The next day Zhang Xiaofan was still sleeping. Xiao Qing got up and saw the blood on the Kang and leaned against Zhang Xiaofan's chest. There was an unspeakable sweetness in her heart.

For more than 20 years, she finally changed from a little girl to a woman, but she didn't regret it at all. Remembering the bursts of pleasure last night, she really felt the happiness of being a woman.

She had been worried that Zhang Xiaofan could not reach the height and could not marry her, but through the changes of Zhang Xiaofan in the past six months and the stimulation brought to her last night.

She doesn't believe that a man who can give women the greatest satisfaction will not be able to reach that height, so she will never regret what happened last night.

At this moment, she just wants to lie quietly in Zhang Xiaofan's arms, never leave and enjoy this two person world.

Zhang Xiaofan finally took a big step in his life last night. After holding back for more than 20 years, he seems to have released his whole youth and felt the unprecedented ease in his life.

Xiao Qing is lying. Zhang Xiaofan hugs Xiao Qing's shoulder. Xiao Qing climbs in Zhang Xiaofan's arms.

"Are you awake?"

Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

"Well, believe me, one day, I will stand at the same height as your family and marry you back."

"I believe that now that I am your woman, I will wholeheartedly believe in you and support you."

Xiao Qing said, took out a jade pendant and sent it to Zhang Xiaofan.

"This is the family heirloom of our Xiao family. It was passed on to me by my mother. Now I give it to you. When I'm away, I'll let it accompany you all the way."

Zhang Xiaofan put away the jade pendant and took out the amulet he had prepared for Xiao Qing.

"I made this amulet myself. Although it's not as valuable as the jade pendant you gave me, it's also my intention. You put it away and carry it with you. It will be of great use in case of danger."

Xiao Qing puts on the amulet, and the red snake inside is strange. Zhang Xiaofan talks to the red snake silently for a while, and the jade pendant is quiet.

"I will always wear the things you gave me. When you are away, let it accompany me."


Zhang Xiaofan nodded and held Xiao Qing in his arms again. He was a little afraid. If Xiao Qing got pregnant last night, he would not be able to say that to the huge Xiao family, which would put Xiao Qing in a very dangerous situation.

"Xiao Qing, we didn't take any measures last night. You're afraid."

Xiao Qing blocks Zhang Xiaofan's mouth with her hand.

"Women have a few days of safety period every month. These days are just my safety period, so I don't need it."

Zhang Xiaofan was excited when he heard the speech, and jumped on Xiao Qing. After two hours of ups and downs, Xiao Qing really couldn't hold on, so he surrendered to Zhang Xiaofan.

The goods went to sleep with satisfaction and found that today's time passed very quickly. In the blink of an eye, it was already 10 a.m.

Zhang Xiaofan hugged Xiao Qing for a while. They got up and went to Shimen Reservoir. Today, the reservoir has started, and several excavators are working.

Zhang Xiaofan told Xiao Qing about the reservoir planning. Liu Yuhu brought the prepared feed. Zhang Xiaofan sprinkled the feed into the reservoir and waited for the fry in the reservoir to grow up.

"Xiao Fan, I think if you want to raise fish, you need to go to the big hotel to find out which fish are the most popular on the market, and then buy that kind of fry in the aquarium market to maximize your interests. Otherwise, you can't make much money with these kinds of wild fish."

Zhang Xiaofan felt that Xiao Qing's words were very reasonable. He decided to do what Xiao Qing said. He went to other people's hotels in Qinchuan to have dinner and inquire about their fish. That would really maximize the benefits.

"Hehe, what you said is reasonable. We'll go to the city now, come back to dinner with my parents in the evening, and tell them about us."

Xiao Qing nodded shyly.

Zhang Xiaofan took Xiao Qing and rode a tricycle to the city. It is often said that he was invited to drink at the drunken eight immortals. He hasn't been there yet.

Today, Zhang Xiaofan parked the tricycle at the gate of Zui Baxian hotel. Just before going to eat, several security guards came and asked Zhang Xiaofan to drive the tricycle away. Zhang Xiaofan was not happy.

"I said, comrade, I'm here for dinner. Don't park my car at the door of your hotel?"

Xiao Qing's clothes were wet by rain and snow yesterday. She wore Zhang Xiaoyan's village aunt's clothes and Zhang Xiaofan's little farmer's clothes. Both of them looked very earthy. Several security guards didn't believe that Zhang Xiaofan was a rich man and could eat in the drunken eight immortals.

In Qinchuan City, drunken eight immortals are hotels of the same level as Huangcheng hotel. A meal costs at least 10000 yuan. How can small farmers afford to spend here.

"I said smelly farmer, you don't pee, look in the mirror and see if you are qualified to eat in this place?"

"But your little daughter-in-law is very beautiful. If you don't let him accompany his friends, our little security guards will spend your money."

"Ha ha..."

After the security captain said that, four or five small security guards laughed. Xiao Qing now has only Zhang Xiaofan in her heart. When other men say such words, they feel very disgusting. Now they can't help it.


"Hey, hey, we are shameless. We want to lick your toes and show you how shameless we are."

The security captain smiled.


Zhang Xiaofan went to the security captain at the moment, slapped the security captain in the face, beat the security captain back a few steps, his face felt hot, spit out a mouthful of blood, and even his teeth fell out.

"MAHLE Gobi, dare to beat me and kill him."

The security captain ordered four or five small security guards to rush up. Xiao Qing wanted to fight, and Zhang Xiaofan blocked Xiao Qing.

"When men are around, women don't do it."

Zhang Xiaofan said that he grabbed a baton from a security guard and beat the four or five security guards to kneel on the ground.

Then he went to the security captain and hit him with a baton.

The security captain is afraid now. He has been a security guard for more than ten years and has not seen anyone like Zhang Xiaofan fighting fiercely.

"Grandpa, spare your life..."

"It's unforgivable for a woman who dares to bully me around your mother."

"Isn't the threshold of your drunken eight immortals Hotel high? My daughter-in-law's shoes are just dirty on the mountain road. Lick the soles for us and I'll spare you a dog's life, or you'll die today."

Zhang Xiaofan has a principle that others can tolerate bullying him, but bullying his family is zero tolerance.

After what happened last night, he has regarded Xiao Qing as his family. If the security captain violates his bottom line, he is damned.

Xiao Qing has never seen Zhang Xiaofan make such a fire and let the security captain lick the soles of her shoes. He feels that Zhang Xiaofan is too much.

But when I think of what the security captain said before, I think the security captain deserved it.

"Oh, it's Mr. Zhang. No wonder our security team is not an opponent. It's all our fault. Please calm down and have a rest in our hotel. The little woman will make amends to Mr. Zhang in person."

At this time, a woman in her early thirties came over and dressed very flirtatiously. Her two long legs were exposed in winter. I didn't know if she would feel cold, but men would feel distressed when they saw it.

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