Zhang Xiaofan pays Wang Xinyue to study and then runs the school. Wang Xinyue returns from school and asks Zhang Xiaofan to discuss running the school.

I've been here several times today and haven't seen Zhang Xiaofan. Now I see that the door of Zhang Xiaofan's room hasn't been closed.

He rushed in directly and found that Zhang Xiaofan was treating Huang Jiaojiao. He was so frightened that he quickly closed his eyes.

"Wang Xinyue, have you finished your study?" Zhang Xiaofan saw Wang Xinyue, quickly took his hand back and looked at Wang Xinyue.

Wang Xinyue nodded.

"Well, I've finished my study. I came to you today just to discuss the school with you."

Zhang Xiaofan asked Wang Xinyue to sit on the sofa and discuss it slowly. Huang Jiaojiao blushed and dared not look at Wang Xinyue.

"Zhang Xiaofan, if you have no opinion about the opening of the hotel, I'll make it two days later. Tomorrow I'll have someone send out the invitation. We're going to be popular this time."

Zhang Xiaofan looks at Huang Jiaojiao.

"No problem. I had people prepare the agricultural products needed for the opening of the hotel yesterday, if there was no accident.

It will be delivered tomorrow. Then we will carefully pack it and start the exhibition. I believe it will be successful. "

"Well, you're busy. I'll go back first."

Huang Jiaojiao finished and hurried out with a red face. Wang Xinyue watched Huang Jiaojiao leave and felt that Huang Jiaojiao's expression was a little strange.

Guess if Zhang Xiaofan and Huang Jiaojiao were there just now and were disturbed by her. If so, will Zhang Xiaofan hate her.

"Boss Zhang, I'm sorry."

Zhang Xiaofan poured a glass of water for Wang Xinyue.

"Why say I'm sorry?"

"Bother you so late."

Zhang Xiaofan sat down and took a sip of water.

"What's the matter? It's all for work. Tell me. Through this period of study, what do you think and what kind of university do you want to run?"

Wang Xinyue sorted out the language, and then said to Zhang Xiaofan, "through this period of study, I think education should start from educating people."

"Focus on cultivating students' quality, correct values and cultivate a talent with morality and talent, otherwise our education will fail."

Zhang Xiaofan praised Wang Xinyue's view.

"You're right. A person with virtue and talent can promote the development of our unit when he comes to our unit."

"So when we run a school, we must put the cultivation of students' quality first. The same is true for recruiting students. We can't admit that student if he has good academic results."

"In addition, we should also pay special attention to health. Otherwise, we will lose a lot if we finally cultivate a person with both political integrity and ability, but we fall down before we make efforts because of poor health."

"The boss is right. We can regularly organize students to participate in various sports competitions while cultivating talents, which can effectively promote students to exercise."

Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

"Well, what do you say? According to the current layout of Ganzhou Province, where is the best place to build our school?"

"I've thought about this. The best place to engage in education is the University City, because there are many schools there, and talents can communicate with each other and increase knowledge."

"But the land price over there is not cheap. We want to build a comprehensive university, covering an area of no less than 500 mu."

"Otherwise, the Ministry of education will not approve us to join colleges and universities in the unified enrollment, so the source of students can not be guaranteed."

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head.

"We don't need to join the unified enrollment plan of the Ministry of education. The route we take is vocational skill training. Just follow the enrollment plan of the Ministry of labor."

"In addition, what we need to do is to recruit students independently. Before students enter school, it's best to send some teachers to various schools."

"Recruit those with good quality. Even if he only gets a hundred points, we are willing to ask for them as long as others have good quality."

"There is another problem. We have said before that our school is free. I think that's not enough. We should add another one."

"As long as you are admitted to our school and work in any unit of our Xiaofan company, you will be divided into a house of 80 square meters, which is the minimum guarantee for students."

Zhang Xiaofan said that this condition is too attractive. Now many college students rely on their parents to buy a house after graduation.

Then pay monthly payment. If the housing problem of students is solved, are you afraid that you can't recruit students?

"Boss, the condition you mentioned is really attractive, but it is difficult to guarantee! There is a steady stream of students in education. If we guarantee housing, how much will the company's cost increase? This figure is terrible."

"The wool comes from the sheep. I believe the students we train are absolutely worth our allocation. If we can't even achieve this, don't recruit as soon as possible. That will harm our company and delay the future of others."

Wang Xinyue felt that Zhang Xiaofan was right. She bit her lip hard and decided to do what Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Boss Zhang, as you said, the basic school running route is to buy a piece of land, and then apply to the national labor department for school running qualification, recruit teachers and recruit students."

Zhang Xiaofan said, "well, I happen to have time tomorrow. Let's go to the University City."

"It's best to talk about buying land. You start recruiting teachers. As for applying for school running qualification and building a school, just leave it to me."

"OK, boss, if there's nothing else, I'll go back first. I'll come to you early tomorrow morning."

Wang Xinyue said he stood up to leave. Zhang Xiaofan looked at his mobile phone and it was two o'clock in the morning. He asked Wang Xinyue to go back to the countryside alone. It was really unsafe, so he decided to drive Wang Xinyue back.

"I'll send you!"

Zhang Xiaofan then went downstairs with Wang Xinyue and drove a gorgeous sports car, which looked very popular.

Wang Xinyue is so big that she has never taken such a good car. She feels very uncomfortable sitting on it.

"Are you not used to it?"

Wang Xinyue bit her lips and nodded.


"Ha ha, I got used to it slowly. To tell you the truth, when I first took a sports car, I felt the same as you. It was like a thorn under my ass and I was uncomfortable."

Zhang Xiaofan doesn't pay attention to his words. When he opens his mouth, he is his ass, which makes a girl how to get used to it. When she remembers that Zhang Xiaofan helped her breast enhancement, she feels very ashamed.

"Boss Zhang, your breast enhancement cream is really good. Several of my friends want it. Can you give them some bottles and I'll give them some. Is the hip cream really effective? I think it's a little incredible?"

Zhang Xiaofan's eyes turned to Wang Xinyue.

"Why, you don't believe in the function of hip cream. I happen to have a bottle on me. Go to the back row and try it."

Wang Xinyue was a little shy, but in order to be more beautiful, she nodded, took the hip cream in Zhang Xiaofan's hand and went to the back to test.

But lying on the seat, I found that I couldn't paint at all, so I was embarrassed to ask Zhang Xiaofan for help.

This is a big sex wolf. I didn't mean well when I gave Wang Xinyue hip cream. Now my dream has finally come true.

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