When Zhang Xiaofan heard the speech, he patted his thigh and startled Wang Xinyue. Wang Xinyue nervously asked Zhang Xiaofan what happened.

The goods pinched Wang Xinyue's shoulder with both hands.

"Wang Xinyue, you are a genius in the medical field! You can even think of such a good method. Why didn't I think of it!"

Wang Xinyue was embarrassed to be praised by the goods. She bowed her head and didn't know what to say. The goods let Wang Xinyue swallow the poison.

For a moment, Wang Xinyue's face looked ugly. With the slogan of detoxification, Wang Xinyue made a very provocative move, and then he blew air to Wang Xinyue, making Wang Xinyue feel that she had a big stomach.

"Doctor Zhang, you detoxify me. I don't know why I have to pose like this."

Zhang Xiaofan smiled and said, "you don't understand. You urgently need detoxification now. This posture will help detoxification."

The goods said, thumbing up their masterpiece and saying that this shape is really the best in the world.

Wang Xinyue nodded. Zhang Xiaofan is a doctor. Since Zhang Xiaofan said that, there must be his reason.

After a while, Wang Xinyue felt that a stream of hot air could not be clamped, and splashed out. She was ashamed that she had no face to see anyone.

The goods opened the door, discharged the poison gas, and then drove Wang Xinyi back.

The next day, Zhang Xiaofan and Wang Xinyue looked at the ground and felt that a lime yard was particularly suitable for them to build a school.

Covering an area of more than 1000 mu, only more than 300 mu has been effectively utilized, and the rest are wasteland.

Moreover, because of the tight policies in recent years, many departments have stepped up inspection on them, and their factories seem to be running out of business.

"Boss Zhang, are you sure we want to sell this piece of land? It's in the hands of the lime factory owner. It's estimated that it won't be cheap."

"I don't think so. If this land is bought to build a house, it's too far from the city. It's difficult to sell the house and do other business."

"Many bosses can't eat so much land at a time, but our school construction is different. First, we can use all our resources when we buy it. Second, we do have such strength, so this land must be ours."

"Let's go in and talk to their boss."

Zhang Xiaofan said that he entered the factory with Wang Xinyue. The whole factory was deserted. They turned around. Even the security guards were too lazy to stop them, which made them feel very strange.

"Hello, brother, where is the boss of your factory? We want to talk to him about something?"

The middle-aged man turned around.

"Are you relatives of the boss's family?"

Zhang Xiaofan was stunned. He thought he was a relative of the boss's house. He could ask where the boss was and say he was a relative of the boss's house.

As a result, the middle-aged man shouted, walked out of the workshop and surrounded Zhang Xiaofan and Wang Xinyue.

Zhang Xiaofan and Wang Xinyue were frightened when they shouted to let them pay their wages. They made a stink before they bought the factory. It's really troublesome.

"Everyone be quiet. Listen to me. We don't know your boss. The reason why we inquire about your boss is to buy your land. Do you understand?"

"If you know where the boss of this factory is, please tell us quickly."

Those workers don't believe it at all.

"You're talking nonsense. You just said you were a relative of the boss's family, but now you don't admit it. Do you want to evade responsibility?"

"You niggers, we work for you day and night. You embezzle our wages and run away with your sister-in-law. We won't let you leave today."

"Yes, I won't let you leave."

Zhang Xiaofan looked at the situation and couldn't call the police. Finally, the police intervened and they left safely.

"Mr. Zhang, you are a friend of senior official Hu. Let me tell you the truth! That land is the land of the government. Fifty years ago, Ganzhou invested in the lime plant before it developed and vigorously engaged in production."

"At first, the business was good, but later, Ganzhou developed. The lime plant became a trouble for the government because of its heavy pollution."

"Turn off the lime factory, and the more than 500 employees and retired workers, who are suffering from tuberculosis due to special work, have no money to feed them," he said.

"Continue to drive, the pollution is too great, and the surrounding villagers have great opinions on it. The factory director of the factory dare not show up."

"The current factory director said he had run away. In fact, he was beaten and hospitalized by the villagers. The government can't say it externally for the sake of face. It's really troublesome."

After listening to the words of the director of the Public Security Bureau in the car, Zhang Xiaofan has a way.

"Director Li, if I solve the problems of the 500 workers, pollution, pension and industrial injury, can I buy that piece of land?"

Director Li smiled and said, "you should talk to senior official song about this matter. He is responsible for this matter. If it is settled, it will solve a big problem for Ganzhou City."

Zhang Xiaofan has a headache when he hears the speech. He should have offended senior official song because of song Qingming. I'm afraid it's troublesome to go to senior official song now.

But he decided to try. After all, it was not his style to avoid problems.

"Thank you, director Li. If director Li is free, please send us to senior official song."

Director Li smiled and said, "what's the matter? It's my honor to send Doctor Zhang. How can I feel troublesome!"

Zhang Xiaofan said thank you and took director Li's car to the place where senior official Hu worked. Just about to enter the office building with Wang Xinyue, Wei Xueyan came out of the office building and ran into Zhang Xiaofan and Wang Xinyue.

"Zhang Xiaofan, why are you here?"

"I'll find senior official song. You work here too?" Zhang Xiaofan said in surprise.

Wei Xueyan nodded.

"Senior official song is not in at the moment. It's estimated that he won't come until two o'clock in the afternoon. Why don't you go to my office first? When senior official song comes, I'll take you to see senior official song."

Zhang Xiaofan thought that Chaoli had someone who was easy to do things, so he promised Wei Xueyan. Wang Xinyue said that she had something to do. She couldn't help it, so she went back first.

Zhang Xiaofan promised Wang Xinyue and watched Wang Xinyue leave.

Wei Xueyan hurried to take Zhang Xiaofan to her office. As soon as she entered the door, she locked the door and kissed Zhang Xiaofan.

When the goods met a mature woman like Wei Xueyan, they were too excited to stand it. They took Wei Xueyan to their desk and catered to Wei Xueyan.

In a few minutes, the heat surged up, making the office an ambiguous smell.

"Little man, you really miss your sister. Last time I saw Gao Meijuan, her face was as pink as peach blossom."

"I asked what was the situation and told me that you moistened it. You little bastard, why don't you moisten me? Don't you think I'm not as good-looking as Gao Meijuan?"

Wei Xueyan and her husband have been divorced for more than two months. During this time, Zhang Xiaofan appears most in her sleep. At present, she is not reserved at all.

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