"It's a lie to die together. I don't want to die together. Can I not play this?"

Nansihan became more and more frightened. Zhang Xiaofan was very helpless. He took nansihan and got on the ferris wheel. Compared with other games, the speed of the ferris wheel is the slowest. Zhang Xiaofan gave nansihan an adaptation process.

At the ferris wheel, nansihan's heart beat faster and faster with the height getting higher and higher. However, other tourists heard screams and excitement. Nansihan hid his head in Zhang Xiaofan's arms and dared not look elsewhere.

Zhang Xiaofan is also anxious in such a situation. In this way, nansihan will only become more and more afraid. Now the best way to let nansihan overcome fear is to rely on himself. Zhang Xiaofan bangs? Fell to the ground.

Their small room moved. Nansihan saw that Zhang Xiaofan fainted and was anxious to wake Zhang Xiaofan. He forgot the surrounding environment, shook Zhang Xiaofan's body and finally reached the end.

"Look, I said I wasn't so afraid. Aren't you fine now? Jiaolong can go to sea as long as he has the spirit of adventure."

Zhang Xiaofan suddenly gets up and nansihan jumps into Zhang Xiaofan's arms. Just now nansihan really thought that something had happened to Zhang Xiaofan. After all, in her opinion, the ferris wheel is so afraid. Naturally, she thinks that Zhang Xiaofan is the same as her and has been scared into an accident.

People only find their potential when they are most dangerous. Nansihan beat himself this time.

"You're really bad. You scared me to death. Next, let my sister protect you."

Nansihan looks at Zhang Xiaofan's efforts to help him. If he doesn't improve himself, is he worthy of Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan is also very pleased. After making so many efforts, he finally sees the change of nansihan. He just needs to go with nansihan.

As long as nansihan can pass the customs, he can change his previous lifestyle, love himself well, and spend his spare time on some activities instead of wasting on persistent pursuit.

When his life style changes, he can accept cultivation. Among his girlfriends, the angel of Li Ke'er is the most gifted in cultivation.

They both seem to be born specifically for cultivation. If they simply teach them the method of cultivation, they can see the unexpected effect.

Nansihan is a good learner. If he steps into the circle of cultivation and falls in love with it, the speed of cultivation will be terrible. After all, nansihan's understanding ability is unmatched by others.

"Well, I'll listen to you. I'll play as you let me."

Zhang Xiaofan plays with nansihan. Nansihan is used to being a leader and likes to command Zhang Xiaofan. This makes nansihan easy to establish self-confidence, which is what Zhang Xiaofan sees the least.

Zhang Xiaofan is really smart. He uses his routine, which makes nansihan defenseless.

Zhang Xiaofan remembers that he once attended a class, in which the lecturer gave a particularly good example.

There was an old lady who was in very poor health. The old lady's son thought a lot of ways to make the old lady better.

It didn't work until one day he read a book and suddenly realized that he had made the old lady's body very healthy without spending a penny.

The man's practice is like this. He asks the old lady to run every morning, and then pretends to be tired before he runs a few steps. The old lady can't stand it and feels that his son is too lack of exercise.

"Look at you young people. You don't pay attention to exercise at ordinary times. You've only gone a few steps and you're no longer able to do it. Look at me. After running for so long, you're out of breath. You should learn from me."

The old lady ran with her son. She ran more and more actively, ran more and more vigorously, and her body was getting better and better.

Also, when shopping for vegetables and rice, if you take something a little, you can't take it. Let the old lady take it. The wife is also more and more happy and sets an example for her son.

When eating at home, she is very picky and lets the old lady do everything. The old lady thinks she is useful and is very happy when working for her son. In this way, the old lady has a better attitude and health, and she doesn't worry about being a son.

Zhang Xiaofan used this method to successfully mobilize Nan Sihan's enthusiasm, which is Zhang Xiaofan's intelligence.

In all the projects, the most exciting thing is bungee jumping. Nansihan stood on the side and looked down. His legs became soft and his face turned green, but he still let Zhang Xiaofan watch and set an example for Zhang Xiaofan.

When Zhang Xiaofan was playing bungee jumping, the shadow of the future girl suddenly appeared in his mind. I remember the first time he had a relationship with the future girl was after bungee jumping.

He will never forget that lovely girl. If the girl hadn't saved him regardless of her own, she might have been killed by the queen of Caifeng, and she would still be alive now.

When Zhang Xiaofan is thinking about the future girl, nansihan sees that Zhang Xiaofan is distracted and Zhang Xiaofan is afraid. He will set an example for Zhang Xiaofan in front and let Zhang Xiaofan see the power of the example.

"Are you particularly afraid? In fact, you have a peaceful heart. You don't have to be afraid at all. Don't you just jump down from here? There's nothing to be afraid of. Let me show you."

Zhang Xiaofan returns to his senses after hearing the speech and looks at nansihan. He sees nansihan close his eyes and jump down. Zhang Xiaofan directly jumps down from behind, hugs nansihan and falls freely.

Nansihan was very nervous, but felt Zhang Xiaofan's arm and felt much more relieved. When he was about to land, Zhang Xiaofan cut the rope directly and followed nansihan to the bottom of the valley.

Standing on the bottom as like as two peas, Zhang Xiaofan remembered the future girl. The last picture was the same as this one, but the girl changed to Nan Si Han.

Zhang Xiaofan stares at nansihan's eyes and almost calls out the name of the future girl, which makes Zhang Xiaofan want to slap himself. How can he be such a person? It's not authentic.

Zhang Xiaofan and nansihan reached the ground. Nansihan took a deep breath. At the moment when Zhang Xiaofan cut the rope, she was stunned. Fortunately, they are still standing on the ground.

"Feel the strength of the cultivator. There is nothing at all when you come down from such a high cliff. When you practice, you can become the same person as me."

In order to cover up his embarrassment, Zhang Xiaofan said this sentence when nansihan didn't react. Nansihan didn't think so much and nodded to Zhang Xiaofan.

"You pretended to be so timid before so that I could lead you, and then counter attack at the last minute. Say this to me."

"Your routine is really deep enough, but I like it very much. Don't worry, I will practice after today and won't let you down again." nansihan said to Zhang Xiaofan.

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