
However, what Qian chuanzi never thought of was that XiMenqing was difficult to deal with and bit his calf.

A mouthful of raw meat was bitten off, and then XiMenqing's tail swept on his leg. He seemed to be hit by a steel whip, and one leg was destroyed.

Zhang Xiaofan looked at this situation and was afraid of causing human life. He quickly called 120 first aid. A nurse saw that Qian chuanzi was seriously injured and asked what was the matter with Qian chuanzi. Qian chuanzi answered honestly.

"What, you said that the kitten beat you like this. You're mentally ill! The kitten is so small and looks lazy. It's clearly a soft persimmon. It's nonsense."

"Comrade doctor, don't look at it. It's crazy like a tiger. That's the sentence. A tiger doesn't get angry. You think a tiger is a sick cat."

The doctor doesn't understand. Now I'm sure Qian chuanzi has a mental illness. What he needs is not wound treatment.

But psychological treatment, immediately contact the psychiatric hospital and plan to send the money to the psychiatric hospital.

The money string is in a hurry.

"What's the matter with you doctor? I said I was not mentally ill. Catch the cat and avenge me."

"You said you weren't crazy. What's wrong with you? Take it away quickly." poor Qian chuanzi was forcibly sent to a mental hospital. It's really sad!

However, Zhang Xiaofan, the initiator of the whole thing, praised Ximen at this time. He felt that Ximen was born with a forced system.

Just now, the doctor showed laziness after he came. No one would believe that he hurt the money string.

"XiMenqing, you did a good job. Come back tonight and reward you with a bottle of health wine. I won't treat you badly in the future."

With that, he drove Huang Jiaojiao's sports car to find Zhou Ting.

"Miss Zhou, there was a delay on the way. Have you been here for a long time?"

When Zhang Xiaofan arrives at the hotel, Bei Xiaomin greets him. Zhang Xiaofan gives Bei Xiaomin a hint.

Bei Xiaomin retreated, but when she saw Zhang Xiaofan sitting opposite a beautiful woman, she felt sour.

However, she and Zhang Xiaofan have no clear relationship between men and women. Zhang Xiaofan has no right to eat with girls.

"At the classmate party the day before yesterday, a classmate said that there was a medicinal soup here. I'll invite you to try it. I ordered two. You can drink later."

Zhou Ting was saying that the classmate came. She was a beautiful woman in beautiful clothes. However, her appearance was far worse than that of Zhou Ting. It was mainly due to her inner temperament. She couldn't compare with Zhou Ting at all.

"Hey, isn't this the Zhou school flower of our generation? There were so many boys chasing you at school. How can you mix up like this now?"

"Eat with a smelly farmer. No wonder I said yesterday that the soup here is delicious. You haven't drunk it!"

When Xie Chunxiu went to school, she was the same school flower as Zhou Ting, but she was crushed by Zhou Ting everywhere.

No one can surpass Zhou Ting either in the number of boys pursuing her or in learning.

I hate Zhou Ting for a long time. Today I have the opportunity to laugh at Zhou Ting. Of course, I should seize the opportunity.

Zhou Ting smiled.

"We are all small citizens. How much money can a policeman have? It's normal not to have been to such a place."

"It's like you wearing gold and silver. You look like a celebrity. That's what we little citizens can compare."

Zhou Ting's words were tepid and not angry. She pointed out that Xie Chunxiu was a plaything of the rich. She said it so naturally that Xie Chunxiu couldn't make it even if there was fire.

"Hum, women are nothing more than that. Let the rich play, at least they can live a good life."

"That's like you. You're played by a smelly farmer. You haven't even seen good things. For the face of your classmates."

"I'll introduce my husband to you later. At that time, you might as well quit your job in the police station and work in a high paying industry."

"Thank you for your kindness. No need."

"They are all classmates. If you can help, you have to help."

Xie Chunxiu said that a young man in a suit had come to Zhang Xiaofan and others.

Wearing a famous brand, he looks like a rich man. Looking at his posture, he exudes two words all over. He is rich.

"Chunxiu, just now a customer called and said that he had something important to ask me. He had to tell me."

"I've been busy for a while, but now I'm done. That beauty is your friend. Let me introduce myself first."

The young man directly ignored Zhang Xiaofan, put his hand to Zhou Ting and introduced himself to Zhou Ting.

"Hello, I'm ximenqin. I'm in the herbal medicine business..."

Zhang Xiaofan is drinking a mouthful of water. Hearing ximenqin's self introduction, he can't help spitting out a mouthful of water and spraying it on ximenqin's clothes, interrupting ximenqin's self introduction.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I've got your clothes. I'll pay you how much later." Zhang Xiaofan stood up and apologized quickly.

Ximen Qin takes back his hand. Xie Chunxiu quickly takes a paper towel to Ximen Qin. Ximen Qin is aggressive.

"You fucking farmer, do you know how much my clothes cost? 398, I'm afraid I can't afford to sell you and pay for my clothes!"

Zhang Xiaofan felt that he was wrong first and was not angry.

"Lord Ximen Qing, as like as two peas, I am a big cat."

"That dog's is not a good thing. He steals other people's daughter-in-law and looks flat all day. I think of you."

Zhang Xiaofan said. The kitten jumped up to ximenqin and showed ximenqin a look of being flat.

Simon Qin is very angry.

"MAHLE Gobi, you compare me with a cat. You're fucking dying!"

"Also, I'll tell you again. Pressing Simon to be diligent and diligent is not a celebration. Do you understand?"

"I see. It's a celebration, not diligence."

"Your mother is celebrating, not diligent."

"I said it was a celebration. I'm not wrong!"


Ximen Qin said something wrong and made Zhou Ting giggle. Ximen Qin was just about to get angry and wanted to be gentle in front of beautiful women, so he calmed down and didn't have the same experience as Zhang Xiaofan.

"Smelly farmer, for the sake of beauty, I'll let you go today."

Simon Qin finished, turned his eyes to Zhou Ting and handed a business card to Zhou Ting. He wanted to speak with his identity, impress the beauty's heart, introduce her work and win the beauty.

But before Zhou Ting reached for her business card, XiMenqing suddenly jumped up and bit ximenqin on his wrist.

The pain made ximenqin manic and decided to kill the kitten today to let him know the power of Grandpa ximenqin.

"MAHLE Gobi, you dare bite me. I won't trample you to death."

Simon Qin said and stepped on XiMenqing. As a result, XiMenqing hit ximenqin all at once.

Then he jumped on ximenqin and stepped on ximenqin's face with his little claws, which immediately attracted a lot of people watching the fun.

"Who is that man? He's dressed in gentle clothes. What immoral things did he do? Even the kitten can't stand him and trample on him."

"Yes, so no matter when you are a man, don't lose your conscience, or even animals will hate it."

"Yes, yes, yes."

"Come on, it's the first time I've seen today. The kitten trampled wildly. Who's the name?"

A melon eater took a video on his mobile phone and wanted to send a microblog. He asked the man's name. Zhang Xiaofan quickly answered.

"It's XiMenqing."

"Oh, there's a problem."

"This problem is called that XiMenqing loses his conscience. The little white cat can't see it and tramples on XiMenqing angrily."

"Yijian sent it successfully. All the friends helped forward it, publicized the heroic deeds of the little white cat, and warned those who lost their conscience."

The melon eaters are very good at operating. In this sentence, many melon eaters began to forward this microblog. For a time, the kitten became a big hero.

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