Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 451 The Four Swords of the Vast Sea Sword Sect

"This is the Hanhai Sword Sect, right?" Xu Yuling, a genius at the second level of swordsmanship, was stepping on the back of a second-level perfect turtle. Her aura at this time was also in the foundation building. Complete.

When she came to this sword realm today, behind her was Geng Suifeng, who came from the Five Beast Sect on Wantao Island.

"Young master, if you want to challenge, you can worship the mountain." Geng Suifeng hid his hands in his sleeves and stepped on the ground, with no smile on his stern face.

He stepped into Nascent Soul thanks to the Lord's gift. He was also the pawn chosen by the Lord to come to the Sword Domain to fight in the front line.

As for Young Master Yu Ling coming to challenge the Vast Sea Sword Sect, he also went with him.

"Xu Yuling from the Five Beast Sect has come to pay homage to the mountain. Do the sword cultivators below the Zifu of the Vast Sea Sword Sect have the guts to come out and fight me?"

As Xu Yuling unleashed her sword intent, the whole world reverberated with her screams.

"Which crazy girl who doesn't care about life or death dares to come and cause trouble to our Vast Sea Sword Sect?"

"Whoever cuts her head off will be rewarded with a golden elixir swordsmanship and a low-grade spiritual treasure flying sword."

"I come!"

"Disciple is willing to go!"

Following a loud roar from heaven and earth, countless Foundation-Building Sword Cultivators from the Vast Sea Sword Sect immediately flew out with sword light and landed in front of the mountain gate. In the blink of an eye, there were already more than a thousand Foundation-Building Sword Cultivators.

This shows how powerful the Nascent Soul Sect is.

And every few breaths, the number of people continues to increase.

"The person coming is the second step of swordsmanship. He may have reached the extreme. Don't come forward if he is practicing swordsmanship after the second step." The leader of the Jindan elder looked around and said, "The top ten on the foundation building list. Come forward and challenge immediately.”

"Tuoba Hao, the Vast Sea Sword Sect, is here to kill you."

As soon as he finished speaking, a sword cultivator at the peak of Foundation Establishment fell to the ground in one step, swung the sword in his hand to cut down a majestic sword energy, and at the same time, three-inch flying swords flew out of his head, and both swords came out at the same time.


A sword energy came first, and actually froze the sword energy in the distance.

The moment the sword energy hit the ground and turned into tens of feet of broken ice, Tuoba Hao on the opposite side had turned into a piece of black ice and hit the ground heavily. It didn't break, but he also lost all his combat power.

"Frost Sword Qi?"

A group of foundation-building sword cultivators on the opposite side were stunned into silence.

"Whoever has the courage, continue to step forward." The Jindan elder shouted loudly, suddenly waking up everyone.

"The third true disciple of the Hanhai Sword Sect is in the mountains. Come and learn the swordsmanship from me."

A majestic flame burned violently, exploded in the air for a moment, and swept directly across a hundred feet in radius.


After a breath, it turned into a pile of ice slag and fell to the ground.

Yu Shan stood dozens of feet away, with cold sweat on his forehead. He was about to continue taking action, but was stopped.

"Dingkou, you go."


The first true successor of the Hanhai Sword Sect, Ding Kou, who was born with a broken left hand, stepped forward, held the sword in his right hand, and pushed forward violently.

"call out……"

The sonic sword energy accompanied by the screams of heaven and earth fell in front of him in an instant, and a layer of mysterious frost condensed in front of Xu Yuling, steadily freezing all the sword energy. However, in an instant, a terrifying blast erupted from the opponent's flying sword. The sword energy actually penetrated all the ice layers and appeared in front of Xu Yuling.


A huge sword formed in front of Xu Yuling and blocked the blow steadily. On the other hand, Ding Kou, who was opposite, wanted to take action with his right hand, but his palm was wrapped in frost and could not move. He opened his mouth to use his energy to control the sword, but his mouth was also blocked. Freeze.

As a last resort, the Jindan elder stretched out his hand to stop the battle.

"All the foundation-building sword cultivators of our Hanhai Sword Sect were defeated by me, and I won."

Xu Yuling was a little bored, "In admitting defeat so openly, Guizong can be considered upright, much better than that Wuxiang Sword Sect who can't afford to lose."

He does not mean that.

She actually went to Wuxiang Sword Gate?

Obviously the other party is not her opponent.

In this way, they are not too embarrassed.

"It's boring, Elder Geng. Let's go. Let's go to Beijian Pass, and finally Yuanshi Sword Palace. I will be the first sword cultivator to build the foundation of the Endless Sword Domain."


The two walked away one after the other.

Even though they were standing on the Wuliang Mountain of the Vast Sea Sword Sect, one tall and one short, the two Nascent Soul Sword Cultivators did not dare to stop them.

"Senior brother, recently more and more monks from the Black Stone Ancient Territory and the Mountain and Sea Territory have broken into my Endless Sword Territory, and the Yuanshi Sword Palace doesn't stop them?"

"How do you know they didn't stop them? Now even the disciples of Nascent Soul Protector have come out to practice. They haven't planned to attack in a big way yet, so let's just have fun secretly."

The tall and lanky swordsman sighed, "This little guy is born with a mutated sword spirit root. He has reached such a level of swordsmanship at such a young age. It seems that he is still polishing his swordsmanship, otherwise he can take the third step at any time. Just like you and me, those who entered the third step of swordsmanship at the age of twelve or thirteen, wasted hundreds of years, and achieved nothing, are not as firm as her mind."

"Her surname is Xu, and she comes from the Five Beasts Sect. She is probably a descendant of that one."

"The No. 1 Sword King in the Sanxiu Sea—Xu Yuming?"

"Decades ago, it seemed that this man showed great power in the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes and beat the three disciples of my sect so hard that they couldn't lift their heads. I never thought that he was already a Nascent Soul."

"You and I are facing him now, and I'm afraid we are not even qualified to connect with his sword."

This is why they didn't dare to take action.

"Brother, it seems someone is here again."

"A golden elixir sword cultivator seems to have come here to pay homage to the mountain with his master."

"What a seedling born with a sword heart, turned out to be a teenage girl. Senior brother, this girl belongs to me."

"No, you and I let her choose."

At the bottom of the mountain, Chu Hongxiu, who came a step late, stared at the scene in front of the Hanhai Sword Sect's mountain gate and couldn't help but frown.

Was there a fight here?

"Frost Sword Qi, Burning Sword Qi, Sonic Sword Qi, and Shocking Sword Qi." Ji Yun, who was following her, laughed like a silver bell, "A hundred flowers are blooming here, Sister Chu, please help me I want to ask the Hanhai Sword Sect if they won this battle? If they lose, I will not join their sect."

Chu Hongxiu was stunned. You stood at the foot of the mountain and spoke like this. Are you worried that the strong men of the other sect wouldn't hear you?

"Little girl, our Hanhai Sword Sect is just a disciple of the Hanhai Sword Sect. If we leave such a mess, I will let them clean it up immediately. As for you, you are born with a sword heart, so you should be a disciple of my Hanhai Sword Sect." The dwarf Nascent Soul smiled. He looked at Ji Yun in front of him.

"I would like to introduce myself, Lord Zhanyue Sword Master. He is a practitioner of both earth swordsmanship and gravity swordsmanship. He once defeated three Nascent Soul sword cultivators in this world in a row. He is the second strongest person in the Hanhai Sword Sect."

Ji Yun ignored him.

It was the tall and thin swordsman's turn to step forward. He just looked Ji Yun up and down, and then shook his head, "Little girl, your ambition is not in our Vast Sea Sword Sect, but since you have come to the mountain gate, why don't you give it a try and join our sect?" Door practice?"

"If you practice here for several years and still don't want to join, how about I send you away?"

Ji Yun thought for a moment and looked back at Chu Hongxiu.

"This real person can also stay in my Hanhai Sword Sect to practice, and she can look through all the golden elixir sword moves."

Hearing this, Chu Hongxiu frowned. Just when he was about to refuse, he heard Ji Yun say, "Although your background and disciples are a little worse, you are still generous. I will stay in your Hanhai Sword Sect for three years." Nian, if you cannot satisfy me, I will leave at any time."


The short and fat Sword Lord Zhan Yue gave a thumbs up to his senior brother from behind. He still had a way, wasn't it just some golden elixir sword moves?

If this little girl with a natural sword heart could be allowed to join their Vast Sea Sword Sect, they would be willing to do Nascent Soul Swordsmanship.

"By the way, has there ever been a Sword Emperor in this world?" Ji Yun asked innocently.

"The Endless Sword Domain was opened by a senior Sword Emperor. His strength at that time should have reached the pinnacle of this world, perhaps the ability to overcome tribulations." Zhanyue Sword Lord smiled and said, "As for the monks behind him Well, naturally I’m not as good as him.”

"The current Yuanshi Sword Palace was opened by a monk who set foot in the realm of the Sword Emperor before his death. He is the direct disciple of this senior Sword Emperor."

"The ones behind are some sword kings."

"The Wuxiang Sword King, the Hanhai Sword King, and the Guanshan Sword King each opened up our three Nascent Soul Sects. In addition, in the history of the Endless Sword Realm for more than 100,000 years, there have been many dazzling sword kings. After their death, they also left many inheritances and continued the path for the Sword Domain group."

"In our Hanhai Sword Sect, there are five inheritances of sword kings. If you can take the third step of swordsmanship when building the foundation, you can choose to look through them."

As he spoke, he paused and looked at Chu Hongxiu behind her.

"Of course, the real person who protects you can also read it."

Ji Yun narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Deal."

[Senior Brother, I suspect that this little girl is a reincarnated evildoer. She is too calm, and it seems that neither you nor I can teach her anything about swordsmanship. You seem to be interested in everything about swords, but in fact Her eyes were clear, as if she came to our Vast Sea Sword Sect just for the Jurchen behind her. 】

[Junior brother, you are not stupid, but as long as such a person with a natural sword heart does not perish, he will definitely be able to break through the fourth step and become a true sword king. Even if we cannot keep her in the sect, we will form a bond with her. A good relationship will be enough to protect our Hanhai Sword Sect for thousands of years from now on. 】

Both of them are third-level sword cultivators, and their cultivation is only in the middle stage of Yuan Ying. Neither of them dared to speak loudly in front of the Yuanshi Sword Palace until they could no longer keep anyone in their house.

Yuanshi Sword Palace has two sword kings in one sect, and the sword kings have more than twenty successors.

Such top forces, placed in the mountains and seas, would be like the Five Beast Sect.

"If Yuanshi Sword Palace had taken action and conquered the Blackstone Ancient Territory, there might not have been the Five Beast Sect that has emerged today."

Leading the way, Zhanyue Sword Lord seemed to be one step behind.

When he turned around, there was already a figure behind him.

"You said that your Hanhai Sword Sect has five sword kings. Which five are they?"

Sword Master Zhanyue felt the unfamiliar aura behind him and was about to speak out to yell at him, but found that his magic power was beyond his control. Even his own sword, a top-quality magic sword, was clanking at this moment, but he did not dare to take it out of its sheath.

How powerful is this person?

I'm afraid it's the fourth step to the realm of the Sword King!

"May I ask who the senior is and why he came to our Vast Sea Sword Sect?"

The person standing behind him ignored him, but held his neck with one hand, like he was holding a pheasant.

"Senior, my Hanhai Sword Sect ancestor, Hanhai Sword King, is the fourth step of ultimate existence. Among his direct disciples are two sword kings, namely Kuohai Sword King and Wuyue Sword King. The sons of Wuyue Sword King are the pioneers. He mastered the skills of swallowing swords and hiding swords, and became a generation of hidden sword kings. In addition, the last sword king of our Hanhai Sword Sect, Chengtian Sword King, who passed away a thousand years ago, is also a strong person here."

"Lead the way, let me go and take a look."


There was a stern look in Duanyue Sword Lord's eyes, and he led him all the way through the back mountain to the front of the sword tomb. At this time, his senior brother was bringing the two newcomers to choose their own swords.

There are only some spiritual weapons and magical swords on the outside here, but there are even several top-quality magical swords inside.

"It's a pity that we don't have a treasure-level sword."

The figure following him took a step forward and landed ten miles away.

"Shrink the ground to an inch, use Nascent Soul's tactics?"

Duanyue Sword Lord's pupils shrank slightly. The person who came was probably not inferior to him. As for the realm of swordsmanship, it was even worse.

He subconsciously glanced at the senior brother opposite.

The senior brother did not move, because the visitor had already reached out to touch the three top-quality magic swords that no one had challenged.


The majestic Bearing Sky Sword has the courage and courage to fight against the sky and all creatures on the earth.

With the hidden sword intention, one swallows the sword and the other hides the sword. They share the same scabbard, but no one can use these two swords.

The Wuyue Sword was very heavy, as if it was forged into a majestic mountain. The moment it was picked up, it was devoured by the mysterious man in front of it. It ate the mountain soul, but the sword body was shattered inch by inch, and it could no longer be saved.

"You dare to destroy our sect's magic sword?"

When Sword Lord Zhanyue was furious, Chu Hongxiu seemed to have seen an unbelievable scene.

"Are you...Xu Yuming?"

"Hong Xiu, I haven't seen you for more than a year. You seem to have made little progress in this Endless Sword Realm." Xu Yuming glanced at her calmly, and his eyes fell on Ji Yun.

"Are you reincarnated, or are you gifted?"

Ji Yun looked directly into Xu Yuming's eyes, "There is no such thing as a genius in this world. Do you think I am reincarnated?"

Xu Yuming shook his head. He did not sense the same aura as the Five Beast Patriarch and Hai Ning'er.

"It seems you also know about the afterlife."

Ji Yun stepped towards the two swords in the distance, took them with both hands, and pulled them out of their sheaths just for the sake of refining his Qi.

"I am not a senior of the Hanhai Sword Sect, but I have some connections with them."

"You want to stop me?"

Xu Yuming shook his head, "I have gained something from this trip. If you want the Vast Sea Sword Sect, then keep it, but I have to take Hongxiu away. I can't hang out with an old guy like you."

The other party is not reincarnated, but at least it is not a girl's character. It is probably an old monster that has returned to youth.

"Are you... the confidante of the Zangzhuo Patriarch in his early years, the most mysterious reincarnation sword king in Nanjianguan?" The tall and thin swordsman seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly exclaimed. (End of chapter)

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