Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 440 Fighting into the underground burial pit, and then entering the Four Elephants undergrou


As the power of the formation fell for the third time, billions of bones were instantly shattered into pieces of ashes, scattered in the sky and earth.

"Send the order, Zifu and above, follow me into the underground." After Xu Tuhe was silent for a moment, he directly ordered the pursuit.

He couldn't let the remnants of the Holy Sect escape. Could it be that once they came back, God knew whether they, who had been dormant for many years, would really be able to obtain the secrets in the underground palace of the Four Elephants Holy Sect.

If they really got hold of many methods of transforming into gods, then their Xu family would probably be completely wiped out.

"Master Tuhe, there is a burial pit under this ground. With our methods, we may not be able to break through even the outer perimeter. Many fake elixirs before, even the True Lord Dragon Soul..." Master Guiqi frowned, using his fake It would be too dangerous for Dan to lose his fighting power.

"It doesn't matter, I'm going with you, Master Guiqi. This is my little master. Please help me take care of it." The golden fire unicorn fell with a purple light all over its body, and lifted Xu Yuling from his back and placed it on the ground.

The powerful aura he revealed was immediately noticeable.

"Jin Huo, are you... stepping into the fifth level?" Master Tuhe looked shocked, because even in Lao Yu's body, he could not feel this majestic suppressive force.

"It is indeed the realm of the fifth-level Nascent Soul Lord. In the past, I felt the aura of those Holy Sect Nascent Soul Lords before they sat down and passed away. It is indeed true." Lao Yuan couldn't help but sigh. It was really easy to enjoy the shade under the big tree. , I didn’t expect that the little unicorn who followed Xu Yuming in the past would now be ahead of him in cultivation.

"The master has sent a message that the Infant Transformation Pill promised to you is indispensable, but you have to go down to the underground palace, and these four big turtles have to go down with you."

"Okay, then let Gui Chen, Gui Hai, Gui Shuang, and Gui Ao take everyone down together." The old turtle took on a human form, but its face still kept the appearance of a snake head. At this time, it was revealed that there was a magical illusion in front of the person, He can only hide it from ordinary monks, but not from their group of golden elixir Yuanying.

There are four turtle beasts that are the size of a house, and one is a giant turtle that has returned to its ancestors. It is called Gui Chen. Its cultivation level is at the late fourth level and it has strong combat power.

The blue one was clearly a water-walking turtle, an alien species from heaven and earth, already in the middle stage of the fourth level.

The remaining two mid-level fourth-level ones were the double-faced turtle and the turtle with the bloodline of the dragon turtle.

These two guys turned out to be banshees.


As the tide washed away, they quickly got into the ground. When they sank at least a thousand feet, there were more and more blood evil spirits and ghost spirits nearby.

When it sank to 3,000 feet, Xu Yuming had already appeared in the sky above Nanhuzhou. He lowered his head and glanced at the ghost master who was talking to Xu Yuling. At this time, he had no time to reminisce and walked directly into the void. The next moment, he was already standing Behind the space portal, look at the endless white bones.

At this time, all the monks under his command were in place.

The seven-headed fourth-level monsters are Lao Yuan, Gui Chen, Gui Hai, Gui Shuang, Gui Ao, Yellow Bird Winged Bird, and Ginseng Water Ape.

On their backs, four real human beings, Xu Tuhe, Liu Heng, Cao Yan, and Xu Qionghai, followed Jin Huo, carrying at least thirty Zifu monks, and stepped into the sky above the underground burial pit.

Xu Yuming saw that Nangong Hui was there, and she obviously wanted to come and experience the mystery of this burial pit.

It's a pity... they were attacked by Bones as soon as they arrived at the periphery.

The overwhelming bone spurs penetrated the sky and were blocked by the spiritual weapons they sacrificed. However, within a hundred miles, countless birds with white bone wings were attacking them.

These bone birds without flesh and blood will attack endlessly when encountering the energy of living beings.

It was Master Yan Zhen who stood up and controlled three fourth-order mid-level formations to steadily block their attacks.

Three Hundred Miles, Xu Yuming had some admiration on his face. They were able to advance here without letting Jin Huo take action. Their strength was indeed impressive.


After entering a thousand miles, powerful fourth-level corpses gradually took action, but they were all crushed by Xu Tuhe's easy use of the Vajra Hand Seal.

By the time they were three thousand miles away, all the golden elixirs had been taken.

"Zi Mansion is here. Let's collect the benefits from the battlefield and go back."


After seeing off the Zifu monks who were following him, Xu Tuhe glanced around and said, "Fellow Taoists, please don't hide your secrets later. Although you will use all your methods, I think you will also stay with the Four Symbols Holy Sect. You must be curious about the underground palace."

"Why don't we go to the door together and take a look? At least we have to go to the weak water area known as Naihe Bridge."


Master Tiandan is now a fourth-level low-grade alchemist. He casually distributed the spiritual power pills he brought to the monks around him. Even a few fourth-level monsters got one, which he held in his mouth and could be chewed at any time. Restore spiritual energy in the body.

"hold head high……"

A six-hundred-foot-long large lizard swung its tail toward the sky.

The moment all the golden core turtles and beasts dodged, the ginseng water ape had manifested its eight-hundred-foot-long body and stepped on it with one foot. After the second foot fell, the opponent had been torn apart.

Even the other party's bone fire was swallowed by him. This guy was already familiar with the location of the underground palace, and it was obvious that he had not done anything in these years.

"In the future, the water-gathering ape may be as helpful as gold and fire." Xu Yuming's eyes fell on the old turtle who could survive the six or nine heavenly tribulations at any time. "This old man's lifespan is too long. If he can be suppressed and completely subdued, maybe he can be conquered again." Accompany me, the Yandang Sect, for thousands of years."

This is the real mountain-suppressing spiritual beast.

Due to the special nature of the old turtle, it only needs to eat, sleep, eat, and survive for thousands of years. This level of cultivation will naturally rise. It has powerful magical power. When it reaches the realm of Nascent Soul monk, it will also be the most top level. batch.

It is absolutely perfect to use it to guard your home.


Xu Yuming suddenly saw a ghost figure, and in the blink of an eye, it had fallen behind him.

Bai Xuecheng, a mid-level fifth-level evil ghost, stepped on his soul and revealed a long tongue and a big bloody mouth towards him.


Jiuyou was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and even his soul power almost collapsed.

"It's really interesting that you, a junior, developed your spiritual wisdom from the resentful spirits in this earthly grave. But where did you get the courage to pretend to be the Four Elephants Holy Sect and launch an attack on the Lord of this world? ?" Bai Xuecheng easily controlled his soul power, feeling that the other party's soul power was only at the late stage of Jindan, and he could crush him to death at any time.

"Don't kill me. I should be an outer disciple of the Four Elephants Holy Sect in the past. My cultivation level is only in the Zifu realm. I was forced to take action. That bone face is the real successor of the Four Elephants Holy Sect. He Now I am about to break through the Nascent Soul, and I can freely enter and exit the underground palace, otherwise... I would not be able to obey his orders."

"How did you get your spiritual intelligence? Don't confuse me with the trap of being an outer disciple. When I was hanging around in the Sea of ​​Bones, your kid might not have been born yet." Bai Xuecheng snorted coldly, pretending to start burning the opponent. 's soul.

"No, no, no, senior, stop it."

Jiuyou still dared to quibble, so he could only point in the distance, "Under the hill opposite, my body is buried. I am a copper lamp. In the past, the Holy Sect conducted countless research on beast souls."

"Cut the beast soul into pieces and try to see if these sliced ​​beast souls can recover and survive on their own."

"Maybe I'm one of them."

"I'm not lying when I say that I survived this underground burial pit and that I was born spiritually on my own. If senior wants to kill me, just do it."

Jiuyou stared at the underground palace a hundred thousand miles away.

"This is already the core area of ​​the underground palace. In front of it is the weak water of Huangquan. As far as I know, there is also a sixth-order Dragon Locking Fengshui formation here. Under the weak water of Huangquan, there is also a river of forgetfulness that cannot be crossed. The river water is of the fifth level, with infinite lethality."

"With bodies like yours, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to get through."

"As for the danger at the entrance of the palace, you can't get close to it. Just a soul that can kill all living things below the sixth level is not something you can deal with. Go back."

"What is the true identity of Bone Face?" Bai Xuecheng asked subconsciously after receiving Xu Yuming's voice transmission.

"Heirs of the Xiao Xizhou lineage of the Holy Sect should not learn the method of Shizong, but the method of killing and beheading. He has mastered at least four holy methods. If you want to fight him, beware of the inherited treasure in his hand."

"I'm done, you can kill me."

With that said, Jiuyou had already closed his eyes.

"Not bad perception, you can actually sense my existence."

Xu Yuming slowly came closer, "I want to know what your true form is. What I'm asking about is before the beast soul was cut."

Jiuyou was silent for a moment and then shook his head, "Maybe it's a snake. I have a cold nature. Maybe I'm the best seed of a ghost cultivator and a demon cultivator. And when I first gained spiritual intelligence, I only looked like a snake soul, about the size of a palm."

"I understand, can these bones be controlled by the bone surface? Or do you have any way to let my people easily cross this sea of ​​bones?" Xu Yuming stared at him and asked.

"With the strength of previous generations, you can break through the gate of the underground palace, so why bother to say more?" Jiuyou didn't know Xu Yuming's specific realm, but he still had white blood under him and such a terrifying ghost volunteered to be his servant, so it was inevitable It is a higher level of cultivation.

Xu Yuming nodded slightly, looked back into the distance, and moved his mouth.

Xu Tuhe in the distance immediately ordered a retreat.

Xu Yuming's message forced him to be cautious.

However, the Golden Fire Qilin brought the old turtle to the front of Huangquan Weoshui.

The blood evil energy gathered here at this time was probably a hundred times a thousand times greater than the blood evil energy condensed by Xu Yuming. He suspected that it was contaminated with the blood of sixth-level creatures.

"If the person sitting at the gate of the underground palace at the moment is a Dao-killing expert, it will be difficult. If he is just an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator, you can give it a try."

Xu Yuming stared at the underground palace in the distance and began to activate the blood evil domain to refine the surrounding blood evil energy.

In the blink of an eye, a huge vortex of blood covering thousands of miles appeared directly above his head.

Xu Yuming let the golden fire turn into a purple dragon mark and fall on his left arm. The old turtle behind him had already swallowed the Infant Transformation Pill and was about to start causing six or nine heavenly tribulations.

At this time, the suppression of Heavenly Dao in the world of Xuanjing Lake is no longer so powerful.

As the giant monster from the North Kingdom opened a space gap in the void teleportation array he had displayed, although its huge size was not allowed to pass through, at least this world was enough to carry the Nascent Soul Lord.

In the next ten or twenty years, I'm afraid there will be a lot of golden elixir monks.


The blood evil energy enveloped Xu Yuming's whole body. At this time, Jin Huo, who was hiding in his left arm, was a little worried about his master's condition, but found that he had gradually refined the animal blood in the blood evil energy and integrated it into the ten thousand things in his body. In the beast body, the twelfth secret secret of Shi Zong was even directly opened.

"Master is tempering himself with the blood evil energy, but the water from the Wangchuan Spring under the ground is about to come out." Jin Huo muttered, and saw that the underground palace with a radius of millions of miles was being terrorized. The blood evil aura was shrouded in him, and the blood evil aura completely attracted by Xu Yuming would cause a terrifying backlash. If he didn't transform into a god, it would be absolutely difficult to escape.

But Lao Yu's sixty-nine tribulations have also arrived.

The demon-destroying divine thunder that arrived first directly shattered half of the bloody energy in the sky, and the remaining half rushed towards Xu Yuming and was caught steadily by him.


Nine consecutive demon-destroying divine thunders completely dissipated the blood evil energy, and Xu Yuming began to absorb it crazily.

Even if a dozen storage rings are not enough, the twelve secret treasures in the body can be filled.


After the Amber Divine Thunder fell, the shocking white light thunder cracked the stone tablet carried behind the old turtle, and the thirteenth secret treasure in Xu Yuming's body was quietly opened.

Moreover, the beast blood refined in his body has reached more than 5,000 levels. This blood evil energy has absorbed the essence blood of countless fourth-level and fifth-level Four-Elephant Holy Sect demon beasts. After all of them were absorbed by him, his body A fierce step towards the realm of Dacheng.

As long as he can become a Dacheng Houtian Taoist body, Xu Yuming will be able to fight even if he faces the True Monarch of Transformation God.

It's a pity that in the end, all the bloody evil energy in the sky was absorbed by the Wangchuan spring water deep underground. He took the opportunity to swallow only three or four tenths of it.

"Seven thousand nine hundred and sixty-five fifth-order beast souls." Xu Yuming took a deep breath and felt the power of his physical body. Without relying on the divine light of the stars, he successfully reached the level of the late fifth-order. Now he faced ordinary Yuan Yuan. Brother Ying, I'm afraid there is no need to retreat.

Thirteen secret treasures, which increase the combat power for thirteen times. If he uses all the "Star Divine Dragon Body", he can imagine that his current physical training and combat power have directly caught up with the one who created the Shizong lineage of the Four Symbols Holy Sect in the past. A strong man.

He is only the strongest under the Transformation God, and at most he is at the level of Dao Slayer.

A strong person who can transform into gods can have many paths, but you have to kill them all. Those who can't be killed will become the group of people above the Nascent Soul monks, like the strongest foundation of the Hell Sword King and various first-rate forces.


He has no time to refine the spring water of Wangchuan River. The old turtle behind him also has a tortoise shell that has been cultivated for thousands of years to protect himself. What's more, there are stone tablets blessed by the magic power of the saints of the past. It should not be a problem for just six or nine heavenly tribulations. .

Xu Yuming's eyes met with the withered skeleton sitting cross-legged in front of the gate of the underground palace 90,000 miles away.

The other person didn't open his mandible, and seemed to be making a "ka-ka" laugh.

After so many years of loneliness, someone finally comes to die?

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