"You, who are you?"

The fat man asked Zhang Xiaofan in a panic. He had been in business for many years. He was still cautious. He didn't know Zhang Xiaofan's identity and didn't easily start with Zhang Xiaofan.

The corners of Zhang Xiaofan's mouth rose slightly.

"I'm Miss Anne's bodyguard."

"It turned out that he was a smelly bodyguard. He dared to take care of your master Geng's business. Don't you know your master Geng's power? Let your master Geng teach you how to be a man today."

"Someone is coming. Kill the smelly farmer for me."

Boss Geng's voice fell. Four or five bodyguards came to Zhang Xiaofan and began to fight Zhang Xiaofan.

The goods let go of boss Geng, and a few dodged to beat all the four or five bodyguards down, frightening boss Geng back.

"Boss Geng, now I'll give you a chance to kneel down in front of Miss Anne and regret. I'll let you go, or you won't be able to lift your arms like them."

The hero of boss Geng did not suffer from the immediate loss. He knelt down to Miss Anne, slapped himself in the face and apologized to Miss Anne.

Seeing that boss Geng performed well, Zhang Xiaofan pulled Miss Anne into the screening room. Boss Geng's dogleg ran over and helped boss Geng up.

"Boss, are you going to forget today? What's your identity? Kneel down to a performer. You can't swallow it."

Boss Geng slapped the dog leg.

"Nonsense, I don't understand this truth. Go and investigate the little farmer for me to see what the origin is."

"As long as you kill the little farmer, Miss Anne will lose her hands. How can she resist when I overwhelm her?"

"Wise boss! I'm going to investigate the identity of the smelly farmer." the dog leg said and went to work.

Zhang Xiaofan and Miss Anne went to the screening room. The thick ambiguous atmosphere has infected them.

Miss Anne had already pulled Zhang Xiaofan's hand into her arms, and Zhang Xiaofan immediately felt his breathing quickened.

"Our seats are in the back row." Zhang Xiaofan said and walked back with Miss Anne. They found that their seats had been occupied by others.

Zhang Xiaofan patted a boy on the shoulder.

"Brother, you two made a mistake. This is our seat."

The boy loosened his girlfriend and turned to see Zhang Xiaofan and Miss Anne. He was angry first, and then turned into a slave for joy.

"Miss Anne, it's you. I'm Hua Yaoguang, general manager of brilliance film. I've admired you for a long time. It's our fate to see you here today."

"I invite you to join our brilliance film industry. I will make you a first-line star with my reputation and strength in the industry."

Hua Yaoguang said that, ignoring Zhang Xiaofan directly, he put his hand to Miss Anne and waited for Miss Anne's response.

Miss Anne took Zhang Xiaofan's arm.

"Sorry, I have joined Xiaofan culture media Co., Ltd. This is my boyfriend Zhang Xiaofan."

Annie's introduction made Hua Yaoguang turn his hatred to Zhang Xiaofan. Seeing that Zhang Xiaofan was a farmer, he looked contemptuous.

"Are you Miss Anne's boyfriend?"

To tell the truth, Hua Yaoguang doesn't believe what Miss Anne said at the moment, because Zhang Xiaofan is too ordinary.

I'm still a small farmer. Let's ask that big star. It's absolutely false to see small farmers.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't want to admit it, but he admitted it at the sight of Hua Yaoguang's disdain.

"It's impossible. Miss Anne is also a second-line star. She will take a fancy to you, a little farmer. You must be lying."

"Now you always believe it!" Zhang Xiaofan said, pulling Miss Anne to her and kissing them for a few seconds.

Hua Yaoguang is so angry that he really feels that the world is unfair. He is the boss of a film and television company.

A little bitch who can only play with films can play with high-quality goods such as Miss Anne. It's really good cabbage that makes pigs roll.

"Miss Anne, you are making yourself cheap. You kiss the smelly farmers. You don't have any taste!"

Miss Anne looked at Hua Yaoguang and said, "what's the matter with the little farmer? In my heart, you're not as good as the little farmer. Hurry to give up our seats. I have to play games with my boyfriend!"

Hua Yaoguang was so angry at the speech that Miss Anne wanted to play games with small farmers. This kind of thing hit people so hard that he absolutely couldn't agree.

"Miss Annie, I don't agree that you were ruined by smelly farmers. Did smelly farmers take any pictures of you?"

"It's used to threaten you, otherwise you would never do that. Today I'll be brave enough to help you teach the smelly farmers a lesson."

Hua Yaoguang said and punched Zhang Xiaofan. The goods grabbed Hua Yaoguang and felt that Hua Yaoguang's fist had no strength at all.

"Hua Yaoguang, look how overdrawn you are. You don't have any strength at all. It's bad for your health to eat less drugs with side effects."

"Now I advise you to go back and get some donkey whip to eat. Maybe you'll be better, or you'll die."

Zhang Xiaofan kindly reminds Hua Yaoguang that the dog's Hua Yaoguang is not grateful and thinks that Zhang Xiaofan is satirizing him.

"Stinky farmer, I'm better than you. Look at it for me and ask you to apologize."

Hua Yaoguang then turned around and bullied the beauty who made the film. Zhang Xiaofan was too lazy to quarrel with the goods and took Miss Anne to the front row to sit down.

At this time, in the plot of the film, the burning Miss Anne exudes heat all over her body, but she directly asked Zhang Xiaofan to play games. It's hard for her to say, so she asked Zhang Xiaofan to check her wound.

"Zhang Xiaofan, I was poisoned by bees in the orchard the day before yesterday. I feel that the place itches badly. I must have not cleaned up the poison. Please help me quickly."

The goods were startled when they heard the speech, but he took Miss Anne to Sheung Shui village. Miss Anne was stung by a bee.

He also has unshirkable responsibility. He remembers that he cleaned up the poison last time. How can it itch? Is it an infection? It's a big trouble.

"Miss Anne, lie down in my arms and I'll use a flashlight to see how serious the poison on your face is?"

Miss Anne lies in Zhang Xiaofan's arms. Zhang Xiaofan wants to shine with a flashlight. Annie says it will affect others to watch movies and let Zhang Xiaofan suck out bee venom directly.

Zhang Xiaofan thought Miss Anne was right, so he lowered his head and sucked it for Miss Anne. As a result, Miss Anne pulled his head to her chest.

This makes Zhang Xiaofan not understand, because Zhang Xiaofan clearly remembers that at the beginning, all the bees stung Miss Anne's face. What does it have to do with her chest? Has the bee venom been transferred.

"Miss Annie, did you drink the cold water in our river these days, resulting in the transfer of bee venom?"

Miss Anne smelled the speech and felt that Zhang Xiaofan was worthy of being a doctor. This statement was too reasonable. Her bee venom was transferred.

And it has been transferred to several important parts of the whole body. Now it must be cleaned up, or the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Zhang Xiaofan, you're right. Detoxify me quickly, or I'll die."

Miss Anne said, and let Zhang Xiaofan listen. Why is this sound a little strange.

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