Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 430: Raid the Sea Shark Pier and kill a great monk first

"Are all my children okay? Ancestor."

When setting off, Xu Yuming looked back at Xu Qionghai.

"Everything is fine. Yu Feng who is following me is already in the middle stage of foundation building, and his earth skills are better than yours at that time. You just came up with some earth prison skills, while your son used Wanliu Swamp, The method of crushing the top of Mount Tai can be said to be the first among the new generation of local methods in mountain and sea areas."

Xu Yuming smiled and shook his head, "How can he be ranked first in the mountain and sea area in earth magic during the foundation building stage? Let's wait until he forms an elixir." With Xu Yufeng's qualifications for the best earth spirit roots, it is still very possible for him to form an elixir in the future. , but if you want Nascent Soul, you still need some opportunities and experience.

"Yu Ling is a mutated sword spirit root. Now he is with Master Gongshu. He is already in the late stage of foundation establishment. Moreover, the realm of swordsmanship has also steadily reached the second step limit. If you can go back and give guidance, he can step into the third step. The steps are not difficult.”

Xu Yuming frowned, "She is still too playful. With her talent, she should be the best among my children, but she can be stuck in the second step of the sword for so long... It really shouldn't be."

"Yu Ming, don't be too harsh. You have had great opportunities in recent years and have continued to break through your own realm. Your daughter has never gone out to practice. She is just practicing in the peaceful mountains and seas, in the Five Beast Sect. When it comes to sword training, everyone in the world knows that her father is the young master of the Five Beast Sect, her master is the master of the Five Beast Sect, and her master is the leader of the Five Beast Sect. The third step of sword training can be said to be loved by thousands of people."

"After I go back, I have to communicate with my uncle and senior brother about how to take care of the children and not be too indulgent."

"As for Yuyin, he is already in the advanced stage of foundation building. It seems that there will be no bottlenecks in his cultivation following Master Gu. Now he has reached the critical moment of comprehending the "Nine Sounds of the Sky". Hengwen has mastered the first four chapters. With his talent of Yinlinggen, he will be extremely talented in the future. It is possible to fully master this secret technique, and when the time comes for Zi Mansion to form elixirs, this method may even threaten monks who are one or two realms higher."

Xu Yuming nodded slightly, "Yuyin has been trained well. It seems Hui'er has been trained well."

Thinking of Nangong Hui'er, a gentle look appeared in Xu Yuming's eyes.

"Yurui is your first child, and he has inherited your top-quality golden spiritual roots. Now he is at the peak of foundation building. He has also practiced two golden elixir magical powers and five golden light minor magical powers in the Five Beast Sect. Currently, The combat power is no longer inferior to that of the early cultivators of the Zi Mansion."

"As for your daughter Xu Yumo, she is currently practicing in the Five Beast Island. This is the edge of the Sanxiu Sea and has a large amount of water vein energy. She is cultivating the Nascent Soul that Patriarch Banshan personally found for her. The peak skill "Tian Xing Shui Zhou Zhu" is now in the middle stage of foundation building, and its combat power is invincible in the entire Five Beast Island. Among your children, Yu Mo ranks first in terms of fighting skills, and Yu Ruike ranks second.”


Xu Yuming couldn't help but be happy, "Yu Mo is the youngest among her brothers and sisters, but she never thought that she has the best fighting ability."

"She was originally going to come on this trip, but was stopped by the Mountain-moving Patriarch on the grounds that her cultivation had not broken through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment. However, she thought that after returning this time, she would definitely be able to break through."

Xu Yuming nodded slightly, thinking of Huang Yuyao who was in the palace at this time, and didn't know when the three of them would be reunited.



As the Bamboo Sea Flying Boat slowed down, they had already seen the Sea Shark Islands thousands of miles away before the morning light arrived.

"Yu Ming takes action to break the formation."

"Li Bing, Chang Renkai, Yan Guixiao, and Bone Talisman all attacked and killed the high-level monks at Haisha Pier."

"The remaining Jindan Daoist people will be slaughtered individually."

"Meishan took care of the other low-level monks under his sect and waited on the sea in a flying boat and magic weapon."


After the Patriarch of Moving Mountain conveyed the order, he looked at Abbot Lin and the bald donkeys opposite.

Master Zhuxin recited the Buddha's name, and stood with Zhushi, quietly waiting for the arrival of the Yuanying monk from Haishamen. As for Master Wenshan, who was in the late Yuanying stage, he had already brought seven Yuanying monks with him. Jun, rush directly towards the dock.


The moment he appeared thousands of miles away, Xu Yuming had already planted the Wuhou flag in his hand on the beach.


At the same time that the Eight Gate Golden Lock Formation appeared instantly, eight gaps were broken through the Sea and Sky Formation covering the southern part of the Sea Shark Islands.

"Kill the enemy!"

Following his loud shout, the first 12 Nascent Soul Lords rushed in using their own means.

On the pier, at dawn, there were already thousands of Qi Refining monks carrying the goods on the ship. Who could have expected that a powerful enemy would attack, but the attack of the monstrous water instantly shattered thousands of houses on the pier, and together with them At least more than 100,000 ordinary people were caught in the flames.

Those monks wanted to escape, but were knocked to the ground by the Jindan Zifu monks who followed.

"What kind of thief dares to sneak attack on our Haisha Gate!"

Sha Gutou, the True Lord of the Yuanying of the Sea Shark Sect who was sitting in the South Island, suddenly opened his eyes. The moment he stared, a golden needle had instantly pierced through his Yuanying, nailing him to the spot.


The secret room and a mountain at his feet were flattened by golden needles.

This made the pupils of Xu Yuming who was watching the battle shrink slightly. Good guy, the golden needle magic weapon in the hands of this mountain-moving old man is probably not the power of the best magic weapon. Not only can he kill the Nascent Soul cultivator in one blow, it can also shatter a mountain instantly.

"The thief is so brave."

"All the monks at Haishamen, prepare to kill the enemy."

"Join the Changhong Formation!"

Such a sudden change instantly awakened the entire Sea Shark Sect. Almost instantly, tens of thousands of streams of light rose into the sky and began to kill towards the South Island. At least ten of the Nascent Soul Lords who were awakened almost immediately As many as five.

Master Zhu Xin's eyes turned cold, "There are too many people, so we'll fight against each other."


There are twelve Nascent Soul Lords on their side. After Lord Meishan brings the Beast King Sika Deer to the battle, there are fourteen of them. Counting the ancestor of the Five Beast Sect, Lord Banshan, there are thirty. The Nascent Soul Lord was fighting in the air.

"Who do I think is here? It turns out to be the clown from the Five Beasts Sect. What's the point of bullying a junior? Why don't you come down and fight with me, the blood shark?"

The blood shark monk with scars suddenly came on the waves and was actually hiding deep under the sea.

At this time, the Five Beast Sect monks on the distant sea had been attacked by a group of white-tip sharks, but Abbot Lin's Linhai Island had quickly moved from the sea. With the addition of their sect monks, the two were fighting on the sea. The Zong Alliance can also maintain the upper hand.

"Amitabha, Brother Blood Shark, please call out your Taoist companions. Your opponents are my junior brother and me." Master Zhuxin stepped out and stood in front of the Blood Shark monk.

"Old monk Zhu Xin from Abbot Lin?" After seeing him, Xue Shark's face darkened, "You actually joined forces to fight, you are crazy. Now Bing Xin Sect is summoning all the sects in the Twin Seas to gather combat power and prepare to resist White Bones. Aren’t you afraid of being blamed by the Supreme Sect for attacking our Haisha Sect at this time due to the invasion of the sea?”

"Amitabha, if I kill you in advance, you won't be blamed for these things." Master Zhuxin recited the Buddha's name and took the lead in turning the bamboo sea flying boat into a green light and smashing towards the opposite side.

"The rainbow sword, unsheathed."

Blood Shark's expression changed greatly, he knew that this bamboo sea flying boat was a treasure, and if he didn't use the Changhong Sword, he would definitely be defeated.

But as soon as the Changhong Sword came out, their killing formation on Beidao was gone. It could be said that the door was wide open, and they could be suddenly killed by the monks from the two sects at will.


On the sea, a big shark suddenly opened its bloody mouth, revealing the great monk Tongsha who was hiding inside. However, the moment he appeared, he was blocked by Master Zhushi who opened a Mingwang Dharma.

"Fellow Taoist, your opponent is a poor monk."

"Damn it, you big bald donkeys of Buddhism, what good will it do you if you destroy us? We are all monks in the Twin Seas, and you are eating in and out like this? Even if we capture the Sea Shark Islands, can you hold it?"

"You don't need to worry about this, fellow Taoist."

As soon as he finished speaking, a terrifying figure three thousand feet long suddenly swung its tail from the depths of the ocean floor, knocking thousands of white-tip shark monsters away and exploding into bright blood flowers in the air.

The moment Master Tongsha turned around, a black dragon had already rushed forward. Just a blast of venom forced him back, but the next moment, King Ming Faxiang had already blocked his way, and the black dragon on the opposite side had already restrained his body. He took the form of an old man with a gloomy face, who was clearly a demon king in the fifth-level Dzogchen realm.

"Where is the origin of fellow Taoist? If you are from the Hai Clan, please don't interfere in this battle. Our Hai Shark Sect and Vine Dragon Lin Hai also have friendship."

"I am the founder of the Five Beast Sect, the Black Dragon."

Hearing these words, the two great monks, Tong Shark and Xue Shark, looked gloomy and ugly.

The Five Beast Sect actually also hides a Nascent Soul cultivator? Then they were deceived by eating lard and wanted to fight with them for so many years.


At the moment when the two of them hesitated, at the Nascent Soul Battlefield where they were fighting in the distance, at least five Nascent Soul Lords from the Haisha Sect side were killed by the Patriarch of Mount Mountain, chopping melons and vegetables.

Even Nascent Soul, who went to attack Xu Yuming and wanted to unlock the eight-door golden lock formation, was shattered by a star light from Xu Yuming's mouth, which shattered his body on the spot and dissipated into a wisp of smoke.


In the distance on the sea, two monks riding on the island began to attack the North Island.

The Spiritual Field, the Medicine Field, the Gong Transfer Hall, and the Sea Shark Gate Treasure House are all the key points for their attack.

[Tong Shar, if the two of us continue to fight fiercely and die here, the Hai Shark Sect will also be destroyed. Lower your head immediately and ask for help from the outer sect. 】

During the fight, the blood shark gritted his teeth and spoke.

[Okay then, I will immediately send a message to Mr. Bai Wei of Baizhang Sect and give him the sixth level technique. 】

Just when the battlefield of the Great Monk was favorable to his side.

Xu Yuming had already dispatched Mo Cheng, who had transformed into a human form, to go to the opponent's spiritual field to start searching. In addition, the fifth-level ghost Bai Yinhuai took Lord Golden Ring Snake to their transfer hall.

However, Xu Yuming still felt that if the Sea Shark Sect could have a sixth-level skill, it must be hidden in the hands of Tong Shark or Blood Shark.

"Old Ancestor, the formation on the other side has been broken. Leave the rest to me to fight. You'd better help the superiors solve the battle of the great monks as soon as possible. At this time, other major sects in the Twin Seas have discovered the changes in the Sea Shark Sect. Chi Ze Change.”

Seeing that the Patriarch of Banshan once again chopped down a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator and held more than a dozen magic weapon-level formation flags in his hands, the Sea and Sky Formation had been captured by the Five Beast Sect.

Then he, Xu Yuming, no longer has to maintain the Eight Gate Golden Lock Formation. After putting away the Wuhou battle flag, he can intervene in the Nascent Soul battlefield.

"Then be careful."


As soon as he finished speaking, Ancestor Banshan cast the sixth-order Earth Mother Yuan Magnetic Divine Light, and instantly exchanged places with Master Zhuxin opposite him, he transformed into a black stone holy mountain and appeared above the head of the Blood Shark True Monarch.

"not good!"

True Monarch Blood Shark, who instantly exploded with the power of a sixth-level treasure, pointed his sword at the sky, directly shattering five thousand feet of rubble as rubble flew hundreds of thousands of miles across the sky, but was still suppressed on the South Island. .


The ground on the island cracked, and True Lord Blood Shark vomited blood. The moment he raised his head, he was directly hit by a sky-covering Buddha seal. While his whole body was beaten to pieces, the sixth-order bamboo sea flying boat had swept away the flying boat in the air. A sword with a rainbow handle.

"Blood Shark!"

Seeing this scene from a distance, the face of the great monk Tongsha changed greatly, "Old man Bishan, you actually hide your fighting power. Are you also a great monk of Nascent Soul?"

"It's just a matter of refining stone to make a body, which is comparable to the fifth-level Dzogchen body cultivation realm. It makes fellow Taoists laugh."

He used all his strength to shatter the blood shark's body. After witnessing her Nascent Soul escape, he once again used the sixth-level earth mother's magnetic energy to absorb it, and then shattered it with one punch. The Patriarch of Mountain Moving had a proud smile on his face.


Almost instantly, True Monarch Tong Shark flew away through the air, and the moment he escaped into the sea, his body immediately turned into a stream of light and escaped into the group of more than 100,000 shark monsters. The group of monsters dispersed and fled for a while.

"Several Taoist friends take action together. Don't let this old man escape to avoid future troubles."


A Nascent Soul monk who has a grudge against you for killing your wife and destroying your family has escaped. In the following days, unless a young disciple of your sect stays home, he will inevitably suffer endless revenge from the other party, and you don’t know about him either. Is there still a chance to achieve the state of becoming a god in this life? If there is even a glimmer of a chance, it will also bring disaster to you.

The best way is to nip it in the bud and kill him first.

But there was already a domineering aura coming from afar.

"Hahaha... Old Tongsha, you finally agreed to hand over that skill to me. That's all. Today I will help you fight off these monsters and monsters, and let me, Bai Wei, see who will interfere... …”

After instantly sensing the breath of two treasures and the breath of four great monks, Bai Wei's face changed drastically as he came from a distance.

Even if he had a middle-grade treasure at his side and could lead Baizhang Sect and Haishamen to fight back and forth, he would not dare to face the encirclement and attack of Five Beasts Sect and Fangzhang Lin at the same time.

After all, Haisha no longer has the Changhong Sword in his hands.

"Fellow Taoists, this man has a sixth-level skill in his hands. Let's surround and kill him together. How about allowing me to copy a copy of the skill?" He rolled his eyes and chose to adapt to the situation!

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