The middle-aged man didn't get up and kowtowed. Zhang Xiaofan was speechless. In this way, how could he treat the patient.

"Kneel down. Every minute you kneel down, your father is closer to death, so you can do it yourself."

When Zhang Xiaofan said this, the middle-aged man got up quickly. Zhang Xiaofan glanced at the patient, took out a silver needle and stabbed it into a acupoint of the patient. The patient's spirit was shocked.

For Zhang Xiaofan, acupuncture is just a small trick. His real means are mind therapy, Qigong therapy and shennongding therapy.

To be exact, first control the insects with your mind, and then use Qigong to enter the patient's body and directly reach the position of the insects.

Then use the powerful power of Shennong Ding to absorb all the energy absorbed by those insects into Shennong Ding.

Into the energy he needs, so that those insects lose their ability, how to slowly enter the patient's body and how to get out.

Zhang Xiaofan's treatment time was not long. He put his palm on the patient and massaged back and forth.

After more than ten minutes, the patient looked better and better, and a small worm like an earthworm climbed out of the patient's body.

Finally, it fell to the ground without any vitality. Obviously, all the energy has been absorbed by Zhang Xiaofan.

"The reason why your father is weak is because of this little insect, which is a spirit similar to Gu."

"Someone wants to kill your old man and deliberately frame your old man. It should be someone your family has offended."

Zhang Xiaofan said at this time that the middle-aged man was very excited. At the moment, his father was alive, but he just didn't have strength. Just take some supplements at this point.

"Forget it, save people to the end and send the Buddha to the West. I'd better let your father stand up."

Zhang Xiaofan just absorbed a lot of energy. Now it's necessary to give feedback.

Zhang Xiaofan said, took out a ginseng, pinched a small piece from it, put it in the old man's mouth and let the old man hold it.

After only a few minutes, the old man could come down and walk. Everyone couldn't help applauding at the moment.

This is the real miracle doctor. A person who is dying in bed can make him alive in a few minutes. There are few such capable people in this society.

Zhang Xiaofan is so powerful that many seriously ill people rushed to Zhang Xiaofan.

The scene was chaotic, the scene was out of control, and the hospital couldn't help those people.

"OK, everyone be quiet. Since you are so excited, it's unreasonable for me to treat you or not."

"In that case, we will have a collective treatment. What is collective treatment, that is, many people accept my treatment."

"The method of self-treatment is very simple, that is, everyone sends the valley information to everyone through me, and everyone opens the valley together."

"I can't guarantee that everyone will get better, but if you learn this method and combine it with the free Valley opening live class of drinking wind forum, you will get better."

Zhang Xiaofan also wants to take this opportunity to promote drinking wind and valley, and plans to treat those who need treatment with repentance first.

Then use the valley information to help them enter the valley realm, and all this will be easy to do.

"Doctor Zhang, what we need to do, we all listen to you." Zhang Xiaofan's voice fell, and everyone said to Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan stood up and asked everyone to do some actions first. In fact, these actions.

It has nothing to do with the later shame and regret therapy and Bigu. Zhang Xiaofan's purpose is to establish a high position.

Now he has established a high position in the eyes of these people, but this is far from enough. What he needs to do is to completely establish a high position. What did he say.

Those people will do what they want to do, so that they can play the best role, and their subconscious will be mobilized by themselves to complete everything arranged.

After all the actions are completed, Zhang Xiaofan asks everyone to meditate collectively and start repentance therapy. In fact, he doesn't understand this line.

I often feel that one-on-one treatment is the best, but those who understand this industry understand that it is not one-on-one good, but one-to-many good.

Because one to many, everyone will be an information source, and the amount of information will be much stronger than one to one. As long as one enters the state, others will be affected.

One on one is different. The original information is so little. In the final analysis, it is because of the power of faith, Zhang Xiaofan's shame and regret therapy and valley opening therapy.

For some high-profile people, it generally won't work because they have established a high position and won't believe Zhang Xiaofan, so they can't receive information.

People familiar with Zhang Xiaofan will not receive information, such as Zhang Xiaofan's parents.

In their hearts, Zhang Xiaofan is their son. There is no mystery, so they can't receive information.

After a few hours of this time, someone had already vomited out with a wheeze, and others saw that several people soon vomited out.

Then more and more people began to vomit, but they were also in a steady state, with a runny nose and a tear. They could remember some mistakes they had done before.

When people eat cereals for a long time, they will accumulate some garbage in their body. At this time, they need to clear their intestines. In fact, breaking the valley is a clearing of intestines.

When you don't eat anything, discharge all the garbage in your stomach. Repentance therapy is similar to PI Gu therapy.

However, the deficiency requires a powerful tutor to give lectures and bring himself into that realm. However, Pigu is different, as long as you learn it.

You can do it yourself at home. Compared with repentance therapy, PI Gu therapy is more conducive to clearing the intestines.

Half an hour later, all entered the realm, and Zhang Xiaofan sent them a valley opening message.

This is the first time that Zhang Xiaofan has combined Bigu therapy with repentance therapy. Unexpectedly, it was a surprising success. Soon everyone entered the state of Bigu.

At the end of the shame, everyone told Zhang Xiaofan that he didn't want to eat anything. Zhang Xiaofan wanted to tell some valley secrets to those people, who were grateful to Zhang Xiaofan. At this time, Zhang Yaoyao came to Zhang Xiaofan.

"Nanlinlin and miss Amy were taken away. The other party called and said they wanted to save nanlinlin and miss Amy's life."

"Go to the designated position they said. You can't call the police, or they'll kill nanlinlin and miss Amy."

When Zhang Xiaofan heard the news, he first thought of the members of Snake Island, but soon denied the conjecture.

Because Snake Island elements have dealt with him so many times, their IQ will not be so low. They know that such practices are meaningless to him. They should be other people with ulterior motives.

"Hehe, Miss Amy has nothing to do with us, but nanlinlin is the net star we just signed."

"Being kidnapped now is obviously aimed at us. If we can't protect nanlinlin well, I won't let my peers see jokes."

"The boss means that nanlinlin was kidnapped by our colleagues?" Zhang Yaoyao asked, looking at Zhang Xiaofan's eyes.

Zhang Xiaofan said: "we don't rule out this possibility, but there are other possibilities. Anyway, let's go and have a look."

Zhang Xiaofan said goodbye to the Dean, who proposed to join the hospital to a free hospital.

Zhang Xiaofan asked the dean to call him again in the evening. He had something to do at the moment and said to give a business card to the dean. The Dean was really excited.

And the richest man. Seeing that Zhang Xiaofan is leaving, he also hurried to meet him. He must entangle Zhang Xiaofan this time.

Otherwise, the trouble of their family can't be solved. Zhang Xiaofan said that someone wanted to harm their family.

However, he can't say who his family's business has offended, so Zhang Xiaofan has to make it clear.

"Doctor Zhang, you saved my father. Our family can't repay this kindness. You are my father. Please accept me."

Zhang Xiaofan is also convinced. The businessman should really admire him for doing so. Of course, he also knows the purpose of the boss.

He also gave the boss a business card and asked the boss to find him with the dean at night. Now the boss was finally relieved.

Zhang Xiaofan and Zhang Yaoyao get on the bus and gallop all the way to a forest. They see a group of people holding Nan Linlin and miss Amy.

I think these people don't know him very well. Just a few people want to clean him up. Don't you think they're dreaming.

Zhang Xiaofan walked over with a smile. The leader was also very satisfied. He came out of the countryside and was very honest when he first started his business.

But he never succeeded. Later, he found out what the problem was, so he raised a group of brothers as long as he liked the project.

He would send his brother to fight for it, and he soon succeeded. He called this secret of success his magic weapon to win.

After that, if there is any interest problem, please give this magic weapon, and the wealth will accumulate quickly.

Later, it became a security company, apparently doing security work, but helping people with demolition and other activities behind it, which expanded his power.

With today's status, this time he took a fancy to the health industry, but the industry was monopolized by two thugs. He could not fight boss ma.

I can't fight Zhang Xiaofan, so I'm in a hurry on this matter. Fortunately, Huangtian pays off those who have a heart.

Let him know that Zhang Xiaofan came to Xifu and found his ex-wife, so he had the idea of threatening Zhang Xiaofan.

"Hehe, people in the business field say you are very smart. I didn't expect you to be a pig brain. You really came with your little sister."

"The little sister is also good-looking. She will contribute to the big brother. The big brother will let you take advantage of it later."

Zhang Xiaofan didn't want to burst out too strong strength in front of ordinary people, so he didn't start immediately.

He still wanted to find out the real motives of these people, so he scared them.

How can you tell the truth? Besides, he is not a killer, and he can't kill casually. What are you doing in such a hurry.

"Don't talk nonsense. I'm here now. How do you want to release nanlinlin?"

Zhang Xiaofan aims at nanlinlin. Miss Amy's arrogance before made him very uncomfortable.

So what the other party wants to do to miss Amy, but it has nothing to do with him. He's not a saint bitch. Everyone wants to save her.

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