Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 427 Classmates reunite, Xu Yuming gives birth to a baby

[Yu Ming, our Five Beast Sect’s foundation-building and above elites have gathered more than a thousand people, all gathered in the Twin Seas where the Sea Shark Gate is located, and can attack them at any time. When can you arrive? 】

This is the message from his teacher, True Lord Meishan. After entering Yuanying, he still serves as the leader of the Five Beasts Sect, and will only pass on the throne after Xu Yuming returns.

[After I break through the Nascent Soul, I will join you. During the Overturning Sea Conference, I saw the two Nascent Soul monks Tongsha and Xuesha from the Haisha Sect. If they have not returned, you can take action in advance. 】

【clear. 】

True Lord Meishan did not ask Xu Yuming where he was going to survive the tribulation or whether he needed a monk to protect him, because he knew the temperament of his cheap disciple, and if he wanted help, he would naturally ask.

There was no sound at this time, because he was thinking of surviving the tribulation independently.

[Li Bing, have you received the message to prepare for war in the Gemini Sea? 】

On Xu Yuming's side, he was working hard to find a place to overcome the tribulation, while sending messages to the confidants he now accepted.

[Information to the young sect leader, Yan Guichao, Bone Talisman, Chang Renkai, as well as the sect master and me, will all meet in the Twin Seas. The Beast King who holds the foundation of our sect, and the body of the Patriarch of Moving Mountain will all meet. Come here, our sect's two great Yuanying Dzogchen combat forces, five Yuanying True Lords, and almost twenty-five Jindan True Lords have been recruited. Among them, the two young sect leaders Gu Yuelan and Gongshu Jian should be familiar with them. In addition, the Zifu San people also gathered as many as 200 people. The Yandang Sect under your command alone dispatched fifteen Zifu San people. In the end, the foundation-building monks gathered a total of 3,000 people. The Qi-refining monks were unable to fly for a long time. They are all waiting for orders on Shanhai Island. Just waiting for us to drive straight in and break through the Sea Shark Gate, we will enter the Twin Seas. 】

Xu Yuming was silent for a while after listening to the message.

According to many days of investigation, there are at least four Yuanying sects in the Twin Seas, all of which are affiliated to the first-class power Bingxin Sect. This sect did not send any descendants to participate in the Penglai Competition that shocked the entire Sanxiu Sea. This also made Xu Yuming Somewhat surprised.

In comparison, in the Sanxiu sea area where their Shanhai area is located, the four Nascent Soul forces of the Seven Seas Chamber of Commerce, Longgui Island, Golden Snake Island, and Huangquan Sect, plus their Five Beasts Sect, appear to be very weak.

After Bao Buqi defeated the Haisha Sect, he still had to look at Bing Xin Sect's face. Only with the power of the top Nascent Soul cultivator can he be called a first-class force. Bing Xin Sect wanted to kill the Five Beast Sect... It was possible before, but now he has the power The Wuhou Formation Flag can instantly create the Eight Gate Golden Lock Formation. Even the top monks cannot destroy the Five Beast Sect when many Nascent Soul Lords are in charge of the formation.

What's more, after the Penglai Competition, countless sects have seen Xu Yuming's talent and potential. As long as he does not fall, there may be big forces coming to make friends with the Five Beast Sect. When the Bingxin Sect takes action, there may not be anyone to stop him.

At least he could invite the Great Elder of Shenfu, a Nascent Soul monk, to break up the fight.


Xu Yuming landed on the sea, and among the vast islands and reefs, he found a deep-sea island pillar that went straight to the bottom of the sea for a thousand feet. It floated on the sea, like a lotus root rooted in the bottom of the sea. In a flash, he appear on it.

After sitting cross-legged, he was calm and calm for only three days. Thousands of miles of terrifying dark clouds began to gather in the sky quickly.

He sensed his surroundings. This was the southern edge of the Sanxiu Sea Area. It was more than 30 million miles away from the Five Beast Island of the Five Beast Sect, now also called Shanhai Island, but it was only 20 million miles away from the White Bone Sea. Less than.

"Such a big movement would cause the demon cultivators from the Sea of ​​Bones to fight hard."

Xu Yuming's eyes were thinking, and he had already raised his head to look at the dark clouds above the sky. The thunder and lightning contained in them were his own sixty-nine tribulations.


There were fifty-four thunder tribulations in total, but he was not afraid of holding his breath and concentrating at this moment.

With a "click", the Gang Lei that arrived first fell directly on Xu Yuming. Xu Yuming leaned on his fifth-level body to carry it, and the electric current quickly refined the Gang Lei. Part of it entered the body, and part of it was integrated into the Heavenly Tribulation Sword Intent.


As the nine Gang Thunders continued to fall, the spiritual power in Xu Yuming's body had rapidly transformed into mana, and the eighteen whirlpools of spiritual power had now turned into eighteen mana clouds floating in the Dantian, hiding among the internal organs.

"Who is going through the tribulation?"

In the southern part of the Sanxiu sea area, it is not that there are no sect forces.

From Dragon Bone Island and Wuxi Island in the south, two Jindan Daoist people quickly flew out, taking some Foundation Establishment Sect members with them to observe the calamity clouds in the distance from thousands of miles away.

"Such a huge calamity cloud, with the power of a thunder and lightning strike, can make us thousands of miles away frightened. Fellow Daoist Dragon, is this not the six or nine great heavenly calamities that True Monarch Yuanying has overcome?"

"That's the case, fellow Taoist Wuxi, you and I are both island owners. Don't get too close. This place is now being swallowed up by the Sea of ​​Bones. Many family forces in the south of my casual cultivation sea area have been wiped out. So Big movements will definitely attract the strong men from the Sea of ​​Bones. If we encounter the Nascent Soul Old Demon, you and I will probably become blood food in their mouths."

"That's fine."

The two looked at each other and immediately ordered their disciples to leave quickly, but both of them were in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation, and they had enough self-control to watch around Wanli.

"Fellow Daoist Dragon, I observed that the Tribulation Tribulation has reached the power of the 29th, but that senior has not yet used his magical powers and magic weapons. Could it be that this level of physical body is at the fifth level?"

"It is also possible that a magic weapon-level Taoist robe is resisting, or there is a formation to share the danger of the heavenly tribulation. At this time, fellow Taoists think that this thunder tribulation is ordinary, and I am afraid it is too early."


Just after the twenty-nine heavenly tribulations were passed, the thunder and lightning that fell for the third time was already a deep and black black thunder.


The first time it fell, Xu Yuming's fifth-level tribulation thunder had reached the level of the fifth-level high-grade one. He was about to break through the current level. However, his body was already numb from the electricity. If he took the next one, he would definitely suffer. to severe damage.

Xu Yuming had no choice but to raise his hand and slash out a crack in the void with his sword, directly swallowing the second black thunder.

Nine consecutive attacks were resolved by his sword energy.

When the Forty-Ninth Heavenly Tribulation arrived, Xu Yuming suddenly found that the surrounding space was completely enveloped by a vast force of heaven, and it was no longer possible to cut through the space cracks.


The black and purple thunder and lightning came once again carrying the thunder.

Xu Yuming raised his hand and slashed out the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Fire with his sword, smashing nine Tribulation Thunders in succession, shocking the monks who were watching the battle outside.

"With such a level of swordsmanship, could this senior be a sword master?"

"I don't have many sword kings in Sanxiu Hai. I heard that the Five Beast Sect in the north has a Void Sword King. I don't know if this one has already entered the Nascent Soul realm."

Long Suiyun and Wuxi Old Taoist looked at each other, looking solemnly at the last five levels of thunder tribulation.


Heavenly Tribulation is also cunning and changeable. Since you want to use thunder and fire, then he will create a terrifying thunder and fire that instantly covers a radius of thousands of miles.

Xu Yuming was already a little impatient as he was being burned.

He casually planted the Wuhou formation flag on the island, and a terrifying formation rose directly from the ground. In the blink of an eye, a golden light shield with eight formation eyes was formed, which steadily blocked him from the nine thunder tribulations. The thunder and fire below.

"What other means are there, feel free to use them?"

Xu Yuming stared at the sky and the last four levels of thunder tribulation. Although he was completely sure to survive it, he wanted his body to continue to absorb it, so that the thunder tribulation that had reached the fifth level could break through to the limit. In this way, his heaven would The Tribulation Sword Intent will catch up with the Void Sword Intent, enough to threaten the Yuanying Great Monk.


Xu Yuming suddenly felt that the formation was violently shaken. The moment he looked back, the terrifying thunder and fire was reorganized by the tribulation, forming a terrifying thunder net covering hundreds of thousands of miles. The golden elixir watching the battle in the distance Xiao Xiu had already fled far away.

And he was attacked nine times in a row. After the last one came, the Wuhou formation flag in his hand was shaking violently, and he took the initiative to withdraw from the formation.

The spiritual treasure has a spirit, and the magical treasure already has the ability to protect itself.

Wuhou's formation flag took the initiative to retreat. It was obvious that he could only rely on himself for the next three thunder tribulations. If he continued to push it, he was afraid that this important treasure formation would be destroyed and the flag would be destroyed.


Just when Xu Yuming was sighing at the amazing thunder and lightning rules of the Sixty-nine Heavenly Tribulation, his physical body was hit by a void divine thunder. The invisible and colorless void divine thunder was so fast that it almost exceeded his perception. As soon as he caught it, The physical body was struck.

However, there are at least twenty protective magic weapons on his body, all of which were seized from the tomb of the stars.

After nine consecutive blows, although the magic weapon was completely destroyed, his body was still tempering the power of thunder and calamity.

"There are two more levels. I hope I can reach my limit. If I can have a fifth-level middle-grade physical body, ordinary magic weapons will no longer be able to hurt my physical body."

Xu Yuming did not sacrifice the cursed ghost bead. This thing is an evil thing. If he is jealous of the heavenly tribulation and causes the thunder tribulation to intensify, then he will not be able to stop the subsequent indiscriminate bombing.


This time it was purple void thunder, which seemed to be intertwined with the power of two laws.

Xu Yuming saw that he had a share, so he opened the sixth-level whale bag, a treasure, and after taking it away, he quickly started refining it.


After nine consecutive bombardments, the sixth-level whale bag was a little scorched, but it still blocked the attack of Jie Lei. In the end, Xu Yuming gained 100 power of lightning rules and 100 power of void rules.

It can be said to be a bloody profit.


Above the sky, the appalling Eye of Punishment appeared again, but a lightning pillar covered Xu Yuming, causing the sixth-order whale bag in his hand to almost burst on the spot.

"Damn it, this thief God actually hates me so much. Is it because I came from time travel? He actually wants to kill me."


The Nine Heavens Thunder Giant punched down with a fierce punch. This was another thunder spell. He was really unlucky.

Xu Yuming felt the broken body, but at the last moment he was promoted to a fifth-level middle-grade physical body. He was afraid that with this blow just now, he would have to reorganize his flesh and blood.


Thunder roar!

Following the second punch of the sonic boom, Xu Yuming waved his hand, and countless beast souls on the Beiyuan Beast Control Flag rushed towards the sky crazily. After a full hundred breaths, the Beiyuan Beast Control Flag was directly hit by the third The fist was smashed into pieces.

Xu Yuming looked at the top-quality magic weapon in his hand with distress. When he looked up, the thunder giant dissipated and was replaced by a thunder dragon with a tail that was thousands of miles long.


The claw that tore apart Fengyun and Void was suddenly propped up by Xu Yuming's body, and he firmly relied on this sixth-order holy method to block the blow.

The moment the second blow fell, the Holy Technique of Fish-Dragon Overturning the Sea was activated.

With the huge waves, a sea slammed head-on into the dragon's claw, and Xu Yuming blocked the blow again.

"There are four more." Xu Yuming gritted his teeth and looked at the sky, all his anger turned into a monstrous sword intent.

"The world is floating!"

The moment one sword chopped off a dragon's claw, the second sword fell again.

"One sword flies white!"

The third dragon claw was shattered, and bursts of dragon roars were heard above the nine heavens. In the dark clouds, two terrifying dragon whiskers that were ten thousand feet long seemed to be hanging down.

"hold head high!"

Accompanied by the roar of the thunder tribulation dragon, a ten thousand-foot-long dragon soul instantly attacked Xu Yuming.

The golden krait at Xu Yuming's feet that had been refined into a puppet suddenly flew forward to block it, and was instantly blown away. It rolled into the sea thousands of miles away and disappeared without a trace, but Xu Yuming clearly saw it swallowing it. One-third of the dragon soul.

If he could refine it, maybe he could give his puppet a soul and possess some instinctive consciousness, without having to distract himself from controlling it during the battle.


The moment the dragon soul hit Xu Yuming, Xu Yuming's entire body was restrained by a shrunken dragon soul. Even his neck was bitten and he could not move.

The last blow was that the entire thunder cloud shrank into a palm-sized Nascent Soul thunder giant, which broke through the air and fell directly towards Xu Yuming.

Xu Yuming felt the wind and lightning that traveled thousands of miles. At this moment, he deliberately wanted to smash his physical body and escape through blood rebirth, but it was obvious that he could not escape the power of thunder.

He could only sigh, sacrificed his death domain, and then raised the sixth-level treasure cursed orb into the sky.


There was a lightning mark on the cursed orb, and the moment the death realm collapsed, Xu Yuming's lifespan was rapidly reduced, and his original black hair turned into silver threads again.

"One thousand years of life lost..."

"It should have been the backlash when the Death Realm collapsed."

Xu Yuming smiled bitterly. If it were Jin Dan, the blow just now would be enough to kill him on the spot.

But now he has more than two thousand years of life, and it is definitely more than that.

Seeing the clouds in the sky clearing, Xu Yuming had a relieved smile on his face. He was directly swallowed by the giant tooth shark that jumped up from the depths of the sea, and then fell into a deep sleep.

In the darkness, he clearly saw hundreds of millions of little devils biting his flesh like crazy, making him itchy and unbearable.

But he knew that this was the Heavenly Demon Pass, but the black python deep in his mind swam, and his consciousness returned to consciousness. Feeling that his own magic power was more than a hundred times stronger, Xu Yuming waved his hands, feeling satisfied!

From the depths of Niwan Palace, an eight-foot Nascent Soul flew out, landed opposite him, and nodded slightly towards him.

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