Immortal Demon

Chapter 63: agree

If she is not a genius, then no one is a genius. Even if she grew up holding a golden key, she used Dao fruit to accelerate her practice every time she started her practice, but she also raised her Qi refiner's cultivation level to At Dzogchen, it is not ordinary hard work. Ye Feng knows the difficulty of ordinary exercises to improve Qi cultivation level to Dzogchen. Ye Su practiced qigong hard every day, until he reached the third stage of Qi refining. , And the tenth grade slave kings of other mortal kingdoms, most of them are over 90 years old to upgrade their qi refining cultivation to tenth grade, and becoming a tenth grade qi refining master will die of old age after only a few years. It is purely an honor; and A cultivator must not only cultivate, but also improve the qi-refining cultivation base, and it is often at least a hundred years later to raise the qi-refining cultivation base to the tenth rank.

What’s more rare is that Ye Feng relied on killing and plundering resources to improve her cultivation. The evil things she had done since childhood were not considered evil. She just killed some cultivators and thieves who wanted to steal Wagu medicinal herbs. It's just hard practice, and the good thing she does is that she likes to make friends and help some friends when she is out of Wa Valley, but not many. It can be seen that most of her time is spent on cultivation, and Ye Feng can't get useful information.

But in her future, Ye Feng saw a weird thing. She sheltered herself, and soon built a foundation to form a human being. She actually matched her five elements, but she seemed to have known it a long time ago. Yes, she offered to become a Taoist couple with herself, and she saw in her memory that as soon as she reached the foundation building stage, she took office and became the Great Sage of Yin and Yang, and the Great Sage of Lion and Camel City, but in her memory. She took advantage of the power of the Wa clan to fuel the flames and became a great saint, and she didn’t mind even knowing that she had raised a twin fairy, let alone Ye Feng looking for a few Taoists. She would do a lot of good deeds in the future. It’s for helping myself, just because of the words of her father she relayed to herself in the future: Xiaojiu, you are the heir who looks most like Wan'er and most like my character for the father’s fifteen children, and spends a lot of money on divination for the father. After 30 years, this star will have the ultimate catastrophe in the future, and the entire planet will be destroyed. Go to Lion Tuo Mountain to find a human who has perseverance surpassing you. He will definitely be your wishful man, and will help you achieve it in the future. In the realm after Yuanying, get rid of this barren bitter star, go to the extraterrestrials with more prosperous resources and more prosperous techniques, leaving a trace of blood for the Wa clan, but you must not help him much. Heaven has a vague enlightenment. He is also good fortune. It is Jie, must be a very complicated person.

   And the bad things she will do in the future are only to kill some people who are enemies of the people she wants to protect, and she still spends most of her time in painstaking practice, and there is no bad thing against herself.

When Ye Feng saw this, he took a sigh of relief. Although he felt a little uncomfortable with being calculated, this was also an excellent opportunity for him. Once he reached the foundation building period, he would no longer be afraid of anyone attacking and killing him. This is a rare and precious five years for me, not to mention that the Wa people have no sinister intentions in their calculations.

   "Okay, I agree, I don't know how the nine princesses are going to compete? Is it better than standing?" Ye Feng thought for a while, then looked up at Feng Rui's eyes.

"Hee hee, I know you will agree, we will stand up! I like this method of comparison by Brother Scattering Clouds, but I don’t need to go to Scattering Cloud Mansion. The number is ten times more, but the rules are still the same as those of Big Brother Sanyun. No pill, food, true qi, no moving position, sitting or sleeping. However, two elders will protect him from a distance during the competition. In an area, we can safely compare. The elder said that you have not reached the golden core stage, that is, the cultivation base of the consecrated stage. It is very likely that you have practiced a strange magic power to increase physical fitness, and the physical body has reached the golden level in advance. The Danqi flesh body is similar to the fifteenth grade, so I am definitely not afraid to compare with me."

Ye Feng heard this and looked at her attributes again: "Ding! Strength: 50+10 (Qi refining bonus) Agility: 46+10 (Qi refining bonus) Constitution 50+10 (Qi refining bonus) Cultivation base bonus) Spiritual root: tenth grade, bone age: 50 years old, soul state: normal, body state: normal."

It’s not easy to beat her. She is also a person with natural perseverance, and is born with a tenth-grade physical body, but she can only be regarded as a seventh-grade physical body. The only thing Ye Feng is stronger than her is that she has a twenty-ninth grade under her Dantian. The demon energy can solve the numbness of the legs and feet after standing for too long, but you still have to save a part, at least one third, enough to escape by yourself. You can use the demon energy recovery pill to recover quickly during the escape. Demon spirit, after all, the heart of defense is indispensable. What Ye Feng sees about her is only one-sided memories of good and evil, not all, and Ye Feng has never believed in fate, and the fragments of a person’s future that he sees are only through connotation. Time and Dao Ze’s future thoughts deduced the future, but when he saw her future memory, just like Schrodinger’s cat in science, Ye Feng himself had the possibility to change her established future, but he didn’t see it. Under normal circumstances, the people of her future affairs will never kill her, and there is no reason to kill her, but if she kills her ahead of time because of seeing something she is doing in the future, then she has no **** future.

   "Okay, then I agree." Ye Feng finally pursed his lips and nodded.

"Well, that's good." Feng Rui also smiled happily, and immediately took out a set of talismans from her fifth-rank space bag, and swiftly swiped it around, and then threw a bunch of talismans at the center of the talisman vortex. Daozi, gravity suddenly increased in the surrounding area, and the dust and fallen leaves in the air were sucked to the ground in an instant, and even the young tail worn on Ye Feng's head became bent a lot.

"You choose a position to stand, Ye Feng, although I don't have your human legs now, I will always stand no lower than your neck. As long as my head is lower than your neck, I will count as me. Lose." Feng Rui said confidently.

   Ye Feng took the heavy step that was sucked by tens of thousands of times of gravity and chose the flattest place, nodded, and said nothing more in silence.


At the mouth of the west valley of the canyon, a woman with white hair is standing at this moment. She glanced at the positions of Fengrui and Ye Feng, and then said to a man with a human head and a snake body next to him: "Hehe, you said Ruier will not be able to Will win? Feng Qianzhen."

"Does this need to be said? Princess Ruier will definitely win. No one in the younger generation has more perseverance than her. Even the other fourteen princes and princesses are definitely not better than Qianzhen's eyes brightened. , Replied, and after answering, his eyes fell into deep and contemplative, and while he was contemplating, there were runes that were naturally condensed from pure and pale innocence around him, which was magical and weird.

   The white-haired woman smiled lightly and said, "But this time it seems not easy. The patriarch said that when the Ninth Princess came here, she might lose to a human man, that is, her future Taoist companion. I think it will be him."

Feng Qianzhen’s golden eyes lit up again, looked at the distance, and then said: “I didn’t think it would be him. The patriarch chose the best companion for the nine princesses he loved the most, but this one is called We followed Ye Feng for a few days, and I always felt he was weird. He doesn’t practice well, but he likes to kill and cause trouble. And he has a quirk that you haven’t noticed? He likes to kill very much. They are the righteous way to help young people. Every time a cultivator is caught, he will eventually kill him, but the cultivator who died in the hands of his magic power only left a bunch of useless pieces of meat. I understand that they are different from us. It is normal to rob and kill for money and resources, but I have never understood this guy, saying that he was killing people for money, and he really did, because for the sake of the cultivator’s space bag. Things, he also specially formed a righteous gang, raising a bunch of useless junk, but on the other hand, he was addicted to murder, and the things on the dead cultivators of various races can also be used. After selling a lot of Taoism, he did not listen to the advice of his gang several times. He still went his own way and slaughtered on his own. He also said that he did not want you to be contaminated with these filthy cause and effect, no If you wait for your relatives to commit suicide, won’t you provoke hatred and be chased by others? Haha, it’s funny, the elder Fenghen, what do you think?"

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