Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 434 Five beasts and one island, the sect has a new lineage of Wan Tao

"A fleet is coming?"

Five Beast Island was parallel to the Shanhai Island that was pushed out to the sea by the river at this time. The two large islands have become the two important towns for external defense in the Shanhai area today.

The first person to notice the approaching fleet was Changren Kai, who was sitting on the outer beach of the island. At this time, behind him stood Guo Youcai, Gu Yuelan, and Yan Leiting, the masters of the Golden Core Sixth Heaven Weapon Palace.

He Liancheng, the master of the Dan Palace of the fifth level of the Golden elixir, Bai Wei, the master of the Reward Palace, Zhang Changqing, the master of the Punishment Palace, and Duo Beast Zhenren.

Yang Zhenzhong, Hedancheng, Wanhe, and Gongshujian of the third level of Jindan.

There are a total of eleven Jindan Daoist.

This is the reason why the Five Beast Sect is in charge of the Five Beast Island. On the opposite Shanhai Island, there is also the Bone Talisman True Monarch sitting in charge at this time. Under his command are Qu Xi, the seventh-level golden elixir heaven, and Qiu, the master of the formation hall of the sixth golden elixir heaven. Wen, the master of the Royal Beast Hall, Wan Shanzhong, the master of the Tianluo Hall, Wenren Buxi, the master of the Fire Hall, Quan Cong, and the master of the Heritage Hall, Jiang Yiren.

In addition, each of the two islands has 40 people from the Purple Mansion, 1,000 people from the Foundation Building, and 100,000 Qi Refining cultivators.

This kind of lineup is stationed in two fifth-level high-grade defense formations. Even if two Nascent Soul monks are dispatched to attack, they can still hold on until reinforcements from the sect arrive.

At this time, they were inevitably nervous due to the size of the monks coming towards them.

"There are so many golden elixir auras, at least twenty or more, and there are also several Nascent Soul auras, and there are even monsters comparable to the Dzogchen realm..."

"Inform the Black Dragon Patriarch immediately. Without him, we would probably have a hard time defending today."


The ordinary person took a step forward and shouted towards the opposite side, "May I ask who is coming? What is the purpose of coming to the realm of my Five Beast Sect?"

"We are monks from the Wan Tao Sect in the Sea of ​​Bones. We have come to seek refuge with the Five Beasts Sect on the orders of our sect master."


Ordinary people scratch their ears and think they heard wrongly.

"The demon cultivator has come to seek refuge with us? Although our Five Beasts Sect is not a famous and upright sect, it is not a place where evil and evil are hidden. Why do they think we want to accept them?"

"Fellow Taoists, you are on the wrong path." The bone talisman took a step forward. Under the old skin, the Taoist robe was dancing in the wind, as if it could be taken action at any time.

"That's right. My sect leader's name is Xu Yuming. He is the young sect leader of your Five Beast Sect. If you don't activate the formation, then we will live overseas."

Chang Renkai and Bone Talisman looked at each other, wondering, when did their young sect leader also create a force in the Sea of ​​Bones? Are you sure that these corpse puppets, demon cultivators, and sea monsters opposite are not some evil ways? Such monks can also join them. Five Beast Sect?


With a loud noise, a figure suddenly crashed down in front of the two islands that had formed formations. It was the Black Dragon Patriarch with a pair of dragon horns on his head and a somewhat gloomy look.

"The one hiding under the sea, get out."

"How dare a little poisonous dragon act so recklessly in front of me?" The huge black shadow of the megalodon directly enveloped the water thousands of miles away. The black shadow dropped from the air was far less frightening than the black shadow reflected on the bottom of the sea. As the black shadow gradually approached the sea surface, At that moment, Mo Cheng suddenly transformed into a shark head and a human face.

"The peak of Nascent Soul, the ancient megalodon?"

"The Poison Dragon Beast King, the Black Dragon Patriarch?"

The two looked at each other, their eyes full of fighting intent and the killing intent of their respective beasts.

"Xu Yuming is the young master of our Five Beasts Sect. He is willing to accept you, but it is not that our Five Beasts Sect will accept you. You can choose to stay on Five Beasts Island or Shanhai Island and stay in one place for our Five Beasts Sect. Some monks, You can enter the inland of the mountain and sea area, arrive at the territory of the Yandang Sect, and become Yandang Sect monks. How about all the high-level monks you stay here will become my guests of the Five Beasts Sect?"

The status of the Black Dragon Patriarch is equivalent to that of the Mountain-moving Patriarch. His words are unequivocal and cannot be questioned by anyone.

"Does the high-level monk refer to Jindan or Zifu?"

"Above the Zi Mansion, we don't care whether you stay or leave the foundation building. Just leave at least as many monks as an island behind me. How about that?"

Mo Cheng was silent for a moment and looked back at He Lingjue.

"What do you think, Brother Lingjue?"

He Lingjue has the body of a corpse puppet. Although he is in the late stage of Nascent Soul, his speech at this time is like a razor blade stuck in his throat, which is a bit harsh.

"What the sect leader means is that our Wan Tao Sect will be merged into the Five Beast Sect and become another lineage besides your five beasts. We will strengthen the Five Beast Sect instead of strengthening the Yandang Sect. If you don't want to, the worst we can do is leave. .”

The Black Dragon Patriarch was silent for a moment, as if he was communicating with the Patriarch of Moving Mountain across space.

After about a hundred breaths passed, he looked up and said, "Old Man Banshan agreed to your request. From now on, our Five Beast Sect will be divided into six branches, and they will be called Five Beasts and One Island."

"You, the Wan Tao lineage, are stationed on Shanhai Island, and the island is renamed Wan Tao Island. Demonic cultivation methods can only be used on the island, and are not allowed to act recklessly in the Shanhai area and the Black Stone Ancient area."

"As for the senior leaders of the sect..."

His eyes fell on Mo Cheng, "You and I can become the sect's Mountain Guardian Beast King at the same time. As for this True Lord Bai, how about you become the owner of Wantao Island?"

"Thank you, Patriarch." Bai Xuecheng came out and bowed to him. The other party was in the real Nascent Soul Dzogchen realm, so naturally he couldn't rely on him.

"Grandmaster, Wan Tao's lineage has settled on Shanhai Island, where will we go?" Bone Talisman Zhenjun, who was originally stationed at Shanhai Island, couldn't help but show an expression of astonishment. He didn't want to leave the edge of the Sanxiu Sea. How many times can he do this every year? Overseas trade, and the vitality of heaven and earth here, are not comparable to those inland.

Especially after the battle on the Sea Shark Islands, they already had two fifth-level middle-grade spiritual veins rooted under the two islands, as well as two fifth-order high-grade formations to protect them, which were enough to deal with all threats in the world.

"There are seventeen Jindan Masters here, and there are only fourteen Jindan Masters in the sect. You need to send a few back to the sect to take charge. As for you, the Bone Talisman Master, you need to return to the Five Beasts Sect to help make the talismans."

"After swallowing the astonishing wealth of the Haisha Sect, the sect is determined to purchase a batch of Yuanying resources from outside. You and other Yuanying True Monarchs can get the resources to improve their small realms. These golden elixirs will all have the opportunity to be promoted to Yuanying. .”

After hearing this, Bone Talisman breathed a sigh of relief.

The Black Dragon Patriarch faced the demon cultivators across from him and sighed, "If any of you can achieve great military exploits, you will also have the opportunity to obtain resources. However, before that, you are just guest ministers. If you want to truly integrate into our Five Beast Sect, you must Show real results."

"The sect can provide us with a large island to stay and a fifth-level mid-level spiritual vein to practice. We are extremely grateful." Bai Xuecheng took a step forward and bowed to him again.


The Black Dragon Patriarch took a deep look at Mo Cheng, as if he wanted to fight with it, but he wasn't even sure, so he moved away and disappeared.

[Moshan, what on earth do you think of letting a group of demon cultivators come to our Five Beast Sect? Do you want the Bingxin Sect to the north, the Ziwei Dao Sect to the south and the Ascetic Sect to the west to misunderstand that we are colluding with the Sea of ​​Bones? 】

[Yu Ming is the inheritor of the Divine Talisman of the Taoist Palace. He will definitely not do this. Moreover, Ziwei Dao Sect has an old fight with him. Naturally, there is Abbot Lin on the Bingxin Sect. As for the Ascetic Sect, if they find Come to your door and I will show up in person to explain. 】The Patriarch of Moving Mountain is still sitting cross-legged on the Black Stone Sacred Mountain at this time. He likes the Black Stone Ancient Territory, a world where monsters are causing trouble. After all, here, he can feel the primitive atmosphere.

He visualized himself as a mountain. Perhaps after successfully accumulating mana to the perfection of Nascent Soul, he would be the easiest being to enter the realm of divine transformation.

[The promotion of the sect is good for both you and me. Once the opportunity arises to become a god, and the sect’s background is too poor, you and I will be endlessly hunted. You also know the next layout of my Five Beast Sect. That kid Yuming is not bad. , know how to think about the sect. If those demon cultivators merged into the Yandang Sect today, they should be turned away. 】

The Black Dragon Patriarch sneered, and stepped firmly to rest in a mountain nest in Bohai County, manifesting the body of a poisonous dragon three thousand feet. The old man moving the mountain was so dark that he even wanted to plot against his own disciples.

[Then if Xu Yuming comes back this time and wants to take over the power of the sect, will you give it to him or not? 】

[He will not ask for it. With his advanced cultivation, he will definitely not be held back by sect affairs. Meishan is now the sect leader well, so let him continue to be in charge. 】

[By the way, Black Dragon, I bought you a sixth-level dragon breath from the Vine Dragon Forest Sea. Do you want to try to breed a natal magical power? 】

[You don’t need to worry about it. 】

After endless exchanges, the Patriarch of Moving Mountain took out a sound-transmitting conch.

[Meishan, I have exchanged 5 low-grade Infant Transformation Pills here, all of which are Beast Behavior Pills, 5 copies of Samsara Grass and Purple Soul Flower, and the remaining 11 Golden Pills, the Eight Nascent Soul Skills, and the Golden Pill Skills. There are more than fifty sects, and you distribute them all to meritorious officials. As long as the monks of our Five Beast Sect reach the perfection of the golden elixir in the future, they can use the sect's contribution to exchange for an infant transformation elixir and a chance to have a baby. 】

[I sincerely obey the decree of our ancestors. 】

Far away on the main peak of the Beast Emperor of the Five Beast Sect, True Lord Meishan felt that his family's great business was great, and his face showed a bit of joy. He also had to think about the monks who were loyal to him.

Qu Xi from the seventh level of the golden elixir, Gongshu Jian from the third level of the golden elixir, and Mei Ruonan from the fourth level of the golden elixir.

These three are all from the same lineage of Beast King Peak.

"It's a pity. In two hundred years, except for Elder Qu Xi, the third child and Nan'er will have no hope of having a baby."

Compared to the eighth disciple Xu Yuming who has now entered the Yuanying realm, the fourth disciple Yue Bingjiao and the ninth disciple Cao Qingxiu who are still in the Zifu realm, he was silent for a moment, and they were all ready to distribute a gold-forming elixir, and then use their own sects. Contribution, give them the opportunity to get a golden elixir, and considering their own knowledge, it should not be difficult to form an elixir by buying another one.

"As for the chance of the sect's Nascent Soul, the only person in the eighth level of the Golden Core is Gu Heather. There is also Qingyang Roar next to me who is also a fourth-level Great Perfection. Give him a share."

[Yu Ming, you have made a lot of contributions to the sect. Your contribution to the battle against the Sea Shark Sect alone is enough to exchange for an Infant Transformation Pill and a Millennium Purple Soul Flower. This gives you a 20% chance of conceiving a baby. Can you Are you willing to exchange? 】

Xu Yuming, who was returning to the Five Beast Sect with all his strength at this time, grinned. His master was still thinking of him.

[Master’s decision is that no one from our Yandang Sect or Wantao Island can use these Nascent Soul opportunities. 】

[Master, I think Geng Suifeng and Qin Tiande are good. Since your Wan Tao lineage has joined our Five Beasts Sect, someone should stay at the top of the sect to garrison. You recommend one person to exchange two Nascent Soul opportunities for me. Just give it to him. 】

Xu Yuming hesitated for a moment and decided to recommend Qin Tiande. This man had a hot temper and was not as smooth as Geng Suifeng, but he only practiced in the Five Beasts Sect and served as a sect bridge for Wan Tao's lineage, which was more than enough.

[The sect has seized a lot this time. Yuming, besides the Changhong Sword, do you need anything else? 】

[Master, I have already taken the spiritual crystal and the sixth-level treasure, so there is no need to take action anymore. 】

[Alright, if you know a fifth-level alchemy master or a fifth-level weapon refiner, you can recommend it to the sect. The sect will just reward the Nascent Soul and Golden Pill under the sect with a magic weapon each. In this way, The combat power of the sect monks can also be greatly improved. 】

Xu Yuming was silent. His master really thought about the sect wholeheartedly.

After he cut off the sound transmission, he had just flown a million miles away when he received another sound transmission.

[Junior Brother Xu, Junior Sister Yue and Junior Brother Cao simultaneously received the reward of the Golden Pill to prepare for a breakthrough in seclusion. After they form the pill, Brother Wei would like to invite all the true disciples of our Beast King Peak sect to gather together. 】

The person who conveyed the message was the third senior brother, Gongshu Jian.

[Everything depends on Senior Brother. Yu Ling has thanked Senior Brother for taking care of him. After I return, I have to thank him in person. 】

Naturally, there were some pleasantries after that. Gongshu Jian really wanted to take Xu Yuling as his successor. He taught her all his swordsmanship and kendo knowledge without any secret, which moved Xu Yuming's heart.

After returning home, I will probably teach Uncle Gongshu a powerful sword style.

As for the few people under their Beast King Peak sect.

Cao Qingxiu needs to inherit the mantle of the Cao family. Needless to say, Yue Bingjiao's path of dual cultivation of the legal body is probably very difficult. It should be easier to cultivate the dual cultivation of the animal body. After all, the beast king beside her is not far away from the golden elixir now. .

Mei Ruonan's words... If he can take the initiative to expose the world of Xuanjing Lake, he can bring her in. With the help of Shi Zong's background, it is not impossible to have a baby in the future.

However, today's Five Beast Sect cannot be supported by just one or two Nascent Soul Lords.

It is also necessary to have the emergence of the Nascent Soul monk, and the top Nascent Soul monk, in order for the Five Beast Sect to become the first-class powerful sect in the Sanxiu Sea, with the Bingxin Sect, Ziwei Dao Sect, Ascetic Sect, and White Bone Sea Area The qualifications to survive in the cracks between.

"If a war breaks out and the Taoist Palace does not end in time, can these three first-class forces be able to stop the demonic cultivators who have accumulated tens of thousands of years in the Sea of ​​Bones?"

Xu Yuming thought for a moment and felt that there were not many possibilities.


Feeling that the surrounding scenery had completely receded, Xu Yuming had already appeared in an area only tens of thousands of miles away from the Five Beast Island. He only needed to open a space portal to reach it.

"Is it better to sell a teleportation array to the sect first, or directly exchange it for the opportunity to have a baby?"

Xu Yuming thought that the world of Xuanjing Lake has not yet touched the existence of the fifth level.

Thank you to fellow Taoist monk Jie Chi for your support of 100 coins!

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