
Before the two women's criminal law pierced the embroidery needle into Ruan Wenwu's fingernail, Ruan Wenwu was scared and screamed.

A smelly smell spread. It was obvious that he had peed in his pants. Zhang Xiaofan took a look at the rich and young who had been spoiled since childhood. He felt that these people were really unafraid and were not so ashamed.

"I'll ask brother Hu, and I'll ask brother Hu to come over now." Ruan Wenwu said, and immediately took out the phone and dialed ah Hu.

This is what Zhang Xiaofan is waiting for. Seeing Ruan Wenwu calling, he sat up and waited for ah Hu. After about ten minutes, ah Hu came in a panic. As soon as he saw Zhang Xiaofan, he knelt down to Zhang Xiaofan.

"Spare my life, uncle. Those two bastards are looking for death. I will take them down and chop them. I'll vent my anger on you."

Ruan Wenwu and the naked man were scared to faint. He didn't expect that a small village official who looked as poor as a beggar was actually the uncle of boss ah Hu.

That's the son-in-law of Huang Jiuye in Qinchuan city. They are small people who offend Huang Jiuye's son-in-law. It's not like being beaten to death like flies.

"Get up. There are few black sheep in that club. Just go down and deal with it."

"But we must remember not to kill people, or it will be bad. After all, we are doing serious business, not an underworld, and we can't kill people."

Ah Hu nodded again and again. Zhang Xiaofan got up from the chair and asked everyone not to follow him to an SUV in the distance.

Milan and boss Liu are waiting for Zhang Xiaofan in the car. Boss Liu is very angry. He thinks that Zhang Xiaofan is doing something and asks them to wait here for several hours.

"Miss Milan, I don't think that little farmer is a man of credibility at all. I don't want to work for him. When he comes, you say, I'm leaving."

Boss Liu said. As soon as he opened the door, Zhang Xiaofan came.

"Boss Liu, please get in the car. We have a contract. You're leaving now, but you have to pay ten times the liquidated damages. That's not a small amount."

Zhang Xiaofan said and turned to get on the bus. Boss Liu shook his head angrily and sat on the bus helplessly.

When Zhang Xiaofan drove, Milan asked what had happened in the flower and bird market just now. Hundreds of people closed the street and didn't let anyone in.

Zhang Xiaofan laughed.

"I don't know. It's estimated that there are some big people here. Anyway, it has nothing to do with us poor losers. We don't care about those."

Zhang Xiaofan said, stepped on the accelerator and the car rushed out.

Half an hour later, Zhang Xiaofan went to the township government, put Milan down from the car, and Bai Ling came with several people.

"Secretary Bai, today's Village Cadres' Learning Conference..."

"Let's talk about today later. These people behind me are from the district Discipline Inspection Commission. Later, they will go to Shangshui village with you. You can cooperate with them."

When Bai Ling spoke, he was careful everywhere. Zhang Xiaofan felt something was wrong.

A gentle man with eyes looked at Zhang Xiaofan.

"Are you the director of Shangshui village?"

Zhang Xiaofan glanced at the gentle man.

"I'm Zhang Xiaofan."

"Hehe, it's arrogant. We're from the district Discipline Inspection Commission. Someone reported that you were greedy and perverted the law and formed gangs in the village. We're specially here to investigate you."

Zhang Xiaofan thinks that he is a small village director with a lot of face. It's really an honor to ask the leaders in the district to investigate him.

"You are welcome to investigate, but you want me to cooperate with you. You think too much. My village director is elected by the villagers. You don't want me to do it. Just avoid it. I'm not rare."

Zhang Xiaofan said, turned to get on the bus and went back to Sheung Shui village. The popularity of the Discipline Inspection Commission gasped.

"Well, what's this attitude? This man is too arrogant. A village cadre drives an off-road vehicle. If he wants to say that he has no problem, I don't believe it."

"Yes, we don't believe it."

Bai Ling hurriedly advised them. To tell the truth, she was busy for Zhang Xiaofan.

Early in the morning, she went to the Discipline Inspection Commission to explain to these people, but these people just didn't listen, and she couldn't tell the general background of Zhang Xiaofan, which made her too embarrassed.

She also wants to be like Zhang Xiaofan. It's a big deal to let Zhang Xiaofan resign, but then her plan will be over.

She wanted to rectify the leading group in the village and called on all rural cadres to learn from Zhang Xiaofan and improve the economy of Boyang town. If Zhang Xiaofan resigned, how can this work be carried out.

"Leaders, don't be angry. It's still a little early to say whether Zhang Xiaofan is a corrupt official and whether he is corrupt and perverted the law."

"My suggestion is that you stay first. Tomorrow I'll send someone to visit the villagers in Shangshui village with you, make clear Zhang Xiaofan's personality, and then convict Zhang Xiaofan."

"Well, we'll live in the township government for the time being. We'll start visiting and investigating Shangshui village one by one tomorrow."

Bai Ling nodded helplessly.

Boss Liu looked at Zhang Xiaofan's angry appearance and began to ridicule Zhang Xiaofan. To tell the truth, as a bystander, he can hardly believe that Zhang Xiaofan is an honest official.

A village cadre can easily take out tens of millions, drive an off-road vehicle and follow one beautiful beauty after another. He says he is an honest official. Who believes it!

"Boss, you always have to pay back what others have. Now the people above have begun to investigate you. Are you worried?"

Zhang Xiaofan found it funny. From the day he became the director of Shangshui village, he wanted to give his property to the villagers of Shangshui village.

I didn't expect that the villagers of Sheung Shui village had sued him before it started. It really made him cold enough.

Over the past six months, he has taken how much money to the villagers. Now the villagers are really dissatisfied. What he is angry about is not those people checking him, but those people suing him.

"Do you also think I am a corrupt official?"

"Eighty percent of you are corrupt officials."

Zhang Xiaofan smiled, but he was not angry at the moment. He felt that his mouth was on others, and others could say what they liked. He still had to work hard and be the village director of Shangshui village.

As for the people above that day, they won't let him do it. Let's talk about it at that time.

Zhang Xiaofan figured this out and stepped on the accelerator. The car soon arrived at Shangshui village. Zhang Xiaofan wanted to get the golden dragon fish shop to the village committee office before.

After all, the new village committee will be built soon, and the old village committee can't do that anymore because of the investigation by the Discipline Inspection Commission.

Simply get the golden dragon fish shop into their old yard and let his parents move to the old school. Their courtyard has been renovated. It's also very good to do the golden dragon fish shop.

Zhang Xiaofan told his parents this idea, and Zhang Chengcheng immediately changed his face.

"What, you unfilial son, you want us to move out of the old courtyard and make fish in the old courtyard. You want me to die and have no face to see your grandpa."

"Our old yard is left by your grandfather. For us, it is not only a residence, but also a feeling. Do you understand?"

Zhang Xiaofan knew it was difficult to talk about it. At this moment, looking at his father's expression, he began to doubt whether he was wrong.

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