Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 473 The Lord of the Sea of ​​Clouds, Return of the Golden Fire


Jiutian hangs its cloud wings and steps on Kunpeng's back, which is like stepping on a continent.

"Boy Xu, let me ride for a while, and you have to help me find my place."

"Don't worry, senior. There's no problem in fighting and sparring. I also want to know how powerful I am now and whether I can stand shoulder to shoulder with the ascended Lord Guixu."

After saying that, Xu Yuming had already stepped a little further and landed steadily on the endless sea of ​​clouds. Originally, when he arrived at Cloud Ranch from the outside, he could not go up to the endless sea of ​​clouds. However, with his current Void Avenue, he could reach any secret realm in the world. He can't go there, let alone this person who has a cave inside.

"It's a pleasure to have friends from far away."

The Lord of the Sea of ​​Clouds opposite looked at Xu Yuming opposite with a smile.

"Fellow Taoist must be Xu Yuming, the leader of the Penglai Alliance."

"The Penglai Alliance is not very stable now. It's hard to say whether I, the alliance leader, can sit firmly. But my fellow Taoist is aloof from the world and doesn't care about the mortal world. I'm afraid he has been living in seclusion here for many years."

"I just came here after the fall of the Four Elephants Holy Sect. I originally wanted to find the opportunity to inherit the Four Elephants Holy Sect, but I never thought that it would be obtained by fellow Taoist. Even if I look around the nearby areas with my spiritual mind, I have never been able to find the opportunity for the inheritance of the Four Elephants Holy Sect." It’s a pity to seize that opportunity in front of me.”

Xu Yuming didn't see anyone else, and sat directly opposite the long table he had set up. "Given the level of cultivation of fellow Taoist, I'm afraid I can ascend at any time. After the Lord Guixu ascends, this world will probably be respected by fellow Taoist." .”

"Why do you still need the treasure of the Four Elephants Holy Sect?"

"The Kunpeng Demon Saint standing next to fellow Taoist should know some secrets, such as the secret of the rise of the Four Elephants Holy Sect. If the ancestors of the Four Elephants Holy Sect can create the four holy methods on their own, I am Completely unbelievable."

Xu Yuming immediately looked to his side, and the old man Kunpeng immediately lowered his eyes, "It is rumored that the old sect master found the skills from the upper world. There are three skills in total, and the four holy skills are indeed It was derived from the four beasts like us, and it took many generations of divine monarchs to perfect it."

"The three methods in the sky, are they the "Domineering Qi of the Beast King", "Beast Life Fellow Practitioners", and "The Art of Feathering"?" the Lord of the Sea of ​​Clouds across from him asked with narrowed eyes.

When Xu Yuming narrowed his eyes, he had already smiled and explained, "The Dafa of Beast Life was thrown out by me and taught to the Yunduan Shui Clan. Your kid learned it. Now, do you feel that your longevity is abundant?"

"It turns out that I got advantage from my seniors, which can be considered as some cause and effect." Xu Yuming nodded slightly, "Then, my Five Beast Sect, can we get this "Domineering Qi of the Beast King"?"

"Only Ten Thousand Beast Spirits have this opportunity. In your Five Beast Sect, the only one who has some ability is the founder of the Five Beasts."

The ancestor of the Five Beasts...that was a person from thousands of years ago. How old is this guy?

"Cause and effect don't count." The Lord of the Sea of ​​Clouds looked at Xu Yuming, "In the early years, when I was looking for a demonic energy in the abyss of the Sanxiu Sea, I also saw Guixu. I never thought that you would follow the same chaotic rules as him. Fusion Avenue, how many rules of power do you have now?"

"Less than a thousand."

The Lord of the Sea of ​​Clouds couldn't help laughing, "You brat, you are still on guard against me."

His eyes fell on the Kunpeng Demon Saint, and he stood up directly, "Well, since you, the Kunpeng little demon, still want to find someone to vent your bad breath, then I will have a fight with the person you brought, and have a look. His avenue of chaos.”

Xu Yuming nodded, and at a glance he saw a golden light above the sea of ​​clouds on the horizon. It was the golden fire that had returned to its origin.

"Your partner may become a demon saint. If you can find the demonic energy in the abyss of the sea, you may be able to take it a step further and survive the endless thunder tribulation."

After saying that, the Lord of the Sea of ​​Clouds on the opposite side raised his hand and pushed the endless sea of ​​clouds in front of Xu Yuming.

Xu Yuming stood there like a black hole, allowing the clouds and mist to hit him without dodging.

"You are the world when you stand here, Xu Yuming, your methods are not ordinary, but they are only extraordinary."

After saying that, Xu Yuming felt that he was forcibly squeezed out of the space. If he wanted to leave, he could just leave the endless sea of ​​clouds, but in this case, wouldn't he just admit defeat on the opponent's home court?

Xu Yuming suddenly raised his hands, and the stars in the sky instantly appeared on the sky. A little below his feet, the endless star light roared with colorful rays of light. The moment he released a terrifying energy, the surrounding clouds and mist were gradually moving toward him. He gathered.

"This is... "Yandang Demon Subduing Sutra"."

The Lord of the Sea of ​​Clouds couldn't help but smile bitterly, "There are only a few inheritances left by the immortals in the past. It's not enough for you to have mastered the foundation of the Four Elephants Holy Sect, and you also got this inheritance left by the Jiutian Demon-Conquering Patriarch. A skill."

"Then my endless sea of ​​clouds can also be used by you."

"However, until you become a god, I'm afraid you won't be able to take away my world in an instant."

Xu Yuming didn't answer. At the moment when his eyes were like swords, a sword light had shattered the endless sea of ​​clouds.

Below the Cloud Ranch, Ye Hongmei suddenly stood up, and countless monks in the Yandang Mountains, Baiyun Mountains, and others opened their eyes and looked in the direction of the Cloud Ranch.

"Is it Yuming who is fighting against the Lord of the Sea of ​​Clouds?" The direction of the Five Beasts Sect, already the second incarnation of the Patriarch of the Mountains, was staring curiously at the location of the Yunduan Ranch, "Such a terrifying aftermath, only I'm afraid that after Yuming comes out of seclusion, I will no longer be his rival."

After the words fell, he shouted to the surroundings, "Immediately send people to continue searching and find where the mountain domain used to be. It is rumored that there are at least tens of thousands of majestic mountains in it. If it can be used for me, I can become an invincible god in the world." "

The Five Beasts Sect has reached this stage and is not as good as a holy land. If they want to stand out in the world of immortal cultivation, they must make a breakthrough.

Xu Yuming is in retreat, so his mountain-moving ancestor must continue to release his reputation to the outside world. Over the years, he has defeated many top monks and stepped on the faces of two unique gods. One of them is a dragon. The second island owner of Blood Island.

Within the Penglai Alliance, his mountain-moving ancestor now also has a place, but he knows that he is still far from the real top powerhouse.

"Someone is watching, it seems to be the mountain-moving boy from your Five Beast Sect."

Xu Yuming couldn't help but find it funny, "Senior, what do you think of the ancestor who moved mountains?"

"Cultivating "The Domineering Qi of the Beast King" but relying on the power of the mountain and the method of the second Nascent Soul is not worth mentioning."

"I don't know which genius created this second Nascent Soul method, but even you have mastered it."

"But before you become a god, your second Nascent Soul may not be able to break through."

Xu Yuming didn't think there was anything wrong with this second Nascent Soul method. "Senior, is it really impossible to transform into a god alone?"

"If you continue to integrate like you, you can naturally reach the highest level. But after you ascend, if you want to smelt the power of each rule into a great avenue, it will be even more difficult. Maybe you will not be able to do it in your lifetime. arrive."

"At that time, you can only forcefully break through with a small amount of rules. Then after you overcome the tribulation, you will probably have a psychological gap. After all, you will be invincible when you transform into a god, and you will be overwhelmed by everyone after you overcome the tribulation."

Xu Yuming chuckled lightly, "With the flying sword in my hand and my body melting into the void, I should have a place wherever I go."

"You are right. Your swordsmanship is indeed unparalleled in the world."

"There is also the Great Way of the Void. Although you haven't cultivated to the extreme yet, you are not far away from the Tao."

After saying that, in the endless sea of ​​clouds, there seemed to be lions, tigers, bears and leopards rushing towards Xu Yuming. Then, under the movement of the cloud dragon, endless fish and shrimps also appeared and boiled in the clouds.

Xu Yuming shouted softly, and the sword light in his hand surged, killing all the billions of cloud beasts in an instant.

"Senior, let's stop here. You and I can't seem to tell the winner. You are an immortal cloud, and I can't defeat you."

"That's not necessarily the case. If you still want to hide your clumsy tricks, then let's stop today, but the person next to you won't be able to have all the fun."

Facing the teasing look in the other person's eyes, Xu Yuming turned his gaze to Kunpeng Demon Saint behind him, "Fellow Daoist Kunpeng, what do you think?"

"If you can't beat me, then stop."

Xu Yuming sighed, "Senior, I have been in seclusion for twenty years and transformed into a mortal for two years, but I have gained some insights."

"I don't understand the killing move of the chaos intertwined by the power of more than 800 rules, but I have some insights into killing and death."


Using swordsmanship to prove his own path, Xu Yuming's attack was a very sharp one.

This endless sea of ​​clouds instantly turned into darkness.

The Golden Fire Qilin, which was three thousand feet in size, also raised its head and stared at the sky. The shadow in the middle was where the sword light had enveloped the Lord of the Sea of ​​Clouds.

The silence of death made it impossible for him to get rid of the erosion of the sword's intention. After the sea of ​​clouds completely turned into black clouds of death, Xu Yuming waved his hand suddenly and dispersed the endless sword's intention.

"Everything in the world is a sword, and everything in the world is not as good as a sword. Your way of swordsmanship combines the power of many rules and is really powerful. This is probably the way you mastered the field before you realized it."

The Lord of the Sea of ​​Clouds on the other side sighed, "I lost a move today, how about it?"


Save face for the other party, or get words out of him.

The two sat down again. The Kunpeng opposite was satisfied. He plunged into the sea of ​​clouds to fight with Nascent Soul's Golden Fire Qilin. He relied on his physical body to fight in the clouds. The two monsters fought happily. .

"Xu Yuming, from now on, do you want to sweep this world, or do you want to live in seclusion and practice? I see that you have many wives and concubines. I am afraid that your luck will continue, so why not go to the south and have a look?"

"Southern Wilderness Fire Valley? I will go for my second Nascent Soul. What does the senior want to do? Even fellow cultivators of beast life, the roc bird in Southern Wilderness Fire Valley, is now five thousand years old. Well, how many years can you live for? Ten thousand years, will you really stop ascending?"

"Complete the immortal method, transcend tribulations and ascend to heaven. Do you think this path is suitable for me?"

Xu Yuming was silent for a moment, and the Lord of the Sea of ​​Clouds across from him smiled and said, "What I like about your skills are the many golden light skills. I want the magic of feathering. I have two immortal skills in my hand. I have returned my bloodline to my ancestors, forcibly activated my innate magical powers, and traced my origins. I have given you that little unicorn, what do you think, can I exchange it for this feathering magic?"

"Yes, but this is not the Feathering Divine Technique at all. However, the Geng-Gold Divine Light of the God of Kunlun Mountain in the West can be handed over to my senior."

"Then the last immortal technique is for attacking and killing?"

"It doesn't matter. It's a life-saving magical power. If you can learn it, you can live immortally in this world."

Xu Yuming squinted his eyes, "Like being reborn with a drop of blood?"

"No, rebirth by dripping blood. If your opponent directly evaporates all the water in the world, your blood will not survive. And there are many monks who will kill everyone in order to kill them all, but they will calculate the cause and effect. No matter where you escape, Neither of them can escape from the opponent's grasp."

"What magic is it?"

The other party was silent for a moment, then looked towards the depths of the Sanxiu Sea in the distance, "Hey, this time the Soul Tomb was opened in the Undersea Dragon Palace, which is quite interesting."

"Where is the Vine Dragon Forest Sea Holy Land?"


The Lord of the Sea of ​​Clouds pondered for a moment, "Nowadays, in this world, there are not many monks who can reach the Great Perfection of Divine Transformation. The old dragon in the Vine Dragon Forest Sea counts as one, the old phoenix in the Southern Wilderness Fire Valley counts as one, and the remaining I’m the one who fell down.”

"I don't know if the blood pool in the Demon Realm has fallen. The old man who fought with you in the Shang Realm was just a lucky boy. He mastered the Demon Devouring Scripture and went on a killing spree. At that time, I provoked a powerful enemy in this world, and I don’t know how I fell.”

"What about the undersea tombs?"

"It should have been left by an immortal in the past. The Krait and Megalodon beside you were obtained from the seabed, so that would be interesting. If another undersea tomb is discovered, maybe I would be interested in traveling with you. "

Xu Yuming nodded slightly, he was still happy to have an extra helper.

"Go back first, I'm not very hospitable here."

"After you deal with the Penglai Alliance, maybe I can provide you with an immortal tomb, and then you and I can go visit it together."

"I have been cultivating quietly in this mountain and sea area for many years, waiting for the being who can cultivate the Dafa of Beast Life and the Qi of the Beast Emperor of your Five Beast Sect to the peak. It's a pity... that after more than 10,000 years, I just walked out. You alone.”

"That's enough. With our abilities, we can come back alive even if we enter the Tomb of the Immortal."

"By the way, there are two other people who know the location of that place, the old dragon from Vine Dragon Linhai and the old Feng from Southern Wilderness Fire Valley. Maybe they will come too."

Xu Yuming pondered for a moment, "How many years will it start?"

"It can be opened at any time, but the danger inside is unpredictable. Let me count it for a hundred years."


Xu Yuming stood up, raised his feet and turned into a stream of light and went away. When he left, he also grabbed two little guys from the clouds and mist.

"Xu Yuming?"

Demon Saint Kunpeng was frightened at first, then relaxed, and then frightened.

When did this girl become so powerful that she actually took action against me? I haven't noticed yet. (End of chapter)

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