Sun Chengming and his son found a criminal police captain of the Public Security Bureau and promised to give 50 million to the criminal police captain when it was done.

The criminal police captain was immediately moved. Today, he brought five small policemen to make trouble. As soon as he arrived at the gate of the Imperial City Hotel, he was blocked by two security guards.

"Don't you dare to block us and don't know our police uniforms? If you hinder us from doing official business again, you will all be taken away."

Captain Qian said, impolitely pushed a security guard away and forced someone into it.

Such a thing happened at the door of the hotel, which immediately attracted a lot of eyes. Huang Jiaojiao went to captain Qian.

"Comrade police, what's going on?"

"According to the information we got, there is a murderer hiding in your hotel. His name is Zhang Xiaofan. Call him out quickly and we will take him to the police station for investigation."

Officer Qian is very tough at the moment. There is no room for discussion.

"How is it possible for Zhang Xiaofan to kill people? When did it happen?" Huang Jiaojiao asked incredulously.

Captain Qian said, "this is about our police. Do you want to explain it to you, a civilian? Hand over the people quickly."

Huang Jiaojiao turned her eyes to manager fan.

"Manager fan, go and invite our boss down."

Manager fan nodded and agreed. He hurried to invite Zhang Xiaofan. As soon as he pushed the door open, he saw Zhang Xiaofan lying on Ma Hongxiu and hurriedly quit. Ma Hongxiu and Zhang Xiaofan found manager fan and got up in panic and put on their clothes.

"Manager fan, come in!"

Manager fan opened the door and went in. He was a little afraid. In the workplace, his men ran into the story of the boss engaging in a secretary. In the end, his men didn't come to a good end. Eight achievements were going to be kicked out of the company, so manager fan knelt down and apologized to Zhang Xiaofan as soon as he entered the door.

"Boss, I'm sorry. I didn't see anything just now. No, I won't tell you about it."

Ma Hongxiu shyly lowers her head and goes out. Zhang Xiaofan feels confused and pulls manager fan up.

"Manager fan, you misunderstood. I was treating the horse Gang just now. It's not what you think."

Manager fan pretended to understand what Zhang Xiaofan meant.

"I understand, boss. Don't worry. No fourth person will know about you and the caravan leader."

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head and felt that the more things were explained, the more complicated they became. He simply stopped explaining and asked manager fan what was the matter.

Manager fan told Zhang Xiaofan that the goods were suspicious. He didn't kill people or offend the police recently.

Why did the police trouble him? Did someone want to trouble him on purpose? Who is this person.

Tang Wenjun seems to have been very quiet these days. He should have gone back to the capital.

Shangguanrui, in his capacity, should not play such a mean means. After all, shangguanrui also knows something about him. He knows that the police can't take him without sufficient evidence.

Then who will be the one who will fix him!

Anyway, go and have a look first.

Zhang Xiaofan muttered in his heart for a while and followed manager fan to the first floor of the hotel to see the criminal police captain.

"Comrade police, I think you misunderstood. I'm a good citizen who abides by the law and will never kill."

Captain Qian snorted coldly.

"Hum, did you kill someone? You know in your heart that we won't arrest someone easily without full evidence. Take him away."

Captain Qian said that and motioned to his men to do it. Zhang Xiaofan was a little angry. He was not a soft persimmon. Captain Qian wanted to pinch him. That was wrong.

"Go away."

Zhang Xiaofan said get out of the way and shook away captain Qian's men. Several security guards came up and surrounded captain Qian's men.

Captain Qian didn't expect that Zhang Xiaofan was so bold that he dared to surround him in front of so many people in the hotel.

Captain Qian turned his eyes to Zhang Xiaofan.

"Zhang Xiaofan, you stinky farmer, have you eaten the courage of a bear heart leopard? How dare you let your men fight with our police?"

Zhang Xiaofan did not give in.

"Can the police arrest people at will?"

"Arrest people casually. I received a report that you were suspected of murder before I took the plan for interrogation. You said I arrested people casually. It's just unreasonable."

"Now I'll give you a chance. Let your people step down and come with me so that I won't embarrass you."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a smile, "you said someone reported it. Let me ask you, who reported it? Dare you say it?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked captain Qian. He took the money from the sun family, but he couldn't give it to the sun family.

"I want to keep this secret for the informant to prevent you from retaliating against the informant in private. I'm still saying that. If you don't want to make yourself ugly, just follow me to the police station for investigation."

"Then I'd like to see what you want to make me ugly."

There are so many people in the Imperial City Hotel today. Zhang Xiaofan must not be soft when he thinks it should be hard. Otherwise, those with ulterior motives must think he is easy to bully and often find him trouble in the future.

"Don't force me..."

"Ha ha, joke, you take someone to take me away. Am I forcing you?"

Zhang Xiaofan smiled. Captain Qian took out a pistol and pointed it at Zhang Xiaofan. Everyone was nervous at this time. The criminal police captain pointed a gun at the boss of the Imperial City Hotel. This is not a joke.

Zhang Xiaofan looks at captain Qian.

"Comrade police, are you sure you want to do this, or I'll call your director and ask him to judge us."

Captain Qian looked disdainful. The sun family's father and son said that Zhang Xiaofan was a smelly farmer. He had some money by gambling the night before yesterday. He didn't believe that the smelly farmer knew their director.

"Stinky farmer, don't stick gold on your face. Don't look at what you are. You still know our director."

"If you know our director, I'll block my smelly mouth with shit and call you Grandpa farmer."

Zhang Xiaofan gave a big drink.

"Well, everyone present will give me a witness. I smelly farmer. If I invite their director today, he will block his mouth with shit. At that time, the family should remind him!"

"Boss Zhang, don't worry. We'll testify to you."

"We will testify to you."

Zhang Xiaofan nodded, took out the phone and called director Li. Today, director Li also went to the Imperial City Hotel. At this time, he was compensating senior officials song and Hu in a private room.

After receiving Zhang Xiaofan's call, he came out of the private room. Knowing that Zhang Xiaofan was looking for him, he angrily walked to the first floor with a pistol.

Captain Qian saw that Zhang Xiaofan put the phone away. He thought that Zhang Xiaofan must be pretending to force and laughed at Zhang Xiaofan.

"Smelly farmer, do you have enough? Tell me when director Li will arrive."

"One minute."

"One minute, you're really good at bragging. Let me tell you! Director Li went to attend the opening ceremony of a big man's Hotel today. It's funny that you fucking forced me..."

When team leader Qian said this, he had to go on. He saw director Li angrily coming down from upstairs with a gun in his hand to see who was going to clean up.

"This, this, what's going on? Didn't director Li go to attend the opening ceremony of a big man's hotel? It's too strange why he was here."

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