13 people left. There are only 12 people here, so you must be hiding in the dark."

"I see." Xu Yuming sighed. He didn't know what was going on when he came in. How could he hide himself quickly?

However, Fuyaozi's powers of observation are really astonishing. His divine eye technique is probably stronger than the fire-refined divine eye that Old Zixu gave him.

"Since fellow Taoist asked me to come out, I must end it today. But there are so many people here, how should we divide this star light?" Xu Yuming asked subconsciously.

"Just join forces to kill the others first, and then have a duel." Fuyaozi's face was filled with confidence. Now that no one was hiding and being the sixth one, he could start clearing the place.

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