"Director Zhang, look there. Help me out quickly. It hurts me."

Milan said, bending down, just let the goods see inside, as if his whole body was lit, and his nose blood was flowing out.

Milan didn't know what was going on with Zhang Xiaofan and asked anxiously, "what's the matter with you?"

The goods quickly recovered.

"Oh, it's all right. The meal just now is too nutritious and the supplement is too powerful, so it needs some blood."

The cargo said and helped Milan out and sat down.

"It's really hard to believe that you are so slim now. You used to be a fat man. If you show the previous photos to others now, they will be hard to believe."

"For the sake of beauty, I'm hungry and have a stomach problem. Now I sometimes wonder why people should love beauty so much. What's the matter with being fat? At least my body is healthy. How much pain should I suffer like me."

Zhang Xiaofan took out a silver needle and stuck it on Milan. Milan's stomach didn't hurt.

Milan was surprised that she had stomach trouble, but even many experts couldn't help it. Zhang Xiaofan was cured.

"I'll give you a prescription now. If you go back and take some medicine, your stomach will be all right. In fact, there's nothing wrong with banpigu's weight loss."

"People who eat a tomato and half a cucumber every day will still live well, but you feel that you will be hungry and get stomach disease, so you plant the root of stomach disease."

"Remember, the origin of all diseases is a thought. The mind becomes wider and wider. Everything is the same."

"You're beautiful now. Look back and say what's wrong with being fat. Yes, there's really nothing wrong with being fat."

"But modern people's concept is thin for beauty, so as long as you are thin, you will get a lot of things, such as others' appreciation. So in the final analysis, it is still a word."

Zhang Xiaofan said that he had written a prescription for Milan. Milan looked at Zhang Xiaofan in surprise.

"How dare you know medicine?"

"Oh, don't be so surprised. You may not know that I graduated from Medical University. Although my medical skills are not famous in the world, the name of Doctor Zhang is still very loud in the whole Ganzhou province."

Milan were even more surprised.

"You are the Doctor Zhang who is said by many people. It's incredible that he can save the dead."

"Before, I thought you were a rich man who got rich with a little technology. It seems that I am clumsy."

I don't know whether it's because Zhang Xiaofan has put on the aura of a miracle doctor or how to get it. Milan sees Zhang Xiaofan at the moment and feels that the goods are particularly handsome and that pair of eyes are particularly moving.

"Hehe, it's so exaggerated. It's all rumors. It's not true. I invite you to go to Qinchuan flower and bird market with me now. Do you want to go?"

Milan recovered from their infatuation with flowers.

"Oh, what are you doing at the flower and bird market?"

Zhang Xiaofan replied, "I have raised some arowanas. I heard that the price is good, so I want to buy those arowanas to fish dealers to see if I can make some money."

"Golden Arowana, can you raise Golden Arowana?"

Milan's exaggerated expression makes Zhang Xiaofan very embarrassed, but from Milan's expression, Zhang Xiaofan can see that Milan knows the golden dragon fish, and is still familiar with the value of the golden dragon fish.

"Don't exaggerate. I bought 50 small fry from a boss the other day. Now they have grown up, and the smallest one looks like two kilograms."

"I have also bred some small fry. I thought that in a short time, there would be countless golden arowanas in my fish pond. Should I be so surprised?"

Milan glanced at Zhang Xiaofan when they heard the speech.

I'm not surprised at such a shocking thing. You know, a kilogram and a half of Golden Arowana has to buy 600000 in the market.

Zhang Xiaofan's smallest Golden Arowana costs two kilograms, and there are dozens, even countless.

This is simply countless wealth. Zhang Xiaofan said that he was not surprised. How can he make people calm.

"What you just said is true?"

"Hey, hey, it's such a small thing. What am I cheating you for? My Golden Arowana is in the trunk of the car. I'll show you."

Zhang Xiaofan said to take Milan to see the golden dragon fish. When the two golden dragon fish showed up in front of Milan, the whole Milan became stupid.

"God, I've never seen a Golden Arowana with such a clean color. The conservative price of this Golden Arowana is $1 million. It's incredible."

"How can you turn the fry into such a big Golden Arowana in a few days? I don't believe it if it's not because you're a miracle Doctor Zhang."

Zhang Xiaofan looks very proud and feels surprised at the taste of others, which makes him very useful.

"Director Zhang, let me give you a suggestion. Rare things are more expensive. I suggest you don't take the golden dragon fish out like cabbage and attend a golden dragon fish exhibition."

"Let your Golden Arowana stand out among the golden arowanas all over the world. At that time, many people will come to buy your Golden Arowana."

"It's still a long time before you take out one, so that the Golden Arowana in your hand can be more valuable and reflect its value."

Milan said that Zhang Xiaofan understood, just like when he just practiced kidney pill, an ordinary kidney pill was fried to 100000.

However, in the later stage, he produced kidney pills on a large scale, and only bought a holy pill for thousands of yuan. Therefore, it is not necessary to make money when there are many of them. The reason why the price of Golden Arowana is high is that things are rare.

"I'll consider your opinion, but how long will the Golden Arowana exhibition and marketing conference you said take?"

"The provincial dragon fish exhibition and sales conference is held every year. Only once in three years at the national level is held in our most prosperous city in China."

"At the exhibition and sales conference, many rich people all over the country went back to visit and calculate the time. There should be a National Golden Arowana exhibition and sales conference around May this year."

Zhang Xiaofan hears the speech and has some doubts about Milan's identity. According to reason, Milan is only the Secretary of a township government.

We shouldn't know so much about the golden dragon fish, which is played by rich people, but Milan knows that it has reached an amazing level. How can we not doubt it.

But everyone has his own secret. Since Milan didn't say it, he won't ask.

Zhang Xiaofan was thinking about this. The phone suddenly rang. It was a strange phone number. Zhang Xiaofan hesitated for a few seconds and connected it.

"Hello, I'm Du binge from the boutique Pavilion of antique street. Do you remember me?"

As soon as the other party reminds, Zhang Xiaofan has an impression.

"Remember, you called me today to let me participate in the antique appreciation conference held by Ganzhou Province in Dunhuang on behalf of your boutique pavilion?"

"Mr. Zhang is easy to remember. I don't know whether Mr. Zhang has decided. Can he compete on behalf of our boutique pavilion?"

Zhang Xiaofan was silent for a few minutes.

"Well, I'm going to the flower and bird market in the city later. You wait for me in your boutique Pavilion. I want to know more about the antique appreciation conference. If it can interest me, I will promise you."

"OK, I'll wash it and wait for you."

Du binge said this and hung up the phone.

Zhang Xiaofan has Du binge's devil like figure in his mind and is thinking about what Du binge's last sentence means.

Is it Du binge who is willing to dedicate himself to the competition on behalf of the boutique pavilion.

If that's the case, there's nothing to hesitate about. Go to sleep quickly. Lie on such a beauty and be willing to do any service.

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