The goods kissed Ellie, didn't let Ellie talk, and took off Ellie's clothes. Ellie turned over to it.

"Will you kiss for a while? Don't be too direct."

Zhang Xiaofan loosened Ellie's clothes and turned over again.

Ellie submitted her itinerary to the Chinese Ministry of health. After the resolution of the Ministry of health, she decided to put the communication between the Chinese medical team and the World Medical Association in the Free Hospital of Sheung Shui village.

But they don't know about the hospital in Sheung Shui village. They don't know the reception capacity and medical level of Sheung Shui village, etc.

He wanted to arrange a level-by-level investigation in Sheung Shui village, but the time was not allowed, so he decided to call Maiji District Health Bureau directly and let their director personally understand the situation of Sheung Shui village hospital.

Director Peng of Maiji District Health Bureau received a phone call from the Chinese Ministry of health and misunderstood the meaning. He thought that the free hospital in Sheung Shui village had offended someone and asked him to obtain evidence.

They took a group of people to the free hospital in Sheung Shui village angrily. After their investigation, they found that the hospital in Sheung Shui village even organized patients to open valley for treatment.

When the opportunity came, he decided to seal the Shangshui village hospital and asked the police to arrest the person in charge of the hospital and hand it over to the judicial department.

Zhang Xiaofan and Ellie are lingering in the room. After receiving a call from Prince William, they hurried to the hospital to reason with director Peng.

"Hello, director Peng. I'm the director of the village committee of Shangshui village. I'm the real person in charge of this hospital. What's going on?"

Director Peng has heard of Zhang Xiaofan and knows that Zhang Xiaofan knows some big people. However, this time, the Ministry of Health asked him to investigate Zhang Xiaofan and spare Zhang Xiaofan's ability to connect with the world.

"Hum, your hospital organizes patients to open valleys, preaches superstition, violates science, and seriously endangers patients' health. What's the matter with me?"

"Then I'll tell you that the Ministry of health has noticed you. Let me investigate you. You're waiting to be punished by the law!"

At this time, several people from the district Discipline Inspection Commission also came and asked Zhang Xiaofan for trouble.

"Zhang Xiaofan, what did you say to the villagers? Why do many villagers defend you? Did you threaten them?"

Zhang Xiaofan really feels that people are good to be bullied at the moment, and looks coldly at the person in charge of the Discipline Inspection Commission.

"Do you know what it means to spit blood? There are more than 1000 villagers in Shangshui village. Their eyes are bright. If you want to erase me, the director of the village committee, I'll just quit. If you want to pretend to be an uncle in front of me, you're the green onion."

Zhang Xiaofan didn't give face to the people of the Discipline Inspection Commission. Those people were so popular that they bit their teeth and forced Zhang Xiaofan to write a resignation report, waiting to sign for Zhang Xiaofan.

The goods called LV Wenwen, asked LV Wenwen to take a pen, wrote a resignation report and handed it to the people of the Discipline Inspection Commission.

The Discipline Inspection Commission signed on it and left with Zhang Xiaofan's application. The goods suddenly felt so relaxed.

Without the work of village committee director, he worked hard to develop his career, and no one could force him.

"Zhang Xiaofan, I'll call Secretary Bai now and ask her not to agree to your resignation application. Without the review opinions of the township level, the resignation report is useless."

Zhang Xiaofan holds LV Wenwen.

"No, I think it's good to resign, which is more conducive to the development of my career. Those who want to fix me can't start."

LV Wenwen bit her lips.

"I believe you, always on your side."

Director Peng of the Health Bureau sealed Zhang Xiaofan's Hospital, happily left Shangshui village and called the Ministry of health to report the situation.

Zhang Xiaofan and others went to the old school. The atmosphere was dead. No one spoke, so they had a rest.

Zhang Xiaofan slept for a while. Boss Liu called Zhang Xiaofan and said that he had got seven or eight kinds of golden dragon fish and asked Zhang Xiaofan to go and see it.

As soon as Zhang Xiaofan heard such good news, he hurried to the old courtyard. Good guy, his eyes began to shine when he watched Liu get the Golden Arowana variety this time.

"Liu Lao, these golden arowanas..."

"It's my friend's new fish fry. He asked me to give him some advice on raising arowana. I gave him a move. He sent me these arowana fry. I thought your fish raising technology was very good, so I brought it here. Are you satisfied?"

Zhang Xiaofan said excitedly, "I'm satisfied. I'm so satisfied. With these kinds of arowanas, our arowana varieties are rich again."

"At that time, we will collect more and expand the quadrangle into a golden dragon fish exhibition market. At that time, the income brought by tourism alone will be very considerable."

Liu Lao shook his head and said his suggestion.

"I think boss Zhang wants to engage in the golden dragon fish market. The quadrangle courtyard alone covers an area too small."

"Is this small?"

"Of course it's small. Think about it. When tourists come, they can transfer the quadrangle in more than ten minutes. Do you think they're interesting? If you want to engage in the golden dragon fish exhibition market, there must be more exhibition halls."

"Multimedia exhibition hall, development history of golden dragon fish, lecture hall for raising golden dragon fish, value of golden dragon fish, why golden dragon fish is called Feng Shui fish."

"None of these can be less, so as to stick to the tourists, satisfy the tourists, spread the virus, and attract more guests to visit."

Zhang Xiaofan feels that what Liu Lao said is reasonable, but with so many projects, how big a market to build and where the land comes from, this is the most troublesome.

"What you said is reasonable, but there are so many places in our Shangshui village, which have been almost developed by me. How to solve these problems is really troublesome."

"This is the idea that only you and I have. If you don't do it, you don't do it. If you want to do it, you can make it bigger. Now the land problem is not only your problem, but also the problem of the development of the whole country."

"In addition to the land, the space that can be used is the underground and the sky. In the sky, you don't want to destroy the ancient appearance of Sheung Shui village. You can start from the underground."

"Aren't you building a museum management and flower and bird market now? You can create an underground palace under the museum and flower and bird market. That will form a huge tourism industry chain and make tourism."

Liu Lao's idea is too bold. If this idea can succeed, build an underground palace directly under the flower and bird market and get the golden dragon fish market, museum and future new exhibition projects to the underground palace, which will free up a lot of land for Shangshui village.

"To build an underground palace, let me go back and think about it. The investment is too large. Not only does the current museum and flower and bird market have to stop reconstruction, but technology is also very difficult. Without technology, it is difficult to build even if you have money."

"Think about it."

Zhang Xiaofan promised to take several golden arowanas obtained by Liu Lao to the reservoir, put them in the reservoir, and find Fang Yanan to discuss the underground palace.

Fang Yanan is putting on the mask in the room at the moment. When Zhang Xiaofan enters, Fang Yanan raises some trousers up, blocks her navel, and continues to sleep on the bed.

His legs opened to form a big character. Zhang Xiaofan swallowed saliva and stared at the zipper on Fang Yanan's denim shorts.

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