Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 443: Guiding the disciples, the demon sword monk returns

Time flies and three months have passed.

Xu Yuming met Xueyingnu, Chu Qingluan, Mu Xiangyu, Mo Qingshuang, and the now slim Mo Liuniang in Yannan County.

In the Xu family of Yannan County, these people have very high status.

Xue Yingnu is now at the pinnacle of foundation building. She has been practicing from the early stage of foundation building for twenty years. The speed is not too fast, and she still has a lot of cultivation resources.

In the world of Xuanjing Lake, she enjoys top-notch resources.

Chu Qingluan's cultivation is already in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, but she still has the realm of a second-level top alchemist. Now she can refine even Foundation Establishment Spiritual Liquid and Foundation Establishment Pills very skillfully. If she can still refine the purple With Xu Dan, you can smoothly enter the realm of third-level alchemist. He is also a well-known alchemist in the Yannan Xu family.

Mu Xiangyu came here with the Wan Tao Sect, so he hasn't found the way yet, but his cultivation is already at the early stage of foundation building, and he has a spirit body in his body. Even if the Yuan Yin has been broken, the future of Yuanying can still be expected.

Mo Qingshuang is also at the Great Perfection of Qi Refining here, and Xu Yuming's arrival today is to help her build the foundation.

Next to her, Mo Liu Niang is practicing more diligently. Since becoming a disciple of Gui Qi Zhenren, she has also learned the skills of the three fake elixirs in South Huzhou. Now she can be said to be a real master of the three masters in refining elixirs, refining weapons and forming formations.

With her fame, she can catch up with Chu Qingluan in Xu Yuming's Wives.


Nangong Hui was playing a solo on the edge of the cliff, and next to her was a kid named Xu Yuyin. His playing skills were average, but he was really good at playing flutes and other instruments.

In addition to Xu Yurui and Xu Yufeng who are outside, Xu Yuling is now practicing in Beihan Province. It seems that he wants to go to the old site of Frost Sword Sect to find some powerful sword moves, maybe he can find a magical power.

Xu Yuming made a second-level giant turtle with an atavistic bloodline become her partner. If Xu Yuling can break through to the third step of sword cultivation in the future, her giant turtle can also become a sword turtle.

As for the second sons born later, Xu Yuxiu, born to Chu Qingluan, and Xu Yuzhen, born to Xue Yingnuo, are both twenty years old now.

Xu Yuming looked at these two young boys. Their spiritual roots had actually reached the earth spiritual root. Their cultivation levels were in the early stages of foundation building. Naturally, they were practicing the "Yandang Cloud Qi Jue".

He even sensed a vague aura of animal blood from Xu Yuxiu's body.

"This is a seedling who was born to practice walking. My father taught you the secret secrets of Buddhism. If you can't open seven or eight secret secrets within ten years, you are slacking off."

"Yes." It seemed that it was the first time he met his father, and Xu Yuxiu was still a little afraid of him.

As for Xu Yuzhen, she shamelessly got behind him and helped him pat his back.

"You are a smart and tactful boy, unlike your second brother Xu Yufeng who is sharp. In the future, my Xu family's business route can be left to you to take charge, but your cultivation level must not be left behind. Our Xu family's "Yandang Conquering Demons Sutra" "You have to practice hard all your life. If you can cultivate to the level of Zifu, my father will hand over the entire Dongzhou trade to you."

"If you can cultivate the golden elixir, the trade in the world of Xuanjing Lake will be managed by you."

"Thank you, dad." Xu Yuzhen was ecstatic. This is a world's trade. How many cultivation resources can this have?

If all of these are utilized, within a hundred years, he will become a leader among the golden elixirs.

On Xu Yuming's side, he was also giving advice to his second disciple Han Lingtong and third disciple Xiao Ning'er in his spare time.

The first disciple, Ye Hongmei, was attacked by a monster in the third year after entering the secret realm. Although she saved her life, her spiritual roots were damaged and her immortal path was cut off. She is still in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, and her Talisman Dao has already reached the second level. You can buy the third level at any time, which makes Xu Yuming a little sad.

Although this one is not the most talented talisman-making monk under his sect, he is definitely the most diligent.

Moreover, the Sealing Cloud Vase she created is still a hot item in the mountains and seas.

At this time, she was sitting next to him with a smile on her face.

"Master, there is no need to feel sorry for me. The second junior brother is already in the early stage of the Purple Mansion. The third junior sister has just entered the master's sect and is now at the peak of foundation building. I, the senior sister, are a little behind. But if I are to be reincarnated in the future... in this world There are also disciples who serve Master, and I have no regrets."

Xu Yuming sighed in his heart, and Chu Qingluan's voice came to his ears.

[Husband, the demon sword monk who is looking for the awakening and enlightenment incense for you is back. This man is now the abbot of Hankong Temple in Xiaoxizhou. His cultivation has reached the early stage of Zifu, and he has prepared a hundred awakening and enlightenment incense for you. fragrant. 】

Xu Yuming couldn't help but his eyes lit up, but then he heard her voice transmission again.

[He heard about Ye Hongmei’s situation and said that there was a way to replace the spiritual roots in her body so that she could continue to practice. 】

Xu Yuming motioned for her to continue.

[That is a "spiritual root exchange" method. Although it hurts Tianhe a little, we can definitely find a death row prisoner to exchange it. In this way, Hongmei can also...]

Xu Yuming was silent for a moment. He wanted to ask Ye Hongmei what he meant, and he couldn't let his master come forward.

Otherwise, it would not be good for her to think that she was forcing her.

It's better to let Chu Qingluan do her homework first.

Thinking of this, Xu Yuming had already appeared in Xiaoxizhou.

At this time, his palace was located on the island in the middle of the lake. This place had become the palace of Xu Yuming, the master of the secret realm.

The demon sword monk originally wanted to visit, but never had the chance.

Because he has been handing in the Awakening Incense for many years, he has received a lot of cultivation resources from the Yannan Xu family, and his cultivation level has been continuously improved.

"Demon Sword Monk?"

After Xu Yuming appeared, the man immediately leaned over and knelt on the ground.

"Didn't you return to Buddhism? I heard that you have also become the host of Hankong Temple. I am very happy to congratulate you. I will come over to take care of your business if you find time. How about I come and burn a stick of incense at your place?"

"Don't dare."

"The power of the true king is boundless. If you come, the poor monk will immediately sweep the couch to welcome you."

"These are the twenty incense sticks that I have saved over the years with all my hard work. I will give them to the True Lord today."

Xu Yuming made a casual move and felt the effect of the awakening and enlightenment incense in front of him. I am afraid that it is already greatly reduced for him now, but if these twenty sticks can have the effect of [Episode] twice, it can also help him. Practice the Holy Dharma.

"You have nothing to do to be courteous, tell me, what do you want?"

Xu Yuming asked in a deep voice.

"There is a road leading to the golden elixir avenue. As long as the True Lord is willing to give me a future, I will still be willing to cultivate this awakening and enlightenment incense for the True Lord in the future, and I promise to hand over a hundred sticks every year."

One hundred per year?

The subsequent efficacy will only become lower and lower, but it is still useful.

Xu Yuming was silent for a moment, "I was outside and found a fifth-level talisman called the Enlightenment Talisman. This talisman is a hundred times more effective than your Awakening Enlightenment Incense..."

"The poor monk is willing to mobilize all Buddhist cultivators to find talisman-making materials for the True Lord. As far as I know, many years ago, the Holy Sect had a treasure house in Xiaoxizhou. There are at least tens of thousands of fifth-level talisman-making materials in it. All of them can be given away. In the hands of the True Lord."

There was a hint of approval in Xu Yuming's eyes, "You are very good. You can work under me in the future and help me look after some small Xizhou."

"Thank you, True Lord. I will convene a group of Buddhist cultivators to improve this incense for awakening the mind and strive to increase its effectiveness several times."

"Very good. If you succeed, I will reward you with a low-grade golden elixir."

"Thank you, Lord." The demon sword monk was overjoyed. This was a direct promise of giving him the golden elixir.

After sending away the demon sword monk, Xu Yuming returned to the Yannan Treasure House, and one hundred and twenty more awakening and enlightenment incense sticks came out of his hand, making him feel like he was in another world.

In twenty years, he actually had so much inventory.

After he lit it one after another, the charge behind [Episode] suddenly increased to 12 times.

"Directly derive a holy method to its extreme, or derive my fifth step of sword intent. In this way, my combat power will be greatly improved."

Xu Yuming's heart was moved, but he still recited the second Nascent Soul method of the Patriarch of Moving Mountain.

If he could obtain this skill, he might be able to communicate freely with the outside world in the world of Xuanjing Lake.

However, he felt that the patience of the old demon Kunpeng was also limited. If he could not reach the next stage of Void Divine Slash within a hundred years, he would easily strangle him to death.

Even if he didn't kill her, it would be annoying to be locked up by him in the dark.


Xu Yuming appeared behind a large bluestone, with Han Lingtong sitting cross-legged in front of him.

He was not sure whether the boy had recovered the memory of his previous life.

As the founder of the Five Beasts Sect and the ancestor of the Five Beasts who had reached half-step of becoming a god, he suspected that after this person was reincarnated, the Nascent Soul had already transformed into a god, leaving only the last mana and slashing path. Everything would fall into place and he would be a hundred years old. Before, I could try to attack the gods.

At this time, he has been tied to his side, but can he really be used by him in the future?

Han Lingtong seemed to see what Xu Yuming was thinking.

"Master, do you have something to ask me?"

"Spirit boy, have you awakened your past life memories?"

"I remember some things, but the complete memory still cannot be inherited. Master, rest assured that people like me who are reincarnated will definitely leave behind big plans, and once my memory is restored, my cultivation will be doubled. I am just practicing step by step now. If I can recover Memory, I’m afraid it’s already in the late stage of the Golden Elixir.”

Xu Yuming nodded slightly. He was sure that Han Lingtong was not lying.

"Do you know how to practice the Second Nascent Soul?"

Han Lingtong shook his head, "Master, do you think I should continue to practice based on my experience in my previous life?"

"How many times did you kill in your previous life?" Xu Yuming asked without answering.

Han Lingtong was silent for a moment, "Maybe it was a road that fell into ruins before it was completed."

Sure enough, did he fall in Zhan Dao?

This can be considered a great power in the world.

"What way?"

"Animal cultivator."

"Cultivation of all beasts."

Xu Yuming smiled and took out the "Ten Thousand Beasts Overlord Body" with a flip of his hand and handed it out, "Since you are already an innate spirit body of the five beasts, why don't you practice the acquired "Ten Thousand Beasts Overlord Body" at the same time. If you can understand the My own Taoist body, perhaps this Tao, will successfully see its end."

"Thank you Master for teaching the Dharma. I will never forget it." Han Lingtong glanced at it, raised his head excitedly, then turned over and knelt down towards Xu Yuming.

Xu Yuming knew that this boy was smart. When he bowed, he must have thought that even if his past life memory was awakened, he would repay this kindness. This was the gratitude that he had engraved deep in his heart with the memory of this life.

If he violates it, let alone kill the Tao, he will not be able to pass the Heavenly Demon barrier of the Nascent Soul Tribulation.


Xu Yuming appeared next to Xiao Ning'er. Originally, he wanted to give Mo Cheng the damaged Beiyuan Beast Control Flag to her as a meeting gift, but unfortunately he couldn't get it.

As for the sixth-level mirage bead, it now belongs to the fish and dragon clan.

Maybe that old woman is now a Nascent Soul monk.


Xiao Ning'er bowed to him, "May I ask, Master, why are you looking for me?"

"I heard that you have been practicing underwater all year round, walking at the bottom of rivers, sitting cross-legged at the bottom of lakes, lying in the sea, and letting the tide push you. Is this true?"


"My master has a talisman called the Bai Nian Sea Divine Talisman. It may be able to help you realize the power of nature, heaven, earth and the sea."

"But this talisman is extremely powerful."

"As a teacher, I can only help you perform it once."

"Okay." Xiao Ning'er couldn't help but her eyes lit up, and then she saw Xu Yuming leading him a hundred thousand miles away from the island in the middle of the lake.

This place was originally the residence of those spirit turtles, but now it has become a deserted place. After all, the spirit turtles have not gone to Dongzhou, but have also come to live and breed near the island in the middle of the lake.


Xu Yuming used the Bai Nian Sea Talisman to stir the entire lake with his hands.

The ginseng water monkey lying on the bank of Dongzhou Lake opened his eyes for the first time, but after discovering Xu Yuming's breath, he yawned, turned over, and continued to sleep soundly.

The old turtle, which had broken through the Nascent Soul, had just retrieved its own stone tablet from the depths of the lake and placed it on it, preparing to fall into a deep sleep to stabilize its cultivation and extend its lifespan to fifty thousand years.

Unexpectedly, he saw Xu Yuming's unparalleled power in controlling the Xuanjing Lake with one hand, stirring the heaven and earth.

"I'm afraid it's not a god, but it's not far off."

"With such control over the nature of heaven and earth, I'm afraid the one in the north will also be frightened."

The old turtle shrank his neck. He really didn't want to see Xu Yuming facing off against the one from the north, otherwise he wouldn't be a monster inside and out.

To the north, it was extremely cold.

A huge eye suddenly opened, staring at Xu Yuming who was stirring up a storm in the lake.

"What a terrifying natural force of heaven and earth, as if it were made entirely from nature."

"Just a single talisman can achieve this. Given time, I'm afraid I can become a sixth-level talisman saint."

Thinking of this, a trace of fear appeared in his eyes, but then he closed his eyelids.

"One hundred years...I'll give you one hundred years at most. If you can't cut open this world and send me away, then I will have to kill you, forcibly refine this world, break through to the outside world, and start killing. , worship the world of cultivating immortals outside, and then break through this realm."

"How can this saint be trapped in a mere catastrophe?"

"The will of this world won't work either."

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