The villagers dispersed slowly. Zhang Xiaofan's parents came to Zhang Xiaofan without saying anything. Then the three went home and sat together, quiet as dead water.

After a while, Zhang Chengcheng spoke.

"Child, what do you think of such a thing? How can you do such a thing in a village? How can you see people in the future?"

Wang Yumei is used to her son.

"Come on, you old man. My son has grown up now. What's the matter with him? Besides, it's all that Li Linlin's indiscreet behavior that provokes our family Xiaofan."

"If she hadn't seduced our Xiaofan, our Xiaofan wouldn't want to leave the girls in the city. Why roll straw with her."

"Mom, well, this matter is over. Don't blame Li Linlin. I think Lin Lin said that tonight for my reputation. If we misunderstand her again, it's really not like words."

Zhang Xiaofan said that, got up and went back to his room. He lay in bed and felt very upset. He wanted to go to the reservoir to see the golden dragon fish.

If the growth is good, we will hold a complete rural cadres' learning conference tomorrow, go to the flower and bird market in the city, sell several golden arowanas, and play the name of Golden Arowana in Sheung Shui village.

The goods made a decision and ran to the reservoir.

Now in the evening, although there is a moon in the sky, it is not easy to see the fish in the water.

The goods opened their perspective eyes, but they didn't find the Golden Arowana. They simply took out a jade pendant and threw it on the water.

The jade pendant emits a trace of aura and soon attracts Xiaobai. Take a closer look at the goods.

Good guy, Xiaobai is followed by a group of golden arowanas. His whole body emits dazzling golden light, which makes his eyes hurt.

The largest Golden Arowana seems to have more than five kilograms, which really makes Zhang Xiaofan happy.

"I'll go and catch two tonight. After the meeting tomorrow, I'll go directly to the city and open the golden dragon fish market."

The goods muttered that Xiaobai had absorbed the aura in the jade pendant and jumped on Zhang Xiaofan's shoulder with a whew.

"Little fellow, thank you for helping me cultivate the golden dragon fish these days. I will never treat you badly. When I change the golden dragon fish into money, I will buy you some more jade pendants for you to enjoy."

Hearing the speech, Xiaobai jumped into the water excitedly, turned over and splashed dozens of meters of water.

Scared that the golden arowanas didn't dare to get close, Zhang Xiaofan took the opportunity to catch two golden arowanas, received them in the bucket and went back happily.

The next day, at the whole village cadre study conference, Zhang Xiaofan went to the township government early in the morning. He didn't see Bai Ling. A 21-year-old beauty came up and shook hands with Zhang Xiaofan.

The beautiful woman grew up in the city when she was a child. Her skin is white like a skinned egg.

Nearly 1.5 meters tall, protruding and warping, wearing white navel exposed clothes and super shorts, it's really eye-catching.

"Hello, director Zhang. I'm Secretary Milan of secretary Bai. Secretary Bai was called to a meeting by the district this morning, so today's learning conference for all village cadres will be presided over by me. I hope director Zhang can actively cooperate with me."

Zhang Xiaofan holds Milan's hand excitedly.

"That's certain. I will cooperate with Miss Milan. I hope I can have dinner with Miss Milan after the meeting."

Milan closed his lips and smiled.

"Is director Zhang asking me out? Then I have to seriously consider what Secretary Bai told me."

Zhang Xiaofan felt a burst of tension involuntarily.

"What did Bai Ling tell you?"

"Secretary Bai said that director Zhang is a big turnip. If you want to date something, you must refuse, or you will be fooled."

Zhang Xiaofan's face turned red. He didn't know how to explain to Milan, so he had to smile awkwardly.

Milan giggled.

"Director Zhang, I'm kidding you. Secretary Bai is my boss. How can you tell me this?"

"Come on, what do you want me to eat? I'm very picky. I must have a big meal."

"Naturally, when Miss Milan orders casually in the hotel, I can afford it."

"That's true. Director Zhang is the richest man in Boyang town and even Maiji district. He can't afford a meal at all, director Zhang."

Milan said that other village cadres had arrived and gave her phone number to Zhang Xiaofan to receive other village cadres.

Zhang Xiaofan looked at Milan's back and swallowed a mouthful of saliva, thinking about what Bai Ling meant. He promoted such a beautiful woman as a secretary. He didn't worry about training her in the future and replacing her.

An hour later, the whole village cadres' meeting was officially held in the office of Boyang town. A total of more than 70 village cadres, all village secretaries or directors, came to the meeting.

Several people looked particularly conspicuous, holding water cups and suits, like big cadres. If Zhang Xiaofan hadn't seen many big people, they would have been subdued by them.

"All village cadres running in the front line, Bai Shuji held this learning conference for the development of our Boyang town."

"Because Bai Shuji is too busy to preside over the meeting today, I will preside over the meeting instead of secretary Bai. I hope you can actively cooperate with me."

Just after Milan's words, a bald village head stood up.

"Support, we must support. It is our honor to have the Secretary General of Milan preside over the meeting so beautifully."

"I just don't know if the Milan Secretary has a boyfriend. Can I ask the Milan Secretary to date and discuss family planning together after the meeting?"

When the bald man finished, many people in the venue laughed, and the Milan secretary's face turned red in an instant.

"Let's be quiet. Next, we have a feeling for director Zhang of Sheung Shui village to share the successful experience of Sheung Shui village. Let's applaud."

Applause broke out. Zhang Xiaofan went to miss Milan and sat down. The bald man stood up and asked questions.

"Director Zhang, right? I'm Jia Qianxiang from Mawang village, Secretary of the Party branch and director of the village committee of Mawang village. I want to ask how much cash you brought today and how much money you gave to each village cadre?"

Zhang Xiaofan was really asked by fake forward when he heard the speech.

"Secretary Jia, what do you mean by this? Secretary Bai asked me to share my experience of getting rich, but he didn't ask me to bring money and send money to everyone!"

"Hehe, it turns out that you don't pay money. We're free. Listen to your nonsense here, man. I booked a box in Boyang hotel. If you want to go with me, stand up and go with me."

Jia Qianqian said and walked outside. More than a dozen village cadres got up and followed out. They didn't give Zhang Xiaofan face at all.

Zhang Xiaofan was too lazy to talk with this rubbish. He walked to the door, closed the door, returned to his seat and began to share his experience with you.

Most of the village cadres fell asleep after listening. Zhang Xiaofan was very disappointed with these people, but it was someone else's freedom. He didn't interfere at all.

At noon, Zhang Xiaofan and Milan arrived at the Baiyang hotel. Just about to go in, Jia Xiangqian and others had come out drunk.

Jia blocked Milan forward and had to pull Milan to discuss family planning, which scared Milan to pull Zhang Xiaofan's arm.

"Secretary Jia, Secretary Milan is not interested in you. If you want to talk about family planning, you can go to your mother. Your mother will wait for you to go home and make people!"

Zhang Xiaofan couldn't bear Jia Qianqian. At the moment, he spoke impolitely. Jia Qianqian's running dogs were surprised when they heard his words.

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