Immortal Devil Transformation

Chapter VIII: The World (third more)

At this moment, the trance reacted, his hands stretched out, trying to pull something.

Although his people were fat, they usually moved extremely fast, but this time, he didn't see anything.

Because his hands were stretched out and his face was not protected, a piece of gold sputtered from him, stabbed in through the gap on his helmet, in front of his eyes, a bloody red.

At this moment, Lin Xie also reacted in a trance. In the fierce impact, his entire body seemed to be instantly filled with numerous wasps. In the buzzing sound, all of his consciousness was shaken up.

For a moment he felt only an unknown heartache. In his rapidly blurred consciousness, he seemed to have returned to Qingyu College and to that punished quiet room.


This moment is still extremely short, and even the smell of the moon, which completely unleashed its power, did not react to what had happened and could not think at all.

After the break-up of the camp tent, Lin Xie and everyone else wore heavy armor, which was the first thing he had completely unexpected after the Battle of Bitu Mausoleum began. And the White Jade Tower was the second thing he completely unexpected.

Yet in the vultures beneath his body, there was no retardation.

The golden light that pierced the sky, without any threat to him, had nothing to do with him.

He smells the thorns of the moon.

It's another soldier who smells the moon apart from the golden knife.

Of all the people in this camp, the person who smelled the moon most wanted to kill was the future Emperor Yunqin, the eldest grandson of Wujiang.

So in his eyes, only the eldest grandson has no frontiers.

So the moment he smelled the moon's golden knife explode into a myriad of golden lights, he pulled the deep red bow that was already in his hand to the extreme, and the power in his body sprayed beyond the limit, and his hands cracked open, revealing Whiteson's fingers, yet, even in the air, his hands remained absolutely stable at this moment.

The only taupe-brown metal arrow on his body fell faster than the previous golden knife, and the light emanating from the nine Demon King eyeballs on the metal arrow even penetrated the air currents carried by the arrow body, as if the sky had truly opened the eyes of the nine Demon Kings.

This arrow is also the most powerful arrow in the life of the first arrow master of Bi Fang Ling.

And this arrow, which is the equivalent of a golden knife that smells of the moon bursting under cover, is even more powerful.

However, at the moment when this arrow was fired, the man who experienced most of the battle, his body and mind were cold to the extreme. In the eyes of the smelling human moon more important than Cheng Yu, but his face suddenly changed color.

'Cause of course he's even less likely to know the White Jade Tower is going to do it right now.

In his eyes, the heavens and the earth did not even have the golden light to fly, only his arrows and grandchildren had no frontiers, so he had no idea what was happening between Baiyu Tower and Lin Xie and others at this moment.

Just moments after his arrow came out, there was one more person in the arrow in front of him.

Lin Xi.

As a result of the impact of powerful forces, Lin Xie was shocked and flew away. When Mongolian hands reached out, her eyes turned red, she appeared in the arrow road of Qiubai.

Even the saint may not be able to react in a timely manner at the cost of hurting himself, but it was not Lin Xi himself who decided that he flew in trance just because of the White Jade Tower strike.

The eyes of nine demon kings landed on him.

The nearest Dean of the Academy to Chang Sun Wujiang and Lin Xie's side was Li Wu. Li Wu's hands had also left him when this arrow fell out of the sky.

He whistled loudly and his hands landed precisely on the arrow.

Golden debris burst into his face and pierced his eyes, but his hands accurately clamped the long arrow.

No word can describe the brutality of this moment.

Li Wu's eyes were spilled with blood, but his hands seemed to have completely turned into gold iron, and a spark and real flame appeared between his body and his hands.

This arrow seems to be caught by his raw pliers.

However, the tip of the arrow split.

This is a sub-mother arrow that cannot be destroyed or directly shattered by such a powerful confrontation.

An equally dark brown arrow was shot from the tip of the cracked arrow and stabbed on Lin Xie's body.

This is the final stab of death to smell the moon.

The dark brown arrow hole penetrated the armor in front of Lin Yi's chest, penetrated Lin Yi's body, and penetrated from the armor behind him. The hole then penetrated the armor on his grandson Wujiang.

This slender, dark brown arrow nails Lin Xi and his eldest grandson together.

The eldest grandson felt nothing at this moment. He felt warm blood flowing in his armor. He could not open his eyes to see it, but somehow felt it. This was in front of him, Lin Xie.

He thought about everything Lin Yi had done for himself before. He was grateful for everything Lin Yi had done for him, but he also felt a sharp arrow tip, wearing some broken metal armor, into his body, so at this moment, he grinned extremely bitterly.

Valley's heart sighed in his heart when his grandchildren knew that even though these people paid the price of their lives to defend themselves, they still had to leave the world and smile in the end.

He was sad in his heart, looking at these young people like he was, he was like watching his life leave him, but his attention was also drawn to the smell of the moon and the arrow, so he couldn't stop the White Jade Tower knife. When Baiyu Tower struck Kang Yuer and Lin Xin with a knife from his life, he knew he couldn't do it again.

Because he knew the situation of Vice Dean Xia, he knew that the College must have a pillar and not all of them could die.

Fortunately curled under the two thick shields that Lin Xie had prepared for it.

These two pieces, like a tortoise shell, cover it with a thick shield to keep its young body safe.

It doesn't know what's going on out there at this moment, it doesn't know what's going on in the world, but at this moment, its four claws have to be held tight like fists, and it's heartache without name.

Zhang Ping and Qin Xiayue watched the golden thunder bloom and disappear from afar.

At this moment, they can only be bystanders, and can only feel the harsh breath from the golden thunder that blew up like the sun.

The golden thunder disappeared.

At very high altitudes, those giant vultures who took drugs and became stronger and more agitated screamed, rising into the clouds and leaving with the smelling of the moon and autumn white.

Smell the moon stare indifferently at the camp office below, which no longer exists.

Then he turned around and nodded in praise of his arrow.

Qiubai nodded indifferently.

The shadows of the two disappeared completely from the sky's vultures and from the sky's falling mausoleum.


The sky of the falling mausoleum gradually brightens and the sun rises.

In this new day, many things happened, the most powerful empire in the history of the world, Yunqin.

At the meeting between Donggang Town and Lin Yue, the umbrella maker who helped Lin Yue make an umbrella, Wang Yu, on the advice of the chief executive, passed the examination of the ministry, and became an historian of the ministry from ten products.

Since the weak crown, it has been remembered that in order to the case of Donggang Town in the day, tea has been poured into the Hong Shen Wu Photography case, and Liu Xueqing, a literary officer of the Zheng Five Pins Department of Zhilu County in the former Donglinhang Province, famous for his integrity, officially joined the Yun Qin Legal Department, became one of the most vocal officials of the Legal Secretary, and served as the Legal Secretary.

On that day, two reckless saints fell somewhere in Bi Falling Mahall. Within a few months, the great recklessness of several saints has become the greatest since the founding of the Great Reckless Dynasty.

That is, on this day, Dade Xiang Corporation acquired Datong Commercial Bank, and the rapidly rising financial power once again shocked many of Yunqin's major commercial banks. Datong Commercial Bank mainly operates the tea brick business, the merchant team directly reaches the northernmost and westernmost end of the Yunqin Empire. Dadexiang Commercial Company acquired Datong Commercial Company, which can't help but add another large business under it. It also means that Dadexiang Commercial Company has opened the commercial transport corridor to the northernmost and westernmost of the Empire. Thus, Dadexiang's goods have been opened in most of the Yunqin Empire.

On this day, in front of Donggang Town Fish Market, Shaodong Jia Xu Xiang, a dark-skinned fish market, was watching people row boats with a smile on the river in front of the fish market.

It is not a day of dragon boat racing. As a matter of principle, we are accustomed to boats coming and going. There is nothing to see about boating. Today, however, many people are crowded on both sides of the river. From time to time, there is a burst of praise.

Because the river rower is King Zhang Long.

Along the shore of the Son River, who doesn't know the name of King Zhang Long, especially after King Zhang Long assisted the beloved Lord Xiaolin to do a lot of clapping fast things, King Zhang Long's name was even louder, except that King Zhang Long had been out of the river for many years. At this time, when the public royal boat came to hear the news, it was the first time to applaud and shout well... only on the river surface, King Zhang Long laughed, two pages of oars in his hand flying like a cyclone, a long boat like an arrow off a string, behind a long white wave, really like a white dragon on the water.

On this day, the whole of Yunqin, I don't know how many things related to Lin Xie are happening.

Yet Lin Xin was in endless darkness, without any consciousness, unaware of everything that was happening outside.

He was like an unknown baby, unknown where he was, unknown about his life and death.

Just like when he first arrived in this world.


Far and away, a sigh of mercy seemed to pass into his ear.

This sigh seemed to bring the countless sorrowful divorces of the world into his infinite darkness.

* * *

(This chapter, it took all my strength)

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