Zhang Xiaofan grabs the belt and is so anxious that Wu Yanyan bites the goods. The goods fan his tongue in pain.

"Zhang Xiaofan, you are still not a man. I am like this. Don't you understand my mind? I want to play games with you."

The goods are afraid of Wu Yanyan. Before, they thought Wu Yanyan needed protection. Now it seems that he was wrong. Wu Yanyan is obviously a wolf. This bite makes people feel the pain of biting their tongue and committing suicide,

"I said Wu Yanyan, Gao Meijuan is still outside. You want to play games with me. It's boring not to make any noise. It's going to make some noise. It's embarrassing for us to see people in the future."

"Zhang Xiaofan, you're too funny. Such things are usually difficult for girls. What's difficult for you?"

"I... I can't do it now anyway."

"Well, I'll give you time. You'll send Gao Meijuan away later, and then come back. I'll wash it and wait for you."

In order to tie up Zhang Xiaofan, Wu Yanyan also threw herself out. She thought that the life she lived before knowing Zhang Xiaofan was not as good as a dog.

Now if you can't catch Zhang Xiaofan and let Gao Meijuan handle it, she won't have to be the manager of her branch. When she returns to the countryside, she won't be able to stand out all her life.

Zhang Xiaofan doesn't understand that Wu Yanyan is also very beautiful. Why do you like him so much as a farmer.

Is it because his charm has burst out? It's because women want to take off their pants when they see him. It's really dangerous!

"OK, as you said just now, you're not afraid. What am I afraid of? When I send Gao Meijuan back, I'll come to you."

Zhang Xiaofan pulled the door open and found Gao Meijuan standing at the door of the bathroom. He was so frightened that he immediately returned.

"Sister Meijuan, you heard what I said to Wu Yanyan just now?" Zhang Xiaofan calmed down and asked Gao Meijuan.

Gao Meijuan returned to the sofa. Zhang Xiaofan and Wu Yanyan went out and sat opposite Gao Meijuan. Gao Meijuan began to talk about the next development of the cosmetics company.

"Through the kidnapping of me by H Chinese, I feel that our breast enhancement cream and hip beauty cream have great development prospects."

"I think our branch is only engaged in consignment business, which is no longer enough. We should build factories, engage in production, pay attention to quality, pay attention to sales, visit users and develop in all aspects."

Zhang Xiaofan smells the speech and touches Gao Meijuan's forehead. Gao Meijuan pushes Zhang Xiaofan's hand away, and Zhang Xiaofan mutters.

"Gao Meijuan, you don't have a fever, and you're not serious about what you said! It needs all-round development, not to mention anything else, just talents. Where do you do it?"

Gao Meijuan stood up.

"Of course I don't have a fever. I've thought about it. I resigned as vice president of the business association and devoted myself to the business of mortal Cosmetics Co., Ltd. my initial goal is to buy Meiyan International Building and set sail from there."

When Wu Yanyan heard the speech, she thought Gao Meijuan was going to rob her of the post of general manager. She immediately refused.

"I don't agree. Meiyan international is deeply rooted in Ganzhou City. Our company has just started. It has the strength to acquire Meiyan international. Isn't it hitting the stone with an egg? It will annoy Meiyan international and be anti acquired by Meiyan international, and we will be finished."

Gao Meijuan laughed.

"Wu Yanyan, there is one thing you may not understand. Beauty international is not as powerful as you said."

"Although it is very famous in Ganzhou, it lacks its own brand. The products sold abroad are distributed to some foreign brands."

"In recent years, more and more dividends are required by foreign countries, forcing them to continuously reduce their internal profits. This is also the reason why Meiyan international, such a big company, wants to rent out its office buildings."

"At this time, I think if I were the chairman of Meiyan international, I would sell our company."

"In this way, we can at least make a lot of money. If foreign companies are more demanding and they are unwilling to give any higher share, the company can only close down. At that time, there will be nothing to lose."

Wu Yanyan said, but Gao Meijuan.

"Even if you're right, it always costs money to buy Beauty International! Where do we get so much money?"

Gao Meijuan smiled and said, "you don't have to worry about this. In recent years, as vice president of the chamber of Commerce, I have used my convenience to sell some products and made some money."

"I want to use this money to buy the building of Meiyan international. It should be no problem. What we need to do next is to cooperate fully."

"You are in charge of production, personnel and I am in charge of the market. We will do better than the head office. At that time, the seat of the head office should be given to us."

"Then won't you grab the position of general manager with me?"

"Of course not."

"Then I think it's OK."

Zhang Xiaofan looks like this. Gao Meijuan and Wu Yanyan have reached an agreement. There's nothing to do with him. Can you do it?

"No, no, you two wait a minute. You have money and someone. What should I do?"

"You don't have to do anything. Just take our share. How about we give you 70% of the shares?"

"70%, isn't it too much? After all, I only provide technology in the branch?"

Zhang Xiaofan feels a little incredible. He doesn't care about anything. He can get 70% only by technology, which seems a little more.

Gao Meijuan said: "this is not much. Without your technology, our branch can't be established at all."

"We should respect culture and protect intellectual property rights, so the bottom line can't be broken, that is, there will be people looking for you to cooperate in the future, and your shares can't be reduced by 70 percent."

Zhang Xiaofan nodded at the speech and felt that Gao Meijuan made sense.

"Well, I'll sit down and wait for your good news. I hope you can beat our head office as soon as possible, so I'll give you the big name of the head office."

Zhang Xiaofan also knows that the branch company and the head office are one name. If this name can mobilize the enthusiasm of Gao Meijuan and Wu Yanyan.

What about letting the head of the head office out? Anyway, he made the most money in the end.

"OK, that's it."

Gao Meijuan said and stood up. Zhang Xiaofan sent Gao Meijuan back. As soon as they got on the car, Gao Meijuan kissed Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan was also attracted by Gao Meijuan's pants. Now, remembering the picture of nosebleed, hot blood surged up and pressed Gao Meijuan to gasp. His hand was not honest to solve Gao Meijuan's pants belt.

Gao Meijuan saw that something was wrong with the goods. She was so worried. She remembered the blood on her pants and asked Zhang Xiaofan what was going on.

Zhang Xiaofan doesn't know how to answer. He honestly tells Gao Meijuan that he doesn't lose his hair. He doesn't answer Gao Meijuan's questions directly and kisses Gao Meijuan to show his skills.

Gao Meijuan was interested in the goods. She took the initiative to turn over and sit on the legs of the goods, untie the buttons of the clothes of the goods, and spray out a fragrance, which made the whole car full of strong ambiguous smell.

These goods are unconvinced. Being a big man, of course, this kind of thing should be on top. How can it be reversed.

Gao Meijuan was so anxious that Gao Meijuan didn't know where to put her hand, so that there were nail marks on the back of the goods.

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