
Jin Huo's demon baby has begun to collapse. Mo Hei, who has a complete road of rules, can't the original ink poison he possesses be something that Jin Huo can withstand?

Even though Xu Yuming had delivered all the poison sacs of Mo Po to it, the aura of Jin Huo was still dissipating.

There was no point in looking for anyone at this point.

Xu Yuming kept moving in a flash, and even when he entered the teleportation formation on Five Beast Island, he didn't say hello to the monks stationed here. He just appeared on the top of the Five Beast Sect holding the golden fire. In one flash, he had traveled a million miles, and the fourth A breath has been stepped on a grassland.

Opposite is the endless sea of ​​clouds.

This is the place where Jin Huo was born, and where he lived for many years following Shui Yunduan, the ancestor of the Shui family in Yunduan Ranch.

Even if he dies and returns here, Jin Huo will have a burial place.

Besides, it doesn't necessarily die.

Xu Yuming recalled his past with it, and it seemed that he had given it many means and origins such as golden light, power of stars, fire of thunder and calamity, and Mo Qilin, making it like himself, a person with many trump cards. A strong man with many means.

But in fact, its most powerful thing is the purest form of calling the wind and rain, hiding among the clouds and mist, and opening its mouth is a sea of ​​clouds.


He stood on the sea of ​​clouds and released the golden fire body, manifesting three thousand feet of golden fire. The source began to evaporate almost in the blink of an eye. The golden light on the body began to weaken, and then the body began to collapse.

Xu Yuming's heart trembled slightly. From all directions, countless cloud beasts had smelled the breath of the original power and began to move closer.


He exploded with all his aura, frightening away hundreds of millions of cloud beasts. These innate creatures born on the sea of ​​clouds, no matter who he was today, would tremble in fear even if they sensed the slightest bit of his aura.

But as the floating golden light source collapsed, Jin Huo's body was only a thousand feet in size, and it was like clouds and mist, flying into the air. Xu Yuming raised his feet to follow, and unknowingly he had arrived above the seven thousand feet sea of ​​clouds. .

And the cloud beasts filled here seem to have their aura around Nascent Soul.

"Above this sea of ​​clouds, is there a cave?"

Xu Yuming has seen the highest mountain peak in the world, which should be the Black Stone Holy Mountain. It is ten thousand feet high and is the backbone of the mountains and rivers in the land.

Xu Yuming would not be surprised if this sea of ​​clouds is so high. After all, the Black Stone Holy Mountain outside Dingtao Pass is so high that it cannot touch the sky!


At the moment when the thunder calamity fire in Jin Huo's body collapsed, and even the power of the stars was about to overflow, dozens of Yuanying cloud beasts nearby couldn't help it, and roared towards him.


It was just a flash of golden light. Xu Yuming had already used a golden light to cut all the Yuanying cloud beasts into a ball of cloud. Even if they could regain their physical bodies in the sea of ​​clouds, Xu Yuming had solved the problem.

Eight thousand feet away, he felt an aura that was comparable to the peak of Nascent Soul. The opponent was frightened by the aura released by the golden krait snake wrapped around his waist and did not dare to approach.

When it was close to nine thousand feet, Xu Yuming looked up and saw a cloud dragon that was more than four thousand feet long. The mist flowing in the wind was like its hair, and the scales on its body were inlaid with white clouds.

As for its aura, it is already at the Nascent Soul Dzogchen realm. If you were to fight with it, Lord Golden Ringed Snake would probably not be able to defeat it.

After all, this is its home field.

When Xu Yuming lowered his head and looked down, the power of the star had been overflowed by the golden fire, leaving only the poisonous ink gas it exhaled, which was dissolving along with its cloud origin.


Yunlong on the opposite side took action because he felt the very pure cloud source in Jin Huo's body. If it could be swallowed by him, he could try to transform into a god and slash the path.


The moment Xu Yuming drew his sword, Lord Golden Ring Snake had already jumped towards the cloud dragon on the opposite side. The meaning revealed by Ling Nian was undoubtedly to let him go.

Without thinking, Xu Yuming immediately raised the golden fire that was the last remaining body of a hundred feet on his feet.

Nine thousand one hundred feet away, Xu Yuming saw Jin Huo's body wrapped in a cloud dragon, using the sea of ​​clouds in the sky to quickly devour the demon power in its body.

He waved his sword and knocked out Yunlong from the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, who wanted to chase him.

Xu Yuming pointed his finger directly, and the void disappeared!

The moment the space collapsed, the Yunlong reorganized his body in a cloud of mist, but his aura became extremely weak, and he looked at Xu Yuming with fear in his eyes.

With such methods, why is this human race so weak?

But he no longer dared to move forward, because the golden fire had already entered nine thousand two hundred feet, leaving only ten feet in size.

"Could it be that adult up there..."

Yunlong sighed in his heart and saw Jin Huo's body suddenly being taken away by a claw.

The moment Xu Yuming's expression changed in shock, his body was frozen in place, not daring to step forward.

The other party must be a god!

To be able to take away Jin Huo's body from under his nose with a spiritual thought comparable to the peak of Nascent Soul, the opponent's strength is no longer at the same level as him.



The next moment, the bodies of Xu Yuming and Golden Krait were photographed out of the sea of ​​clouds, and fell directly onto the Cloud Pasture.


The moment Xu Yuming stood up, monks from all around who had heard the commotion rushed over.

"Master? Why are you here?"

The first person to arrive was Ye Hongmei. She was Xu Yuming's registered disciple. After creating the Cloud-Sealing Vase, she became the direct disciple. Now she is also in charge of the entire Cloud Ranch's Talisman Making Industry and Cloud Beast Industry.

He is the person in charge of the entire Yandang Sect's sub-profession.

Xu Yuming did not speak, but looked solemnly at the sea of ​​clouds above the sky, and spoke loudly, "Senior did not mean to hurt anyone, but my brothers of gold and fire are my closest relatives and have protected me for decades. I hope senior can Such a noble hand... the younger generation will definitely be grateful."

"I know you want to use that drop of Kunpeng's essence and blood in your body to threaten me, but it's a pity that your method can't penetrate this sea of ​​​​clouds, and your Kunpeng doesn't have the qualifications."

A misty voice filled the entire Cloud Ranch, and the face of Ye Hongmei standing next to her changed drastically. The person who could be called a senior by the master must at least be a Nascent Soul monk.

Who is the other party? He has quietly arrived above the sea of ​​clouds in Cloud Ranch, and they are not even aware of it.

"Besides, you, Cloud Beast Qilin Ma, have advanced to this point in your cultivation, and it is a pity that you have been ruined."

"It's only half a step away from completely transforming into a Mo Qilin, playing with poison just like the poisonous dragon to the east, but you just want to send it back to the endless sea of ​​clouds. Do you want it to return to its origins and save its life?"

Xu Yuming was stunned when he heard this.

It turns out that the golden fire is already melting the body and starting to absorb the poisonous sac. I send it back to the endless sea of ​​clouds. Isn't this sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth? Isn't it unnecessary?

Seeing that Xu Yuming was frightened, there was a floating island above the sea of ​​​​clouds. At this time, only a demon baby remained in the appearance of the golden fire, but it had stopped the trend of disintegration and was absorbing the pure clouds and mist floating between the sky and the earth. The Qi began to quickly re-condensate the physical body of the Kirin in the cloud.

"Go back now. This little unicorn came from my endless sea of ​​clouds after all. I will save his life. However, you must not let the monks from your subordinate forces get close to this sea of ​​clouds, otherwise... you will be killed without mercy!"

This is, are you not ready to return it?

Xu Yuming cupped his fists slightly towards him and said, "Thank you, senior, for saving your life."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

"Master, Master Jinhuo is up there. What kind of cultivation is this mysterious man? He took Master Jinhuo away and put him under house arrest. Why don't we save him?" Ye Hongmei was a little surprised. In her opinion, Master Zun Ke has a temperament that never admits defeat.

"We can't save him. He is a god." Xu Yuming sighed. Originally, he wanted to fight against the old demon Kunpeng, but now he has the urge to open the world of Xuanjing Lake, release the old demon Kunpeng, and kill the clouds. The impulse of this mysterious guy.

"Let's go!"

Xu Yuming waited until he cut a path and then came back to take Jin Huo away. In his opinion, as long as Jin Huo's life was saved and given time to cultivate back to its current state, it would be enough to prosper in the endless sea of ​​clouds.


Before he disappeared, the figure above the clouds nodded slightly, "He is a free and easy boy, with the Void Divine Slash method? He is very similar to the sect that ruled here before."

His eyes seemed to be looking towards the overseas with some melancholy, "There is blood evil energy again. It seems that this overseas catastrophe will affect the inland. I don't know how many monks will die as a result."

Xu Yuming, on his side, returned to the Five Beasts Sect. He ordered to collect all the information to explore the mystery of the endless sea of ​​clouds above the Cloud Pasture.

But no document was found to record that anyone had broken into the sea of ​​clouds above five thousand feet, let alone come into contact with the mysterious existence above ten thousand feet.

[Yu Ming, I heard that you returned in a hurry. Do you have something important to do? 】

At this time, his master Meishan Zhenjun sent a conch message to inquire.

[Jin Huo was seriously injured. After I sent him back to the sect to recuperate, I went to the front line and let Master worry about it. 】

[This is very good. If you need help from the sect, just say so. 】

Xu Yuming settled in the sect's teleportation array. After the white light flashed, he returned to the Five Beast Island millions of miles away. This time he did not leave directly. After traveling tens of millions of miles back and forth during this battle, the mana in his body had already been exhausted. After it is exhausted, you need to meditate and adjust your breath for a while on the Five Beast Island.

[Ancestor, has the Black Dragon Patriarch ever regained consciousness? 】Xu Yuming noticed the figure above the clouds and seemed to know about the poisonous dragon, so he immediately asked the founder of Moving Mountain.

[No, the injury is too serious, and it will probably take more than ten years to recuperate. I am afraid that I will not be able to catch up with this big battle. The methods of the cuttlefish clan are not very harmful to our human monks, but they are very cruel to the demon clan, which can damage their origin. and soul. ] Patriarch Banshan seemed to be sighing. If the Black Dragon Patriarch doesn't wake up, then he will be missing a strong arm.

The moment Xu Yuming was hesitating, he heard another message coming.

[Yu Ming, in this battle, you killed the ink poisonous monk and received a heavy reward from the three sects in the northern region. You will directly receive a middle-grade grass and tree infant pill and a top-grade magic weapon. I will make the decision to help you. I’ll bring you the Infant Transformation Pill and hand it over to you after you meet. As for the best magic weapon, I’ve chosen a Nautilus for you that can withstand the attack of the spirit. 】

[Thank you, ancestor. 】

Xu Yuming felt in his heart that this mountain-moving ancestor was quite reliable.

[In this raid, the White Bone Sea Region suffered a lot of losses, but their enslavement of the Sea Clan has been revealed to Tenglong Linhai. If this Sea Clan giant joins the battle, we can breathe a sigh of relief. Otherwise, I will wait for the Northern Territory monks. I'm afraid it will be difficult to support alone. 】

When Xu Yuming was hesitating, the Patriarch of Moving Mountain sent a message again.

[A great monk has died, Grandma Golden Snake from Golden Snake Island. This old thing originally swallowed a fifth-level Dzogchen Golden Snake to achieve enlightenment. Unexpectedly, he was beheaded by the second leader of the evil spirit sect. The two sides fought for less than thirty years. Zhao, because after the ancestor of the Bing Xin Sect arrived and fought with him, the battle lasted for a day and a night, and there was no winner. 】

[Our Five Beast Sect, within a short period of time, needs to immediately build up a top Nascent Soul cultivator to protect the sect in this monstrous war, so I hope to let the second Nascent Soul walk out of this way, Yuming, you and Help me. 】

Xu Yuming pondered for a moment, [Ancestor, please tell me how I can help you? 】

[My second Nascent Soul was transformed from a mass of earth essence in the early years. This is the sixth-level treasure. It was born as an earth spirit. I know that there is a mountain soul in your body. If you can give it to him for refining , it will definitely help him achieve the Great Perfection of Nascent Soul. As for the power of cutting the rules of the earth to achieve enlightenment, you don’t need to worry about that. I am 50% sure. 】

[The ancestor was joking, how could this disciple have such an opportunity? If he really had such an opportunity, I'm afraid I would have used it in today's battle. 】

The Patriarch of Moving Mountain did not reply, because he had refined the seventh-level Immortal Emperor's prize money and mastered the Black Stone Sacred Mountain, so he could not sense the strong power of the earth's rules in Xu Yuming's body.

If he hadn't refined the mountain soul, how could he have mastered so much power of the laws of the earth?

However, Patriarch Banshan couldn't use any means against Xu Yuming, after all, he was the master of the sect.

"He refuses to bow his head. I am afraid that it will be difficult for me, the second Nascent Soul, to kill the Tao and become a god. There must be other mountains of tens of thousands of feet in this Sanxiu Sea, but they are all in the hands of the top forces. How can I win the mountain soul? "

When his eyes dimmed, he suddenly saw the Dao Heart Sea Area in the distance, and monks from the Taoist Palace were coming.

"I, Dao Palace, Guangwen Zhenjun, have come to send me a message today. I, Dao Palace, have sent the Hellblade King to negotiate an armistice with the White Bone Sea Region. If they do not stop their conquest of Sanxiu Haibei Region, I asked The palace will represent the righteousness of the human race and declare war on them."

Asking the palace to prepare to join the war?

A smile broke out on the face of the ancestor of Banshan, because the treasure the other party brought out to reward the battle was a lotus seed.

Legend has it that the lotus seeds of the Horai One-leaf Lotus on the Horai Immortal Island of the Taoist Palace were conceived.

This object is a sixth-level treasure. If it can be swallowed and refined, it can be used as a mountain soul.

"My path to becoming a god may not depend on Xu Yuming."

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