Immortal Devil Transformation

Chapter 30 Internal requisition (second)

Imperial City, Zhongzhou, in the royal study.

Emperor Yunqin, Sun Jinser's second leader, sits two people.

Naturally, it cannot be common to be given a seat in the royal study of the world's most powerful emperor.

One of the two wore a wide robe, a crane hair and a child's face. If the sword flashed between his eyes occasionally, it was the year of the Ni crane that Yunqin Imperial Court offered.

The vast majority of Yunqin practitioners either want to build merit and become Yunqin's chief minister, or they are famous for practicing exclusively. The ultimate goal of the latter is to become a royal court offering.

The significance of the royal court offering is not in a rank not in power, but in being able to become a royal court offering, which means that this person's practice strength has been recognized by the whole Yun Qin and is a true master.

How glorious it is for the practitioner that such a well-known minister, if he is an outspoken opponent of men, is an empty alley for all, surrounded by the sea.

There is more than one royal court in the Imperial City of Zhongzhou, but there is only one crown with the word "great sacrifice”.

The great offering is the most powerful of all.

At this moment, the royal court is dedicated to the side of Ni He year, and the white middle-aged man dressed in the robe of the Huang Tiger is Wen Xuan Hu of the Wen family.

Wen Xuanjun himself is the chief of the division, there are numerous students under the door. After succeeding him, he took over the responsibility of supervising the rest of the divisions, as well as taking charge of the power of the Zhongzhou Guard Army. At this time, the power can indeed be described as leaning towards the wild, which is more powerful than the previous time when he became one of the nine yuan elders.

“Zhou Ruhai's people all went to his deceased wife's old house, but then they all dispersed, and each returned to his hometown to live in hiding. ”

As expected by Zhou Shusuke, Chang Sun Jinser was not comfortable with him. After summoning Wen Xuan Hu and Ni He year, the first thing he talked about was Zhou Shusuke's old department. In return, Wen Xuanxun Hu's eyes have been covered with blood since the Prince's assassination in Bi Fanling. Only two or three hours of rest each day of the eldest grandson Jinser has lost some strength. He smiled indifferently: “Finally, there is some loyalty to the monarch... in that case, I should also give him some glory as he deserves, so as not to make me look cold. ”

If the reward is sealed, it is the Emperor's business, Nihe and Wen Xuan Hui did not speak, but merely kept silent.

“I know you might still be able to kill Gu Xinyin, why didn't you?” The cold smile on the face of the eldest grandson Jinser disappeared, and he turned his head in cold. He glanced at the year of the crane and asked in a clear and dignified manner.

Ni Henian's voice was calm: “Because Vice Dean Xia sent someone to bring me a sentence. ”

Changsun Jinser's face suddenly changed and the chill said: “What is it? ”

"He said softly,“ As soon as Valley's heart dies before returning to the Academy, he will kill all of our royal court offerings. ”

“Outrageous! ”

The eldest grandson Jinser was furious, and the air in the entire study shook, and the charcoal fires in the hollow gold furnace that burned animal charcoal were bombarded, “This is clearly a threat to me! How dare he! ”

In front of the angry emperor, Nihe year and Wenxuan hub remained silent again.

“Is he capable of doing it?” The eldest grandson Jinser had a few more blood silks in his eyes and drank them loudly.

“Yes.” Ni Henian sank: “His cultivation should still be on top of the Purgatory Mountain Palm Teaching, according to the rumors of the Purgatory Mountain Palm Teaching and Li Biao fighting each other... if he did anything, he should be able to kill all of us. ”

Chang Sun Jinser's face changed several times, pressed to hold on to the rage, but his face completely sank, “Wen Xuanxun, if it was about the South Vault, and Qingxian College split, do you think it would be invincible? ”

Wen Xuanjun nodded calmly: “I think you can win. ”

Changsun Jinser nodded slightly, “Tell me why. ”

“I, Yunqin and the reckless border, after all, have a smooth situation and are only suitable for war between large armies. In situations of military engagement, individual cultivation is suppressed to the lowest degree, and even strong as saints are piled to death by thousands of people.” Wen Xuan Hub calmly said: “Sun Quan is dead, Cheng Yu is dead, escaped from Bi Fanling and entered the old part of the reckless smeller very few. The advantage of smelling the human moon now is just that the individual plotted over my Yunqin generals, and the dynasty and the Purgatory Mountains, all with him as the sword spear, the reckless people and I Yunqin have a feud, the reckless domestic affairs is very calm. Such large-scale warfare is temporarily difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat, and is simply a drain on the power of the State. As long as the rule of law is strengthened at such a critical time, and all strict actions can make me stable in the Yunqin dynasty. Without the disruption of those who oppose me, the advantages of smelling the moon will naturally disappear and will surely fail. ”

“In my opinion.” After a slight pause, Wen Xuanxun's eyes narrowed, "He didn't care what the battle cost, what he was pursuing was his own strength and his influence on the world. ”

“Very good.”

Chang Sun Jinser finally appeared some satisfied divine color. He took a deep look at Wen Xuan Hu: “Thieves often use Kuzhi, which is an ancient language… At this time, Anne, those who fail to help and drag the big picture must first dispose of it. ”



Lin Xi did not have the idea of changing the world from the Cold Weapons Age to the * Age, however, in the inscription left by President Zhang, he knew that there was nothing * that could be used *, even if other things could be found, it could form an astonishing explosion of power, but it could not be manufactured in large quantities, so there was nothing too realistic about the world.

So after walking out of Lulin Town and going to Qingyu College to really understand what kind of world this is, Lin Xie has long given up the idea of spending a lot of time doing research on chemical systems.

Not even the crudest *, so in Yunqin's New Year, there has always been no fireworks.

However, the absence of fireworks does not mean that it is not lively.

Throughout the new year in Yunqin, it was the time when bamboo traders around Qiantanghang Province made the most money, because households would buy a section of hollow large bamboo and burn it in the fire, which is the “firecracker" of Yunqin and this entire new year in the world.

It is a new history, the vast Empire of Yunqin, has moved on to another thought.

Su Zhongwen, an important plotter of the Liu family, opened a sealed note in an official residence in Yuzhou City, Guangyuhang Province, amidst the bursts of firecrackers throughout the Yunqin Empire.

After carefully reading the contents of this sealed note, Su Zhongwen frowned. In this room where he was the only one, he smiled and said to himself: “There are some problems… I'd like to see who you are. ”

On this sealed note of the Liu family, I remember about Chen Feirong.

When he first met Chen Fei Rong with Liu Yu, he felt that Chen Fei Rong was not an ordinary person and had written to the Liu family to investigate Chen Fei Rong's background secretly. With the strength of the Liu family, only relying on the name of Chen Feirong at the time of the previous closing of the city, the information of Chen Feirong can be transferred from the Household Department. However, at this moment, the information obtained by the Liu family is extremely ordinary, except for the daughter of an ordinary farmer in Donglinxing Province, who was promised to be a concubine to a merchant to do business along the dragon snake border, there are no more records. From these records, this Chen Feirong should be an ordinary woman who has not read any books, and should not have too much knowledge. It is absolutely impossible to be such a master cabinet in charge of Da Dexiang now!

In Su Zhongwen's view, if a beautiful woman who has always liked to be quiet and invisible, she would never have had the kind of charm that Chen Fei Rong had, all of which made him feel somewhat alluring. So the mystery of this Grand Duxiang Grand Palm Cabinet definitely has some problems, definitely not like Chen Feirong said, just because nature doesn't like outsiders.

Looking at the files found by the Liu family, Su Zhongwen can now confirm that Chen Feirong merely replaced the identity of the woman of ordinary farm origin.

After burning down the Liu family's secret note, Su Zhongwen began writing to keep the Liu family going through Chen Feirong's return note.

In the view of such a plotter, it is necessary to hide his identity so much. There are only two kinds, one is Yun Qin's own felon, the other is Da Dexiang is afraid to be involved in a business that cannot be seen lightly. Either way, for him, he can strangle Da Dexiang's throat for more amazing benefits for him and the Liu family.


Liu Jing held a small pumpkin shaped purple sand pot and walked down the streets of Jiancheng in Heiluohang Province to his shop.

He is the master cabinet of the branch of the rice factory in Pucheng, and the rice factory is one of the 17 joint stores.

Whether in Yunqin or Tang Tibetan, Dareckless, New Year's Eve, the majority of business names will not open until after the beginning of the eighth month. This is not a business name to take a few more days off during the New Year, nor is it a business name to be proud of, and not afraid of being robbed by competitors. Rather, it is because this is a natural pattern in the invisible, because all households will be stocked up before the New Year, and it is absolutely impossible that there will be any shortage of rice during the New Year.

So even if a firm stays open during the New Year, there will be no business.

At the beginning of the first eight months of the year, out of countless firecrackers, the rice banks of the 17 associates all opened in the morning at the auspicious time, once the shop opened, these 17 companies had long been entangled with Dade Xiang a long time ago, through the festival celebration directly bombed a heavy fist, all slightly lowered the price of various rice noodles.

Seventy-eight days after the opening of the business, the pavement business of these conglomerates is still a little cold.

This is also very normal for Liu Jing, the old master cabinet who has been running the rice noodle business for 30 years, because after the effect of price reduction at the beginning, after all, it is almost necessary to consume Chinese rice grain in the house before buying food again, and the rice banks have learned the means of great virtue, and have made booklets to remember when the old customers used up Chinese rice grain, it will be about a decade before the business starts to return to fire.

But Liu Jing soaked a pot of old tea, his mind was distracted, and he suddenly stopped on his way to his shop.

He saw a dozen big carriages.

The dozens of large carriages, all of them with the aura of his familiarity with the extreme. The drum's linen pocket is filled with rice noodles.

A dozen of these, all of them great carriages!

* * *

The chapters of this time, it's going to be more and more interesting... so keep up the rhythm... there's still a third place at night! Everybody's monthly tickets, keep up... and get high)

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