"How to say, with the over exploitation of nature by human society, the living environment of animals has been destroyed, and fewer monsters have been cultivated into spirits."

"Most people can't see a demon in their life, so the magic tools for subduing demons and eliminating demons can't be used by him."

"Boss Su wants to buy that bronze mirror, but I'm not sure if it's needed, so boss Su has to decide it himself."

Su Xiangdong was very smart. He knew that Zhang Xiaofan meant to imply that the bronze mirror really had the function of subduing demons and eliminating demons.

"I'll pay 3.1 million."

When everyone was talking, Su Xiangdong offered a price of 3.1 million. Everyone thought Su Xiangdong was crazy. It was silly to buy such a junk with 3.1 million.

Qiao Jin'an is very happy. With these 3.1 million, his company can transform smoothly. This trip is worth it.

"Boss Su, I really thank you. I don't know what words to express my gratitude. In short, if boss Su can use me, I will do my best in one word."

Sue shook her head to the East.

"Don't think too much, boss Qiao. In my opinion, that bronze mirror is really worth 3.1 million. I don't want to help you. We are a fair deal and there is no personal relationship between us."

"When we get out of the meeting room, we'll finish the deal."

Su Xiangdong nodded. Qiao Jin'an came down from the table. A rich man came up to the table with a cage.

When the cage was opened, a little white cat came out with its tail wagging from the cage. It looked very cute. The people under the stage immediately burst into laughter.

"Boss Cheng, what do you mean? Is it a little funny to bring a cat for auction?"

Boss Cheng asked everyone to be quiet.

"Don't laugh, this is a spirit tiger. I bought it from a farmer's house when I was traveling."

"According to the farmer, this is the last spiritual tiger in the world. It lives on Reiki, so I want to show it to you."

"Of course, if someone gives me 500000, I am also willing to sell this spirit tiger."

"Ha ha, boss Cheng, are you sent by heaven to tease and force? Who doesn't know that the tiger is the king of the forest. If you don't say anything else, just yell."

"You can make all the animals kneel down. Your sick cat looks a little cute. It looks like a tiger. It's also said to be a spirit tiger. It depends on aura. You've read too many novels!"

"Ha ha ha..."

Everyone laughed at boss Cheng, but boss Cheng believed that he was a spirit tiger, but no one knew him.

Since boss Cheng took out the spirit tiger, Zhang Xiaofan has been watching the spirit tiger. To tell the truth, Zhang Xiaofan is not sure whether it is a spirit tiger.

But he found that there was a faint aura released from the spirit tiger, but its aura was too small, so it looked like a lovely kitten.

Facing the ridicule of the crowd, boss Cheng is a little disappointed. He shakes his head and prepares to put xiaolinghu away. Zhang Xiaofan stands up.

"I'll pay 500000."

All the people looked at Zhang Xiaofan. It was incredible. They couldn't figure out why Zhang Xiaofan sold a cat with 500000 yuan. Was it burning with a lot of money.

Boss Cheng is very happy. He doesn't want to say that treasures add heroes. Zhang Xiaofan is willing to buy the spirit tiger in his hand. This is fate. He appreciates Zhang Xiaofan.

"Boss Zhang, don't say anything. Take away the xiaolinghu for 500000. I'll send the xiaolinghu to you later."

Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

Next, several bosses took out their treasures and asked everyone to appreciate them. Several of them were fakes.

Zhang Xiaofan was not interested in these until boss Su clapped his hands and took out the treasure he had brought.

Everyone came to the spirit and looked at the big gold box on the stage suspiciously. They didn't know what was in it.

"Mr. Su, what is that? Open the box quickly and let's see what the treasure is."

Su Xiangdong smiled to calm everyone down, opened the gold box and a Guanyin statue carved with chicken oil yellow jade.

It gives out dazzling light, and everyone who stimulates can't open their eyes. It's perfect.

Zhang Xiaofan was also shocked. He didn't expect Su Xiangdong to be so efficient. In only two days, he carved the Guanyin statue.

In addition, the gold box and glass protective Buddha cover make the Guanyin statue look more noble.

"Well, Mr. Su, it's carved from superior chicken oil yellow jade?" a leader of the Cultural Relics Bureau asked Su Xiangdong excitedly at the moment.

Su Xiangdong nodded to the leaders of the Cultural Relics Bureau.

"Director Wan guessed right. This Guanyin statue is indeed carved from superior chicken oil yellow jade."

"It's so shocking. The chicken oil yellow jadeite stone with one person's height can be said to be the most in the world. Carving such a noble Buddha has become a priceless treasure."

"I'm afraid no one in our whole province can afford such a treasure."

"Director Wan is right, so I took out this Buddha statue, not to sell, but to show it to you."

"I hope you will help me publicize more. After some time, I will take this Buddha statue to the big auction."

"I want people all over the world to know that there is a Guanyin statue in Ganzhou Province, which is priceless."

When Su Xiangdong finished, everyone began to applaud and felt that Su Xiangdong was right. This Guanyin statue has been the pride of their people in Ganzhou province since then.

Director Wan took pity on the Guanyin statue and thought that if the Guanyin statue was turned into a national, he would make a great contribution to the country.

Maybe because of the statue of Guanyin, his career is going up and down, and it's not impossible to work in the capital museum.

"Mr. Su, you have always loved the cultural undertakings of Ganzhou province and have been doing charity."

"Can you give up the ego, complete the ego and donate the Guanyin statue to the country, so the country will thank you."

Director Wan suddenly said these words. Everyone was quiet. Su Xiangdong smiled and shook his head.

"Director Wan, no matter what you say today, I will not donate this giant Buddha to the country, because this giant Buddha is not mine at all."

"As for who it is, please don't ask. Anyway, in a word, this giant Buddha won't be donated."

Su Xiangdong refused directly, but director Wan didn't give up.

"Boss Su, don't make excuses. Who doesn't know that you are the largest original stone boss in Ganzhou province. If you say that this Guanyin statue is not yours, I'm afraid no one will believe it."

"In this case, the state will not take your Guanyin statue for nothing and give you 100 million. You will buy the Guanyin statue to the state."

"This is also what I give you face. If you don't know the current affairs, our cultural relics bureau can find a thousand reasons to confiscate your Guanyin statue. You won't get anything at that time."

Director Wan didn't even want to face at this time in order to get a promotion. He threatened Su Xiangdong with the rights of the Cultural Relics Bureau.

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