Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 468: Suppressing the seventh-level demonic thoughts, Xu Yuming attained enlightenment Four h


In an instant, the white light froze directly, and the expression of the seventh-level demonic thought hiding under the abyss changed drastically.

"A treasure to overcome the tribulation?"


"How can there be a treasured weapon to overcome tribulations in this world, and it is also a magic weapon that can freeze the world!"

In his shock, his body was actually swallowed up by the seventh-level demonic thoughts. The moment he appeared in the world of Xuanjing Lake, he was directly suppressed under the ice of Beihan State and could not move.

"Boy Xu, your hanging mirror is indeed powerful, but if you can't suppress this evil thought and let him escape, it will be a disaster for the people under your command."

Xu Yuming knew that the old demon Kunpeng was talking about the creatures in the Xuanjing Lake world inside.

"It's easy."

Xu Yuming pointed the suspended mirror downwards. Those demonic cultivators that had not yet been eliminated were quickly swallowed up by their demonic thoughts and turned into a pile of withered bones in the blink of an eye.

These methods are obviously no longer about transforming gods, but the power of the great avenue that can wipe out living beings.

On top of the real rules.

"A treasure to overcome the tribulation?"

The monks watching were in an uproar. They could not imagine that there were such magical weapons in this world.

Xu Yuming slowly put the tribulation treasure weapon into his body and disappeared into the cave inside his body. After turning around to look, countless monks bowed to him.

"We thank God Lord for saving his life."

"No need to thank you, Lord Yufeng Shenjun."

"Here." At this time, Yufeng Shenjun, even if he thought that Xu Yuming was just a junior, he would not dare to make any mistakes.

After all, Xu Yuming holds a treasure weapon for overcoming tribulations and has an alternative realm of slashing. I am afraid that no one in the world will dare to fight with him except for the strong men from the two old holy places.

"Immediately spread the message to various places to appease the human cultivators, and inform the Vine Dragon Linhai and the Southern Wilderness Fire Valley to let them restrain the monks under their sects. The most important thing is the casual cultivators of the Sea Clan. There are more than one million tribes. Today, Now, in the name of our Penglai Alliance, I am issuing an order that if anyone dares to continue to cause trouble, I will destroy their clan, and anyone who dares to help will be destroyed together."

"As you command!~"

Tens of millions of monks responded in unison, and this voice echoed over the entire sea of ​​monks, lasting for a long time.

"This Xu Yuming has become a hot topic. The Penglai Alliance, after today's battle, I'm afraid he alone has the final say."

Millions of miles away, a huge emperor octopus withdrew its evil eyes. Naturally, there were demon cultivators in the abyss of the sea, but at this time they obviously did not dare to approach, or even dare to show their heads.

"From now on, this sacred place for raising corpses, the abyss of demonic energy, and the place of absolute darkness will no longer exist."

Above the sea of ​​bones, Xu Yuming directly took away the vast corpse energy and ghost energy through the air, turned it into two groups of original energy, and melted it into the cave in his body. Along with the seventh-level demonic thoughts, they were also refined around his cave. , the power of rules in his body has reached 452.

"This place can be occupied by casual cultivators."

After saying that, Xu Yuming ordered the Penglai cultivators to be disbanded.


He himself had escaped into the world of the Hanging Mirror Lake inside his body and disappeared without a trace.


What appeared next to him was the figure of Divine Lord Kunwu. The old demon Kunpeng had been suppressed by the Hanging Mirror for tens of thousands of years, and he never dared to come in again.

He stared into the void in the distance, "Xu Yuming, I never thought that what was suppressed here today was a seventh-level demonic thought. Don't you want to know where he came from?"

"Leaving him behind will lead to endless troubles. If I want to control this treasure weapon to overcome the tribulation and completely refine it, I will have to reach the level of Lord Guixu."

Lord Kunwu sighed, "Then you can retreat into seclusion. After a hundred years, you can refine all the power of rules in this world. Maybe you will be invincible."

Xu Yuming said nothing, took a step forward, and landed in front of the Four Symbols Underground Palace.

Holding the suspended mirror, he can enter and exit the underground palace at will.

"Fellow Daoist Kunwu, what were the origins of the four holy beasts in the past?"

"Xuan Bing, Netherworld."

"Kim, kill."


"And fire and clouds."

Xu Yuming stood there, feeling the power of tens of thousands of rules gathered by the four top palaces for him. He put his palms on the ground and shattered all the bones around the underground palace. The power of endless rules was all refined into his in vivo.

After mastering the Suspended Mirror, he seems to be the master of this world. If he wants, the inherited treasure in front of him - the Four Symbols Underground Palace, can be refined in an instant.

But he didn't do that, because this place, besides a nearby cemetery, was the best place for him, the Xu family of Yandang Mountain, to gain training as a disciple of the Yandang Sect.

"I have to keep this underground palace for my Yandang Sect disciples. As for me, I can really retreat here."

"You don't care about the outside world?"

Staring at Xu Yuming's second incarnation that was already a baby, Divine Lord Kunwu sighed.

He is a demon clan and can regard both incarnations as himself, but Xu Yuming actually regards his own incarnation as pure as a weapon spirit. This guy... If he hadn't been dating him for a long time, he would only think that this person was born ruthless Absolute nature.

Divine Lord Kunwu sighed and witnessed Xu Yuming beginning to retreat in the underground palace. In a flash, he had already left for the outside world. His transformation into a god was not satisfied with cutting out a path.

If he can kill the Tao the day after tomorrow, it can also increase his combat power. Otherwise, how could his body be so powerful.

At the same time, within the forest of Vine Dragon.

At this time, there are at least a hundred figures sitting in an undersea forest, all of whose auras are above the Nascent Soul Great Perfection. Anyone sent out at random is a famous overlord of the sea clan, a top monk, or even ...the existence of a single-minded god.

"You've all heard, right? The human race has lost the unrivaled powerful man from the Taoist Palace, and now has a Penglai leader who holds a treasure to overcome the tribulation."

"Hmph, who is he? The previous overlord of the Northern Territory, the Blue Whale, was seeking death and killing innocent creatures, but we, the Sea Clan, did not interfere in the internal fighting among their human race. If he dares to take action against our Sea Clan, let's see. I, the shark clan, will never destroy his majesty.”

There are at least a dozen great monks in the Shark Clan, so they are naturally qualified to say this.

"The person next to him should be one of the Four Elephants of the Four Elephants Holy Sect in the past, Kunpeng." A misty voice sounded again in the forest sea.

There was silence for a moment.

"I'm afraid this old guy has survived for tens of thousands of years... His cultivation level is probably not much worse than that of the ascended Gui Xu old man." Next to the Shark God Lord, the Emperor Octopus couldn't help but sigh.

"In this case, I can't offend you. If I'm not mistaken, there is Kunpeng Demon Saint, and an incarnation of Kunwu Divine Lord, plus the old Sword Emperor from the Endless Sword Domain, and the Dao Dao Palace. You two, the strength of their Penglai Alliance cannot be underestimated." An old female cultivator from the Shell Demon Clan who still maintains a delicate appearance looked around with a smile.

"Then let's restrain our Hai Clan. Since I, Tenglong Linhai, have no intention of competing for the Sanxiu Hai, it would indeed be unwise to fight with them."

“I don’t know how things are done over there in the Southern Wilderness Fire Valley.”

The forest sea swam with the sea water, as if a dragon shadow passed by, "I will go to the Southern Wilderness Fire Valley to find out. Now the human race's power is not expanding. They seem to allow other forces to join without forcing them. Such neighbors , maybe they can maintain peace with us."

Southern Wilderness Valley of Fire.

In the wilderness, there are no living creatures at this time. Only hundreds of millions of bird demons fall here from time to time, and fall next to the towering sycamore tree, admiring the holy demon's peerless face.

"Holy Lord, that human race has a genius named Xu Yuming. It seems that he is taking the path of returning to the ruins."

In the huge sycamore wood nest, a jade lotus root-like arm stretched out, "Oh? He can calm down the Sea of ​​Bones."

"This boy took out the treasure weapon to overcome the tribulation."

"Interesting, can it compare to my Wutong Phoenix Perch?"

The kneeling bird demon thought for a moment, "Maybe not, but he should have mastered the world in the hanging mirror. He should have mastered all the secrets of the Four Elephants Holy Sect in the past, and he has the Kunpeng Demon Saint by his side. , I’m afraid that they are the number one force in the world of immortality now.”

"It has to be them?"

"A treasure that has experienced a thunderstorm will definitely have many old people who have survived the years watching closely. Just wait and see, someone will take action."

"Tell me when he loses."

"I'm not interested in a thunder tribulation treasure. I would like to take a look at the place where the Four Elephants Holy Sect used to be."

"Although there are saints who ascend every ten thousand years in our Southern Wilderness Fire Valley, there are not many who become kings in the lower realm."


The bird demon below spread its wings and soared into the sky, manifesting into a thousand-foot-long black-backed roc in the sky. In the blink of an eye, it flapped its wings and appeared above the endless sea of ​​clouds.

"came back?"

In this endless sea of ​​clouds, there is an island floating, and there happens to be an old man fishing here.

And above the clouds and mist not far away, a golden unicorn is jumping happily. It doesn't seem to have much intelligence, and it seems to be absorbing the original energy here to nourish itself.

"Southern Wilderness Fire Valley did not take action, and Vine Dragon Linhai also restrained the monks under his sect... Since the Holy Lord and this little guy have some cause and effect, why not..."

The old man shook his head, "If I don't go, what good is there in the upper world?"


"Then old Kunpeng hasn't gone yet."

"Then Guixu... with his ability to calculate heavenly secrets, everything in this world is calculated by him. Do you think he will not leave any backup plan?"

"Whether you covet the Thunder Tribulation treasure weapon, covet Xu Yuming's cave-cutting method, or covet the method that will transform gods into gods after three lifetimes, it doesn't matter."


His eyes fell to the opposite side, "Speaking of which, my beast life fellow cultivator's method is entrusted to this little Qilin. If I crush his origin, won't it mean that Xu Yuming's life and death will be cut off?"

"No, I'm afraid it won't be possible now. He has a second incarnation, and he also has a hanging mirror to protect his body. It's a treasure that can transcend the tribulation. It can cut off the holy law."



"Let's go check the location of the Soul Tomb."


Deep in the Five Beast Sect, the Black Dragon Patriarch, covered in darkness and venomous, manifested his true form and stared at the Mountain-moving Patriarch in the distance.

"Moving mountains, Yu Ming has walked in front of you. Do you really not want the supreme technique of my Five Beast Sect?"

"Humans are not human, and monsters are not monsters. Didn't the half-snake True Lord of Ten Thousand Snakes Valley in the past also fail to reach the Great Perfection of Nascent Soul? Now that I have a mountain soul and a true body, I have walked two roads. Why should I take this path? A road destined to fail?"

Ancestor Banshan looked into the distance, "Yu Ming did not give me the method of the cave, but left the secret method behind. It seems that the cave world is difficult to open up. At least I have to master the avenue of void first."

"Forget it, I'll give it a try. The mountain soul and the secret treasure are enough for me to make the decision. As for the state of transformation into gods, I still have thousands of years to live, so I can still afford it."

"Tell Mei Shan not to disturb his disciples. He, the Xu clan, should take more care of him."

Scattered next to them, the Black Dragon Ancestor appeared in human form and walked away.

"Black Dragon, what did Kunpeng Demon Saint say?"

The Black Dragon Patriarch paused and said, "Maybe we can go to the Southern Wilderness Poison Domain to have a look at the Origin of Ten Thousand Poisons, but that is the boundary of the Southern Wilderness Fire Valley. They control the ten domains and are very powerful. If I go there, I am afraid I will die. Dangerous.”

"Then wait until I consolidate my realm. Maybe ten or eight years later, you and I will go together. No one can do anything to you and me until we can become gods."

"Even if they dare to kill you, they don't dare to kill me, otherwise it will be a war between the two holy places."

The Black Dragon Patriarch suddenly became happy, "You are quite confident."

"Have you felt the aura of the Five Beast Patriarch?"

Getting back to the topic, the Black Dragon Patriarch squinted his eyes and recalled the old man who supported him in the past.

"In that suspended mirror, the aura seems to be not yet satisfied with the golden elixir. He has been improving slowly in this life."

"Perhaps he got Yu Ming's fate and quickly made a breakthrough after accumulating foundation. Within a hundred years, he will definitely be able to awaken the memory of his past life. Just wait, the day is not far away when our Five Beasts Sect will become a holy land."

"Very good."

The Black Dragon Patriarch stepped out and said, "I'm going to the Endless Sword Domain to have a look, and maybe I'll go to other domains to practice a bit. If you come out of seclusion, just call me with your life."


The Black Dragon Patriarch rode the evil wind to travel, but met a monk from the middle stage of the Zifu in front of the mountain.

"Ancestor, can you take me for a ride?"

He paused in his steps, stepped on the demonic wind and looked down, "You recognize me, but do you know where I am going?"

"I heard that the Shang Domain can auction all things. With my ability, I can collect poisons from the entire Immortal Cultivation World for my ancestor."

"Okay, then you and I will go together."

"But...who is wearing this sleeve of your robe?"

"It's my uncle Xu Yuzhen."

The Black Dragon Patriarch felt his aura and said, "You haven't even arrived at the Zi Mansion yet. Your father is such a genius, but a child like you is so incompetent."

Xu Yuzhen was a shameless person, and actually raised his head to look at him, "Then please ask the ancestor to take me to the Shang Domain, and I will show you my skills. Maybe a hundred years later, the Shang Domain will be owned by my Five Beast Sect. "

"Hmph, bragging."


The demonic wind wrapped the three figures away, and in the blink of an eye they appeared millions of miles away, "If you lie to me, I don't care if your father's name is Xu Yuming." (End of this chapter)

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