What a strong sandstorm, we advanced warships.

As soon as Zhang Xiaofan flashed to Tang Xinyue, he hugged Tang Xinyue and was about to enter the warship with Tang Xinyue. It was too late. He was blown in one direction by the powerful sand city.

Now they can't go against the sky. They can only go smoothly. After a few minutes, the powerful storm directly moves them into a vortex. If they don't break through now, they will be buried alive.


Zhang Xiaofan drank violently and punched the storm in front of him. With strong energy, he directly pierced the storm wall. Just listening to the roar, there was a breach in front of him. Zhang Xiaofan entered the groove with Tang Xinyue in his arms. As soon as his eyes lit up, it turned out to be an ancient tomb.

At the moment, Zhang Xiaofan puts Tang Xinyue down. They simply clean up the dust on their bodies. Looking at the ancient tomb in front, they see that the trace is very old. No one has ever entered it.

It was well preserved, but there was a terrible sound. I kept thinking in my ear that Zhang Xiaofan was not afraid. Tang Xinyue really leaned nervously against Zhang Xiaofan, and her body trembled slightly. Zhang Xiaofan took back her eyes to comfort Tang Xinyue.

"Don't be afraid. In this world, there are not many who can beat us together. I don't believe that a monster in an ancient tomb will be our opponent."

While comforting Tang Xinyue, Zhang Xiaofan also comforted him. After all, he was really afraid. The key is that if the monster hid in the dark, it would surprise people. If it was exposed, he would not be afraid.

That's why some people always say that the unknown is the most afraid. That's the truth. Can we not be afraid.

Tang Xinyue stopped making trouble this time. Obviously, she was really afraid and nodded to Zhang Xiaofan.

Did we go into the ghost cave? I heard people say that if we travel in Huangdun and encounter a terrible dust storm, we will be blown to the ghost area. Our whole life will be over. It is impossible to leave the ghost area again. This may be the reason why no one has excavated the ancient tomb here for so many years!

Zhang Xiaofan has also heard about the ghost region. He thought it was just a legend. Now it seems that this statement really exists. It's really unlucky enough.

What's more evil is that it is said that the gate of the ghost kingdom is only opened once a hundred years, and the location of the ghost kingdom is different every time. Many researchers have been exploring this legend, but no one can detect it clearly.

It is said that in the past thousands of years, the only person who has seen the appearance of the ghost region is a farmer from Huangdun. He doesn't dare to get close to the ghost region. He can only draw the ghost region from a distance, which has become the first-hand data for scientists to study the ghost region. It's really shocking.

We should have done too many good deeds to meet the door of the ghost kingdom that has only been opened once in a hundred years. Maybe we can detect some secrets and get some Tianjie magic tools. Is that lucky and awesome.

Zhang Xiaofan said these words with a smile. Tang Xinyue held Zhang Xiaofan's eye. Now, Zhang Xiaofan can still joke.

Maybe in this world, only Zhang Xiaofan regards what bad luck is as a good thing. No one thinks so anymore. I really don't know what's in his mind.

"You are really a talent. Under such circumstances, you can be so calm. I don't know why your mentality is so good."

"In the current situation, even if your state of mind is no matter how bad, it will not change the reality. Are you afraid that we can get out of this place, so it's better to open it instead of thinking so sad."

"That can also be relaxed. It's like traveling to ancient tombs. What a cool thing to play. The key is not to have tickets. Isn't it appropriate to be cheap? Let's go in."

Zhang Xiaofan said and took Tang Xinyue's hand. Now, as Zhang Xiaofan said, we can only go forward. There may be a way, but there is no way to go back.

Tang Xinyue walks aside with Zhang Xiaofan. Although she is also afraid, she is not particularly afraid after all. Besides, they have experienced a lot of life and death. When they encounter such a afraid thing.

They can also show a little calmness. No matter how the terrible sounds in their ears sound, they still keep a clean mind and are not disturbed by those sounds.

"Hoo Hoo..."

At this time, the candlelight in front of them all went out. Zhang Xiaofan and Tang Xinyue stopped. Zhang Xiaofan gently touched them, which could not defeat their modern people.

Whoever goes out without a mobile phone, even if there is no light, turning on the mobile phone flashlight can still shine a particularly bright light on the whole ancient tomb.

Zhang Xiaofan takes out his mobile phone. The mobile phone he uses is a high-tech mobile phone. This is specially made for him by girls in the future. He uses air to charge.

There will be no power failure at all. This mobile phone is really like the name of the future girl. It is the future technology and master the world's leading technology.

Zhang Xiaofan took out his mobile phone and thought of the future girl. After all, the future girl brought him a lot of stories.

Now the future girl dies in the hands of the Phoenix family. When he improves his cultivation and has the strength to compete with the Phoenix family, he will deal with the Phoenix family and avenge the future girl.

He also believes that it is not far from that day. As long as we wait for Lingzhu hair to grow up, the world will recover.

At that time, there will be many Tianjie magic tools. He can feed those Tianjie magic tools to the gentian fairy tree, improve his strength and become the strongest existence in the world.

Zhang Xiaofan is too brave to be distracted at this time. Like others, he doesn't dare to be distracted at all.


A strange voice came, and a powerful monster rushed towards Zhang Xiaofan. The powerful monster.

It looks like a bat, but it is as big as two people. If ordinary people encounter such existence, they will only be eaten in one bite, but Zhang Xiaofan and Tang Xinyue are not so easy to clean up.


Zhang Xiaofan's palm turned over, and a group of blue fire lotus in his hand transformed into a fire sword with hot flame. It split on the monster that rushed over. With a puff, it burned the monster clean. It's really too strong.

Zhang Xiaofan killed a monster with one move. He was a little proud. This is his strength. He burned everything under different fire. What things dare to be presumptuous in front of him. I really don't know the greatness of heaven and earth.

"Well, don't be afraid. What powerful monster can withstand my move. Besides, don't forget that when I performed Shennong's creation, it was tens of kilometers around. I was the master. They didn't let me kill them, so don't be afraid at all."

Zhang Xiaofan said proudly. Tang Xinyue's mouth moved slightly. This guy is really too strong, but we can't make this guy proud. Otherwise, this guy will really go to heaven and can't give this guy a chance to go to heaven.

"Sloppy, average, the third in the world." Zhang Xiaofan still waited for Tang Xinyue to praise him. As a result, Tang Xinyue hit him directly, which made him very unhappy.

"Can't you say something I like to hear?"

Men need to be appreciated. A woman who doesn't appreciate men can't get happiness. It's no joke, so Tang Xinyue's character is really bad. It takes a process to change.

"Good advice goes against the ear. I won't let you float for your own good." Tang Xinyue is indeed a very capable woman in her career.

But in other aspects, you really don't do well, don't appreciate men, and stimulate men under the banner of being a man. Such a stupid woman has a really low Eq.

A woman who can stimulate a man's potential must be one who often praises a man, so that a man will do particularly well in his career.

"You just have a hard mouth. Do you know why I always want to hide when I see you? In addition to you often making trouble for me, you don't know how to appreciate me. On the other hand, you have become a leader."

"Without real feelings, if you marry an ordinary person, you don't know how to appreciate a man's character. You've been divorced 800 times."

It's my freedom to get divorced a thousand times. What does it have to do with you? Two people who make a living are not as good as high-quality singles. I'm single all my life, and you don't have to take care of it.

This is Tang Xinyue's character. She always has to fight with men to the end. She doesn't know how to be soft. Zhang Xiaofan is really afraid and admits defeat to Tang Xinyue.

"Well, I can't tell you, let's move on." Zhang Xiaofan thinks it's meaningless to go on. It's better to keep quiet and get out of the ancient tomb well, so as not to cause more trouble because of anger.

Zhang Xiaofan has always believed that if a family wants to live well, it must remember one thing, that is to live in harmony. If it can't live in harmony, the luck of the family will not be very good.

Just like him and Tang Xinyue, if they quarrel now, they won't have good luck. It's a great failure.

The probability of encountering danger is also very high. A family often quarrels and is easy to get sick, resulting in money loss. This is very spiritual and not superstitious at all.

"You should admit defeat."

Tang Xinyue said, walking forward with a long sword, and saw a very flirtatious sea of flowers. The whole sea of flowers looked like a sleeping beauty.

It looks fascinating. Tang Xinyue looks at the sleeping beauty and feels better. She has forgotten where they are now and what dangers they will encounter. It's really bad.

"What a beautiful sea of flowers."

Tang Xinyue said, putting away her sword and reaching out to touch the sea of flowers. Zhang Xiaofan hurriedly stopped in front. He clearly remembered what happened with Li Ke'er and angel on the island.

At that time, there was also a sea of flowers. Li Ke'er stretched out his hand to touch it and was poisoned. It was terrible. He almost died on the island at that time. This made him resist the sea of flowers greatly. He thought that the sea of flowers must be harmful, so he blocked Tang Xinyue from it.

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